HomeMy Public PortalAbout2015-11-17 In The Matter Of Bal Harbour Yacht Club CASE 15-6568CA301 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE AT TORNEY/CL I ENT SESS I ON IN THE MATTER OF BAL HARBOUR YACHT CLUB , I NC ., et al v . 14 BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE 15 CASE NUM BER : 1 5 -6568 CA 30 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BAL HARBOUR V I LLAG E HALL 655 96th STREET BAL HARBO UR, FLORIDA 331 54 TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 17 , 2015 6 :17 p .m . -6 :40 p .m. Taken before Mary G. Stephenson , FPR , Notary Public for the State of Florida TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444-733 1 1 1 2 APPEARANCES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS : 4 MARTIN PACKER, MAYOR PATRICIA COH EN , ASSISTANT MAYOR 5 GAB RIEL GROISMAN SETH E. SALVER 6 JAIME M. SAN Z 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 V I LLAGE MANAGER : JORGE M. GONZALEZ VILLAGE ATTORNEY: WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTOR I ZA COLE & BONISKE , P.A. BY : RICHARD JAY WEISS, ESQ. JOSEPH SEROTA, ESQ . TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC . (30 5) 444 -7331 2 3 1 Thereupon , the fo l lowing proceedings were had: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR PACKER : call the roll . The clerk is not here to MR . WEISS: We don 't need to. We are here . MAYOR PACKER: The time is now 6:17 . We are about to have an attorney/client session in accordance with F lorida Statute 286 .011(8) regarding the l it i gation styled as Bal Harbour Yacht Club Incorporated, e t al versus The Bal Harbour Village , in the Eleven t h Judicial Circuit in Miami-Dade County , Case Number 15-6568 CA 30. The session is estimated to last one half of an hour and the following people will be in attendance at this meet ing : Myself , Martin Packer, Mayor, Assistant Mayor Patricia Cohen , Councilman Gabriel Groisman , Councilman Seth Salver, Village Manager J orge Gonzalez, Village Attorney Richard J. Weiss, Village Attorney Joseph H . Serota . T hese proceed i ngs will be recorded by a certified court repo r ter and , at the conclusion of all litigation discussed , the transcript will be made part o f the pub lic record. All t hose individuals I have not named TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 should leave the room at this time. way. MR. WEISS: Did you read Jaime 's name? COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: He said he's on his MR. WE I SS : But did you read h i s name? COUNCILMAN SA L VER : It was off the record. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : She didn 't go off the reco r d . MR. WEISS: o f that list? Did you read his name as part MAYOR PACK E R: I wi ll read it aga i n if you want. MR. WEISS: Just say to be clear that Jaime Sanz will be entering in a f ew minutes . MAYOR PACKER: Yes . MR . WEISS: Again , we would caut i on you that this litigation co u l d go away very quick l y depending on what happe n s . So caution you again that wha t ever anyone says i n th i s meeting, at the conclusion of t he li t igation , becomes a public record, and the transcript wil l be in the clerk 's off i ce and people could see it . careful abo u t wha t you say . MR . SEROTA : All right . So just be Th i s case , we are really jus t bringing you up to date with what has TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I AT ES, IN C. (305) 4 4 4-7331 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 been happening . We really don 't ne ed --le t me see. I am putting on my glasses. This must be importa nt , right? We are jus t kind of bringing you up to date with what has been going on and if you have any questions , you can ask. Just in terms of basic background , th i s has to do with the use o f th e marina by the yacht c lub. I 'll begin just giving a litt le bit of background and then br i ng you up to date . You had asked us back in March , our f i r m, to ask --you asked us whether or n ot t he marina i s appropriate, whe ther i ts use is in accordance w i th the code . At that t i me , we said the following , we said the village has received some evi dentiary information regarding the e x iste n ce of t he Bal Harbour Yacht Club and h ow it 's operating. At that t ime we said, the evidence suppo rt s the view that the mar i na operation is noncomme r cial . However , we said that in order to understand whether it is commerci a l or not, and whether it's operating p r operly or not , it requires an invest igation of the books , records, accoun t i ng information of the yacht club , and it might TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 4 4 4 -7331 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 require an invest igation into other legal entities related to that as well. We stated th at the only manner in which this access could b e granted is through an action for declaratory judgmen t. March 1 7 th . Tha t is what we said on On March 20th, a l as, an action for declaratory judgment was filed. MR . WEISS: You remember this . We were at the council meeting and I was about to tell you that I really can 't go any further wi th this because it was code enforcement, because