HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231206114350466OF THE CI'T'Y OP HINELANDER, WIS. P.e MPQ'¢ ArrCYFi6it ILWAU EC 65998 inelander Wis July. 6th 1920. Regular meeting of the Common Council of th.e City •f Rhinelander held in the City Hall o Tuesday n the 6th day •f July I920. Meting sailed to order by Mayer Perieier a.11 Aldermen answering roll Call exsept Ald. BellileM Minutes •f the last meeting were read and approved as rend. The following claims were pro d, Claim. Name. Amount. 9529 H.J.Danfield $26.78 30 Rhld'r Pub. Co 76.90 I Oneida Gae Co 4.86 2 F.E.Kretlow 3.85 3 Rhld'r Iron Co I5.22 4 Oneida P. & H. Cs 23.1I 5 W. D. Juday 5.00 6 Ed. T. Brusae 4.25 7 C. E. Chafee Co 0.25 8 M. Kristensen 10,55 9 Nsrth Wis. Agency I7.28 40 Peter Phillips 281.95 I E. S. She ar 60.64 2 Hans Lehne 50,35 3 Rhld'r Lbr & Csal Co 5I6.57 4 Willey & Co 32.00 5 Oneida Grain Co 30.00 6 E.C.Swesen 60.00 7 Rhld'r B.S. Co 04.85 8 Ed. T. Brue•e 6.33 9 American. Garage 3.00 50 Wallace & Tiernan 35.00 I New North Printing Co 145.45 2 Nichols Hdwe Co 21.75 3 Chas E. Morrill Jr Treas. II1.60 4 Nu C. Orr 32.40 5 Rhld'r Lt & Power Co 588.91 6 E. S. Shepherd 25.00 7 Oneida Garage 5.00 8 J. Bolineki 2.25 9 C.A.Lyma.ln 99.15 60 Carl Benamn 5.20 I Hall & Snaith 65.50 2 N.P.Edlund 3.00 3 Kate ieRae 6.20 4 Jake Cihla 113.90 5 Reed. Drug Co 12.26 6 St Mary Hospital 55.30 7 J. J. Skubal 12.18 8 L. Brue•e 3.0O 9 Rhld'r. Boat Co 4.00 70 Oneida Csuhty 29.50 1 Lewis Hdwe Co 200.39 2 Standard Oil Co 35.65 Moved by Willi 2nd by Joplin that the bills be allowed and tke proper •ffi•ers issue •rdere for same, Carried all voting aye at Roll Call. Moved by Williams 2nd by Christ that the City pay $10 00 per month from July I©t Ti Jan. Ist 1921, for the establishing of a recut room and for the maintenance of same. Carried all v ti ; aye y.t roll sa.11. The following appliea.tiens for p®el reome were presented. Bern arc_ . E. Lee, Johr. Q. Taylor, Edd. Dovey, Thos. J. Lawrence and Alex. Tayle cued by Joplin 2nd by Wiedem.an that the applioa be accepted and the Li•enees granted, Carried all voting aye. COUNCIL PR OCEEDINGS Moved by Bsuffisu 2nd by W iedemann that the C1 aee "A" Permit ians ued t• Robert O11Moff be and the same is hereby revoked . Car ried. An alaplisatisn fora Class " A" Per mit by Peter Neby. A nd aprl of Robert 011boff fir sa Clans B permit w as resented. n Moved by Jselin 2n d by Olson that the applisati• ns not being sig ned by the License Committee be disallowed. Motioned Carried. An Ordin an ce. The Common Coun cil Scotian 2 of Chapter 2I of an Ordinance entitled An Ordi nance to Revise, Ame nd in eolidate the Ordinance s of the City of Rhin elan der " and any amendment thereof heretofore made is hereby ame nded t• r eed as follows:, Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any perso n or per e ns t• keel► live swine within the platted portions ,f the City •f Rhinela nder . This ordinance shall take effect a nd be in force fro and City of Rhinelander do O rda ubli•ation a nd October 1st 1920. In troduced by Alde rma n, (Sig ned) M at. Wiedeman n. follows. M by Wiedeman 2nd by Jselin that the ordi nance be adopted, Carried all v oting aye at Roll. Call. The Common Ceun sil. An Ordinan ce. the City of Rhinelande r do ordai n ae f ollows Section I, Chapter 16 of an ordinance e ntitled, "An Ordina nce to revise. amend ane censoi.idate the ordinances of the City of Hhi nel an- der", relatin to dogs and all amendm ents thereto ar e he reby Repealed Sectik n 2. This Or dinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pa ssage and publication. I*trodused, by Alderman, (Sig ned)W alter Joasli . Teas by Bouffiou 2n d by Wiedearian that the Ordin anc e be adapt ed. Ca rr ied all` votin g aye at roll c all. Resignation. To the Honorable Mayer an d the Common Co unsiL Gentle I hereby tender y reeignaatisn asing >aeent f the Wa ter Dee' t, and member of the Board of Review , and as a member of the rest room sommitte e, Reeeectfully Yeure, Olaf G oldetraand, Ald erma n. Move d by Goldmtr and 2nd" by Williaame that the reeignatio n be accepted, Carried all v oting aye. Op o i nt- an t. I hereby appoin t as purshasin g Agent far the Water Dep't in place of OF THE CITY OF RHINELANDER, WIS. M. C. 