HomeMy Public PortalAbout1997-10-21 Council MeetingCOUNCIL MEETING BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE MEETING DATE : OCTO BER 21, 1 997 4:00 P .M. (EXCERPT) PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3899 Biscayne Bou l e v ard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 BAL HARBOR COUNCIL MEMBERS : ESTELLE SPIEGEL, MAYOR ANDREW R. HIRSCHL, ASSISTANT MAYOR JAMES E. BOGGESS, COUNCILMAN PEG E. GORSON, COUNCILMAN DANIELS. TANTLEFF, COUNCILMAN ALFRED J. TREPPEDA, VILLAGE MANAGER JEANETTE HORTON, VILLAGE CLERK RICHARD WEISS, VILLAGE ATTORNEY PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami , Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 (Thereupon, the following proceedings were 2 had:) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. HORTON: An Ordinance of Ba l Harbour Village, F lorida, Providing for rezoning from the "PC" Private Club Zoning District to the "OF" Ocean Front Zoning District of the "Beach Club Site" shown as Tract "A" on the Plat of "Ocean Front Section of Bay Harbour" recorded in Plat Book 44, at Page 27, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, located at 10201 Collins Avenue in Bal Harbour ; amending Section 2 1-78 "D i strict Map", Section 21-14 7 "Boundary Designation" and Section 21-282 "Boundary Designation" of Chapter 21 11 Zoning" of the Bal Harbour Village Code to reflect the rezon ing of the property as described a bove; providing severability; providing effective date. MAYOR SPIEGEL: I will ask that the staff s peak on this, perhaps Mike Miller would be the first. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mike, just before you begin. Mayor, if I may? I just want to put some perspective on this proceeding. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 {305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 This is a quasi-judicial proceeding. The staff, the City's Planner, will present the staff's recommendation initially. Thereafter, the Applicant will have an opportunity to put on their case and their evidence. Anybody who wishes to speak in opposition to the application will have an opportunity to speak. The Applicant will then have an opportunity to rebut that opposition, and then the matter will be considered and voted upon by the Council. In order to change the zoning on a piece of property in the City, by State law you are required to do it by Ordinance and that Ordinance, in order to be adopted, will require actually two hearings. But, of course, in order to get to the second hearing, the Ordinance would have to pass today. So, there will be a full public hearing today. Everybody will have an opportunity who wishes to speak, so long as you are not repetitive, and there will be a time limit I understand on each speaker of three minutes. Assuming that the Ordinance passes PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 today, if it does on the first reading, then there would be a second reading or a second 5 public hearing on the same item again. hearing, everybody will again have the opportunity to present evidence. At that If somebody does not speak today, they will still have that opportunity to present evidence at the second reading, should there be a second reading. So, Mayor, with that, we can begin the process. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I just want to make one comment, and please correct me if I am wrong. It's important for everyone to understand that we sit up here as a decision- making body, which means we can only make decisions. The decisions we make on this issue can only be when it's put in the record as evidence. So, if you have anything to say, one way or the other, unless it's in the record as evidence, that's all we can consider when we make our decision. That's all we do, that is make decisions based on evidence in the record. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's correct, and that evidence can be placed in the record either today, or if there is a second reading, at the second reading. MAYOR SPIEGEL: All right. Thank you. Mr. Miller? MR. MILLER: Good afternoon, Mayor and Council Members. For the record, my name is Michael Miller, with Craig Smith and Associates. I am a consultant/town planner. The item before us today is a request by Greenberg, Traurig -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Is your microphone on? Because we can't hear you. MR. MILLER: Yes, it is on. I wi ll get a little closer. This is a request by an attorney firm by the name of Greenberg, Traurig, who is representing the contract purchaser of the 5.5 acre beachfront site. 6 We prepared a Staff Report which I hope a ll of you were provided. 28, 1997. It's dated August Rather than read the entire document, PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -988 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I'll try to summarize our analysis of this petition and our recommendation. 7 Basically, we started off by looking at the adopted Comprehensive Plan that we have here in the Village. This particular piece of property has been designated, I guess since your first Comprehensive Plan was crafted in 1988, in the 11 RH 11 , which is Residential High Density category . Recently, we just did the evaluation and appraisal report, which we are concluding right now, basically, and there was no change to the land use designation on this property. The current use of the property is, of course, the Beach Club, which is operated by the Bal Harbour Club. To our knowledge , this use has existed on this property since the early 1950's. The current "PC" or Private Club zoning district category, recognizes the existing use, and that use is also consistent with your Comprehensive Plan. The request that is being made to the oceanfront zoning district would also be PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 consistent with your Comprehensive Plan. So, e ither one would be consistent. 8 I am sure that all of you know, but for the audience, Bal Harbour Village is one of the early Master Plan Communities in America. was designed in the 1940's by the original people that purchased the land here. They It hired a firm from St. Louis, who is one of the gurus, if you will, in the planning field and wrote many books on the s ub ject, and designed the Master Plan for Bal Harbour. The community is designed in the traditional gradient sense, if you will, with the highest density uses on the oceanfront, with the lower intensity, medium density uses along Collins Avenue. The low-rise, multi-family and the single fami l y is at the far western end, with of course, the commercial at the south end. At the north end, centrally located, was a spine, if you will, of open space, that went between the ocean a nd the bay. on the bay side, we have the yacht basin and the club there, with the wide Bal Harbour Way medians coming straight east, and PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, F lorida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 then the Beach Club site, which was the window, if you will, to the ocean. Of course, the Beach Club has existed there for many years with various types of recreational amenities for those who wish to join the club. We have looked at this issue, and other than issues that relate to site planning issues --I guess the open space is a nice concept there, but it could also be the highrise which wo uld also preserve some of the open space views through there. It would be really a choice of the community fathers whether you wish to allow the zoning to occur to allow a highrise, which is not inconsistent with your Comprehensive Plan and will maintain the original Master Plan design of the community, which is the open space or some use. I might want to mention that the "PC 11 club zoning also allows some residential uses. They could build up to thirteen single family homes on the property today. If the property is rezoned to Ocean Front, our Codes require that the project must PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (30 5) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 have at least twenty-four units to the acre and not exceeding fifty-five units to the acre, so this would result in a project if it was residential, to between one hundred thirty-two units and three hundred and two dwelling units. Looking at the concurrency aspects of the petition, I guess we are blessed with our location, geographically. The roads, the water, the waste water and salt lakes and drains are not issues or relevant as to whether it stays the way i t is or whether it's rezoned. As far as the park issue goes, currently , our village uses some c r edit of this property towards meetin'g our open space requirements in the Comp r ehensive Plan. It's privately owned so we count fifty percent credit towards the acres. so we are presently counting 2 .75 acres of this land to meet our open space requirement . If it is developed as a highrise oceanfront build ing , there will need to be something done t o our Codes to allow them to c o un t other areas in our community as open space. So there is a mitigation necessary on PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami , Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 the parks issue. Essentially, our recommendation came down to what was requested, "Is it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan," and our answer to that was, 11 Yes, there doesn't seem to be any concurrency issues other than the park issues." So, it's a matter of choice really. It's a consistent request and we recommend approval if you wish to allow a highrise build i ng on this property to be built. I will be happy to answer any questions that you have. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Did you say -- Did I get that correctly that there is a Plan, an older Plan that calls for open space now? MR. MILLER: The original Master Plan for Bal Harbour Village --i n fact if you will look at the aerial behind you, there is --you can see there is a green spine, if you will, in the north end of the community, which includes the yacht club area, the wide medians of Bal Harbour Way and then over to the Beach Club. The idea, I guess, originally was that the residents inland --of course, everybody that lives there could walk right out onto the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 beach and enjoy the beach --but there would have had to be a way in the original designers' minds to allow the people to have access to the beach. Now you can get there by 96th Street at the jetty, and I guess th is was meant to be the place where the single family residents and the people on the left side of Collins could gain access to the oceanfront there. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So, what do you do about that issue? MR. MILLER: We are required --whoever builds on this property is required to maintain some type of access, even if it's a pathway to the oceanfront. It's a part of our Comprehensive Plan, State law and the Regional Planning Council, as well, and talking to the attorneys here, there seems to be some understanding that that needs to be accomplished here. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The second thing is, what about the park area? What you said is that we would be missing some open space. MR. MILLER: Yes. The way we adopted our Concurrency PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305} 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 13 Management system is, the Vi l lage adopted Dade County's regulations on what you can count and what you can't count as park acreage. For whatever reason, the Dade county Ordinance says that you can't count any beachfront sand area to meet your open space requirement. Now to me, living in South Florida, the primary recreation amenity that we have here is our beach. So, my recommendation was to --and we mentioned this in the Comprehensive Plan changes also --was to amend our land development regulations to say that we adopt Dade County's standards, except that we are going to count the beach area, which is additional acreage. I think it's like thirteen or fifteen acres or something like that. That would pull us way over the park requirement. I think that needs to be done no matter what you do with this MAYOR SPIEGEL: questions? Ar e there any UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No. MA YOR SPIEGEL: Okay. All right, we go on. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Steve, do you have some comments to make? MR. HELFMAN: No. The Applicants, I believe, are prepared to put on their presentation. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Okay. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Mayor, can everyone hear me? I've never been known to have a problem with people hearing me, so if you do, pl ease --I'm sure you will anyway. My name is Cliff Schulman. I am an 14 attorney with offices at 1221 Brickell Avenue, with the law firm of Greenberg, Traurig, and I represent the Applicant here today. I would like to introduce the principals of AVA Development, who is the contract purchaser of the beachfront property, Mr. Sheldon Lippfield. Sheldon, would you stand up? Also, I'd like to introduce Mr. Henry Fondraic, of Transportation Analysis Professionals. Henry, please raise your hand. Bruce Charrington (phonetic), from Vermillio Ajano, from Professional Planners. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Would you just raise your hand? And we also have Anna Medina from Coastal systems. Anna? 15 Mike Cannon, from Real Estate Appraisal Economics Association. Mike? And don't be afraid. They are not all going to speak. They will be available for questions after my presentation from any members of the Council. Members of the Council, I wanted to try to put into perspective before my presentation, what we are here to do today. But, also what we are not here, at least in our view, to do today. Today, the issue, quite simply, is merely the changing of a zoning classification that would allow in the future, applications for particular types of uses. As your own planner indicated, we would be changing from "PC", Private Club zoning designation, which at the present allows a private club, accessory uses and single family residential, to, basically, a classification 11 0F", oceanfront, that would allow apartments, that would allow hotels and other accessory PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 uses. We are not here today, with the utmost of candor to you all, to discuss what exactly is the nature of the particular use that would ultimately be on that site . That is not a process that is before you today. Today we are going to be talking about a zoning classification, not a particular building and what it would like or not look like, whether it would be a hotel or not a hotel. It would allow either use. The very narrow question today is whether or not we believe the zoning classification on the present parcel is presently viable, or whether or not it is infiscatory and unreasonable and should be changed, and whether or not each change that we have requested is consistent, compatible and concurrent with your Master P l an and with all other regulations of the City. That truly is the central issue today. We have prepared handouts which hopefully will help you in seeing some of the documents that I am going to put up on this poster board . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Because my eyes are failing, I don't know if you will be able to see them all. 17 But, if I might introduce you to the Code and ask that those exhibits be put into evidence, and any other exhibits that we use during the course of this hearing, we would appreciate if they could be marked, since as the City Attorney did indicate to you, this is a quasi-judicial hearing. Is there a portable mike? Can you hear me all right? Can you still hear me? Madam Mayor, please excuse my back, but if I hold on to the microphone and also do this, it's going to be a little bit difficult, and I apologize to the audience who is not able to see. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We'll show the picture next, after we look at it. MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: This is the aerial photograph that just basically puts you in perspective to the site. Now, of course, you are as familiar, if not a heck of a lot more familiar than I am with the site, but just for purposes of the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miam i , Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 record, the site is 5.5 acres in size . It bracketed on the north by the Kenilworth. It is bracketed on the south by the Plaza Condominium , and of course across the way, State Road AlA, Collins Avenue, are both the lower level apartment buildings and eventually leading into your single family neighborhood. In order to try to put this into perspective f r om a zoning point of view as to what is consistent and compatible zoning in this area -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Can we turn that around now? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: We took our little Polaroid camera a nd took a panoram i c view of the beautiful Village of Bal Harbour. As you can see, and the zoning map will confirm that in your e xhibit book, the character of the oceanfront as Mr . Miller testified to, has historically been b oth zoned , planned a n d developed as either highr ise condominiums or hotels. Starting a t the north with the Harbour House, with a density of sixty-eight dwelling PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33 181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 units per acre ; to Carlton Terrace with a density of thirty-seven dwel l ing u n its per acre; the Keni l worth with a density of fif t een dwe l ling units per acr e ; Kenilworth Condo with fifty dwelling units per acre; the Plaza a t Bal Harbour with a density of one hundred fourteen dwelling units per acre ; the Tiffany with a densit y count of fifty -one dwelling units p er acre ; Bal Harbour 101 at seventy-f i ve dwelling u nits per acre ; the Palace , as you can see with fifty-eight dwelling units per acre ; The Bal Harbour Tower Condo, at for t y dwell i ng units per acre; the seaview at forty-seven dwe l ling units per acre ; t he Balmoral at eighty-one dwelling units per acre; the Sheraton Bal Harbour at eighty dwelling un i ts per acre ; and the Majestic Towers at fifty -eight , obvious l y, the panorama speaks for itself . The important issues, if not the most important issues, i n a zoning application that is heard by a governmental agency , is wheth er or not the Applicant has adequately shown that t he proposed use is consistent and compatibl e with the existing zoning uses, and a pattern of development which has t aken place i n this PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami , Florida 3318 1 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . particular municipality. We believe that this panorama clearly shows what your zoning map also shows. can you turn that around -- 20 This of course is your zoning ma p of the Village and you have a zoning classification of "O F " oceanfront, comp letely north of the subject parcel and "RF" all the way down to the south boundary l ine of --n orth boundary line , if you would --of Surfside. That also is "RF". This pattern of development, if you would, is echoed in your Master Plan, with one notable exception. That is, that in the Master Plan which was recently re-adopted as part of your evaluation and appraisal process, it designates the subject parcel as "RH", which is Residential High Density, and that is consistent with the remaining parts of the town and on the oceanfront. Now a question was asked regarding the Master Plan for the town. The Master Plan is not really a Master P l an as you presently know it and that you have seen it since 1986, and now you have re-adopted it as part of your PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13 89 9 Biscayne Boulevard - Mi ami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 environmental --your appraisal and evaluation process. Instead, the Master Plan of the Village really was two plats that were filed for the ocean side and plats that were filed in 1946 for the other side , the west side of AlA. I hate to tell you this, but the original plats of the Village called it Bay Harbour. Luckily, you got wiser and you re- named it. But this is the original plat of 1946 called the Village of Bay Harbour, if you would, or the Plat of Bay Harbour Subdivision, which was the entire oceanfront . As you can see, all the lots were shown and there was one lot right in the middle, which is in fact this particular lot which says, and I have blown it up, "Reserved for use as a private beach club for a period of not more than twenty years from January 1, 1945 or for other purposes." So at least from 1 945 to 1965, this parcel was specifically originally designated on the plat to be used for that purpose. But in 1965, that ended, and therefore the property now is capable of being used for the purpose we PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 intend. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Can I ask you one question? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The Master Plan you referred to in the diagram in front of this one, what year was that done --that Master Plan? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: The Master Plan future land use now, that you have in front of you, which is in your packet, was originally adopted, and Mike you'll correct me if I'm wrong, in 1989 or 1988 and then re-adopted with some --I don't know if you made any changes in the --all right, well, then, it was 1988/1989. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: What about the pictures of the condominium that you showed us? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Those are current. Those are current as of today. In 1977, however, you did re-adopt a provision of your Master Plan, which is binding on you in State law, which reads as follows: "The 5.5 acre club facility located between Collins and the beachfront, could be redeveloped high 'density multi-family or hotel PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 · 24 25 23 i n accordance with the Village Code and the plat and zoning regulations . Redevelopment is anticipated in the future." In fact, in your 1997 EAR Amendments, and I'll use the abbreviation, you did in fact modify this somewhat. You did say, redevelopment --it didn't say redevelopment is anticipated in the near future . It said, "Redevelopment may take place at sometime in the future." UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Do you have where that was said? MR, CLIFF SCHULMAN: Yes. That was in your 1988 Master Plan. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But, I'm saying this thing that -- MR . CLIFF SCHULMAN: Oh, yes. This is --Mr. Miller drafted this language -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It could be redeveloped MR . CLIFF SCHULMAN: --and the Council basically approved it. I believe it was in February or March of 1997. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The language reads, "Could be redeveloped --" PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: And this, finally, is the language which was sent to the State of Florida . This is the language which the Department of Community Affairs found was consistent and that you were consistent with state law. Under State law, you must take all zoning actions, or any action you take on land development in the Village~ must be consistent with your adopted and approved Comprehensive Development Master Plan . We believe that the application that we have before you today is consistent with both your text and the future land use map which we s h owed you. Now, I wanted to deal with one issue that Mike raised, and that's the issue of recreation and open space. I think that all the other issues that go into land use approvals, which we call the Three C's, if you will, consistency, compatibility and concurrency, are more than adequately addressed in your own Planner's documents. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 It is not my intention to call other people to basically say that Mike is right. He has advised you correctly. We believe we adopt his recommendations and support them. The only thing I wanted to focus in on for purposes of our discussion today, is what this parks and recreation issue really is. If I might try to clarify it as I understand it. Your original Comprehensive Plan qf 1988 said you will provide a certain amount of acreage of park space and open space per person, or per thousand people, actually in the Village. Yo u basically adopted the Dade county Code of how you calculate how much acreage you have. That basically included in your inventory or your bank account, if you would, of open space, one half of a privately owned piece of property, which is ours. Had that definition remained the same and had you not counted the beach, and taking this out of your inventory and adding new people to the Village, would have brought about an imbalance in the amount of required open PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9 884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 space. But, instead, as part of your EAR process, you modified your Master Plan and you basically took into account as part of your bank account, your inventory of the beach areas which had been previously taken out . Now at the present time, right at the moment as we speak, there is an inconsistency. Your Comprehensive Adopted Master Plan says count the beaches. Your land use regulations say don't, because your land use regulations haven't caught up with your Master Plan. But it will. The reason it will is because it has to. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I have a question on what you just said . MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Sure. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You said our land use regulations are different than our Master Plan regulations? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN : Correct. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So why is one correct over the other? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: I'm so glad you asked me that question. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 7 Because in the state of Florida since 1985, the Growth Management Act was enacted by the State Legislature. The Growth Management Act said all municipalities , not just you, every municipality in the state of Florida has to adopt a master plan and i t has to be reviewed by the State a n d determined to be con sistent with the State Plan and the Regional Plan and t he county Plan , all t he way down t o t he smallest city . Once you adopt that master plan, you are then required to adopt land use regulations that a r e consistent with it . Those are you r zoning ordinances. And you did, in fact, at that point in time, con sistent with your Master Plan in 1988, adopt land use regulat ions . These are the land use regulat i ons we talked about that don 't count beach es . The 1988 land use regulation s are still there, but your Master Plan now is di fferen t . It says count beaches . But t h e State law requires that you have one year to bring your Master Plan i nto compliance with the amendments . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 It also recogni zed that there may be a h iatus , a time frame, and so the question that you asked , councilman , is, "Wh at takes precedence," your land use regulations or the Master Plan? The State Statute which I put in front of you, which is Chapter 163 .3194 in the i talici zed provision , says --and what's above it says it is inconsist ent . lawyer's garbage language . It just says it in But then it says, "During the interim period, when the provisions of your most recently adopted Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof, and your land development regulations are inconsistent, the most recently adopted Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof shal l govern any act ion taken in regard to an application for development ordinance. so in the inter im , the Master Plan takes precedence over your land use regulations and then you have an obligation to change your land use regulations. Now if we used your Comprehensive Plan as the guidelin e , even removing one half of PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33 181 ( 305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 thi s property from your bank account or your inventory, a nd even adding additional people, Mr. Miller's report clearly indicates you are far in excess of the required parks and recreation open space for the City for the number of people here, the number of people that this project would add, and in all candor, the number of people that are projected for the future of Ba l Harbour as a whole. There is no requirement for additional park space for this development or any further future development of Bal Harbour based upon your existing Comprehensive Plan . But I wanted to make it clear, that when you do have that inconsistency, the law doe sn 't give you leeway. It very specifically states that you must file the land use plan amendment, which is in effect . There is one other element that is important, we th ink , in bringing to your attention as part of consideration and that is, what about the club. Is it rea l ly a viable, reasonable use of property today? If it is not UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You said that PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 you were not going to touch on the use of property, you were just going to go through the zoning. MR . CLIFF SCHULMAN: No, but as part of the zoning, when you go to change from a "PC " to something else, we believe we have an obligation to show you that the present use is not viable, as it presently is, that, in fact, situations have changed from what existed, perhaps in 1945 or 1946, and they don't exist today. In order to do that, I asked Mike Cannon, who is a registered real estate appraiser, and his credentials are in your book there, to come on up and just speak to that issue. MR. CANNON: Thank you, Mr . Schulman. My firm is Appraisal and Real Estate Economics Associates, Inc., with offices in Dadeland Towers in South Dade. For those of you who read the Miami Herald , I publish a column on real estate in the Business Monday . I report on real estate economics in South Florida , including uses of land , PERS ONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 especially and particularly, the highrise condominium market and we report all the statistics in housing and so forth in our reports . 31 Mr. Schulman asked us to conduct a survey and provide expert opinion on four major items here. One was the economic trend of private clubs, which we have done studies on throughout South Florida and throughout the United stat es for various ownerships. Also, existing beachfront land uses within the Village of Bal Harbour. The economic viabil ity of uses permitted under the current private club "PC" zoning district and reasonable uses for the subject property . Basically, private clubs are going through a major demographic and economic transition throughout the states. There are two t ypes of clubs. Obviously, one is the beach club and the other is the golf club . As a third, you have a business club, like the Bankers Club in downtown Miami . The private c lubs are going through PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 major changes from the older residents that were members and their average age nationally is sixty-five years of age, to the second and third generation, which is considerably younger, in the thirty-f ive to forty -five year bracket. The older club members usually like to keep tradition. They use the facilitie s for dining, traditionally. With the younger people, who a r e more mobile, they have more of a diverse use for the restaurants and other facilities. The o lder members don't really care about -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : could I ask a question? I thought he said that the issue was rezoning, regardless if a hotel goes up, if its a condo, if it's whatever, it 's rezoning . So, help me out with what we are taking about at present. MR. SCHULMAN: one of the criteria in a rezoning application, is whether or not the existing zoning classification brings a reasonable use of the property to the landowner. If it is not, it is PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 33 Unconstitutional to deny a change and a taking of property, without due process of law. What I am doing here, for purposes of the record, and I'll try to make it as short as possible, is, basically, having an expert tell you what you already know, and that is that this club and clubs like it aren't working today. Therefore, there has to be a change. Otherwise, the property loses its value, Constitutionally. MR. CANNON: I t is also difficult for the existing clubs that haven't modernized their facilities, both for the use of its younger members and to attract and maintain second and th i rd generation members, their children and their heirs, as well as new members that they might bring into the vicinity and the type of level of service and entertainment, f i tness, and children's activities, amongst other things. Therefore, the older clubs more or less have lost their economic purpose as clubs, as they did say, twenty, thirty or forty years ago. In summary, older, especially private beach clubs, are caught in a quagmire between PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 34 the modernization of an aging facility, the restricted levels of new services to attract and maintain second and third generation members, as well as new members who are not necessarily keen on maintaining the tradition. The major demographic changes taking place in the society have left private clubs unable to exist as an economic retreat, as they did in yesteryear. The existing land use as Mr. Schulman stated otherwise, along Collins Avenue on the east side over the past twenty-five years, 2,884 highrise apartments were built in thirteen buildings, several of which were converted to condominiums. Previously, they were rentals condominiums. and others were built as luxury In addition to that, the Sheraton Bal Harbour Hotel has seven hundred thirteen rooms. The subject property, being the beach club, is the last and only property that has not developed consistent with adjacent land uses under the oceanfront zoning. Residents of these highrises are different than the residents that are west of PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35 Collins Avenue. They have all of these amenity facil i ties that a beach c l ub has within the property boundaries of their highrise condominiums, meaning recreation facilities. They obviously have the beachfront and they are really not keen on joining a beach club, because they already have that within their common area maintenance and ownership rights to their condominium or the apartment use. The subject property under the existing zoning, as we reviewed the "PC", calls for a maximum, as I calcu l ated it, of twelve single family dwellings. Twelve single family units would not be a viable use for that property for several reasons. It is located between the Keni l worth and the Plaza Bal Harbour, which are fourteen- story and eleven-story highrise buildings --an eighteen-story highrise building, and it would be like a canyon effect. A property on Miami Beach was designed for something like that, but didn 1 t work, which is the Blue Diamond and the Green Diamond on Coll i ns Avenue. There was a use for that at one time as single family and PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it just didn't work on that property. We are of the opinion that the single family concept would not be marketable to luxury home residential buyers . It just 36 wouldn't work out from an economic sense, b ecause they have other choices that they could make . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (INAUDIBLE). MR . CANNON: They would have other -- single family luxury home buyers would have a cho ice for superior locations, other than the Beach Club, even though the property could be built for single family . The existing facility is not an appropriate use, in summary, due to changing demograph ics . It is deemed unattractive to second and third generation uses, as well as new users. In conclusion , the private club "PC" zoning classification, in our professional opinion, does not allow for the reasonable use of the property. It is my opinion also that the reasonable use classification of the subject property would be "OF" zoning district, which PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 ( 305) 944 -9 884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would permit highrise, residential or hotel development. I would be happy to answer any questions. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. Can we get to the point, please? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: In summary, the three C's we believe have been met. 37 We believe that you have testimony from your own staff that the application before you is consistent with your Master Plan and compatible with the neighborhood. We believe that all of the issues addressed in concurrency, traffic, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage and recreational open space, have also been me t. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Would you turn that around? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Lastly, just to give you an idea of what it is like to develop property nowadays in Dade County. If this property is developed at its maximum potential impact of three hundred and two residential units, or five hundred and PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Bou levard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 38 fifty hotel units, under present Dade County Impact Fee Ordinances, additional monies would come into the Dade County system for roads , fire and schools of between eight hundred and twenty-six thousand and one million sixty thousand dollars. A hotel scenario would result in impact fees of five hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars. What we have not attempted to quantify is what the Village's ad valorem tax base would go up, with the property being changed from "PC" to either a hotel or apartment use, but we believe that would be a substantial tax revenue to the Village, in addition to the impact fees to the County. We, therefore, respectfully request the Council to consider favorably the change on first reading from "PC" to "OF", based on consistency, compatibility and concurrency. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you, Mr. Schulman. Are there any questions? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: question. I have a PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 What does D mean under Traffic, where it says Traffic, and you put D MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes, what is the D? What does that signify? UNIDENT I FIED SPEAKER: Death by traff i c. MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: D means leve l of service 39 I'm sorry, Madam Mayor, I shouldn't be answering that question unless you direct me to do so. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Please do. MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: D means the level of service which i s the adopted level of service for traffic in Bal Harbour, which is the level of service D, as in David. It goes from A to E. The Village has adopted level of service D within the municipal boundaries. That's the same basic level of service i n Dade County, as a whole. UN I DENT I FIED SPEAKER: was there a traffic study done or is that based on -- MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: This is i n your Master Plan. It's in your Comprehens i ve Development Master Plan as level of service D. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miam i , Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 40 If you read your Master Plan's policy and let me just show this to you and I'll show i t to the Council, this is from your Master Plan. "The established level of service standard for all roadways and collectors in the Village of Bal Harbour shall be level of service D.11 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Where are we going, Mayor? MAYOR SPIEGEL: We 're just listening. UNIDENTI FIED SPEAKER: But, it's certainly appropriate if you want to direct questions. I just want to make sure for the record that we know who is asking the question, and that their name is in the record and their address is also in the record. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Whoever --you have to come up to the podium and give your name and address. Do you have --is there anything else Mr. Schulman? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: No, Ma'am. We're available for any questions that the Council may have. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you. Okay. At this point -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: Before the audience begins 41 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes. Before we begin the presentations by the opposition or other public comment, I believe there was one more question from the Council. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I just wanted to ask --I'm sorry, I forget your name. MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Schulman. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mr. Cannon? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I just have one question, because at first it was starting out that it's not --it's just a zoning issue and then we get to the use of the property. And then you went into how the club is losing money. I just want to know for the record, are you saying that if they opened up a whole new membership policy, and if they came up with a new structure and tried to get the beach club running to making money, that they would not go for the rezoning? MR. CANNON: One, I did not say that PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 they were losing money, because we didn't review any of the financials of the club. 42 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But I thought you just said that the club's not making money. MR. CANNON: What I did say is, the c l ubs are losing their memberships, not only here but nationally because of changing demographics. If you remodeled the club and you marketed it, you would probably still not get the second or third generation numbers that would UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We don't have any numbers. We are not being presented with any numbers to show --not even the club's actual numbers? MR. CANNON: No. I don't have that information, sir. But, this is a national trend, statistically, that just shows us changi ng attitudes. You know, you drive a car and not a horse .and buggy -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: Can we go ahead with the audience? Turn the microphone toward you, please, and give us your name and address. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can you hear me? MAYOR SPIEGEL : Yes. MAX LEBOW: Fine. Good afternoon, Madam Mayor and members of the Council. My name is Max Lebow. I'm the resident president of the Carlton Terrace. What I hear here MAYOR SPIEGEL : Say your address please. MAX LEBOW: 10245 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbour, Florida 33154 . MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. MAX LE BOW: What I hear today scares me . I have lived in Bal Harbour for a long time --and I'm sorry I only have three minutes. I hear the word hotel -- According to "OF " zoning, and I read it very thoroughly , correct me if I'm wrong, if we pass this zoning, we give the developer carte blanche to build a hotel up to five hundred and fifty rooms and/or a condo up to three hundred and twenty apartments. What are we going to do with the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 44 traffic? The traffic is so bad now that in season we can't tolerate it. We have to go from the Carlton Terrace around underneath the bridge MAYOR SPIEGEL : Are you timing this? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE SPEAKER : Yes. MR . LEBOW : --exit on Collins Avenue on the west side, and i t's worth your life to try to get over to the north s i de. I already have gone down to 96th Street and gone around to come north. Do we have a comprehensive traffic survey? I haven't seen it. I'd like to see it in the event that they put a hotel up there , a nd I think the way they are ta lking , they intend t o put a hotel up there . What about the water, what about the sewer? The sewer is now backed up wh en we have a heavy rain . Wi th the water, the pressure is not too good n ow. How about Florida Power & Light? Do you have anything from any of them telling u s that this is viable? I don't see it. I don't MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you Mr. Lebow . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Bo u levard -Miami, Florida 33 1 81 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Perhaps Mr. Miller can respond to that? (Applause .) 45 MR. MILLER : The Staff Report that I -- UNIDENTI FIED SPEAKER: Before you start, make a concerted effort to speak directly into the mike. MR. MILLER: The Staf f Report that I prepared had an analysis of all of the items, the roads, the waters, sewer, parks, solid waste and drainage . All of those items were addressed in our Staff Report, and according to the standards that this Village has adopted with the rezoning of this property , there would not be a problem with any of those items . I know there are personal feelings, whether you feel there are too many cars on the road, but according to engineering standards, everything is fine. MAYOR SPIEGEL : There would be no impact? Miller? MR. MILLER: Of course, of course. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Any questions for Mr. MR. WEINSTEIN: Right here. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33 181 ( 305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes. Do you have a question for Mr. Miller? MR. WEINSTEIN: Yes, I do. 46 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Please stand, come to the podium and announce your name and address. MR. WEINSTEIN: My name is Joel Weinstein. Bal Harbour. I live at 10185 Collins Avenue in First, the quest i on I have for Mr. Miller is, whether Mr. Miller works for the builders or he works for the Town of Bal Harbour. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mr. Mi ller, do you want to respond? MR. MILLER: I'm employed by the Village of Bal Harbour and I don't work for any developers. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Do you have another question? MR. WEINSTEIN: I have a couple of questions . I was k i nd of surprised that Mr. Mil l er recommended to build. If he took a look at some of the people that are here and heard some of their opinions, PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 47 and if he did work for the Town of Bal Harbour , wh ich if I was the Town of Bal Harbou r, I would immediately dismiss Mr. Miller, because he's not working for the people of Bal Harbour . (Applause .) MR. WEINSTEIN : Secondly, the prope rty was bought subject to existing conditions . I bought property before and if I wanted to change the zoning, I bought it subject to the c h ange of zonin g b efore I passed papers . If these people bought it subject to the existing conditions, let them improve the clu b that's there now. We don't wa n t any highrise apartments there, and we don 't want the traffic . These reports t hat the people gave you --it's a bunch of baloney . If fact, if you get people in there that are eng i neers and know what they are doing, they 'll come back with reports that will be a littl e different than wh at these people want to sell you a bill of good s . In my opinion , we are going to ruin Bal Harbour . I 'm all for keeping Bal Harbou r t h e PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 48 way it is right now. If they want to change it, they're going to have to buy and they are going to have to pay the price they paid. If they paid a lot of money, let them eat it. I ate properties when I made mistakes. Let them eat it. (Applause.) MAYOR SPIEGEL : Thank you very much . Does anyone --Sandy? Do you have a question for Mr . Miller or just for the general publ i c? MS. HIRSCH: Just for the general public. My name is Sandy Hirsch. I live at 10205 Collins Avenue in Bal Harbour. I'd like to respond to a few statements that were made here earlier. First of all, I was privileged to know the family that donated that property to Bal Harbour. They never wanted that to be anything but a private club. The fact that the gentleman said that clubs were going out, we all know here that clubs have been restricted for many, many, many years. It just was opened up recently. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 49 I, personally, have three or four hundred people that are ready to join the club and that want to keep i t as a club. It's the only one piece of open air property that we have in Bal Harbour. With the pollution, as mentioned, I'm not going to repeat the car -- Now, God forbid, what about a hurricane? we are known for the hurricanes here. How are the people in this new building down at the end, the Majestic Towers, when those cars aren't even on the road as yet, on our property --on our Bal Harbour Village, which I love dearly. What will happen? How will people be able to go and leave Bal Harbour in the event of an emergency? How will we be able to do that? They won't be able to leave. Now if you look around this room, council and Madam Mayor, I'm sorry, you will find a lot of citizens who really have deep concern. They voted for this Council, and they really hope that the Council will respect their wishes. That's all I have to say. (Applause.) MAYOR SPIEGEL: Is there anyone else that has any comments? PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 MR. CLANCEY: Good afternoon. My name is Sean Clancey. in Bal Harbour. I live at 211 Balcross Drive I am the president of the Bal Harbour Civic Association. At our last meeting, we discussed this issue as it has been proposed, and we at the Association have voted unanimously against the adoption of any kind of zoning change on this property. Even though we are on the residential side, I think we don't look at the whole thing when we are just talking about the ocean. If indeed this oceanfront property disappears as a club, does that mean that the ent i re club will then move into our district? Will that become the main club? Will there be any club at all? If there i s a club, is that property going to be developed commercially? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, and I think just to vote purely on granting these people oceanfront zoning is the cart before the horse. We need to have some kind of comprehensive plan from them as to what they PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 51 plan to do with this property. Many of us who are here now, were here just months ago when there was a proposal --a "workshop session," whereby a five hundred foot building was proposed for this piece of property. So, is it going to be a basic building? Is it going to be two buildings? Is it going to be a hotel? Is it going to be a five hundred foot building? What are their plans? We as a Vi llage cannot vote on such an issue of such importance, without knowing what their plans are, and it's incumbent upon you as Council people to take this into consideration. The vast majority of the people who are here, are interested in the good welfare of the Village. There are many people here who are visitors invited by a developer who --they have no ties to the Village. We are here. We are raising our families here and we are trying to make a stake in this village . We are not here just for pure profit. We are here to enjoy the livelihood and the good name of Bal Harbour. We do not want this thing to happen. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 52 So it is incumbent, as I said, upon you guys to look at this issue, realize that there are very many things that are tied to this application, and at the present time, we don't have the answers. In absence of the answers, we must vote no at this point. (Applause.) MAYOR SPIEGEL: At our last meeting -- I'll address this to Mr. Schulman --at our last meeting there was another attorney present. His name was very similar to yours. MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Mr. Shubin. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mr. Shubin. MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: But I am a lot better looking, Madam Mayor. But his name is John Shubin. MAYOR SPIEGEL: John Shubin, and there was some conversation as to resolving the conflict that occurred between the residents in the residential section, as Sean stated, and the rest of us. mike. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Speak into the MAYOR SPIEGEL: Can you all hear me? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Madam Mayor -- PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 53 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Do you want me to repeat that? Would you like me to repeat what I asked him? I said, at the last meeting, Mr. Schulman addressed this Council and the audience. We had another attorney present, by the name of Mr. Shubin, who represented the residents of the Village on the west side, private homes. They said that they were going to get together and try to resolve any conflicts that the residents had between them. I don't see Mr. Shubin here. so, what's been resolved? MR. RUDOLPH: Madam Mayor, my name is Doug Rudolph, 212 Balbay Drive. I represent a large group of homeowners and Mr. Shubin represents us as counsel. think there mi ght be a little bit of a I misunderstanding as to what your recollection is about what happened. My understanding was that Mr. Shubin had a number of things that he wanted to research and read into the record. Mr. Shubin, unfortunately --and respectfully requested from Mr. Schulman and the people he represents, PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 t hat t h ey give him more t ime to do that. I believe it was continued until today . 54 Mr . Shu bin, u n fortunately, called me a little while ago . He's in Los Angeles and today, was unable t o be h ere, something he cou ld not c h ange . We have been a dvised by the City Att orney 's Office t hat s h ould this proceeding move forward to another proceeding down the road, that Mr . Shubin wil l have full and ample opportunity to enter into the record , everything that he feels is necessar y to give the Cou ncil the platforms that they need to support our position, which has been very clear sin ce day o n e . It had nothing to do with anythi n g other t h an that . so, I think that t he confusion may be that perhaps before , as Mr . Clancey alluded to, there were going to be a number of workshop sessions that never occurred with the citizens that I know of , inside the Village. That never hap pened . I think that's where the misu nderstanding came about. I apologize o n Mr . Shubin 's behalf , but he has assured me that PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 389 9 Biscayne Boul evard -Miami , Florida 33 1 81 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 55 he will have his full day in court --I didn't mean to say that I mean before the Council . So, that's where we stand. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: City Attorney, can I ask a question? MR . WEISS : Sure . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : If in fact this is all based on evidence, and Mr. Rudolph j ust said we 're not getting half our evidence tonight, then how can we possibly make a decision tonight? Don't we need the evidence? If he's out of town, then we need to put this off unt il -- MR. RUDOLPH : Well, I can assure you that Mr . Shubin, on behalf of all of us, I don't think would have any problem if everybody wants more time, so that more comprehen sive things In fact, all the wonderful points that are being made here today by all the c i tizens who --that comes from the heart . I know that a l ot of things need to come from t h e legal books . I know that Mr . Sh ubin did n o t want t o come forward today --because he could not be PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevar d -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 56 here --and ask all of these people who have put aside many things to come here because it's so important to them, could we continue thi s another time. So we were willing to deal with the situation as it occurred and play with the ball on the court as it was. But if the Council, in its discretion, feels that they want to continue this and the people want to --and, again , we don't want to inconvenience anybody. But if that's what everybody wa nts , far be it from us to say that that couldn't happen. (Applause.) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Could I ask the City Attorney what are the ramifications, because I feel that we are not gett ing al l the evidence tonight, with Mr. Shubin not being in town and Mr. Rudolph mentioning that Mr. Shubin has a good deal of evidence to present. What are the ramifications to ask that we postpone it for a month? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You can certainly -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: From the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 138 99 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Counc il , that they postponed last time . how about if we just So, 57 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I think that if a request is being made, or if it is the desire of this Council for a reasonable continuance in terms of time --a nd I don't know whether the Applicant is in agreement with a continuance -- and I feel very badl y for all of these people that came today and have things that they want to say . So I'm not trying to --our group is not trying to steer the ship, by any stretch of the imagination . It's really up to, I feel, the Council and the Applicant as to what they want to do about i t. We are will i ng to go in any direction that you all feel is appr opriate . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : You can either proceed today and vote on this matter --this is a public hearing . It's been noticed and everybody who wants to speak certainly has the opportun ity t o do that . Or, you could continue this for some short period of time, and certainly with the concurrence of the Applicant. I don't think PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 58 that there is any problem at all. But I don't know what their position is on that. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mr. Schulman? MR. CLIFF SCHULMAN: Madam Mayor and members of the Council. Preferably, since two hearings are mandatory in this matter because it's an Ordinance, and no action that you would take if for example you chose to approve, based on the evidence which has been presented by our professionals and your own staff -- For example, if you chose to approve this today, we could again, a second reading would be mandatory, at which time any and all evidence would still be allowed, both our own and Mr. Shubin's. With the utmost respect to Mr. Shubin, I understand that we could agree to allow him a continuance, and today I don't want to be looked at as if I 'm dallying --we do have our people here. I would hate to lose another month. Because if you do continue it, that means that you are going to have two more hearings, rather than -- If you move it forward and vote it up PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 59 today, you're not --I hate to say this -- hopefully, ultimately you will approve it . But nothing t hat you're doing, your own council would say, would preclude you from any other vote at the second reading. That would be our preference. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : What if they voted against it? MR . SCHULMAN: If they voted against it, I'm in court . See you in court. You know, that's where we are. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr . Attorney -- (Applause.) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I just want to make sure that I'm following our Code . Would it be l egally appropr i ate --is it following the Code if I make a motion that we postpone this for one month? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Or a continuance . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Or a continuance? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I think that a motion for continuance is in order and I think that a month period of time would be a reasonable period of time . I f --now, I don't PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 60 know whether that's -- Mr . Schulman indicated that although he preferred the item be voted on, I don't think that they had a strong opposition to a continuance . Is a month in any -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Well, the problem is that we are coming up on Thanksgiving, and I 'm going to be out of the country. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : For that area in November --and if we go forward -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: Can we have half a month --can we do it in two weeks? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I am leaving before that, and leaving for that period of time. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Do you have any other type of Council? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: this matter, the law firm . I'd be it on I could try to arrange my schedule. If you want to go forward on first reading, at that point fine . But the second reading, I guess then we are into December . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Okay, so what P ERS ONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 61 you are saying is that November, you would not mind if that 's the first reading, to move i t thirty days to November? UNIDENTIFIE D SPEAKER : We l l, we may be in the same conundrum. I don't know . MAYOR SPIEGEL : Well, if we h ave both sides, the attorney that represents the residents of the Vi llage , a n d perhaps t h at same attorney will also try to meet with the residents on the west side, and let 's try and get everybody in one group to see what we can do and then go o n. But I don 't think o n e month would certainly do much harm, and then we still have t he second reading . We could do t h a t a n d ask for a continuance . (Applause .) MR . CLANCY : somethi ng again. If I could just say There are a lot of people h ere who were here at the last meeting , too . Perhaps you could just table your motion for a few mi n utes and let a few other people speak their piece -- MAYOR SPI EGEL : Fine. Sure . MR . CLANCY : on the issues , because PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, F l orida 33 1 81 (30 5 ) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 62 I think it's important that they air their feelings on it. If I might wear another hat so I can buy three more minutes? I'm going to speak as Sean Clancy resident, rather than President of the Bal Harbour civic Association. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Fine. MR. CLANCY: Well, I'll just take three. I moved into the Village eleven years ago. The first thing I noticed whenever I spoke with someone who was a resident of Bal Harbour, they would always tell me how long they've lived in the Village. Sheldon Lippman sitting there, has lived in the Village longer than anybody, fifty years. One thing I've known from the Village is how important the zoning has been for the good and welfare of the Village of Bal Harbor. That's why most of us live here. It's a beautiful community. It's beautiful because you have kept the zoning very strict. Th i s is an unusual occurrence. Even though this property sits on the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 9 4 4-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 63 ocean, it's a private club. It's not --it wasn't a hotel, it wasn't a condo that's been knocked down . It's always been a private club , and that green piece of land goes from the ocean to the bay, as Mr . Miller stated. That was done for a reason. That piece of property was not the Singapore Hotel, where it goes at a n angle. It was built specifically for that reason . It should be kept that way . It should not be let to be developed in this manner . or, if even the thought of developing it ever came about, what is the plan? Again, I aro reiterating what I said before . But that's very, very important to us as resident s . And believe me, we feel very, very strongly that it's very important that you guys examine this properly. Don 't make a judgment because someone says, "We'll see you in court ." That's a slap in the face. I mean, listen, we have attorneys , too. These people that are here are willing to pay for the legal fees as residents, if that's what it takes . Don't be intimidated by people who say, "We'll see you in court". PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3 899 Bi scayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 ( 305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 64 (Applause.) MAYOR SPIEGEL : Thank you, very mu ch. I stil l have the feeling that was l eft with me a month ago, that Mr . Shubin and Mr. Schulman were going to get together with t he residents on the west side in private homes and resolve the problem. T heir main prob l em was the yacht club situation . Now, I would like to see that same attorney or another attorney that the residents on the east side would get in t ouch with and speak to Mr . Schulman, or he will speak for the deve loper, and assure people that whatever they do will not adversely impact all of the residents , not just a few here and a few there . We need to know just where we're go ing. Now, we haven't heard anything today that is going to tel l us where we are going . except, advise us to pass t his on the firs t reading and then wait unt il we set up a meeting for the second reading. But, where are we with this fi r st reading? We don't have the information that we need. I would like the rest of the Cou ncil to give me their feel ings. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3899 Bis cayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 65 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : F i rst, I wo u ld like to have more of the public speak, if they would like to . There are hundreds of people here, and we have heard from five people. Who would like to speak? Raise your ha n d and let's hear from you , please. MS . SCHELL: Marjorie Schell, 9801 Collins Avenue, Penthouse 17, Balmoral . I'm concerned about the heigh t of the building . Nothing has been said . The sun would be taken away . A five hundred plus building would be too high for our Village . We do have the new building . It 's a big structure there . They are putting up two of those . I t hink we have twenty -o n e or twenty-two stories in my building, and I t hink the Tower is twenty-six or twen ty-seven. high, like Manhattan . It's Nothing has been said about what they plan to do. How can you vote on something when you don't know what you are voting on? MAYOR SPIEGEL : We are not actually voting on what will be built . MS . SCHELL : But , that's wh at we want to k n ow, though. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 ( 3 05) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR SPIEGEL : Yes . But, the only vote today , whether it 's yes, no or postpone, is in reference to zoning. It has nothing to do wit h the building . 66 MS. SCHELL: We put i t off a month ago. I came to a meeting a month ago that was postponed. MAYOR SPIEGEL : Right -- MS. SCHELL: So we have already done them the courtesy. They can give us a little bit of time, surely. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Well, at this point, we're not hearing from the attorney that is supposed to be representing the residents. MS. SCHELL: If we don 't know where we 're going, there is no sense taking the trip, is there? MR. HIRSCHL: If I could make another comment. Mrs. Schell , your points are valid , but today's reading and the subsequent reading that will take place ostensibly about this, or maybe two meetings if it's deferred --this meeting is about changing from "PC" to oceanfront only. These are very fine attorneys that the P ERSONAL TOU CH REP ORT ING , I NC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 67 developer has hired . You all must understand that a record must be developed, whether you are in favor of development or against development . Don't d iscuss what type o f building is going to be going up . Let 's discuss do you want it a private club, or do you want it zoned oceanfront. This is the information that this Council needs to hear . This is what this Council needs to know about . This is what this Council will base their vote upon. What Mr. Schulman and his associates present, and what the citizens of Bal Harbour and people who represent attorneys privately or in a group, whatever it may be, the record must be developed about zoning . That's what we want to hear about today and i n subsequent meetings, so we all can make the right decision for our residents. So , please, I'm happy to hear from you, as the rest of the Council is, but let's try to focus on the zoning issu es on why you think this should be zoned oceanfront highrise, or it shou l d not be zoned oceanfront highrise . only . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (30 5) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. SCHELL: You cleared it up, I think, for everybody. 68 MR. HIRSCHL: It's very important that you all understand -- MS. SCHELL: I d id not understand the specific question. MR. HIRSCHL: The laws are very specific how we have to vote. We are not talking about an eighty story building, a twenty story hotel, a drive-thru bowling alley. We are not talking about anything except rezoning the property. So, again, the law is very specific for your protection and ours. Talk about the oceanfront zoning change. If there are things that have merit, we want to know about it. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you, very much. Yes? Please come up. Announce your name and address, please. MS. THOMPSON: My name is Patricia Thompson. I am president of the Association for The Plaza of Bal Harbour. Andy, I hear you loud and clear, and I'll tell you if you will provide me with a PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 69 list of all the residents, I personally will go out with a poll and bring you back numbers of those who want "PC" and those who don't. P r ovide me with the necessary implement and I'll get you i n black and white, what you apparently don't know, even though all these people have come to say no. I don't see any people here who are saying, "Yes, yes, let's give it to the club." MR. HIRSCHL: You know, Pat, I hate to interrupt you and I'm not please understand I sit here as an employee of you all. I want you to understand MS. THOMPSON: I'm not attacking you, Andy -- MR. HIRSCHL: No, no, no, no, no. MS. THOMPSON: I'll get you all the figures. MR. HIRSCHL: If you tell me that two thousand peop l e want a club and one thousand people want a highrise, that is not creating a record to vote upon. We need information. MS. THOMPSON: We will give you the information so that you remember who lives here. Okay? PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. HIRSCHL: I think that's good. MS. THOMPSON: If you want those numbers, I'll give them to you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: The gentleman in the back, please. MR. WARD: My name is Glen Ward. I live at MAYOR SPIEGEL: Bring the mike up to your stature. MR. WARD: Thank you very much. My name is Glen Ward. I live at 251 Balbay. I have mixed feelings on the entire thing. I am also a club member. 