HomeMy Public PortalAbout1984-1985 AuditY ' CITY OF MOAB Financial Statements For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Together with Auditors' Report SMUIN, RICH & MARSING CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 47 North First East Price, Utah 84501 CRAlG G. SMUIN, C.P.A. R. KIRT RICH, C.P.A. GREG MARSING, C.P.A. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 47 North First East Price, Utah 84501 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Moab Moab, Utah 84532 Gentlemen: MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LITAN ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS We have examined the financial statements of the various funds of Moab City for the year ended June 30, 1985. Our examination was made in accord- ance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of Moab City as of June 30, 1985, and the results of its operations and changes in fund equity For the year then ended, in accord- ance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consis- tent with that of the preceding year. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING 74a.41:1 August 30, 1985 Price, Utah CITY OF MOAB TABLE OF CONTENTS - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EXHIBIT A Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Govern- mental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual, General, Debt Service, Capital Projects and Special Assessment fund Types EXHIBIT D Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position All Proprietary Fund Types EXHIBIT E PAGE 1-2 3 4-5 6 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprie- tary Fund Types 7 Notes to financial Statements 8-10 COMBINING STATEMENTS BY FIND TYPE EXHIBIT A -I Combining Balance Sheet - All Special Assessment Funds 11 EXHIBIT B-1 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance All Special Assessment Funds 12 SCHEDULES SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDUtE 5 CI = NO,B T:inE CS COYTMTS FOP. TUE y 2 1=31-"D 30, PAGE, Coneral Fund - Analysis of 2etail9d Revenues Compared with Pr4.or Year 11 General Fnnd - Analysis cf Expenittires - Budget and Actual 14 Schedule of C-.anges in General Fixed Assets 15 Schedule of Changes in Fixed Asss and Depreciatin Proprietary Fund 1.7pes 16 Schedule of Changes in Contributions 17 SUPPLT:MLNTAL S3NGLE AUTITT P.-1mPTTArn7 SCHED1JLE 6 1.2.hedule of Federal Ass=:stance Report on InLernal Control Report on Compliance EXHIBIT A ASSETS Cash Receivables - net Utilities Special assessment Other Due from other funds Due from other governmental units In7entory, at cost Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Autos aad trucks Office furniture and fixtures Accumulated depreciation Amount available in debt service Amount to be provided for payment of bonds Total assets LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Vouchers payable Accrued liabilities Customer deposit payable Interest payable Due to other funds Bonds payable Total liabilities Fund equity: Contributed capital. From municipal From federal From other Investment in fixed assets CITY OF MOAB COMBINED BALANCE SHEET -- ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS JUNE 30, 1985 GENERAL FUND TYPES PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES DEBT CAPITAL SPECIAL, GENERAL SERVICE PROJECTS ASSESSMENTS ENTERPRISE $188,944 $ .19,544 $ 61,687 $ 31,169 $ 1,024 404 161,057 32,022 3,473 5,831 $386,924 $ 19.544 $ 61,687 $ 37,000 $ 25,241 $ 25,241 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES TRUST AND AGENCY 31,700 $ 34,554 40,660 6,725 77,496 1,196,117 2,428,221 118,338 30,709 26,476 (1,371,498) $ 2,584,944 $ 34,554 2,392 $ 34,554 30,477 161,057 231,000 $ 424,926 $ 1,074,392 325,268 755,302 ACCOUNT GROUPS GENERAL GENERAL FIXED LONG-TERM ASSETS DEBT $ 56,877 550,074 635,897 341,761 265,713 113,224 $ 19, '44 345,456 TOTALS (MEMORANDUM ONLY) JUNE 30, JU'NE 30, 1985 1984 $ 367,598 $ 343,650 40,660 51,548 6,855 7,327 7,129 4,160 161,057 84,781 32,022 115,871 3,473 134,373 134,373 1,746,191 1,721,640 3,064,118 3,038,874 460,099 444,872 296,422 255,218 139,700 139,131 (1,371,498) (1,265,159) 19,544 37,389 345,456 362,611 L1,963.546 $365,C00 $5,453,199 S 5,476,286 $ 34,554 $ $ 27,633 34,534 30,477 161,057 $365,e00 596,000 .. $365,000 $ 849,721 $1,963,546 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - 1 - $ 1,074,392 325,268 755,302 1,963,546 $ 29,048 15,373 30,076 13,334 84,781 651,000 823,612 $ 1,074,392 325,268 750,499 1,876,238 EXHIBIT A (Contined) FUND EQUITY: (Continued) Reserve for bond retirement Rerained earnings Fund balances Reserved class "C" road Reserved revenue sharing Statutory restrictions Appropriated Unreserved Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity CITY OF N.OAB COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS JUKE 30, 1985 GENERAL FUND TYPES DEBT CAPITAL GENERAL SERVICE PROJECTS $102,130 87,935 171,618 $361,683 $386,924 $ 19,544 $ 19,544 $ 19,544 $ 40,829 20,858 $ 61,687 $ 61,687 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES SPECIAL - ASSESSMExcTS ENTERPRISE $ 37,000 $ 37,000 $ 31,700 ( 26,644) FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES TRUST AND AGENCY ACCOUNT GROUP: GENERAL GENERAL FIXED LONG-TERM ASSETS DEBT $ 2,160,018 $ .. $1,963,546 $ 37,000 $ 2,584,944 $ 34,554 $1,963,546 $365,000 The accompanying notes to the financial statem nts are an integral part of this statement. - 2 -- TOTALS (MEMORANDUM ONLY) JUNE 30, JUNL• 30, 1985 1984 $ 31,700 $ 31,700 ( 26,644) 120,323 102,130 76,629 128,764 187,517 77,402 81,989 26,667 171,618 101,452 $4,603,478 $ 4,652,674 $5,453,199 $ 5,476,286 EXHIBIT B REVENUES: Taxes Licenses Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Current - General government Public safety Highways and public improvements Public health Parks, recreation and public property Conservation and economic development Intergovernmental Capital outlay Debt service Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfer in Operating transfer out Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses FUND BALANCE, beginning of year FUND BALANCE, end of year CITY OF MOAB COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 1UNE 30, 1985 GENERAL $ 577,206 180,765 139,328 258,481 6,346 67,139 $1,229,265 $ 206,029 382,092 223,202 221,837 159,887 27,800 $1,220,847 $ 8,418 $( 39,000) $( 39,000) $( 30,582) 392,265 $ 361,683 DEBT SERVICE $ 3,055 $ 3,055 $ 35,000 16,900 $ 51,900 $(48,845) $ 39,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 45,943 1,871 $ 47,814 $ 5,114 $ 5,114 $ 42,700 $ 39,000 $ -• $ ( 9,845) $ 42,700 29,389 18,987 $ 19,544 $ 61,687 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $ 3,387 $ 3,387 $ 3,387 $ S 3,387 33,613 $ 37,000 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. TOTALS {MEMORANDUM ONLY) .TUNE 30, 1985 JUNE 30, 1984 577,206 180,765 185,271 258,481 6,346 75,452 $1,283,521 $ 206,029 382,092 22.3,202 221,837 15),887 27,800 5,114 33,000 16,900 $1,277,361 $ 5,660 $ 39,000 ( 39,000) $ 5,660 474,254 $ 479,974 $ 574,112 180,544 187,757 256,099 11,331 115,357 $1,325,200 $ 243,129 480,078 601,828 601,612 17,900 55,247 30,000 16,620 $2,046,414 $( 721,214) $( 721,214) 1,195,468 $ 474,254 EXHIBIT C CITY OF MOAB COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUTE 30, 1985 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Current -. General government Public safety Highways and public improvements Public health Parks, recreation and public property Conservation and economic development Intergovernmental Capital outlay Debt service Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfer in Operating transfer out Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses FUND BALANCE, beginning of year FUND BALANCE, end of year GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE VARIANCE FAVORABLE BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) $ 551,387 $ 577,206 156,200 180,765 175,966 139,328 263,800 258,481 10,000 6,346 17,300 67,139 $1,174,653 $1,229,265 215,563 $ 388,476 233,324 220,917 166,038 29,107 $ 25,819 24,565 (36,638) ( 5,319) ( 3,654) 49,839 $ 54,612 206,029 $ 9,534 382,092 6,384 223,202 10,122 221,837 ( 920) 159,887 6,151 27,800 1,30! $1,253,425 $1,220,847 $( 78,772)$ 8,418 $( 39,000)$( 39,000) $( 39,000)$( 39,000) $( 117,772)$( 30,582) 117,772 392,265 .., $ 361,683 $ 32,578 $ 87,190 $ 87,190 274,493 $361,683 .VARIANCE FAVORABLE ABLE BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) • $ 