HomeMy Public PortalAbout1965-1966 AuditCITY OF MOAB MOAB, HTAH REPORT ON EXAMINATION June 30, 1966 12 Months Ended June 30, 1966 1 N D E K Page Accountant's € erort 1 Combined Balance Sheets, June 30, 1966 Assets 8 1< iabi 1 i t i= s, Reserves •& Surplus 9 General Fund, 12 Months Ended .dune 30, 1966 Revenues & Expenditures Special Assessnlent Furds, 12 Months Ended June 30, 1966 Cash Receipts & Disbursements Bf nci Redelptic)n & Interest; Fund 12 Months Ended dune 30, 1966 Revenues Fr Expenditures Public Utility Fund 12 MDrIths Ended .tune 30, 1966 Income & Expense Bond Construction Accounts Cash Receipts & Disbursements Operations Cash Receipts & Dishurserirents Bond & Interest Maturities All Funds Insurance Coverage Surety Bonds In Farce 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 E. J. CLAUS CIIITltlrD PUBLIC ACCOUBTANT POST OFFICE SLOG. PHONE 253-81e1 MOA.B, UTAH 8IE32 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Moab Moab, Utah Gentlemen: I have reviewed the supporting data and prepared the Balance Sheets of the Municipal Funds of the City of Moab as of June 30, 1966, and the Statements of Revenues and Expenditures, Receipts and Disbursements or Income and Expense for the 12 months ended June 30, 1966, The review of the supporting data included such tests of the accounting records and other data as was considered necessary. ORGANIZATION &. OFFICIALS The City of Moab, Grand County, Utah, is a city of the third class with the Mayor - Council type of Municipal Government. As of June 30, 1966, the City Officials were as follows: Mayor: City Council: City Attorney: City Judge: City Recorder: City Treasurer: Winford Bunce John Mullen, Robert Curfman, William D. McDougald, John W. West, & Thomas A. Stocks Robert H. Ruggeri Donald Grist Leland L. Stocks H. W. Balsley SCOPE OF WORK PERFORMED CASH Cash in banks, aggregating $129,863 at June 30, 1966, was verified by reconciling the balances confirmed directly to us by the depositories, NOTES AND The Public Utility Fund accounts receivable for water ACCOUNTS and sewer charges were tested by negative confirmation RECEIVABLE as of June 30, 1966. Tests were also made of the de- tails as shown on the city records. All other receiv- ables were examined in detail and reviewed with responsible City Officials. Page 1 OTHER ASSETS All other Officials to June 30, 1966, assets were reviewed with responsible City and/or checked during the period subsequent LIABILITIES The liabilities were not confirmed by correspondence with the individual creditors, but by test comparison with the vendors' statements, where applicable, subsequent to June 30, 1966. All payments of bond principal and interest coupons were ex- amined in detail and verified by personal contact with the paying agent, Other liabilities were reviewed and tested or reconciled from their in- ception to the date of this report. SUMMARY The examination was directed primarily to a verifica- tion of the Balance Sheets of the various funds as of June 30, 1966, to a general review of the results of operations for the i2 months then ended and the application of the Utah Uniform Accounting System. Although the examination did not extend to a detailed check of all cash and other bookkeeping entries through the period, numerous documents and entries were scrutinized by us in connection therewith. To the extent that such documents and entries were examined, and based on information and explanations obtained from City Officials and em- ployees, the accounts were found to be in order. It should be under- stood that the examination, while extensive as to detail, did not com- prise a complete check of all cash and other transactions throughout the period, and would not necessarily disclose irregularities, should any exist. GENERAL FUND follow the COMMENTS The following is a comparison of the