we don't have any actua l facts to show and then all of a sudden a lawsuit gets filed. MR . SEROTA : So they filed the lawsui t. We answered the lawsuit and we raised defenses to it, and we have also filed a counterclaim . Our counterclaim is very similar on what they said, which is , you k now what, we don 't have enough evidence here . You claim th at it's an i ssue, and, therefore , if you claim there is an issue , then we are going to claim it's an issue, and that is why we filed the counterclaim . Our counterclaim is really no different than t heir original cla i m, but in part we want th i s to happen . So we didn't want TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC. (305) 4 44-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 them simply to change their minds and dismiss their case , which they could do at any time. MR . WEISS: We discussed this with Gabe 7 because we have been strategizing with him on this case. Our concern was that we knew that the next thing we were going to do is ask th em for copies of every document that re lated t o this. What we were concerned about is that they hadn't thought this through properly, and that as soon as we asked for al l these documents, they were just going to dismiss t he case, and we would have lost an opportunity to really figure out what was going on there. MR . SEROTA: So what we did , we then filed a request for documents of abou t 120 separate categories of documents plus interrogatories. They filed a l ot of objections . There were a lot of delays. We ended up getting two separate orders from the judge and eventually we have gotten documents . Not exactly everything that we requested , but a lot of documents , in the thousands of pages o f documents that we have received. So we now and t his just happened days ago t hat we got TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC. (305) 44 4 -7 33 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 8 MR. WEISS : Joe, you had sort of a list of the documents that we have gotten. MR. S ER OTA: Just in categories, we have gotten documen t s that we previous ly saw that they exchanged with the village . T hat is one category. No great news, but they are claiming this is responsive. We have gotten documents r elating to t he members of the club. The judge at this point did not rule that we could have a list of the actual members, but a lo t of t he member informa tion, the documents, criteria, a l l of tha t s t uff they have produced. Then we have corporate doc uments rela ti ng to this entity o f various sorts. We have got t en financial documents . We have gotten bank accounts. We have gotten profi t an d loss statements. Now, it 's a lot o f documents. So one thing that we ask is that we would like to h ire a forens ic accountant to assist us in evaluating t hese documents. Th e n we wou l d also like this forensic accounta nt to be an accountant with a special expertise in nonprofits . So what we need is somebody who l ooks through this and says either TAYLO R REESE AND ASSOC I AT ES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 this is in order, i t 's not in order , or th ere are obvious documents that are missing here that they didn 't provide you , and then we would go to get that . 9 And we want somebody who potent i ally could be an expert witness to say this is not consistent with a , you know , w i th a not-for-profit entity operating under these circumstances. So we wou l d li ke your permiss ion . think it's a huge financial undertaking. Actually, we have spoken to Gabe. MR. WEISS: Maybe , Seth , from your We don 't background as an accountant know somebody that kind of specializes in not -for -profits that might be also a good witness. MR . SEROTA : We have spoken to Gabe about people that we have used in common . We have used two firms specially tha t are very , very good both in the forensic area of j ust inves t igat in g documents and a l so potentially as a witness. I don 't really think we are going to use them as a witness . There 's t wo firms . One is COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : Using Kaufman Rossin . MR . SEROTA : --Kaufman Rossin and the other one TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : Mor ri son Brown . MR . SERO TA : --Morrison Brown. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : This is a question on the documents. I spoke to John, but I don 't recall. Di d we get doc u ments pre2014 or no? I t's just they produced MR. SEROTA : The judge at this point is limiting it because the question is are they operating now. COUNCILMAN GRO ISMA N : I don 't know how the judge dealt with this issue , and chances are she just got it wrong, because it happens often, but one of our counterclaims, the second one, is whether this is a , quote , new marina under t he code. If it i s, it can only be utilized by residents . MR. SEROTA: If they lost the use. COUNCI L MAN GRO I SMAN : So if the new marina switch , that time period that is the relevant time period is pre2014, I be l ieve, right? I don 't know . MR. GONZALEZ : What is your question? COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: Our second countercla im is for a determ i nation