5,000 $ 3,055 $( 1,945) $ 5,000 $ 3,055 $( 1,945) $ 30,000 15,500 $ 35,000 16,900 $ 45,500 $ 51,900 $(40,500) $(48,845) $ 49,000 $ 39,000 $( 5,000) ( 1,400) $( 6,400) $( 8,345) $(10,000) $ 49,000 $ 39,000 $(10,000) $ 8,500 $( 9,845) $(18,345) ( 8,500) 29,389 37,889 $ 19,544 $ 19,544 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) $ 50,000 $ 45,943 $( 4,057) 1,438 1,871 433 $ 51,438 $ 47,814 $( 3,624) $ 5,114 $( 5,114) $ $ 5,114 $( 5,114) $ 51,438 $ 42,700 $( 8,738) $ 51,438 $ 42,700 (51,438) 18,987 $ ( 8,738) 70,425 $ $ 61,687 $ 61,687 CITY OF MOAB COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Current - GeneraY government Public safety Highways and public improvements Public health Parks, recreation and public property Conservation and economic development Intergovernmental Capital outlay Dept service Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) OTIER FINANCING SOUSES (USES) Operating transfer in Operating transfer out Total other financing sources expenditures (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses FUND BALANCE, beginning of year FUND BALANCE, end of year BUDGET ACTUAL SCHEDULE C (Con't) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL (MEMORANDUM ONLY) VARI ANC E FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) VARIANCE FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) $ 3,387 $ 3,387 $ $ 3,387 $ 3,387 BUDGET $ 551,387 $ 577,206 $ 25,819 156,200 180,765 24,565 225,966 185,271 ( 40,695) 263,800 258,481 ( 5,319) 10,000 6,346 ( 3,654) 23,738 75,452 51,714 $1,231,091 $1,283,521 $ 52,430 $ 215,563 388,476 233,324 220,917 166,038 29,107 30,000 15,500 $ ... $1,298,925 $ $ 3,387 $ 3,387 $( 67,834) $ 3,387 $ 3,387 33,613 $ 206,029 $ 9,534 382,092 6,384 223,202 10,122 221,837 ( 920) 159,887 6,151 27,800 1,307 5,114 ( 5,114) 35,000 ( 5,000) 16,900 ( 1,400) $1,277,861 $ 21,064 $ 5,660 $ 73,494 $ 49,000 $ 39,000 $( 10,000) ( 39,000) ( 39,000) .•• $ 10,000 $ $( 10,000) $( 57,834) $ 5,660 $ 63,494 33,613 57,834 $ 8 37,000 $ 37,000 474,254 416,420 $ $ 479,914 $ 479,914 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - 5 - CITY OF MOAB CommED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL : Operations - Net income/(loss) Items not requiring working capital -Depreciation Working capital provided by operations Contributions from revenue sharing Adjustment to accumulated depreciation Contributions from customers water/sewer Total sources or working capital USES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Retirement of debt Fixed asset additions Total uses of working capital NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL ELEMENTS OF NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL: Cash. Recei7ables -- net Vouchers payable Customer deposits Interest payable Due to other funds NET INCREASE ( DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL EXHIBIT D PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (ENTERPRISE) JUNE 30, .JUNE 30, 1985 1984 $(146,967) 106,339 $( 40,628) 4,803 $( 35,825) $ 20,000 19,487 $ 39,487 $( 75,312) $( 4,163) 194 ( 401) 5,334 ( 76,276) $( 75,312) The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. $(133,749) 100,626 $( 33,123) 47,648 ( 990) 205,935 $ 219,470 $ 19,000 514,292 $ 533,292 $(313,822_) $(240,987) 5,495 13,371 ( 1,58{) ( 5,334) ( 84,781) $(313,822) -6- EXHIBIT E CITY OF MOAB COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS -- ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUKE 30, 1985 OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for services Total operating revenues PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (ENTERPRISE) JUNE 30, 1985 JL"."E 30, 1984 $ 377,142 $ 377,142 $ 371,021 $ 371,021 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and benefits $ 261,104 $ 268,066 Travel 627 650 Material and supplies 55,701 55,425 Utilities and telephone 25,089 24,543 Rent 25 239 Professional services 9,278 17,351 Bad debt $30 ,,, Training and education 254 ... Depreciation 106,339 100,626 Special projects 48,720 59,500 Miscellaneous 1,561 369 Total expenses $ 509,528 $ 526,769 Operating income (loss) $ (132,386) $ (155,748) NON -OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Material sales $ 660 Interest ( 15,241) Total non -operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCES, Beginning of year RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCES, End of year 13,837 8,162 $ ( 14,581) $ 21,999 $ (146,967) $ (133,749) 120,323 254,072 $ ( 26,644) $ 120,323 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. -7- CITY OF MOAB NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 1. SIGNIFICA_NT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies of Moab City for the year ended June 30, 1985 are set forth below. Method of Accounting The modified accrual method of accounting is used for all governmental type funds of the City and for expendable trust funds. The nonexpendable trust and proprietary funds are accounted for on the accrual basis. Inventory of Supplies Inventory is stated at lower of cost (first -in, first -out) or market. General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the General Fund at the time of the expenditure. They are also added to the General Fixed Asset Account Group at year end. No depreciation has been provided on the general fixed assets. Investments The investments of Moab City are included in the classification cash on the balance sheet and reflect the following balances. Petty cash funds $ 625 Checking and savings 152,035 Investments 214,938 $ 367,598 The above investments are stated at cost. 2. RESTRICTED FUNDS Included in the General Fund cash, as of .Tune 30, 1985, are the following funds which are restricted as to their use. Class "C" Roads Revenue Sharing $102,130 $ 87,935 3. BUDGETARY COMPLIANCE During fiscal year ended June 30, 1985, there were the following unfavor- able variances in the expenditures of the General, Debt Service, and Capital Pro- ject funds. UNFAVORABLE VARIANCE GENERAL FUN] Highways $ 920 DEBT SERVICE FUND Principal retirement 5,000 Interest and fiscal charge 1,400 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital outlay 5,114 4. REVENUE BONDS The City of Moab has been obligated for revenue bonds in the following amounts to be paid as indicated below: Year Ended June 30, Payment Interest Principal 1986 $ 30,371 $ 9,371 $ 21,000 1987 30,458 8,458 22,000 1988 30,501 7,501 23,000 1989 30,502 6,502 24,000 1990 31,440 5,440 26,000 1991 31,314 4,314 27,000 1992 31,145 3,145 28,000 1993 30,934 1,934 29,000 1994 31,659 659 31,000 $278,324 847,324 $231,000 5. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Listed below are the general obligation bonds outstanding and schedule of retirement: Year Ended June 30, Payment Interest Principal 1986 $ 48,900 $13,900 $ 35,000 1987 47,500 12,500 35,000 1988 51,000 11,000 40,000 1989 49,400 9,400 40,000 1990 47,800 7,800 40,000 1991 46,200 6,200 40,000 1992 49,500 4,500 45,000 1993 47,700 2,700 45,000 1994 45,900 900 45,000 _433,900 868,,900 $365,000 --9- 6. FIXED ASSETS The following schedule shows year ended June 30, 1985. a) General Fired Assets Description Balance June 30, 1984 Land Building and structures Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Autos and trucks Office furniture and fixtures b) Water & Seger Description Land Buildings and structures Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Autos and trucks Office furniture and fixture. Description Buildings and structures Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Auto's and truck's Office furniture and fixture $ 56,877 541,164 613,841 327,192 224,509 112,655 81,876,238 the change in fixed assets during fiscal Additions $ 8,910 22,056 20,094 52,204 569 $103,833 Balance Retirements June 30, 1985 $ ( 5,525) (11,000) $(16,525) Assets, at cost $ 56,877 550,074 635,897 341,761 265,713 113,224 $1,963,546 Balance Balance June 30, 1984 Additions Retirements June 30, 1985 $ 77,496 1,180,476 2,425,033 117,680 30,709 26,476 $ 15,641 3,188 658 $3,857,870 $ 19,487 $ ... - Accumulated Depreciation - $ 77,496 1,196,117 2,428,221 118,338 30,709 26,476 $3,877,351 Balance Balance June 30, 1984 Depreciation Retirements June 30, 1985 $ 235,226 $ 29,454 967,176 44,215 14,514 4,028 $1,265,159 61,453 9,726 3,105 2,601 _106,339 $ $ 264,680 1,028,629 53,941 17,619 6,629 $1,371,498 EXHIBIT A-1 CITY OF MOAB COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS JiJNE 