General Fund Revenues and Expenditures for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1966 and 1965. As noted in the comments that comparisons, both years contain many nonreoccuring transactions. REVENUES Property Taxes Sales Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties Revenue From Use Of Money & Property Revenue From Other Agencies Charges For Current Services Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUES FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 1966 1965 $ 54,556 $ 55,834 39,407 48,379 41,731 45,867 5,807 15,68o 683 16,242 22,131 41,226 32,951 335 1,732 $199.304 $223.257 INCREASE (DECREASE) $ (1,278) (8,972) (4,136) (9,873) (683) (5,889) 8,275 (1,397) $(23,953) Page 2 PROPERTY TAXES -- The mill levy was unchanged during the two periods. For each Fiscal year the City received per mill $4,197 in 1966 and 54,295 in 1965, a decrease of $98 per mill. SALES TAXES - Detail of the z`i_ taxes collected by the State of Utah is as follows: FISCAL YEAR PERIOD FOR WHICH ENDED JUNE 30, INCREASE COLLECTED 1966 1965 (DECREASE) Prior Calendar Year 2nd Quarter S11,712 $12,890 $(1,178) 3rd Quarter 3,135 12,064 (8,929) 4th Quarter 13,216 12,480 736 Current Calendar Year 1st Quarter 11,344 10,945 399 TOTAL $39,407 $48,379 $(8.972) The revenue for the 3rd Quarter of $3,135 was reduced by $6,858, which according to the computations of the State of Utah, had been erroneously allocated to the City of Moab in prior periods. This information was not known by the City Council at the time the budget was prepared. Had not this adjustment been made the decrease would have been 52,114, or 4.37/. LICENSES & PERMITS - Gross Business Licenses decreased $1,147 or 3.181 and Other Business Licenses decreased $2,558 or 44.85/. In the two {previous years the billings for Other Business Licenses were sent out far enough i advance that considerable revenue was collected in June prior to the year that the licenses were applicable. This was not accomplished in the year ended June 30, 1966, and only $56 was collected compared to $2,250 collected the previous June. If birth year: were adjusted to approximately the amount of licenses applicable for the year ended June 30, the 1966 revenue would show $5,339 and 1965 55,848. This would result in a decrease of $509 or 8.70, Beer Licenses decreased $525 or 19,81„ Building F__ Construction Permits decreased $22 or 2.16, and Other Licenses & Permits such as Dock Licenses and Bicycle Licenses increased $116 or 25.05/,. The total of these accounts represents a 9.02/ decrease. FINES, FORFEITURES 5 PENALTIES - This oEirce of revenue decreased 62.977, from the previous year due to the CoHnty and State using the Justice of Peace rather than the City Court, REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES -- The previous year contained nonreoccuring Grants From Other Political Agencies of $6,692. Otherwise, there would have been an increase in the Class "C" Road Fund and Liquor Fund Allot- ments of $803 or 5.20, Page 3 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES - Special Services By City Departments con- tained nonreoccuring items in the prior year of $2,572. The one reoccuring item that should have been received reimbursing the City by the County for Building Inspection Services of $1,950 was not received until August 1966. Refuse Collection, due to a change in the ordinances effective for 11 months of the period, increased $13,153 or 63.21%, The Swimming Pool revenue increased $394 or 5.74%. OTHER REVENUE - In the year ending June 30, 1965, $1,562 was received from the sale of unused parking meters. If this nonreoccuring item is eliminated from the comparison, Other Revenues would have increased 97.06%. EXPENDITURES Administrative Department Municipal Court Police Department Inspection Department Dog Pound Engineering