HomeMy Public PortalAbout1966-11-12 MeetingMr. Taplin also asked about the parking under the bridge and Mr. Webb said nothing could be done about this until the State has finished the drainage work. There being no further business, on motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 A. M. ATTEST: Village Clerk COUNCIL MINUTES November 12, 1966 Mayor The Council of Bal Harbour Village met Saturday, November 12, 1966, at 9:30 A. M. in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Taplin and White Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; Thomas Anderson, Village Attorney; and Councilman appointee, G. Hale Printup. On motion of Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. White, the minutes of the pre- vious meeting of October 8, 1966, were approved as submitted. Mayor Hart presented a Proclamation to Mrs. Betty Blum of the Dade County Association for Retarded Children setting forth the week of November 15th through the 23rd as National Retarded Children's Week. Mr. Hart then announced that Mr. G. Hale Printup had been unanimously selected by the Council to fill the vacancy in District #5 due to the resigna- tion of Mr. Landis. Thereupon, Mr. Printup was sworn into office by the Village Clerk. The Village Manager told the members that the street resealing had been completed and that he wished t❑ have the work accepted and final payment of I:5,000.00 to the contractor authorized. On motion of Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. White, the work was accepted and payment to Slurry Seal, Inc. authorized. Mr. Stanley Whitman, President of Bel Harbour Shops, appeared before the Council to discuss the proposed theater building for the Shopping Center. He introduced Mr. Fred Schiess, attorney, who stated that they felt the building in question was within the limitations of the Zoning Ordinance as theater November 12. 1966 9 buildings require different considerations than the normal type building. Also present on behalf of the Center was Mr. Don Forfar, architect. mayor Hart asked for any comments from those present in the audience. mr. Harry Tolton said he objected to the height of the building and the design. Mr. Hart reminded the audience that only the question of height was under discussion. Mr. William Logan said he felt the height certainly did not meet the three story requirement and Mr. Whitman said the building could not be constructed any lower. Mr. Dudley Whitman asked haw far the building would be from the nearest apartment house and how long it would take to construct the building. The answer was 170' from the apartment house and about sixteen months for construction. Mr. Anderson said he would like to say something to mr. Schiess. He reminded mr. Schiess that no formal application was before the Council for any variance or other consideration for Hal Harbour Shops. The Council could act on the request if agreeable or if he wished to wait and file a formal application they should give him the opportunity to do so. They would not have to have another meeting as they can continue the matter until you file the application. He then asked him how he wanted to proceed. Mr. Schiess stated that they feel the Zoning Ordinance as written permits a theater, that no buildings shall exceed three stories, and does not provide for the overall height of buildings. In their opinion, they contend that the ordinance allows this building. Mr. Anderson then stated that the ordinance requires that be- fore the Council considers this matter that plans and specifications be sub- mitted to the Village Clerk. He reviewed the Council's feelings at the previous meeting of being against the height of the proposed building, but to save Mr. Whitman the trouble and expense of preparing these drawings, they agreed to proceed as they are today. He asked if Mr. Schiess was willing to have the Council proceed this morning to determine if they will grant a variance or wait until they file a formal application. Mr. Schiess said they would like to proceed on the basis they are on now. Mr. Anderson then cautioned him that if the Council decides that the height cannot be allowed and he went to court then the Council would contend that he had not exhausted all his legal remedies. Mr. Schiess said they did not wish to be placed in that position. Mr. Taplin asked if they granted this variance if it would allow other buildings to be built at this height. mr. Anderson said he did not think this would set a precedent, but that it would not help their cause. Mr. John Canfield asked if eighty feet could be related to something in the area and it was determined the Ivanhoe Hotel was about that height. Mr. Lawrence Cliff, representing the Bal Harbour Resorts, Inc., said they approved of the structure as it would be a great asset to sales value. Mrs. Charles McAdam asked how much ground space the building would occupy and Mr. Whitman answered it would occupy 20,000 sq. ft. Mr. Taplin asked Mr. Whitman if this building could be placed anywhere else in the area and Mr. Whitman said no. Mrs. Martin Pulcher said she felt that this building with parking and lights would be a nuisance to the neighborhood. Mr. Schiess asked if they could have a short recess to confer with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Whitman. Mr. Hart agreed to recess the meeting for fifteen minutes. After reconvening, Mr. Hart asked Mr. Schiess if they had made a decision. Mr. Schiess said that "in the interest of saving time and expense, we would like to offer this proposition to you for your consideration and that is to permit us to file within the next several weeks an application for a building permit to build a theater, the approximate height of seventy-eight to eighty feet, and for the Council to consider that application to date back to today for your consideration as a Board today, to vote on at this time while you have your general public here." Mr. Hart then asked for a motion on the application. Mr. White said he would move to deny the application. Mr. Printup seconded the motion, and on roll call the motion passed. Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Printup and White voting, "YES"; Mr. Taplin, "NO". The application was therefor denied. AI ...�..m F..... 12 1 OF,A 10 Mr. Webb read a letter from the State Road Department stating that they had been delayed in their survey for the Collins Avenue drainage, but expect to put the job out for bids by February 1967. The Clerk read Resolution No. 148 thanking Mr. Landis for his services as Councilman. On motion of Mr. Printup, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the Resolution was unanimously adopted. The Village Clerk stated that there were three Liquor Licenses where trans- fers of officers were involved. miller Drugs had changed two officers and H. I. Hotel Limited had added several partners. A11 those involved had been finger- printed and cleared by the F.B.I. On motion of mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. Printup, the changes were approved. On the change of officers for Albert Enter- prises, the Treasurer had been fingerprinted, but the prints had not been returned. On motion of Mr. Printup, seconded by Mr. White, the transfer was approved subject to the clearance of the Treasurer's fingerprints. Mr. Webb read a letter from the Americana Hotel requesting use of the garage space for convention purposes through July 31, 1967. On motion of Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. Taplin, and unanimously voted, the request was approved. The manager said he had a letter from Finn machinery Company requesting that the Council allow them t❑ set up equipment for convention viewing and also a tent for refreshments on the parking area of Bal Harbour Shops. It was the decision of the Council that the Village manager should find out what type of machinery and what size tent and let them know. Mr. Webb said the residents of Bay Harbor Islands want fluoride in the water which will come through the North Miami Beach source of supply. As North Miami Beach does not put fluoride in their water this would have to be done by installing an injector on our line. Mayor Hart suggested that possibly Mr. Webb could put this item into the next Newsletter to see what the reaction is from our taxpayers and discussion on this matter would be tabled until the January meeting. There being no further business on motion of Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. White, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A. M. Mayor ATTEST: Village Clerk November 12, 1966