30, 1985 DISTRICT DISTRICT GUARANTY #3 #4 FUND TOTAL ASSETS Cash $ 3,681 $ 690 $ 26,798 $ 31,169 Receivables 5,626 205 5,831 Total assets $ 9,307 $ 895 $ 26,798 $ 37,000 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity $ 9,307 $ 895 $ 26,798 $ 37,000 $ 9,307 $ 895 $ 26,798 $ 37,000 EXHIBIT B-I CITY OF MOAB COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED .TUNE 30, 1985 REVENUES: Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Streets and public improvements Total expenditures Excess of revenue over (under) expenditures FUN➢ BALANCE, beginning of year FUND BALANCE, end of year DISTRICT DISTRICT GUARANTY #3 #4 FUND TOTAL, $ 390 $ 155 $ 2,842 $ 3,387 $ 390 $ 155 $ 2,842 $ 3,387 $ $ • • • $ $ •• $ 390 $ 155 $ 2,842 $ 3,387 8,917 740 23,956 33,613 $ 9,307 $ 895 $ 26,798 $ 37,000 SCHEDULE 1 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND - ANALYSIS OF DETAILED REVENUES COMPARED WITH PRIOR YEAR FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 TAXES: Property taxes General sales and use tax Franchise tax Total. taxes LICENSES AND PERMITS: Business licenses Non -business licenses and permits Total licenses and permits INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Federal grants State grants Total intergovernmental revenues CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Streets and improvements Parks and public property Public health -- sanitation Total charges for services JUAIE, 30, 1985 1984 $ 164,836 $ 150,236 357,576 386,590 54,794 37,286 $ 577,206 $ 574,112 $ 170,917 9,848 $ 180,765 $ 55,447 83,881 $ 139,328 $ 170,016 10,528 $ 180,544 $ 115,966 71,791 $ 187,757 $ 9,728 $ 14,810 40,452 24,377 208,301 216,912 $ 258,481 $ 256,099 FINES AND FORFEITURES: Fines and forfeitures $ 6,346 $ 11,331 MISCELLANEOUS: Interest $ 50,025 $ 52,218 Rent and concessions 4,061 3,000 Sale of assets 1,956 6,825 Insurance claims 18,000 Miscellaneous 11,097 3,924 Total miscellaneous $ 67,139 $ 83,967 Total. revenues $1,229,265 $1,293,810 CITY OF MOAB GENERAL FUND ANAYLSIS OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 SCHEDULE 2 DETAIL OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES VARIANCE SALARIES MATERIALS; FAVORABLE WAGES AND SUPPLIES AND OTHER CAPITAL BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) BENEFITS SERVICES CHARGES OUTLAY GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Judicial. $ 350 $ 137 $ 213 ... $ 137 ... Administrative 149,563 141,401 8,162 $ 41,580 94,600 $ 1,505 $ 3,716 Executive and central staff 23,300 22,973 327 20,569 2,404 ... City hall and buildings 40,000 39,988 12 1,982 37,893 113 ... Planning 500 15 485 ... 15 ... Education and community promotion 1,850 1,515 335 1,515 ... ... Total general government $ 215,563 $ 206,029 $ 9,534 $ 64,131 $136,549 $ 1,633 $ �,716 PUBLIC SAFETY: Police $ 339,836 $ 336,495 $ 3,341 $249,664 $ 63,667 $ 5,211 $ 17,953 Inspection 1,700 874 826 193 681 ... ... Animal control 46,940 44,723 2,217 32,555 12,168 ... ..• Total public safety $ 388,476 $ 382,092 $ 6,384 $282,412 $ 76,516 $ 5,211 $ 17,953 HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Highways - general $ 233,324 $ 223,202 $10,122 $ 61,296 $118,377 $ $ 43,529 Total highways and improvements $ 233,324 $ 223,202 $10,122 $ 61,296 $118,377 $ $ 43,529 PUBLIC HEALTH: Sanitation $ 220,917 $ 221,837 $( 920) $ $221,837 $ ... $ ... Total public health $ 220,917 $ 221,837 $( 920) $ $221,837 $ $ ... PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC PROPERTY: Parks $ 56,229 $ 54,785 $ 1,444 $ 12,792 $ 23,119 Swimming pool 68,928 67,529 1,399 39,602 18,437 Recreation 40,881 37,573 3,308 6,168 26,801 Total parks, recreation and public property INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Contribution to other governmental units Total intergovernmental $ ..