Department Streets & Highways Waste Collection Irrigation Project Health Department Park Department Swimming Pool Contributions TOTAL EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 1965 $ 35,909 14,216 40,509 3,100 2,946 66,611 32,112 3,124 6,149 12,208 - 4,070 $220,954 $ 43,674 16,359 43,706 3,366 3,429 9,554 68,162 19,124 12,608 3,390 6,581 8,132 7 t_1 1 1 $245,196 INCREASE (DECREASE) $ (7,765) (2,143) (3,197) (266) (�+83) (9,554) (1,551) 12,988 (12,608) (266) (432) 4,076 (3_,041) $(24.242) ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT - The prior year included the following nonre- occuring expenditures: $4,836 Capital Outlays in the new City Hall, $4,715 balance on Parking Meters acquired in prior years. The current year in- cludes the following nonreoccuring expenditures: $2,667 the City's portion of special planning costs in Grand County, S3,206 Bad Debts for work per- formed or paid for by the City. When these items are eliminated the opera- ting expenses of this department show a decrease of $4,087 or 11.98%. Salaries & Wages account for 4.45% of this decrease which was due to changes in the administrative procedures of the City. MUNICIPAL COURT - $1,582 in the prior year was for nonreoccuring furniture and fixture expenditures. After eliminating this item the expenditures for the operation of the Municipal Court show a decrease of $561 or 3.80%. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Expenditures for this department decreased 7,31% of which Salaries & Wages accounted for 2.84%. Page 4 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT - Other than $129 Capital Outlays in the prior year, this department had very little change. DOG POUND - The 14.09% decrease in this department was primarily in Salaries & Wages. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - This department was eliminated prior to the begin- ning of the current year. STREETS & HIGHWAYS - Primarily only normal activities occured in this depart- ment during the year. Capital Outlays exceeded the prior year by $4,715 and if this change is eliminated, operating expenditures decreased 9.19%.. WASTE COLLECTION - Expenditures of this department as a percent of revenue were 91.90% in the prior year and 94.55Y in the current year. Net gain to the City was $165. IRRIGATION PROJECT - This project was completed in the prior year. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Other than $129 Capital Outlays in the prior year, this department had very little change. PARK DEPARTMENT - The operating expenditures for this department decreased 6.56/,. SWIMMING POOL - Extensive repairs were made during the current period in- creasing this category $3,147 over the prior year. In total, expenditures exceeded revenue by $4,945 in the current year and $1,263 in the prior year, for a net increase in expenditures over revenue of $3,682. SPECIAL Delinquent accounts in Special Assessment District ##1 have ASSESSMENT decreased during the period of July 1, 1965 to June 30, FUNDS 1966, from four assessments totaling $455 to three assess- ments totaling $195. Delinquent accounts in Special Assessment District #2 have decreased from fifteen totaling $3,911 to ten totaling $3,543. BOND It is the Policy of the City to transfer from the Public REDEMPTION Utility Fund, when all Revenue Bond Requirements have been & INTEREST met, sufficient funds to pay Principal, Interest and Bond FUND Agents fee of the 1/1/59 and 1/1/62 General Obligation Bond Series. The proceeds of these Bond Series were previously contributed to the Public Utility Fund for construction purposes. At the present time the transfers from the Public Utility Fund are not made until the end of the fiscal year when it can be determined that the Revenue Bond Requirements have been met. Page 5 guired amount $21,870. To date the following interest