'MILLER CO MFG. -B'TAY"CfSNetts, MILWAUKe1S.-- 65998 detrand resigned, Mr. A.C.DanielseT. And as member of the Board of Review, Mr. A.J.Bouffiou, and ae a member if the rest roo Committee, Mr. Geo. D. Williams. Moved, by Gilligan 2nd by Christ that the appointments be son firmed, Carried all voting aye. Treasurers Report. The report od. the City Treasurer was read. Moved by Stoltz 2nd by Bouffiou that the report be aseeptdd and 1a-sed on file. Motion carried all voting aye. The bill •f David Johnson in the amount of $87.50 as salary while laid up from the effects of being run into by a Ford ear •n hie return from. supper and on his way to wodtk was upon m otiom by Gold•trand and 2nd by B uffiou- referred to the City Attorney. To the mayor and the Cannon C unoil of the City of Gentlemen: - Rhinelander: 1 hereby request the eetabliehmment •f sidewalk grade for my property at the corner of Carr and Div18i as soon as possible, Respectfully Submaitted, (Signed) Fred J. Perry. Loved by Goldetrand 2nd. by Joelin that the request be referred to the Board •f Public Werke. Motion Carried. A communication signed by W.W. Thayer, and Mrs Barbara Steffen with re; ardes to the enlarging of culverts on Barnes St and between pastern Ave. and Shepherd and also the culvert of the C.& N.Y. F.y Co was upon a Uteri by Stoltz and 2nd by Wiedem,',n was referred to the Board of Public Works. To the honorable Mayor and the Common Council •f the City of Rhinelander: Gentlemen: the undersigned residents and tax- payers residing on Pelham St, do petition your Honorable Body to grade and gravel Pelham St from King St north n Pelha St to Dave port St. Sined. Gee. F.Mahoney and eleven others. Moved by Bouffiou 2nd by Jelin that the petition be ref- erred to the Board of Public Works for investigation, Motion carried. COUN CIL PROCEEDINGS The claim of Elmer Udkler for damages to him ca r cued by the g rou nd. way n ea r the dasn'and was referr ed to th e City Attorney for i nreatigatisn was upon resomiendatisn ley' the City Attor ney allowed at $27 .70. M©'red by Joelin 2n d by Wagner that the said slain be allowed at $27.70 Motion •arried all Totiing a ye at roll sail. /Toyed 1"y Goldetr and 2nd by Da nielsen that the Board of Publi• works dr aw plan e for the continu ation of the Thayer St eewe reo the amou nt can be placed ii. the budget for next year. Motion carr ied all T oting aye. Moored by Danielsen 2nd. by Goldetrand that the City Attorney mmu nisatisn with the Soo Ry Co demandi ng the rep ai rs fo r the viaduct whisk is in a danger ous condition. Motion carried . Upon Motion Co uncil adj,a urned. rs.s.rrmmumt”, rrwrrrr City Clerk. THE CITY OF RHINELANDER, WIS. H. ee MILLSR f".G.. NIRO. S'tP. R A e. 65998 August 3rd I920. Regular meeting of the Comm Council of the City of Rhinelander held in the Catty Hall on Tuesday, Aua ns;-. i 1920„ Meeting called +o .order 'oy Mayor Perini_er, all Aldermen anewe roll call exec- - Ala- Gnl r1c+rand, Stoltz, and Christ. Minutes of the 1.,et reefing were rev Orid a. rrnved The followi. r1 c Lai."+c were rresen+pr Claim. 9715. 6 7 8 9 60 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 70 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 80 1 2 4 5 fi 7 8 9 90 I 2 3 4 3 6 7 9 9800 1 fame. Gnrir & Danielsen Chas E. Morrill Jr Tree Northern Electric Co E. E11nn New North Pub, Co T.C.Wood Hd re C' Rhl d ' r Pub. Co Herald Pub. Co North Wis. Agency The Barrett Co Hans Lehne Electro Bleach Gas Co Oneida Grain Co Willey Feed Co Oneida. P. & H. Co Chas Peter Wm C. Orr Goodfellow & Cn West Side P. & H. Cn C A 1,1r'a n 'Mrs H. Wi no„i s+ J. Pn1'nski E. C. Swense' Jae B. Clow & Sons Milder Lt & P. Co Lewis Hdwe Cn Rhld'r Novelty WnT,i.rs ^hld+r B. S. Co Carl Bergnn Rhld'r Iron Cn John Hole Johnson E'en -trio Shop Anch.nr C E8 T, Brusne Berm nmi-nn T,*rswri.; ter 0 Jali"s Edwin August Hehn Frown Lund & Lbr Co Oneida Gas Co I?i chola Hdwe Co P. F. Seibe' League Of Mu n i c iia 2 t Albert Radtke Standard Oil C- aih1d'r L'tr & Cna. 0 Yorthwest,ern 011 Co Amount. !!,16.50 233.34 13.92 13.11 65.20 79. 