• $ 18,874 9,490 1,223 3,381 $ 166,038 $ 159,887 $ 6,151 $ 58,562 $ 68,357 $ 1,223 $ 31,745 29,107 $ 27,800 $ 1,307 29,107 $ 27,800 $ 1,307 TOTAL EXPENDITUES - GENERAL FUND $1,253,425 $1,_220,847 $32,578 $•.. $ $27,800 $ $ $ $27,800 $ $466,401 $621,636 $35,867 $ 96,943 SCHEDULE 3 CITY OF MOAB SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 - ADDITIONS FROM - BALANCE GENERAL CAPITAL TRANSFERS BALANCE JUNE 30, 1984 FUND PROJECTS AND RETIREMENTS JUNE 30, 1985 Land $ 56,877 $ 56,877 Buildings and structures 541,164 $ 8,910 550,074 Improvements other than buildings 613,841 16,942 $ 5,114 635,897 Office furniture and equipment 112,655 569 113,224 Machinery and equipment 327,192 20,093 $( 5,525) 341,760 Automobiles and trucks 224,509 52,204 (11,000) 265,713 $1,876,238 � 98,718 $ 5,114 $(16,525) $1,963,545 DESCRIPTION LAND: BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: Building improvements Sewer plant Storage buildings Water tanks CITY OF MOAB SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 - ASSET COST - BALANCE TRANSFERS AND BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE JUNE 30, 1984 ADDITIONS RETIREMENT JUNE 30, 1985 METHOD LIFE -YEARS .TUNE .30,.1984 PROVISION RETIREMENT JUNE 30, 1985 SCHEDULE 4 - ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION - $ 77,496 $ 77,496 28,979 597,480 21,346 532,671 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDINGS: Improvements 6,845. Water development 259,850 Water lines 1,352,309 Sewer lines 688,123 Meters 117,906 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 117,680 ' 30,709 26,476 28,979 SL VARIOUS $ 4,158 $ 969 $ 5,127 6,045 603,525 SL VARIOUS 77,470 13,879 91,349 9,596 30,942 SL VARIOUS 9,558 911 10,469 532,671 SL VARIOUS 144,041 13,695 157,736 6,845 SL VARIOUS 1,775 258 2,033 259,850 SL VARIOUS 51,148 6,196 57,344 1,352,309 SL VARIOUS 578,498 33,800 612,298 688,123 SL VARIOUS 308,235 17,203 325,438 3,187 121,093 SL VARIOUS 27,520 3,996 31,516 658 118,338 SL VARIOUS 44,215 9,726 53,941 30,709 SL VARIOUS 14,513 3,105 17,618 26,476 SL VARIOUS 4,028 2,601 6,629 $3,857,870 $ 19,486 $ .,. $3,877,,356 $1,265,159 _4106,339 $ $1,371,498 SCHEDULE 5 CITY OF MOAB SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 CONTRIBUTIONS MUNICIPAL FEDERAL OTHER BALANCE, July 1, 1984 $1,074,392 $ 325,268 $ 750,599 Contributions - Other 4,703 BALANCE, ,Tune 30, 1985 $1,074.392 $ 325.268 $ 755,302 CITY OF MOAB SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1985 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY State and Local Government Fiscal Assistance - General Revenue Sharing SCHEDULE 6 CD FA NUMBER EXPENDITURES 21..300 $ 160,143 CRAIG G. SMUlN, C.P.A. R. KIRT RICH, C.P.A. GREG MARSING, C.P.A. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 47 North First East Price, Utah 84501 Board of City Commissioners Moab City Moab, Utah 84532 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTIYUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS DTAIL Acyti-IATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Re: Report on Internal Control Under the date of August 30, 1985, we reported on the combined financial statements of Moab City, for the year ended June 30, 1985, and on the City's compliance with applicable federal laws and regulations. In connection there- with we made a study and evaluation of the system of internal controls of the City to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in Standards for Audit of Governmental Organiza- tions, Programs, Activities, and Functions, promulgated by the U.S. Comptroller General. We have classified the significant internal accounting controls in the following categories: 1. Organizations chart with lines of respon- siblity set 2. Policy manual 3. Cash receipts 4. Purchasing 5. Receiving 6. Cash disbursements 7. Payroll. 8. Property and equipment We have classified controls designed to provide reasonable assurance that federal financial assistance programs are managed in compliance with applicable federal laws and regulations in the following categories: 1. Political activities 2. Davis - Bacon Act 3. Civil rights 4. Cash management 5. Allowable cost 6. Match requirements 7. Eligibility Our study included all of the control categories listed above. The pur- pose of our study and evaluation of internal controls was to determine the nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for expressing an opinion on the City's combined financial statements. Additionally, our study and evaluation of grant management controls as- sisted in determining the nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for reporting on the City's compliance with applicable