coupons have not been turned in for redemption of the January 1, 1962 General Obligation Bonds. Since First Due Date, 7/1/62: Bond Series 166 to 185 inclusive Bond Series 461 to 485 inclusive Since Second Due Date, 1/1/63: Bond Series 162 to 165 inclusive PUBLIC As of June 30, 1966, the Retirement Fund for the January 1, UTILITY 1962 Revenue Bonds had no balance, the interest due July 1, FUND 1966 having been advanced to the collection agent in June, 1966. The Reserve Fund has a balance of $22,218. Its re - of 20% of the amount placed into the Retirement Fund is As of June 30, 1965 and 1966, the water and sewer accounts receivable ageing is as follows: 0 - 30 Days 30 - 60 Days 60 - 90 Days Over 90 Days June 30, 1965 $16,303 82.76% 1,709 8.67% 396 2.01% 1 , 292 6.5 6%, $19,700 100.00A June 30, 1966 $17,557 79.38% 2,393 10.82 452 2.04°% -- 1 717 7.76% $22.119 100.00X For the 12 months ending June 30, 1966 & 1965, the water connections and gallons consumed were as follows: July August September October November December January February March April May June CONNECTIONS 1965_ 1966 1964- INCREASE 1965 (DECREASE) 1,074 1,069 1,078 1,084 1,075 1,078 i,071 1,038 1,056 1,072 1,053 1,059 1,063 1,059 1,064 1,049 1,070 1,046 1,083 1,061 1,078 1,068 1,081 1,069 5 (6) (3) 33 (16) (6) 4 15 24 22 10 12 GALLONS CONSUMED IN THOUSANDS 1965- 19�4- INCREASE 1966 1965 (DECREASE) 44,477 52,200 (7,723) 34,84i 40,289 (5,448) 41,474 43,345 (1,871) 24,197 24,207 (10) i5,i40 21,833 (6,693) 12,791 13,877 (1,086) 12,089 13,644 (1,555) 14,018 15,596 (i,578) 11,448 11,136 312 25,787 15,320 10,467 32,76i 26,712 6,049 48,636 _39,638 8,998 317,659 317,797 L138) Page 6 Water consumption decreased from an average of 24,921 gallons per connection per month for the previous period, to 24,728 gallons for the current period. The income varied as follows: Water Income Per Connection Sewer Income Per Connection Water Income Per 1,000 Gallons Sewer Income Per 1,000 Gallons Of Water YEAR ENDED June 30, INCREASE 1966 1965 (DECREASE $98.67 $102.13 $(3.46) 51.86 53.78 (1.92) o.3325 0.3415 (o.009o) o.1748 0.1798 (0.0050) As of June 30, 1966, the status of the Public Utility Construction Fund is as follows: Cash In Bank & Investments Water Project Sewer Project TOTAL $ 95,495 653,o76 18— 3 558 $932,129 Very truly yours, E. 4. Claus Ceitified Public Accountant Page 7 CITY OF MOAB COMBINED BALANCE SLEETS Grand County, Utah Ali Funds -June 30, 1966 ASSETS SPECIAL BOND IMPROVE- SPECIAL REDEMP- GENERAL GEN- MENT ASSESS- TION ." TRUST r PUBLIC BONDED GENERAL ERAL GUARANTY MENT INTEREST AGENCY UTILITY DEBT & FIXED TOTAL FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND INTEREST ASSETS CASH ON HAND & IN BANKS $ 129,988 $3,219 $26,552 $ 1,437 $30,244 S3�152 s 65,384 NOTES RECEIVABLE 2,330 2,330 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Water & Sewer 22,119 22,119 Special Assessments 3,738 3,738 Due From Other Funds 5,630 5,630 Other 2,310 ^22 310 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 33,797 5,63o 3,738 2,310 22,119 INVESTMENTS 152,886 236 152,650 AMOUNTS TO BE PROVIDED FOR FUTURE BOND & INTEREST RETIREMENT FIXED ASSETS Land Buildings & Structures Improvements Other Than Buildings F Structures Machinery & Equipment Automobiles & Trucks Office Furniture F Equipment Work In Progress Accumulated Depreciation NET FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 1)400,977 S1,400,97/ 83,853 65,226 S 18,62 350,528 336,880 13,648 810,452 724,790 85,662 95,468 21,98o 73,488 31,382 7,791 23,51 3o,628 17,967 12,661 853,628 16,994 836,634 (214,649) (214,649) 2,041,290 16,994 _1,796,619 227,677 $3,761,268 $3,455 2 182 S22,169 $30)244 $5,462 '22039,102 S1,400,977 S227,6ii Page 8 CITY OF MOAB Grand County, Utah LIABILITIES, RESERVES & SURPLUS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Payroll Taxes & With- holdings