7R 53. 68 1.50 L6.00 1146.90 87.40 64. 38 28. 50 33.25 44,62 I.'0 102.00 606.21 6.88 87.45 3.0a I3.36 60.00 224.72 592. 53 19.68 .50 !01.17 6.36 7.69 6.Q0 9.00 8.75 30.63 7.50 3.56 58.10 29.26 2996.33 3.76 38.01 12.00 15,5"0 36.37 37. 43 73.27 5.25 Moved by Danielsen 2nd b,r B711'.l e that the b and. nror+er nffi cers issue orders for F47ma, Carried all at roll call. I hereby make I here 3 So. Brown St. be 11. ..._-ed kpnli.ca+i -n 'or Li-er-e i cati an for a class "A" Li c^nne at 2I° Tha,ra St - Si 'net Nel. ;nr. qc�+inn to orerate a cool and billiard. hall at Signed. E. W. Ti l.kowski Moved by Jns1in 2nd by Wi ed.ernan teat +rn Mass arnili cati on and the Pool license be granted. Carried all voting ave. The damage claim of Frank Grant ara.inet the City of Rhinelander in the amount of Seventeen Hundred ( 1700.00) Dollars was upon no+inn by Gilligan and 2nd by Bellile referred to the City Attnrre COUNCIL I C C F EDINGS Petition. We the undersign ed residents and taxpaye rs of the +h w ard do peti+ .ion your Honorable body to have a light installed at the corner of ©cal . St and Prospect Ave soon a$ Possible. ned, Wrn. G: -,Q),'1 Pr nrA. seven tethers, Mov e sli n 2n d. bi r ©1 ^^" +ha"P et' + on be refe rred to the Committee on Cate Af- i r C-rried all vo+i r .nve Treasure rs RP ort. ThA Treasurer s r epor t for the M^nth of T".31.v was then read and upon motion by Williams and 2nd by Wiedeman accented and placed on Requ est. The hydr ant in fl-nrt, of my Aar e dama ge to me. As quick You rnti_ee where understa nd +h s nn mv is a rTr eat i p 1 oca+ed "OL'. Will Will 'ro„ kindly conside r its removal +n snrne othe r point. Yours Tri1v C. H. Roe pcke. Moved by Bouffiou ,2nd by Joslin that the' revues+ be referr ed to the Board of Public Works„ Ca rried alllvoting n'rP Petition. Owing to the snar e i t:v of men on account of low wages I Honorable body to increase the wag scat.. P- 75 to 4,4. 2 5 p er d.-. rise n in the a nd teen " rom 7. f)C1 t,n effect Au1:. I^* TP2o.. Si by Jo s1 i :n 2n. by Ca rried 11 v o t. i. R. .T. Gu..L1 idts?.tr. the petition be grant 1, itio n you r r Pt Dent from -er day to et tion. i'1', an. c, t tne pi E.'se`l for a grPaany y a`° o the of t ye City of Rhi'nf. .-'.e r }ravebeer: on duty for ten hours# or moreancl the night policeLuen. Cit twelve ho urs or more, at a which does n ot compensate them justly for the long hours of service; that said police for ce has been faithfully a nd dil eir ser vice, t r f oralinr- Now, Ther efore, We, the undersigned, citizens of the City of Rhineland_er , r espectfully petition your Ho norable Body to increase the Police force of said City i manne r as m ay be necess ary and which will make possible the wor ing car service %~you rs o s .id police force eight hours dur ing each twenty-four hours. Signed. R. S.'.ea .r don and eleven others . M oved by Jo slin 2nd by Wagner the petition be r eferred to the Fire Police Comnissir n ers. Carried all voting: aye . OF TH k CITY OF RHI LANDER, WIS. MPG.. sw^ArrONE Kim, 6'5963 Petition. We the unders . ;iced residents .nd taxpayers do petition your Honorable the siddevralk body to esta' 1i de on the south side of River St along the north side of block cane, tyro and three (1) (2) (3) of John J Remo + s I5 First addition to Rhinelander, Lod (7) Block (4) Lot ( Block (5) of G. S. Coon' e Addition. Signed, Mrs John Bauc ,uin,and eight others. Moved 'oy Weideman 2nd by Bouffiou the petition be referred to the Board of Public Works. Carried all voting, aye. The report of the Sealer of we measures was read and upon motion by Bouffiou and 2nd