federal laws and regulations. Our study and evaluation was more limited than would be nec- essary to express an opinion on the system of internal control taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified above. The management of the City is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of internal control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and relat- ed costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide man- agement with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that the City is managing its federal laws and regulations, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting prin- ciples. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal control, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, pro- tection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the system on internal e ontrol of the City taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified in the first paragraph. However, our study and evaluation disclosed no condition that we believe to be a.material weakness. This report is intended solely for the use of the City and the applicable federal agencies. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report which, upon acceptance by the City,is a matter of public record. SMUIN, RICH MARSING August 30, 1985 Price, Utah 1-F42-4-,' CRAIG G. SMON, C.P.A. R. KIRT RICH, C.P.A. GREG MARS1NG, C,PJi. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 47 North First East Price, Utah 84501 Board of City Commissioners Moab City Moab, Utah 84532 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS UTAH ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Re: Report on Compliance We have examined the combined financial statements of Moab City, for the year ended .Tune 30, 1985, and have issued our report thereon dated August 30, 1985. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards, the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in U.S. Comptroller -General's Standards for Audit of Governmental. Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions and the provisions of the Office of Man- agement and Budget's Circular No. A-128 and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In connection with the examination referred to above, a representative number of transactions were tested for compliance with applicable federal laws and regulations for which noncompliance therewith could have a material effect on the combined financial statements or on the major federal financial assis- tance programs. The results of our tests indicate that for the transactions tested, Moab City complied with applicable federal laws and regulations, except for the following circumstance. In our testing process for compliance with the Revenue Sharing Grant, one area of non-compliance was found. According to CFR 51.70, recipients must maintain records of purchases, values, date of trans- fer, date of disposal of real or personal property, having a minimum value of $1,000, purchased in whole or in part with Revenue Sharing funds. Although the transactions were found to be in compliance, records that showed the applicable information were not found for all purchases. About 70% of the items in our sample were not recorded or only partially recorded. We recommended that the city maintain a property record file that will show all of the required infor- mation. At the time of our audit, the city was engaged in updating the prop- erty record file on their computer and card file. For the transactions not tested, based on our examination and the procedures referred to above, nothing, except for the property record file, came to our attention to indicate that Moab City had not complied with applicable federal laws and regulations, for which noncompliance therwith could have a material effect on the combined financial statements or on the major federal financial assistance programs. This report is intended solely for the use of the City and the applicable federal agencies. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report which, upon acceptance by the City, is a matter of public record. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING �l�%'%GGilye/ August 30, 1985 Price, Utah