HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231205092032371OF THE CITYO Yom. R H I N E LA N D E R, At the adJ ourne5. meeting cf ch 1906. non Council held on the 8th day of The following Alderman. present: Anderson, Barnes,, Caulikins, Johnson ri.1 , Peeor, Roepcke, H.Roepcke and smith. The President of the Council C.H.Roepcke presiding. The follow Ordinance was intraduse:l by A1ct.Roepc:ke: AN ORDINANCE FOR TJi eISSUE CF STI'e T IMPROVEMENT BCN➢F; OF THE CITY OF RHINELANDE'R, WISCONSIN; AND TO PROVIDE FOR TIM LEVY CAF A TAX TO PAY THE INTER.R'ST AND PRINOIPAL OF SAME. WHEREAS, The i3oarci of Public Works of the City of Rhine° ander entered into a contract with The Concrete Construction Co. to nacadamiae ar and1 irnprov-c the followin streets in, sa.icl Clt , to wit: Anderson street from Brown street to Pelham street ; Kin street from Pro t street to Stevens street: Rives str. Brown to Stevens street; Stevens street venport to Frederick str. street f"'rcrn Rives to Frederick street; Thayer street from to ',Soo', Railway tracks to High street; Pelham street from Mercer to Newbold street; Davenport street f"roar the Chicago and NortheTestern I aiiway track, to the bridge and all intervening street inte rsections; and WHEREAS, the contract price for macadamizing and irnprovin said ,tree amounts to 017,342.75 and WHEREAS, the City jai' Rhinelander has not sufric ent funds on hands to pay the cost of the macadamising and irr2proving of said streets; TH RFFORE, The Commcn Cotunc .i of theCity of Rhinelander, Vrisc risin do Ordain as follows: Section 1 . - That for the pnee7ose of the east c;: vir the said mentioned streets in the City of Rhin and irrpro- eonsin, the negotiable coupon bonds of the said City are hereby ordered issued to the amount of 9,00O,o^o. Said bonds shall be Nine (9) in numbers, numbered from, One (9) inclusive, and be of the denomination of One thousand Dollars O 1C T .00 ) each. Said bonds shall. "be dated June Ist 1906, and shall become due and pay- able as foliws: Bonds No. 1 to 3. both inclusive, on March Ist. ,I9 5; Bonds No. 4 to 6, both inclusive, on March Ist., 191 ; Bonds No. 7 to 9, both inclusive, on. March Ist. , 1917; shall bear interest t the rate of five per cent ) per annum, payable. semi-annually on the first days of March snd,. +r in each year as evidenced Coupons attached to said Bonds, and both principal and interest of sakd bonds shall be payable at the Corn Exchange National Bank in the Citl of Chico o ILbinois . . Seet:ion 2.- Teat the said bonds and. the :o zp ans ti ereto attached stral,l be substantially oaf the following forms, r *specti rely, to wit: (FORM OF BOND) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF 1TISC0NSTN COUNTY OF ONEIDA. CITY 01' R,iHINELANDER STREET £I:PR0VEMENT BOND COUNCIL PROCEEDIN GS 0I000.0 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Rhinelander , in the County of O neida and State cif "Ji sin acknowledges itse lf to owe, and for the value received, hereby p roini to pay to bear er the su m of One thousand Dollars (x I , OOo . ac) lawful mon ey of the United Sta tes of Ante rioa, on the first day of Earch A D.I9 , together with interest on sa id sin from the da te hereof until paid, at th e rate of five per cent (50) per paya ble semi-annually en the first days of March and September in e ach year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons hereto atta ched as they severally become due; both princ;f: 1. and raa 1 Bank d with interest of th°are her by made -payable at the Corn E xchange Na in the a o Illin ois, and for p rompt payment of this interest at rnatu ri hereby irrevocable pledged. This bond is issued for the pur pose of pr oviding funds for aacadar i ins and impr oving certain streets in and for the use of said. City, in all respects in. full cornpli. ance a ith the provision s of Section 925 -I33 of the Re vised Statutes of Wisconsin for the year 1398, and all acts s srendatory the reof and s sp lerne ntal thereto an d of ordinances duly passed by the Common Council of the City of Rhinelander. And it i s fur ther certified and r ec .fed float all acts, conditi.. ns and n -- full faith, credit and resources of said. City are thin gs required by the Constitution and done preceden t to and :gel the issuance f the State of Wisconsin to be bond, have been properly done happened an d been performed in r egular and d. e form and time as required_ by law an d that the total indebtedness of said City in Ina this bond does not e xceed any constitutiona l or statutory' 11 and that pro visions neve been made for the coilecti.on of a direct annual ta x upo n all the ta,xabie proper ty in said City sufficien t in amount to pay the i nte rest he reon as it falls due an d, also to pa y and discharge the p rincipal he reof at maturity. In wittness whereof, the said City of Rhinelander by its Common Council has caised this bond to be by :its Mayor and City Cleark, sealed with its corporate seal and the interest cou ons hereto attached to be exeecuted with the original or lithographer d fac simile signatures of the said Mayor and. the City Clerk, this first day of June, A . D .1'906 . No. (FORM OF OOU'ON ) 0 o . $25.00 On the fi rst day of , A.D.I9 , The City of Rhinelander in the County el' Oneida and. State of etisc onsin, promises to pay to the bearer the sum of Twen ty Five Dollars (I25. ) lawful l r: oney of the U nited States of Ame rica, at the Co rn Exc hange National Bank in the City of Chic ago, Illinois for the semi-ann ual. intere st due that date on its street imp rovement bond, date d June Ist . , 1906. No. y C. lesrk. Mayor . 