by Weideman was placed on file. A comnunicat .on from Mayor John Kaiser Jr, of Port Washington \' was read with regards to the convention to be held at LaCrosse. Moved by Gilligan 2nd by Joslin that the Mayor app attend the Convention. Carried all voting aye. a committee to The report of the committee on. insurance was read. Moved by Bell le 2nd by Williams the report be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Re n. I, N.H. Snith City Engineer tender my resignation as: City Engineer and Superintendant of water works to take effect on July 3lst or as soon as you can secure the services of an Engineer. spectfuliy N.H. Smith City Engineer. Moved by Vlillie.i .s 2nd by Bellile that the resignation be accepted. Motion carried all voting aye. Honorable Mayor and Coimam -n. Council, Rhinelander 1!',ris: Gentle:nen:- 0 I do hereby ask permissions to bury a the front of my garage under sidewalk and install curb pump over same at edge of sidewalk, filling pipe be zap against l wilding Yours Very Truid� The Oneido Garage, By Will Gillig an. Moved_ y G.iligan 2nd by Bellile the permit e granted, carr.ecd. To the Common Council, tiemen. As it was necessary to ;hake arrangements for the placing of the gun received from the Government we agreed with tse Chairman of the County Board that the gun be placed on the Court House square and that the City and: County each one half calf tie freight COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS and cost of place n� sa t?e. ned S. G.Pe rirzier. A.C.Danielsen Mayor. Chairman Brd Public Wo rks. Moved by Gilligan 2nd by Bou ffiou that the reco,mend ation be g ranted . Car ried all voting aye. Appointment. I her eby appoint Mr Chas Peter as weed co :; issione r fo r the City of Rhinelander Wis. Signed, S. G . Perinie r , Mayor. Moved by Danielsen 2nd by Joslin that the appointrient ':e confirmed, Carries', a ll voting; aye. Proved ay* Joslin 2nd by Wagner that the City of Rhinel ander be represented at the Firemen'B Tournament at Gree nBay by two delegates from the City Fire departments a nd their expense of Fifty Dollars (50,00) each be allowed. Motion ca rried all voti ng aye at roll call Amendment to Ordinance. Section (1) Chapter (I) of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to Revise, amend and consolidate the ordinances of the City of Rhinelander i s hereby amended to read: Chapter (I) City Officers. Section (1) The officers of the City of Rhi nelander sl a,ll be a Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer , Comptr oller, Attorney, Assessor, City Enginee r and Superintenc_ant of water works two Justice's of the Peace, Health Office r, Street Commissioner, Chief Of y Fi re Department, Board of Public W orks, (to consist of En gineer, Attorney, and one membe r of the Council, Board of School Cdum ii s Assisten ts an d two Aldermen and one Sype rvisor from each ward. The office of Police Court is hereby abolished Introduced by Alderma n, Signed, Walter Josli n. Four Pl©iceme n)( one Chief and three Moved by Bellile 2nd by Bouffiou the ordinance be adapted, motion lo st Ald. Bou ffiou, Bellile, Danielsen, Josli n, Wagner, Wiedeman, and Williams 'Toting Aye. and Ald Olson voting n o. Moved by Bellile 2nd by Gilligan the ordina nce be deferred and o rde red p published, Carried all voting aye. Moved by Danielsen _liars That the Street Commis Guilday be given a weeks vacation, with pay . Car ried all voti ng aye. After a report by .Attorney fe evs on the wate r p roposition as submitted. by Engin eer' s Pea rse Gr eely, Report now on file in the City Cle r' Office, a permanen t committee of sic (6) consisting of the Mayor, City Engineer, City Attorney, and thr ee(3) merml'ers fro:;l the Co uncil. Motio n carried all voting aye. The Mayor appointed the follow Aldermen to act on the mittee. Aid. Danielsen, Gilligan and Joslin . moved by Gilligan 2nd by Bellile that the i ayor appoint OF "I HE CITY OE R INELANDER, WIS. From a verbal report by