Payable Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governmental Units Customers' Deposits Bonds Payable Bond Interest Payable in Future Years 544,977 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,926,509 TOTAL $ 2,790 5,462 5,630 $ 5,630 GEN ERAL FUND COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS All Funds -June 30, 1966 SPECIAL BOND 1APROVE- SPECIAL REDEOP- GENERAL MENT ASSESS- TION & TRUST & PUBLIC BONDED GENERAL WARANTY MENT INTEREST AGENCY UTILITY DEBT & FIXED ''FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND INTEREST ASSETS 14,575 S 5 14,000 3,075 1,350,000 CONTRIBUTIONS Municipal 982,gg8 Federal 133,509 Other 150,271 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1,266,778 RESERVE FOR BOND RETIREMENT 22,218 SURPLUS Surplus Invested in General Fixed Assets Unappropriated Surplus Earned Surplus 227,677 67,845 2,8 250,241 TOTAL SURPLUS 545,763 2 8 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES & SURPLUS $3,761,268 $3 4 -2 182 $220 69 $31,244 5 462 $21039,F02 14oa 977 $227,677 --19: 63 0 $5,462 $ 2,790 3,075 494,000 $ 856,000 544,977 5�462 499,865 1,400,977 982,998 133,509 150,271 11266, 778 ,182 2,539 $30,244 250,241 182 2,539 30,244 250,241 227,677 22,218 S227,677 Page 9 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND Grand County, Utah Revenues & Expenditures REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES SALES TAXES i2 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (UNDER) 1965 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 55,834 $ 54,556 $ 57,000 S (2,444.) 48,379 39407 50,000 (10,593) LICENSES & PERMITS Gross Business Licenses 36,045 34,898 35,000 (102) Other Business Licenses 5,703 3,145 7,000 (3,855) Beer Licenses 2,650 2,125 2,000 125 Building & Construction Permits 1,006 984 1,000 (16) Other Licenses & Permits 463 579 500 79 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 45L867 _ 41,731 45,500 (3,769) FINES, FORFEITURES & PENALTIES 15,680 5,807 15,000 (9,193) REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 683 300 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES Class "C" Road Fund Allotment Liquor Fund Allotment Grants From Other Political Units (300) 10,182 10,985 12,000 (1,015) 5,257 5,257 5,250 07 6, 69 2 TOTAL REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 22,131 16,242 17,250 (1,008) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Special Services by City Dept, 5,272 3,000 (3,000) Refuse Collections 20,810 33,963 38,800 (4,837) Swimming Pool 6,869 7,263 6,200 1,063 TOTAL CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 32,951 41,226 48,000 (6,774) OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real or Personal Property 1,563 254 254 Sundry 169 81 �3 300 (3,219) TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 1,732 335 3,300 (2,965) TOTAL REVENUES $223,257 $199,304 $236,350 $(37,046) Page 10 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND Grand County, Utah Revenues & Expenditures EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE MUNICIPAL COURT Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 12 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (UNDER) 1565 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 18,497 $ 16,979 $ 18,750 $ (1,771) 17,584 16,996 17,600 (604) 2,577 1,754 2,225 (471) 5�016 180 180 4� 74 35,909 38,575 (2,666) 1o,358 lo,3o2 10,400 (98) 3,707 3,179 4,o25 (846) 712 735 725 l0 1_ 2 100 (l0o) 16,359 14,216 _ 15,25o (1,o34) 6oo33 5o,125 _ 5.3,825 (3,7oo) 28,679 27,436 29,300 (1,864) 11,202 8,930 11,875 (2,945) 2,416 2,711 2,500 211 1�409 1,432 - -1 500 (68) 43,706 4o,5o9 45,175 (4,666) INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Salaries & Wages 2,508 2,532 2,575 (43) Materials, Supplies & Services 496 441 535 (94) Other Charges 233 127 305 (178) Capital Outlays 129 TOTAL INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 3,366 $ 3,100 $ 3,415 $ (315) Page 11 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND Grand County, Utah Revenues & Expenditures EXPENDITURES, Cont'd 12 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (UNDER) 1965 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DOG POUND Salaries & Wages $ 1,543 $ 930 $ 1,150 $ (220) Materials, Supplies & Services 1,701 1,892 1,890 02 Other Charges 185 124 160 (36) TOTAL DOG POUND _ 3,429 2,946 3,200 (254) TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS 5o�5o1 46,555 51,790 (5,235) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Salaries & Wages 6,457 Materials, Supplies & Services 1,819 Other Charges 663 Capital Outlays 615 TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 9,554 STREETS & HIGHWAY DEPT. (in- cluding Class "C" Road Fund) Salaries & Wages 20,094 Materials, Supplies & Services 44,004 Other Charges 2,601 Capital Outlays 1,463 TOTAL STREETS & HIGHWAYS 68 162 WASTE COLLECTION Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges 22,870 34,228 3,453 6� 0 60 66.611 18,700 4,170 35,350 3,125 3,000 6o,175 (1,122) 328 3,060 6,436 19,124 32,112 33,900 (1,788) 25 (25) TOTAL WASTE COLLECTION $ 19,124 $ 32,112 $ 33,925 (1,813) Page 12 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND Grand County, Utah Revenues & Expenditures EXPENDITURES„ Cont'd IRRIGATION PROJECT Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges TOTAL IRRIGATION PROJECT TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC HEALTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH PARKS & RECREATION PARKS Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL PARKS SWIMMING POOL Salaries & Wages Materials, Supplies & Services Other Charges Capital Outlays TOTAL SWIMMING POOL 12 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (CINDER) 1�65 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 7,917 $ $ $ 4,147 544 12�6o8 109,448 _ 98,723 94,10o 4,623 2,5o8 2,532 2,575 (43) 58o 412 2,190 (1,778) 173 18o 200 (20) 129 3 3_90 _ 3 ,124 4,965 (1 , 841) 3,390 3,124 4,965 (1,840 5,002 4,662 4,575 87 1,209 1,123 800 323 370 364 355 o9 6,581 6,149 5,730 419 5,1o1 5,182 2,389 6,336 642 690 5,700 (518) 3,075 3,261 1,100 (41o) 8t132 12,208 9,875 2,333 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION $ 14,713 $ 18,357 $ 15,605 5�752 Page 13 fa 2ty CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND Grand County, Utal, Revenues & Expenditures EXPENDITURES, Cont'd MISCELLANEOUS Contributions TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS - JULY 1 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS - JUNE 30 12 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (UNDER) 1,965 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 7,111 $ 4,070 7,300 $ (3,230) 7,111 _ 4,070 _ 7,300 (3,230) 245,196 220,954 227.585 (6,631) (21,939) (21,650) $ 8,765 $(30,415) _ 46,469 2� 4 530 $ 24,530 $ 2,880 Page 14 CITY OF MOAB SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND Grand County, Utah Cash Receipts & Disbursements 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1966 SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT PRO- GUAR- CURB & GUTTER POSED TOTAL ANTY DIST. I DIST. 2 DIST. 3 CASH BALANCE - JULY 1, 1965 $25,929 S25,511 S 303 S 9 $ 106 RECEIPTS Special Assessments Collected 2,255 1,621 634 Interest & Penalties On Assessments 549 315 234 Property Taxes 4,200 4,200 Advances From Other Funds Made or Repaid (3,100) 3,100 TOTAL RECEIPTS 7004 1�100 1,936 868 3,100 TOTAL CASH BALANCE & RECEIPTS 32,933 26,611 2,239 877 3,206 DISBURSEMENTS Bonds Redeemed 1,700 1,700 Interest on Bonds 85 85 Property Tax Collection Expense 59 59 Due to Imp. Guar. Fund 3,100 3,100 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 4,944 59 1,785 3,100 CASH BALANCE JUNE 30, 1966 $27,989 S26,552 $ 454 S 877 S 106 Page 15 CITY OF MOAB BOND REDEMPTION & INTEREST FUND Grand County, Utah Revenues & Expenditures 12 12 MONTHS ENDED .TUNE 30, 1966 MONTHS ACTUAL ENDED OVER JUNE 30, (UNDER) 1_265 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES Property Taxes $17,518 $16,785 $16,800 $ (15) Transfer From Utility Fund 34340 34,160 34,100 60 TOTAL REVENUES 51,858 50,945 50,900 45 EXPENDITURES Bond Agent Fees 100 120 120 Collection of Taxes 318 236 380 (144) Matured Bonds 7/1/51 Series 5,000 5,000 5,000 2/1/56 Series 5,000 5,000 5,000 1/1/59 Series 5,000 5,000 5,000 Matured Interest 7/1/51 Series 1,045 908 908 2/1/56 Series 4,057 3,870 3,870 1/1/59 Series 7,300 7,100 7,100 1/1/62 Series 22,000 22000 22,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 49,820 49,234 49378 (144) EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS - BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS - END OF FISCAL YEAR 2,038 1,711 $ 1,522 $ 189 26,495 28, 533 $28,533 53o,244 Page 16 CITY OF MOAB PUBLIC UTILITY FUND Grand County, Utah Income & Expense INCOME Water Sales Sewer Service Charge Interest Other Charges TOTAL INCOME EXPENSE SALARIES & WAGES 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1965 JUNE 30, 1966 AMOUNT '/,_. AMOUNT % $108,527 63.22 $105,625 62.66 57,151 33.29 55,517 32.94 4,612 2.68 6,990 4.15 1 L388 .81 417 .25 171J 678 100.00 168,549 100.00 46,037 26.81 42,727 25.35 MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Subscriptions & Memberships 281 .16 257 .15 Ordinances & Publications 1,024 .60 763 .45 Travel 614 .36 337 .20 Office Expense & Supplies 1,361 .79 2,088 1.24 Equipment Expense 2,334 1.36 2,615 1.55 Building & Ground Expense 20,043 11.67 7,689 4.56 Special Departmental Supplies 4,270 2.49 4,403 2.62 Rentals 888 .52 372 .22 Professional & Technical Services 2,023 1.18 3,584 2.13 Other 2 TOTAL MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES 32,840 19.13 22,108 13.12 OTHER CHARGES Insurance & Surety Bonds 1,091 .63 2,108 1.25 Employees Benefits 3,165 1.84 3,043 1.81 Depreciation 27,8o6 16.19 30,005 17.80 Bad Debts 27 .02 Interest On Bonds Revenue 20,733 12.07 20,513 12.17 General Obligations 29300 17.06 29,100 17.26 TOTAL OTHER CHARGES 82,122 47.81 84,769 50.29 TOTAL EXPENSE 16o1999 93.75 149,604 88.76 NET INCOME 10,679 6.25 18,945 11.24 TRANSFER (TO) OR FROM RESERVE FOR BOND RETIREMENT (5,746) (5,703) NET CREDITS TO EARNED SURPLUS 4,933 13,242 EARNED SURPLUS - BEGINNING OF PERIOD 232,066 236_,999 EARNED SURPLUS - END OF PERIOD $236,999 $250,241 Page 17 CITY OF MOAB Grand County, Utah CASH BALANCE - JULY 1, 1965 RECEIPTS Temporary Investments - Net Interest Income From Temporary Investments TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL CASH BALANCE 6- RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS Sewer Project Other Nielsen & Maxwell - Engineering Infilco Fuller -- Sewer Equipment Payment TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE - JUNE 30, 1966 PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS Cash Receipts & Disbursements Bond Construction Accounts 12 Months Ended June 30, 1966 -0- 22,414 2 360 24774 24�774 832 8,064 15,800 24,696 78 Page 18 CITY OF MOAB Grand County, Utah CASH BALANCE - JULY 1, 1965 RECEIPTS Customers' Deposits - Net Contributions - Other Water & Sewer Service Charges Interest Sundry Revenues TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL CASH BALANCES & RECEIPTS PUBLIC UTILITY FUND Cash Receipts & Disbursements Operations 12 Months Ended June 30, 1966 DISBURSEMENTS Temporary Investments - Net 5 20,802 Machinery & Equipment 132 Office Furniture & Equipment 200 Water Lines 778 Sewer Lines 41 Principal 1/1/62 Revenue Bond Series 8,000 Transfer To 1/1/62 Revenue Bond Sinking Fund 5,702 Principal 1/1/59 General Obligation Bonds 5,000 EXPENSE Salaries & Wages $42,727 