0 HE CITY OF RH ELANIER, WIS. TI°" Section a That the said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerlt and sealed with tare corporate seal of the City, and the interest coupons shall be excecuted by the original or lithographed fac simile signa- tures of the said Mayor and City a Clerk, and when so excecuted t e said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof from the City Council and the proceeds derived from their sale sl al.l be used solely for the purpose for which they recite they are being used, ection 4.- That for the purpose of Lng the first inst a' of interest can sale. bonds which will accrue on Sep. erxber Ist. ,I: 06, there is hereby set aside out of theth general fund of. the Cit y he sun of II2.50 . That for the purpose of providing funds to pay the _interest acc:r ing on said bonds in the years of 1907, 1003, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914, amunt inp in each od said years to 1450 . oo and in the aggreate .00 there is hereby levied in each of the years 1.906, 1907, 1903, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, and. I913, a direct tax on all the taxable: for each of the ;said years su.ff cient to rare t 3e sum of r450,00 in each. and every one of said years, in a, action to all o City taxes. That in order to meet the interest on said boneis accruin, in the year I9I a, amounting to 375.0e and to pay the $3, 3,`;:: ..00 of bonds falling due Maro:a. Tat 1915, there i.s :ereby levied in. the year 1914 , a direct ,.a.x. on 11 the taxable property in said City for that year suffi.e let' t to .raise the sum of a3,375.00 in addition to all other City taxes. Ttat in order to meet the interest on said bonds accruing in the year 1916, amount1 Marcl Ist. , 1916, there is hereby levied in the year I915, a direct tax on all the taxable prope . oo and. to pay the 3 , 000 . oo of boade falling due said City for that year suffi ent to aise the sun of 3,225.00 in addition to all other City taxes in order to meet the interest on said. bonds accruing 1917, amounting City "75 . oo and. to nay the $3 , 000 . oo of bonds falling due March 1st . , 1917, there is hereby levied in the year 1916, a it ect ta.x on, all the taxable carol rty in said City for that year steficient to raise t? e sum of $3,075.00 in a edition to all. other City taxes. Said annual taxes shall be extended upon, the tax rolls and coil.eoted in the same manner, by the same of'fi.ciais and at the save time,as the taxes for P,general City purposes years. And when so cone teride, and collected in each of the said ch taxes shill be set apart irrevocable for e payment of the interest and 1 rincipal of the Street Improvement Ponds rein above provided for when and a.s the same mature. ection 5.- That all ordin its of Ordinances i. . conflict with the provisions of this ordina'ice, be, and the sane are hereby repealed. Section .® That this ordin=nce 'ect ° d be in full force aria effect fro i and after its passage, approval and publication. Offered by A lderaan C.H. R epc} e. Moved by Alderman Alderson s=: onded. by Aldermen Morrill that the d.inaaa+ce be deferred and order d published and will come up for final passage at the next regular meeting of the Council April 3rd 1906 . ar`ried,, all voti aye. COUNCIL PR O C DI ( s The follo win, ° resort a calved by the Mayor an d Common 1 of the City of Rhi nela nder That thr e Ar chlignts be instai.ied at the following plac es. in the rd. ward One a. t the Corner of Phillip and Mill streets, one at the corner of Lake and Mill street and one at the Junction of Rib a nd Lake stre et Offered day Ald. F. Pec paid resolution eras upon motion re ferr ed to Board. of Public Works, he follow ing was read: To the Mayor and Common Council, City of Rhi nelander. We, the under signed C 1 Body to exten d the Waterworks from . Door avenue Fast one block to Randal ave. on Kemp street. Sign ed by :Otto Kr antz and others. Swirl pe tition r eferred to Roar: of Public Works . Repor t fr om the Commit tee on City Buildings, to whom was referred the rraatter of re vising the plans and specifi. at:ions fo r the new Hose hous e, as xpayers petit.ic)n your io norable made to the Council, and was such plans and specifications upcn, motion, of Alderman Larn e s Co amittee:° an . the for the eree tion conded by Alderman Anderso n accept s i as revised by said Board of "ublic s instructed to advertio, e f'or ids f such building. Upon motion Coun cil ad.jaurnea. C v Clerk.