Attorney Reevs on the Condition of the bridge near Riverside Park it was moved by Williams 2nd. by Joslin to have the planked and painted the City and County to each pay half and the bridge knovni as Davenport St bridge was also included to be painted at the City's expense. Motion carried all voti e at roll call. Moved by ]3ellile 2nd by Wagner that water mains be laid on Carr St as suggested by Engineer Smith and the Board of Public Wor': s be author- ized to advertise for bids. Motion carried all voting re. Moved by Wagner 2nd by Weideman that the Street Co ioner be empowered to act with regards to having the wood removed from the different streets of the City. Carried. all voting aye. Upon motion Council adjourned. ty Clerk. COUNCIL PROCEEDIN GS Rhinelander nder Wi s Se' t 1920 . Claim- Name 9976 New '"ort Belt & Packing Co 7 Oneida Grain Co 8 Wisconsin Granite Co 9 Wal lace & Tiernan 80 The Barrett Co 1 K en dallv ille Broom & Br ush Co 2 Herald Publishing Co 3 D. H. Vaughn 4 Lewis Hdwe Co 5 C. A. Jennin gs 6 Oneida. Ga s Co 7 Oshkosh Office Supply Co Chas Peter Ha ns Lehne Chas Gr oss & Sons Chas E. Morrill Jr Tr eas. Austin Western Roavd. Co C. A. Lyman Rhinelander B. S. Co Brown Land & L'r Co Rhinelander Light PoCo Rhinelan der Iron Co American Garage 9 Pittsburg Meter Co 0 E. C. awensen Banci Brown Land. .L 1r Co Oneida, P. & H. Co Electro Bleaching Gas Co N. H. Smith Pearse & Greely 6 Stephens Vulcanizing Co 7 Gamewell Fire Alar m Co 8 Jake Cihla 9 F. E. K±etlow IC John Noble 11 Jas B. Clow & Sons I2 Standard. 01 Juliu s E Regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Rhi nelander Wis; Held in the City Hall on Thursday Sept. 9th 1920. Meeting ca lled to order by Mayor Perinier the follow. E Alde rmen being absen t Goldstran d., Christ, Bellile, and .. Bouffiou . The minu tes of the previous ueetin ; were read and approved as re ad.. The following claims were presented. 3 4 5 6 7 a 3 4 5 ed Amount. 2X94. a0 4.75 158.50 25 .77 2 .00 13.75 10 .50 19 . 50 22.32 I08.30 4.23 10.80 11.50 50.30 13. 30 219.69 1580.00 86.10 05.93 x;67. 50 592.59 13.79 3.00 624 .00 60.00 416.33 5.63 100.M 81 .00 983.21 4. 50 389.25 11 .60 <s.35 43 .66 1554. X12 95.18 145.00 b -y Danielsen 2nc. 1y W agner that the 'gill of Julius Edwin ed to the City Attorney, Motion car ried all voting aye . ldoved. by ,`fiede ian 2n d by Stoltz that the balance of the bills and order for same Carried all. voting aye a .t roll The petition of the gra vel -pit 11 ,en for an incre asein wages f rom cr4 .25 per day to s5. 00 per day and ma n & team, f rom 0.50 50 pe r dd2r to per day was u pon mot on bar lagner a nd r nC1 'b Gilligan C isallo rored., Motion caed all voting aye. Cla ss "A" Application. hereby make application for a cla n M o v e d by son iIAll permit a, -t II7 W. Rives St Signed Andrew Anderson . that the permit be ranted. d. all voting OF THE CITY OF RHINELANDER, WIS. STATLON Rg. 110A6WICEIE. To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Rhinelander: Gentlemen: 1 have made an examination of the facts in relation to the claim for dam es which Frank Grant has filed with the City of Rhinelan- der through • R. T. Reirtholt, ', is Attorney, and: 1 hereby reccomend that said. claim be wholly dis-allowed for the reason that in <<:y opinion there i no liability on the part of the City to ?sir Grant in connection with said claim. Yours Respectfully Harry L. Reevs Moved City Attorney. oslin 2nd by Wiedeman ti aa.t the report be accepted and the claisfii of Frank Grant be dis-alloedd, Carried all voting aye. Petition, We, the unde :a. members of the Water Department, do petition your Honorable to increase our salariee Twenty Dollars, ($20.00) per month starting Sept, Ist I0 '0. Respectfully Submitted, (Sid ned) John Schwaictz, F.C.Bettinger, Alfred fylund, Geo LeDuke, Albert Sutton, Wm R. Foster, and John Sutton. MC e d by accept t d by Wagner that all member e Wrater Dept Chief Engineer be ,ran an increase of Ten Dollars 