Subscriptions & Memberships 257 Ordinances & Publications 763 Travel 337 Office Expense & Supplies 2,092 Equipment - Operating Supplies & Maintenance 2,657 Building & Grounds - Operating Supplies Maintenance 7,456 Special Departmental Supplies 4,074 Rentals 347 Professional & Technical Services 3,417 Insurance & Surety Bonds 2,108 Employee Benefits 3,043 Interest On Bonds - Revenue 20,512 Interest On Bonds - General Obligation 29.100 118s 890 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE - JUNE 30, 1966 $ 38,041 1,048 2,424 '57,859 1,980 417 163,728 201,769 159,545 $ 42,224 Page 19 CITY OF MOAB BOND & INTEREST MATURITIES Grand County, Utah All Funds GENERAL. OBLIGATIONS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 1966 1967 1968 Series 7/1/51 Principal Payment To Be Made 5,000 5,000 5,000 Principal Outstanding - End of Year 28,000 23,000 18,000 Interest Payments To Be Made 908 770 632 Unmatured Interest -- End of Year 2,475 1,705 1,073 Series 2/1/56 Principal Payment To Be Made Principal Outstanding -- End of Year Interest Payments To Be Made Unmatured Interest - End of Year Series 1/1/59 (See Note) Principal Payment To Be Made Principal Outstanding - End of Year interest Payment To Be Made Unmatured Interest - End of Year Series 1/1/62 (See Note) Principal Payment To Be Made Principal Outstanding - End of Year Interest Payment To Be Made Unmatured Interest - End of Year SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS Series 1/21/56 District No. 1 Principal Payment To Be Made Principal Outstanding - End of Year Interest Payment To Be Made REVENUE BONDS Series 1/1/62 Principal Payment To Be Made Principal Outstanding - End of Year Interest Payments To Be Made 5,000 5,00o 5,000 1o3,000 98,000 93,Ooo 3,870 3,682 3,495 35,002 31,320 27,825 5,000 io,o00 io,000 175,000 165,0oo i55,000 7,1o0 6,800 6,400 45,5oo 38,7oo 32,3oo 550,000 550,000 550,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 462,000 440,000 418,000 1,700 85 8,000 9,000 9,000 494,000 485,000 476,000 20,512 2o,279 20,o31 Page 20 CITY OF MOAB BOND & INTEREST MATURITIES Grand County, Utah All Funds Note 1 - It is the policy of the City of Moab to transfer to the paying agents, prior to the various maturity dates, sufficient funds to redeem maturing bonds and interest coupons. The principal and interest pay- ments noted above are adjusted to reflect this policy. Hence, payments which would actually be due on July 1, are shown as made during the last month of the previous fiscal year. Note 2 - It is the policy of the City to transfer from the Public Utility Fund, when all Revenue Bond requirements have been met, sufficient funds to pay the 1/1/59 and 1/1/62 General Obligation Bond Series. The proceeds of these Bond Series having been contributed to the Public Utility Fund for construction purposes. Page 21 CITY OF MOAB Grand County, Utah Western Surety Co. Limits $10,000 Bond No. 204-07-43 Western Surety Co. Limits $2,500 Bond No. 204-07-42 Western Surety Co. Limits $2,500 Bond No. 204-07-41 Premier Insurance Limits $141,000 Policy No. F53355307 Hawkeye-Security Insurance Co. Limits - B 1 (Auto) $300,000 B I (Other) $300,000 P 0 (Auto) $25,000 P D (Other) $25,000 Policy No. CGA 2-605936 Glen Falls Insurance Co. Limits $11,600 Policy No. I. M. 11-45-71 State Insurance Fund Limits -By Law Premium Rate .0083 Premium Rate .0086 INSURANCE COVERAGE & SURETY BOND IN FORCE ,tune 30, 1966 Treasurers Bond Premium $204.00 4/9/64 to 4/9/67 Deputy Treasurers Bond Premium $25.00 4/9/64 to 4/9/67 Employees Blanket Bond Premium S296.50 4/9/64 to 4/9/67 Fire & Extended Coverage Annual Premium $494.50 3/25/66 to 3/25/67 Comprehensive Liability & Physical Damage Adv. Premium $3,499.50 1/2/66 to 1/2/67 Contractors Equipment Premium $235.00 2/14/66 to 2/14/69 Workmens Compensation Road Maintenance Municipal Employees Page 22