HomeMy Public PortalAboutSeptember 9, 2020 minutes with linksWatertown Free Public Library TRUSTEES MEETING Minutes Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7pm Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitations on the number of people that may gather in one place, this public hearing of the Watertown Free Public Library Board of Trustees is being conducted via remote participation. No in -person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but the public can listen to or view this meeting while in progress via Zoom meeting ID 816 4998 3747 Password 127706. Members of the public may access the meeting through this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81649983 747?pwd=Q0Y2OF1YNm93 VTAzY3ZvZm5BLz1NQT09 or by dialing in at 929 205 6099 and entering the meeting ID and password. Members of the public attending this meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so, during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment, by audio. AGENDA Call to Order: Meeting called to order 7:00pm Present: WFPL Trustees: Leanne Hammonds, Chair, Sheppard Ferguson Vice Chair, Michael Hanlon, Treasurer, Teddy Kokoros, Secretary, Daniel Pritchard, Emily Izzo, WFPL Director Leone Cole, WFPL Assistant Director Caitlin Browne Secretary's Report Minutes of August 4, 2020 Meeting: The secretary minutes for the August 4th meeting were unanimously approved Public Forum: No members of the public present Red Leaf Cafe Update: Director Cole reported The Red Leaf cafe is now open and there was one complaint, but no other complaints have happened since then. Business is slow due to COVID-19. Financial Report FY21 Budget: Treasurer Hanlon reported that the library has spent 15.1 percent of the budget so far, this fiscal year. He asked Director Cole if the library is fully complemented for full and part time staff and Director Cole reported yes. In addition, Director Cole had not heard an update about LIGMEG funds, but she believes the library will receive them as normal. Director Cole also mentioned that she did not anticipate any other major new expenses coming up. Burke Fund Report: $700 were spent from the Burke Fund for Teen Programming in August. Hatch Financials: They have started doing appointments for sewing machine and laser cutters but no major updates. The financial report was unanimously accepted as read. Chair's Report: The Library's current plan is to loan out laptops and hot spots for people to use at home since library computers are still not able to be used. There are 25 laptops that currently can be loaned out. The Wi-Fi signal has been strengthened to be able to use it outside. Director's Report • A motion was made and unanimously passed to temporarily increase the number of video games allowed to be checked out per card from 2-4. Personnel Updates: The library has a new custodian on board. Pat Farrell is retiring after 59 years at the library. The Watertown Library, The Town of Watertown, and State of Massachusetts are all doing things in her honor including proclamations from the town and the state. One part time circulation staff is resigning to move to California, so they are currently interviewing for both a part time and full-time circulation staff. The Library is working with The New Rep Theater Program on a walking theater program. Old Business: Director Cole talked to Steve Magoon about the parking plan that was discussed last month, and it was a "nonstarter." New Business Requests for Information and Responses Date of next meeting: October 6th Adjournment: A motion was made and unanimously passed to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 pm