'IO.O0)per month. Carried all voting aye at roll call. To the Cmty of R." inrlailncer: 1 hereby c the City of Rhinelander l ae damaged my property, situated in Lot 14 of bloc': fS of S.H.Albans second addition to the City of .Rh inelaancler, tc the extent of 7i 75.00. Yours Truly, C. M. Hayes. r,lovc ci la .r Gilligan 2nd by Williams that the claim be referred to the board_ of Public Works. Motion, Car :vied. Resolution. Reeolved,by the T Ta ror and Comreon. Council of the that Inspectors of Election receive `.00 each rcgi t a,tion board the Tuesday before the Pri::i and Clerks of Election receive I0.00 each and for services rendered at the September PriL ry Moved we Res anted. Ci of der for services on the ry and that Inspectors avllot Clerks ;;6.00 each. (Signed) Ald. A.C.Daniclsen, lin `_'.nd by Olson that the resolution be al'opted and the Carried all voting aye a t roll call. Resolution. Teej,,or and. Common Council of the City of Rhine 'der that du e vacancy in the Office of. Cit eer the Board of COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Pu blic Works ar e authorized to emplo r a En; i n e e r or .or to blisa radeo as the salve are re Moved said ad.e s when so the surveyor employed by such Board shall be leg1 g rades. (Signed) Ald. W.H.Gilliga n Sr. 2nd edema n That the resolution be adopted aka read. Motion carried a 11 voting aye. 1 he reby tender my Rhinelander, Motion car ried. I he Resignation. L_n ti on as weed commissioner of the City of (Signed) Chas Peter. a.tion be acce;� ted . Appo1ntmen appoin t Huh Milian as weed comm issloner of the City n ela nder isa place of Chas Peter r esi ned . infer, Moved by Gilliga n 2n d by Stoltz that the appointment be confirmed. Motion car ries. R'. ,inela nde to ask th e the Vocati Thos Ci Rhineland-- Wiscot My Bear e Clerk, n. At a meeting of the Vocational Board of on Friday the IIth of June, un animously voted City Council to levy a tax of 500.00 for the s upport of 1 School for the ensuing; ye ar . Moved 'mr Danielsen 2nd by7 Jo. lin al]. votinf` aye at roll call. The re or „ of the Cite Treasur e sto W.P.Colburn, Sec. of the Board. the - request be gr anted, carried ad. Moved by Willia:as 2n by e r epo.rt be accepted and_ placed on file. Mot ion Ca rried, et from the members of Co L Athle Amateur an d Profession al 1:)oxin g and wrest] ch ub permitti ng read. Novel h: y,_ Gilligan 2nd by Wiederian t t the req uest be gra nted. Notion carried. Petition. To the a ayror an d Common Councilof Rhinela nder. W e,. undersigned owners of property on Bals am St, the City o -lin e an d.er, hereby petition at we be gi ven a, street ans side -walk grade on Balsam St fr o 1 S, aple St west to the City limit ; and that said grade be esta blished in or der tha t we m ay mpr©ve o ur property in accorJance with the grade. (Signed) OF THE C 'Y Off' RH NELANDER, W S. STA OF+ eae-aU Win Thomas arid. 13 others, Moved, by Olson 2nd by Wagner that the petition be referre0 to the Board. of Public Works. Ca e( all voting; ay, To the Honoral:;le the City of Rhinelander: Gentlemen the undereigned. Ci and the Conmion Council ClerJ. and City Treasurer hereby petition your Honorable body to have our salary i creased. Twenty five (tip 5. OC) Dollars per °month, to co]::imence with he first of t month. (Si--ne:J.) Thos si'f r ght City Clerk. Chas E. Morrill. Jr City Treas. Moved 1.y Olson 2ncl. by Williams that the petition be granted. Carried all_ voting aye at roll call Upon advice of r N.H. Smith, ,Ir 1+. C. Bett inger vas recco_ yie ei as Chief E inccr at the Pump House i.n place of :.ir John Schwartz, who is to resign, the new Engineer to be under the direction of the Board of Public Works. Moved by GilliFan 2nd by °aa.iliams t the recd = ,enda•tion be accepter.. Carx'ied. a.l . voting Moved ity Of':('i ligan nd by Williams that the 0' 'nail relating, to be laid on the table inraefinit Car rind 7r. voting { ye. Upon motion Council a�c j ournec . -----City Clerk. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Rhinelande r , 0ctt• 5th 1920. Regular meetin g of the Conlon Council of the City of Rhinelander, held in the City Hall on Tuesda y Oct. 1920. Meeting called to order "oy Mayor Perinier, the following Alderman in g roll eall. Louff .o�.r Bellile, Da, Wa ,n er , V/ie deman, a nd'. Williams. Gilligan, Olson, utes of the pr eviou s were read and over as read The following cia 41a rr2. Name. J.ITT•'+fi1hite 4 St Mary H o -pit .3 5 re w North 6 Br owne, Leadtetter Agency 7 Chas Gross & Sons 8 Todd. Protecto r aph Co / O9 PittsburgMeter Co '_"cans Lehn e I Rhl d'r. Puy71 Co 2 L. Stumpner 3 Chas A. Lyman 4 Julius Poleinski Union Bed & .Sr ri7 ; Co Pads er Brush Co Geo. Duel i h1d'r Wood & Fuel Co On eida P. H. Co On eida Grain Co Rhinela nder Iron Co T. C. Wood Hdwe Co 3 Lewis Hdwe Co 4 American Garage 5 Nichols Hdwe Co 6 Ja s B. Clot &; Sons ' F 01(1en D G. Co 8 Oneida Gar Co 9 C.F•Morrill Jr Treas. 10 0 C. E. Ch a2 e e Co I Yhid'r D. S. Co _+i11d'r Lt & Power Co 3 John I o' l e 4 Rhl2'r Lbr 8 Coal Co l6ruS©e C. E.Chafee Co T.C.Wcod Hdwe Co 7 3 were presented . C 9 90. I Moved bar Amount. '14.15 71.40 3.55 . 50 48.00 .:09. 13 33.65 5. 3I `7.50 51.90 . 90 23.00 15 .25 7 6. 00 I93.7' 99 .79 I9.00 92.23 6 .53 41.09 3.75 • 80 863, 91 ▪ 00 5.176 '16. 11 495.00 '. 4.41. 593.89 31 .50 53.39 I 75 . 110.00 139 .04 that the C .E,Chafee Co bi11 in the aount of <;'II0.00 fog° Cemetery be held ov er fo r i nve :tiga.tion. 0. 75 with} the M oved ca Moved l a th ebill of C Pan i c:1 s e 4n 2nd by M o t. o n Ca that the amount of as llensor and the some be referred to o u i cn Ca rried, file that the li lit unt, of 4, 0 be allowed . Carried all v0tin, age at lile that the bill of T'.C.`.'ood Hdwe. Co For 8139. 04 be referred to .H.Gilj pureh asin,g agent . Motion Carried. OF THE CITY 0I- NELANDER, WIS. Moved Bou f f i ou 2nc'i. by Wi ederrnan that the F' SATICNERR,MILWAU{ EE. 65fl9S bills be flowed arid. orders issued for Carried all pro Ling t roll c To the Hokiora;::1e, the Common Council. of tree Olt -by of Rhine], Gentlemen: We,, the Board of Public Works of the City nelancler, hereby i ecoraL.1 Lhat the f ollowin y; le pr ipe :ST be :lade against alb tG. ,a.ble the City of Rhinelander for the year commencing. January 1, 1921. as follows: Salaries Streets and Sidewalks Fire Department Police Department Water Cutr'x` Works Election Heal.tl, Department Street Lio kits Printing, Cemetery Parks Rents 4. Bonds and Coupons Schools Industrial Board Library Miscellaneous L agility Inourance sae CT a'1.oved. by Wiede :ia,I L e c the �.c.� e Resolved. t there he and there :ro i nea. 1. Sala' Streets and. Sidewalks lire Police Department Water Works Election Health D Street L Printing Cemetery Parks Rents Bonds and Coupon: Schools 1ndustrLa1 D,oazd Library Bridges Miscellaneous Liability Insurance Sewers I1000. 00 20000.00 16000.00 6500.00 // 340lJ.00 1200.00 1200.00 6500.00 1000.00 1500.00 100.00 1600.00 71000.00 3500.00 3100.00 I000.00 4000.00 1200.00 0000.00 Total. 22 8 Beevs. 1sen. the amount of the levy as s be adopted. Motion Carried. solution. Common Council of the levied der :l )r one1 t�' r, the fo1 .oviIng taxes for she year coa:,;et sing Total. ed 1..y' Alderman 1000.00- 20000. 00,. 16000.00= 6500.00- 6200.00, 1200.00.- 1200.00 0500.00. 1000.00- 1500.00- T 1/00. (00^' 1600.00 ° 1`3687.00. 71000. 00 ;5500.00 3100.00 .1000.0P- 4000.00- 1200.00- 5000.00, 1 82287.50 I) Hugo Olson. Moved by r,a'il:li _s 1Wy Bouffiou that ::e Resolutia be adopted, Moti on car voting aye Kat rol;l. call, COUP, L PROCEEDINGS Resolution Resolved, ley the Mayor and the Common Cou ncil e City of Rhi nel ander A until a.nEngineer i secured the City Clem be aut TLori ed an directed ^. per mits for the installation of Introduced. by Alderman, or e ater W. Gilii a. n S r. oy. D ,n.elsen tined by Dell that the resolution e a`opted . Motion C arried . Repor t. 