of whether when they switched ent i ties , whenever this was, TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, I NC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 I 'm not sure when the deal was done, whether now it's considered a , quote, new marina under the code because if it is , then it can only be for residents of Bal Harbour as a who l e, the village, and it can't be for people outside. So the question I want --I think that is -- MR. WEISS: I f they are under the new code, it can't even exist, the new marina can 't even exist in the residential district. exist in the business district. It can only COUNCILMAN GRO I SMAN: What I 'm saying, the point is that is an important time frame. I am almost sure it 's pre2014. go back . It would make sense to MR. WEI SS: So our plan on t hat is you wanted to show how they were operating before and after? COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : Yes . MR . WEI SS: So the plan is to take some depositions to see what is going on , and if we are not getting th e information we n eed abou t it, t he judge has given us an opening to go back and get those documen t s. MR . GONZALEZ : 2014 is when I believe they filed th ei r profit paperwork. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR . WEISS: When we started rattling sabers , raising these questions, they cleaned up their ac t . 12 COUNCILMAN GROIS MAN : That is what you we r e talking about comparing what it looked like before and after and what happened in that period. MR . WEISS : putting lipstick. It 's just a painting and COUNC I LMAN GROISMAN : Are you q u oting Sarah Palin? MR . WEISS : I didn 't mean to. I t was way before Sarah Palin . MR . GONZALEZ : She was quoting someone else. MR . WEISS : In this group, I wouldn 't be using a pig. MAYOR PACKER : That was used at one t i me . MR . WE I SS : Oh, yes, it was . Go ahead , Joe . I am sorry. MR . SERO TA : The issue here is whethe r it 's properly operating . In other words , if in fact three yea r s ago t hey were n ot p r ope rl y operating , that i s no t really the iss u e a t this point . In o t her words , whe t her there was code enforcement that shou l d have been take n th r ee, four years ago, TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 that is really no longer the issue right now . I think that there are issues that go back . For example , we have found two ads that were in various websites and publica t ions t hat talk about leasing transient slips , and that certainly would be inconsisten t with the private club if you are leasing slips for transients, and we are going to use those in the depos i tions . Now, we know they a r e going to resist . They will say it 's irrelevant what happened , and our response is going to be i t may or may no t be . We want to know did you put this in , how did you put this in , did you change what you were doing from what -- MR . WEISS : Or d i d they sign a ten -year contract with this boat rental company and said for a period of ten years we are going to operate as your terminal here in South F l orida and that cont r act is still in p l ace . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : the flyers they sent . This year . That is MR. SEROT A : There was a 20 1 3 website that was really a wor l dwide boaters website . That is, if you have a big yach t and you are taking it all over the world you know where you can go . This was one of those places , which would seem again TAYLOR RE ESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR PACKER: Who pays for that ad? MR . SEROTA: We don't know . We don 't know anything about it. We don't know how . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : We just know it was there . MR . SERO TA : We don 't know who placed it . MAYOR PACKER : If i t was placed by -- COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : By them, th at is a bad piece of evidence for them, correct . ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : Excuse me , even if 14 it wasn 't placed by t hem , if they are going t o put their boat i n the marina, someone is approving that . COUNCILMA N GRO I SMAN : Yes, sure . You are absolutely right. They did i t this year again . We got t he flyer. ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : Somebody told me that , yes. MR . SEROTA : We t hink it 's relevant. They are going to resist it because it's before 2014 . We think it's re l evant and certainly can lead to relevant material, which is all we have to do to show. We will see. We expect this is going to be a fight . MR . GONZALEZ : What is the significance of TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC. (305) 44 4-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 2014? I'm sorry. is th e date? I missed that. It 's just that MR . WEISS: At some point -- COUNCILMAN SALVER: They changed. MR. WEISS: --they changed t he corporate entity under which they were operating. It used to be Flamingo Way Enterprises and then they incorporated a not-for-profi t club called the Bal Harbour whatever it's called. MR. GONZALEZ: I 'm trying to figure out . MR. SEROTA: Jorge , a part of it is also a compromise. In other words, we look ed to go back to 2010. They said 2015. At this point, the judge is saying , well, let's go back to 2014, see where you are. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: Do you know if you have evidence of a broker that had the listing ? They l iste d the marina . They were trying to sell the whole thing th is past year. MR . SEROTA: Whatever information you can give us . Gabe has helped us out already. One of the things we asked is if you have witnesses, you know people that have seen something tha t would be inconsisten t with their use as a private club, then you need to tell us. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASSIS T ANT MAYOR COHEN: What does that mean? MR. SEROTA: Well , we have interviewed several peop l e . ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : You know , I mean , we know plenty of people who dock their boa ts there . Harbour. That doesn 't necessarily involve Bal MR. WEISS : I f there's people that dock 1 6 their boats there that have not been asked to join this club or that come in for one night because they are on their way to Newport or something , who knows where , the more peop l e we can talk to -- Gabe put us in touch with some people . We are going to speak to, I guess , another one of them again , but there has got to be some --the reason that we couldn 't do code enfo r cem~nt to begin with is because we didn 't have any evidence . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: The bottom line on the club is that there is no club , right? MR. WEISS: I t's a pseudoclub. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: It 's just a marina. It 's a very expensive marina . The r e is n o other services they offer other than a slip . MR . SEROTA: Under your code, a pr i vate TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 recreat i on facility is a faci lit y that prov i des recreation and social activities . I t 's certa inl y recreation activity , wh i ch is boati n g . activities? Soc i a l COUNCI L MAN GRO I SMAN: I don 't know. doesn 't prov i de any recrea t ion activities . ju st a physical sl i p . MR . SEROTA : L isten, I 'm no t arguing whether it is o r It It 's COUNC ILMAN GRO I SM AN : T he reason why the code said that is i mportan t because a t one time it did have even t s and it was a r ec r ea ti onal club for res i dents. ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : There was a building t her e . and everything . There was a building wi t h lunches I li ved next door. T here was al l kinds of s t uf f there . door. I l i t era l ly lived next MR . WEI SS: T hey had the beach c l ub across the street . COUNC ILMAN GROIS MAN: And t hey h ad the beach club across the street . Now there i s n o more club and it 's just a ma rina . MR. WEISS: empty shell . I t 's basically j ust like an TAYLOR RE ES E AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 4 4 4 -7 331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 MR. SEROTA: This is what we are going to inquire into. Once we get all the facts, we will come back to talk to you and bring you up to date and see what our evaluation is . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : Now the point is j ust push discovery. MR. SEROTA : Exactly. Exactly. So what I'm saying to all of you, we are taking depositions of Joe Imbesi, his son, his wife, his daughter, dockmaster, his accountant , all of these depositions that MR. WEISS: We have asked for dates. COUNCILMAN SALVER: Who is his accountant? MR. SEROTA : I don't know. This is his corporate accountant that we are taking . We know that they are going to be f ig hting this. They are going to be fighting the q uestions that we ask, but that is what we are doing. So what I would say to all of you to th e extent that you know of anybody who has any information that is helpfu l to us, then you need to tel l us because this is in a sense -- ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN: they joined the club? You mean tell you MR. WEISS: Tell us if somebody that you TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 know has any information about how they are physically operating or has evidence. (Thereupon, Counc i lman Sanz entered the room . ) ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : Hi , Jaime. MR. GONZALEZ : J aime has arrived. MR . WEISS: We are talking about the lawsuit on the dock, on the yacht c l ub . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: The marina . MR. WE I SS: The marina. If they have any information about 19 transient people there, informa t ion about how people joined the club, and wha t is the sales pitch, what they have said during the sa l es pitch. If they said, listen, it's just a private marina , but we have to do this because of the village code crap, that is very helpfu l to us. MR . SEROTA: And we have learned from some of the peop l e that Gabe di re cted us to. I will tel l you, it 's not necessarily in the direction that it 's a commercial club. I mean, some of the information we learned that they do charge a fairly lar ge annual fee , p lu s a monthly fee. That might suggest that they are not renting out t ran sient slips in t ha t they charge a TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 fairly large amount. ASSISTANT MAYO R COHEN: So if you are transient , you just pay more. It's just l ike when I go to my yoga class, if I buy a whole package , it's a lot cheaper than when I just drop in . MR . SEROTA: That is what we are going to find out. If they say , no , we don 't allow anybody unless they pay an annual fee, those are the questions we have . MR . WEISS : Wh at is the application fee . MAYOR PACKER: I t's a $20 ,000 annual fee I think . MR . WE I SS : But fo r these huge boats, it's nothing. I stop off , oh, you can't park here. Okay . Where's the papers, and here is my check . ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN: exactly like t hat . Of course . It 's MR. SEROTA: So we wi ll find out . We will find out. We wil l ask them under oath and we will find out. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : When they stil l had the club , before the Oceania knocked out the club , even at the end -- MR . WE ISS: You mean t he beach club? COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : The beach club . The TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 $3,000 fee would still give you access to the club . I know from people t hat were members, but when they knocked down the club, there is no more club . MR. WE I SS: The dockmaster 's house . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: They just have a fee. It's an empty fee. At le a st, that is what it looks like from the o utside . MR. WEISS: That is going to be our --that is our challenge t o try to find to the extent there is evidence to show that basically the whole thing is just a sham. COUNCILMAN SALVER: Are there any restrictions t o what t hey do if they are not --if it's a nonprofit? It 's not net income . becomes like r evenue and expenses. I t MR. WEISS: That is why we need somebody that specializes to find out t hat these people are taking huge salaries f or basically do in g nothing. MR. GONZA L EZ: They have t o fi l e that in their paperwork. COUNCILMAN SA LVER : That is the t hing. They are not a 5 01 (c) (3). The y are ju st a Florida nonprofit . The y don't even have to file a return in Florida. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 MR. S ER OTA : T hese are the issues for them. COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : That is the i ssue for them because if they file it as income, the way they do their tax return --I don't know if we are getting them or not. MR. SEROTA : We are . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : But if we do , that is an issue . MR. WEISS : We are going to have to dig into it . COUNCILMAN GROISMAN : You definitely need a forensic accountant. I don 't know if anyone disagrees . stuff . It 's the only way you get through the MAYOR PACKER : I have no problem with that . MR . WEI SS: We used this for another client . We need an accoun t ant that knows the not -for-profit rules. We have been through this with a person on some other stuff . To find somebody that real l y knows the not-for-profit side . COUNCILMAN SALV ER : Do they have government rates l ike you guys do , the forensic accountant? COUNCILMAN GROISMAN: Kaufman Rossin is pretty reasonable. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 44 4 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. SEROTA: We asked them. We have used some of these people that charge what we charge. COUNCILMAN SALVER: T hat is what I am saying. That is what I 'm worried about. A thousand pages and MR. S ER OTA: We wi l l do our best. We will do our best to get MR . WE ISS : Can we g e t an estimate? MR. SEROTA: We will get an estimate . think we are in the five to $10,00 0 range . MR. WE I SS: That i s all right . That is I within Jorge 's spending authority. We have the approva l o f counci l . Assuming that is within Jorge's range, we are jus t going to go ahead and do it . Is that all right with everyone? COUNCILMAN SALVER: It's okay with ,me. CO UNC ILMAN GROISMAN : I t h in k it 's just necessary. is no MAYOR PACKER: I agree. MR. S ER OTA : Anybody else? COUNCI LMA N SANZ: We have to do it. There 23 CO UN C IL MAN GROISMAN: Thank you so much for the update. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 444 -7 331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 MR. WEISS : O k ay . Go ahead . MAYOR PACKER : I 'll now reopen the public meeting. The attorney/client session has now been termina t ed . Members of the general public are now invited to re turn for any further proceedings or matters . ASSISTANT MAYOR COHE N: For food . COUNCILMAN SALVER : Do we need a motion to adjourn? ASSISTANT MAYOR COHEN : I move to adjourn . MAYOR PACKER : Thank you very much . (Thereupon, the proceedings were adjourned at 6 :40 p.m.) TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 C E R T I F I C A T E I, Mary G. Stephenson, FPR, State of Florida at 6 Large, certify that I was authorized to and did 7 stenographically report the foregoing proceedings and 8 that the transcript is a true and complete record of my 9 stenographic notes . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 \ Dated this 2nd day of December, 2015. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 444-7331 25