'i"ne r epori; of the fire Chief was re ,d. Moved by Gilliga n Wiedein an the report The accepted and placed . on fil e. City of Rhirael 'nc Motion C o.r r i e d_. R] ineian der , Wisconsin, Septemb er E 'lth 1920 . to W"lil le j C•oinpa.n r, Rhinelander ex Wis. over assessmen t en personal property, ;y which assessment amou nted to Thirty - Sev enty . iv e Dollar:: 00) while the t rue valu atio n assessable is Fifteen-- Hu ndred Thirty -:even Dollars and .L protest, Willey ty-four Dollars and -two 1537.87 i , an d vTh es clai z for refund ct rite P/1,74.92) the r .ie year Hundred and the p roperty. t;- even cents, 0ompany now Move(1 by that the Clam of Willy :: Co be red to the City Attorney Motion. Carried, Petition . Hon . Mayor and Citu Cou ail, Gen tlemen: Th e undersigned_ taxpayers living on T.linola .r -:d No rth Stevens Ste, petition your Hon. body to have ' or th Steve ] a open dram Spr"`.ng st reet to 11 iinola. i;� ned by \7.F. Wiloox and. Fifteen others . Moved by Da .sen 2nd a Bellile that the petition be referred to Boar„ of Public Works and they to report at next Yee 1dl `otion Ca,,rieci. Petition. Hon. Ma yor an c]_ City Council: Gentlemen; We, the under* a ned, pr°o aeri. holder,- on t] .e uni m ,:pro ve l part of North Stevens St petition „et into our property. M oved by ;,r Danielsen Hon. Boca: to have said. St i ,ell le in o r e ch and s i x p hat vie ti,,ion be referred to the Po ,rd. of Public Wog !_o and they to report at th e next rr�o;e tang P OF THE CITY OF RHINELANI)ER, WIS. L, �t cm;a M S rAT Drs ; race wAUKOC. 6594a Petition. To the Hon. Mayor and Corson Council of tie City of Rhinelander the reside -its and pr owne of North cwteVens vicinity, wishing to have that territory a•ti. tha and buildings erected on lots t, -�.t are now U order ?:'e inir =. and ditching n d grad ets--- .North. Stevens, North Pelham, Pearl, Montrose awry ditch now leading deepened .. i,, U t; 11 t. effect v,. , � t +. �' ti a. �a pro n111 dram n off. We wor , be coum enceC.' on th ? cat o ce. Oneida Building Company, ;'over by Fe Lille I Moved. next s pA i e and t improvements t.o et,do herety on tx�efollowing and PeSoto and t from there to Mud Lake, be widened kS C.P.Cro>1%r and s. r that the petition be granter. and the tion Carried. to operate a pool re I3© Thayer nevi. V/iec..em:an Petition. To the Ka',ror and Common Counci ; W e , Hon. 1;7oCi3: as soon possible. j. J. Skub a l . t the applica nted. Mo Carried, n. reigned res dents and ta:.: pc yerS .'":o j etitionn your a 1 stalled at the Corner of Edgar E Steven. Moved tiY r `�/adr e roc 1) Cl an installed. Motion Carr .ed. b b 4 he port Moved i;:1 Ui1 on file. ;lotion carried. The report of the City Treasurer ._ .c sen others. be c; nd. the the pnrep station was read, report be accepted and placed to for the month. of Septerxber I920 was read. Moved by 01son 2nd t:reicle :ian the reocrrt be accepted and placed on file. Fotion ca. A communication from the W ". �i to Tax Commis niori relative to I of it a.11 a,tion ? the State system of Book -k Moved. by ligan r=rc1 'y Bou f flew that three to investigate same reed. ap. in' committee ch oo d;a ittee the Mayor 1 the following: A.C.Daniels,el, Harry L. Recvs and `114„ Motion Carr ed. COUNCIL PROCEEDI NGS Re sol.utn.i n, Resolved. by that, i s e aft r , the Alec io I or service oni-egxet members the fir st ei ; It _fours caricl seventy-five cent Der hour and that the C,haii the an d the Coznon Council. of t e City of inel Sri h all receive Six Doll ars and that fo r s e rvie t.ion. boar s shall r ` :x1:;. 1"1 t in 1 tl'we me -b0 Dollar extr a for each El eo t o an. This reso at once Col non Council.. MC red e ffect until recinded. Intr oeuced b:: A Bellile 2nd by Wzlliaus t,[ Lotion carried all votint_ eaei'1 Ward sh al o on Election Da:rs cents per hou r for fo r each succteC certify to the Clerik the r esrective hoarc ss, and . ceive one ffect tion s11 .11 se action a the Signed, Chas BC rebe adop roll call, Upon Motion Council e, t'.. -C i i,R;,= Ole