70 Our biggest problem with that --and I am a past president over there. our biggest problem is, as Andy threw out, two thousand people wanting to belong to the club. That has not happened. Our taxes are i n such a situation, that piece of property cannot be used as a club anymore. That's just a flat fact of life. I mean, I would like to figure out a way to keep it . I have even talked to Andy about the marina, trying to get the Village to PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 71 buy it or do something like that. I do not want to see the marina disappear, personally. But you can't say you can't build something when it won't work. Let me tell you, we have tried every recruiting that there is , at least when I was in there. I haven't been the past president now for quite a few years, but it just didn't work. Now, I don't know what you want to do with it. If you say you have got to have a private club, the only catch is, there isn't enough money to pay the dues, to pay the taxes or to pay anything else, and that's a problem. That's a big problem. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The club wasn't open to everybody. That's a big problem -- MR. WARD: Let me tell you, I cannot you know, you are right. Now, what would you like me to do about going forward? I can't do a damn thing about it. It has never been closed and I never no voted on anything I did personally, and he tried to sell the club. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: As a club? MR. WARD: As a clubhouse. Just sell PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 72 it for the price, I believe we had two or three different peop l e. I was not in on the negotiations of that part. We had two to three different people attempting to buy. The only viable way to buy that and pay the taxes appears to be either a condo or hotel-type situation, but that's all I know. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The only reason I ask you that is, it just seems that a lot of people are speaking about the club, but don't know the financial records. I know this gentleman spoke about what clubs are like and the trends of clubs, but he didn't provide us with any statistics. (SEVERAL PERSONS SPEAKING AT THE SAME TIME.) MR . WARD : To top it off, to talk about the finances , I signed every check for a couple of years and let me tell you, we borrowed money and we had assessments. Assessments is what caused the club to go into what it is now. I don 't know how to do that. If anybody knows how to make a business work without enough revenue, I'd like to hear it, because I just don't know how to do it . Even this business raises taxes if it needs more PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Bi scayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 ( 305) 944 -9 884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 money. And you can't do it without enough money, and that's all. 73 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you, Glen. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you very much. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: This guy over in the back --all the way in the back, Estelle. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Where? UNIDENTIF IED SPEAKER: Way in the back, with the green and white shirt. He's standing. He wants to --I don't know who he is. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes, sir? The man at the rear of the room. We'll get to you next, sir. you next. I'll call MR. (INAUDIBLE): My name is Tom/Don ( INAUDIBLE) . I live at (INAUDIBLE) _185 Collins Avenue. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. MR. (INAUDIBLE): I'm only here to say two words. The gentleman who tells you that the club cannot work, that he took surveys all over the country, they are full of baloney, because this club here could be the most successful club if they offered membership, if they PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 honored rights as beach club, tennis club, catering --big business, the biggest club in South Florida, in Bal Harbour. (I NAUDIBLE) It's a shame. (APPLAUSE.) MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. 74 Yes, sir? That gentleman right there. MR. SPIEGEL: My name is Fred Spiegel. I have been living at The Plaza for about twenty-five years. I have an apartment that faces the club, and I think that I am a rea list. I don't like an apartment there. I would like a hotel or I would like a condo, but, where are we going to get the thirty-five or forty million to pay for this piece of property? These people want to sell it and they are entitled to sell it. I think that they should have a right, well, to build a condo. I would not like to see a hotel there, but if they want to build a condo there, I'm for it. In reality, there are other condos there and I have no problem with the traffic. I don't see any problem with the water --I'll have trouble getting home -- PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Please let him speak. MR. SPEIGEL: May I also say, Madam Mayor, I don't think that this crowd represents all of Bal Harbour. There are people here from our building, from (INAUDIBLE) and some others who live near the club area who their homes may be disturbed a little, but I don't know. But, generally, I think that a condo, or whatever --not a hotel, but a condo could be built there. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. Yes, sir? MR. CAMISSO (Phonetic): My name is Jim Camisso, 10150 Collins Avenue. I am also an officer of the Bal Harbour Club and I would like to follow up that gentleman's very perceptive comments with just a couple of comments of my own. Number one, every conceivable economic analysis was done with internal and external consultants looking at the economics and viability of the Bal Harbour Club, and the conclusions mentioned by Glen Ward are certainly in order. I would just make this point to the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Flor ida 33181 (305) 944 -9 884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 76 Council. It's obvious that in most hearings, those who show up are those who are opposed, and I hope you are not getting the feeling that the census of this town is in favor of not allowing the rezoning. I will tell you this; that over a hundred members of the Bal Harbour Club who are also residents of this town, the majority have voted for the sale of the club and would like to see this zoning approved. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you very much, sir. Dina? MS. CELLINI: Dina Cellini, 211 Balcross Drive. This is a very emotional issue and I have been accused of being very emotional sometimes. So I am going to try to stay calm. First of all, I'd like to ask the Village Attorney: Has the issue of whether or not a referendum would be in order here ever been addressed? I'd like to see the voters go out and let you all know what the majority of us want. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 77 (Applause.) MS. CELLINI: Is that viable? Is that legal? MR. WEISS: We don't --there is a specific provision in the State law that provides that referendums on quasi-judicial matters like this are not appropriate and legal. I'm sorry. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Not appropriate or not legal? MR. WEISS: Are not legal. MS. CELLINI: Would we be violating State law if we proposed it as a referendum? MR. WEISS: Until that provision is probably overturned, that statutory provision, we think is controlling. MS. CELLINI: With all due respect, that opinion also comes from the same legal authorities that felt that it was appropriate to pass the Comprehensive Village Plan that has us in the predicament that we're in right now. That's just an aside. I'd like UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: If I may respond, because I don't quite understand your point. You are saying that -- PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 78 MS. CELLINI: My point is that back in March, a Comprehensive Plan was adopted whereby all of this verbiage was placed in our Comprehensive Plan really without us knowing what the ramifications would be for the future of our city. Now we're told that the open spaces, in order to satisfy Dade County standards or to satisfy State law, they have to be changed, thereby eliminating some of the open space that we now enjoy and requiring that the beachfront be included in our open space plan. So my only point i s that I think we need to look carefully at what the residents of Bal Harbour want. I think that the elections in April and the landslide with which many of the Council people were elected should let you know that the majority of Bal Harbour residents are not in favor of development and that it's incumbent on the Village Attorney to try to give us an avenue to let our feelings be heard in a way that is likely to lead us to get what we are looking for, which is no development here. Our hands are kind of tied now because PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 we are limited to what we are going to put in evidence in this record, and of course, the Council is somewhat intimidated by the threat of a lawsuit. 79 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No, they're not. MS. CELLINI: No? I'm glad to hear that. MAYOR SPIEGEL: We are not intimidated at all. MS. CELLINI: Okay. I'm glad to hear that because most of the time when people say, "I'll see you in court," people cower away. So I'm glad to know that our five representatives don't UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We hear that every month. MS. CELLINI: Good. Okay. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Every month some other special interest --don't worry about it. MS. CELLINI: I think that our presence here lets you know that we'll do whatever we have to do to support you, if that's how you decide to vote. I'd also like to say that with regard to the burden that I believe Mr. Schulman has PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 80 said is on the developer to show that the property is no longer viable as a private club, I really don't feel they have met that burden. I'm not speaking with a legal authority, but just as a lay person right now. I think short of sending out a Village-wide questionnaire and asking people would you join a private club under such and such a criteria, I don't think that this gentleman here can talk about national standards and tell us that a private club would not be successful at 10205 --or whatever the address is --Collins Avenue. Maybe what we need to do, and I'll be glad to spearhead that, is to get a petition together and have people sign and say, "Yes, I would be willing to join a private club there," and let you see how many people would join. That's all. Thank you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes? MS. SCHAFFER (Phonetic): My name is Mary Schaffer. I live at the Plaza. I just want to make one statement. One statement. I think the reason that the town is PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, F l orida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 81 very upset about what's going to be put there, is we've all gotten a pretty bad snake bite from that Majestic building. It kind of took us --It kind of frightened us as to what's going to be zoned n ext and that's the reason you're getting such opposition. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Wasn't the Majestic built according to the Code? The Majestic building, as I understand and recollect, was built according to Code. It's no taller than what is allowed and met all the requirements for setbacks. It's in the Code. Yes, sir? MR. ZIEFER: Good afternoon, Mayor and Council. My name is Sam Ziefer. resident of 187 Balcross Drive. I'm a new Now, five years ago, I came into Bal Harbour looking to buy with my wife, and one of the prerequisites I had was, I'd like to see the club. Well, we tried for over a period of a month and we could never get into the club to see the club. I said to my wife, "Then there is no way I'm buying, if I can't get go in to PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 82 see the club." Things have changed over a period of time, now I am a resident, just recently purchased, and we did go see the club. If you compare the club to other clubs up the coast, you will notice that the club is not populated, the club is rundown, and it very well may be not a viable club today. But unfortunately, it is a situation that has occurred over a period of years through their neglect in not reinvesting into the club, because there are other clubs up the coast, such as Turnberry Club in North Miami, there's the Boca Beach Club in Boca, and if you compare those to this club, you'll see this one is quite lacking. They have not reinvested over the period of time, and if they did decide to do it, it would be a thriving, flourishing club where people would be looking to be members of it and it would be successful. name? Thank you. (Applause.) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: What is his MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mr. Zelder? What is PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ----·----- 83 your name again? MR. ZIEFER: Sam Ziefer, Z-i-e-f-e-r. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Ziefer. MR. CASTILLANO: My name is Bill Castillano. I live at 138 (INAUDIBLE). It's kind of interesting how two different people can look at the same property and think differently. I have lived in Bal Harbour for the last twelve years, and I love that club. I love the club just the way it is. The club was built that way, as a simple club where you could bring your children to. You could enjoy the beach, you could enjoy the sunshine and enjoy your neighbors. The last thing I would like to see is that club go away. But, unfortunately, it's not economically feasible. The club for years has tr i ed to get new members, has had membership parties, and a lot of you in this room have been invited over to membership parties, and declined to join. (INAUDIBLE AUDIENCE CONVERSATION.) MR. CASTILLANO: I didn't say all of you. I said many of you in this room were PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 84 invited over, okay? I'd like to point out that it's interesting that anybody who ta lks in favor of this project or in favor of the club get's heckled here, if you notice. Anybody that talks against, everybody seems to be quiet and respects their opinion. Just a side observation I see. To get back on track. I have a few questions for --maybe Mr. Miller. As far as traffic, we are talking about maybe adding six hundred trips on the road. Is that what this study is? My question is, how many trips down AlA per day? MR. MILLER: I'd like to know how you got the six hundred trips. MR. CASTILLANO: That's what I heard today. MR. MILLER: You're wrong, way wrong. MR. CASTILLANO: Oh, I'm sorry. Whatever it is, that's my question. that. I missed MR. MILLER: Okay. T hese are the numbers that we got, the transportation element that we just adopted in March. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 85 Current at the foot of the bridge coming over the inlet, there are thirty-six thousand cars per day and about forty thousand at peak season. The road and engineering standard level service D, which is the way that engineers describe the operations of a road, the road can handle forty-seven thousand, five hundred trips per day and still work adequately. So at present, obviously, thirty-six thousand cars a day today is less than forty- seven thousand five hundred, or even the forty thousand. If this project is built, it would add about in maximum density about two thousand trips per day. So it would take it to thirty-eight thousand trips per day or forty- two at peak season, still both below the market level of service from both Dade County and our Village. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It doesn't matter what it would be. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: May I ask, what project are you speaking of? MR. MILLER: This project. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami , F lorida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 86 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Are you speaking of a hotel? MR. MILLER: We 1 re doing the calculations on a condominium UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You 1 re way, way off on your figures. MR. MILLER: I'm not wrong, sir. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But we don't know what they are going to use the property for. So what are you using condominium numbers for? MR. MILLER: I just ran the scenario on the condominium. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Well, you have to run every scenario. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Hotel or condo. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's blown up. What if it's a hotel or condo? MAYOR SPIEGEL: It's a lot more for a hotel; more, in fact, for a hotel than for a private condo. MR. MILLER: I just want to make a comment UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: May I ask Mr. Miller a question? PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 87 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes. I just wanted to ask Mr. Miller that it appears --and I do want to apologize --that our own staff may be just really not ready --if we only looked at numbers with condominiums, and we don't know --we're not discussing a use, then we're just not ready to address the issue. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. Miller, based on the numbers for the hotel that you just generated, is that at maximum density hotel of five hundred and fifty units? MR. MILLER: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And based on those projections and the figures that you have done, would a hotel developed at five hundred and fifty units be the l ow level of service for this Village? MR. MILLER: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And how about if you did this or did that, or if you --we're not talking about usage. We're talking about rezoning. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The rezoning allows two uses of the property: A hotel at five hundred and fifty units, max, a PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 88 condominium with three hundred and two units, max. What Mr. Miller just did, I believe -- and he can testify --was a worse case analysis scenario. If it was built out fully, five hundred and fifty units, it would work for a hotel? UNIDENT I FIED SPEAKER: If it was built on fully three hundred and two units, it would work as a condo. So that's what we call the worse case maximum impact analysis. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That was for the roads. Did you also compare the hotel for sewer and for power? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Again, I just want the public to realize you just heard -- and again, a compliment to Mr. Schulman in taking a statement and putting it on the record properly. Someone challenged, let's figure it out for a hotel, but we know hotel maximum is five hundred and seven --five hundred and fifty rooms --do your calculations the record is now established that that does fall under our criteria. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 So again, folks, we are looking for people to come speak today and at subsequent meetings to help develop the proper record. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: May I ask a question? 89 MAYOR SPIEGEL: You'll have to come up, sir. We can't hear you. Mr. Lebow? MR. LEBOW: As I understand the "OF" zoning --and correct me if I am wrong --it allows the developer to put both a hotel and a condo on the five and a half acres. Examine it carefu l ly. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It's possible. MR. LEBOW: You can see it does. There is plenty of room for both there. UNIDENTIFI ED SPEAKER: It's possible. MR. LEBOW: Read the 11 OF 11 zoning. I read it very carefully. I gave it to a friend of mine, an attorney who does this kind of work, and he says absolutely. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You could have a structure that houses both, couldn't you? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But you can't exceed the theoretical limit of either three PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 90 hundred and two or five hundred and fifty MAYOR SPIEGEL: No. You couldn't have a five fifty and a three hundred and two. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Max, you can't double count the numbers. But you are correct. It could be a condo hotel, hotel condo, bowling alley, whatever the Applicant wants to bu i ld. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I think we need somebody to give us our own figures. I think these figures are fine as far as the (INAUDIBLE) MAYOR SPIEGEL: If you would like to hire an engineer -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We may. MAYOR SPIEGEL: --to study it, fine. We'd like to hear it, so we know what they want to do. Yes. Oh, you do? Is there anything more? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Good afternoon. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Good evening. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: My concern as a resident of Bal Harbour is that -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: Quiet, please. Let them speak. He listened to you. Now, we have PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miam i , Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 91 to listen to him. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you. My concern is that this will not be passed, and if it is not passed, it could be considered spot zoning and from what I understand from the little knowledge I have on development is that possibly, the City could be liable for the thirty-six million dollars. Again, my concern is if we do lose it, the City has a lawsuit of thirty-six million dollars and they are on the hook for the sale, how wil l my taxes be affected to pay for th i s? Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. Mr. Berlin. Howard Berlin. I haven't seen you lately. MR. BERLIN: Howard Berlin, 67 Balbay Drive. Madam Mayor and Council Members, I am going to be brief. A lot of my comments have already been expressed by some of the other residents of the Village and as you heard, our counsel cou l dn't be here today. But he will certainly be here at the next meeting, regardless of what takes PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 92 place this afternoon. First, in a way of observation upon Dina's comment about the Master Plan. Frankly, it seems to me absurd that this town would allow as its calculus or green space, sand. Okay, there seems to be something fundamentally wrong with saying sand should count as green space. Green space is green space, and I think everybody else in this room understands what green space is. So I think the first thing we need to do is amend our Master Plan to coincide with our Zoning Plan, which means that green space is green space and not sand. That's my observation. This way, we will be in conformity with the State law because our Master Plan will be consistent with our Zoning Plan and both will read the same way. So an agenda item I think we should take up soon. Now, as I understand it --although I am a practicing attorney, I'm not here as our group's counsel today. But as I understand it, the burden is on the Applicant here today, and one of the issues that the Applicant has to PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 93 meet its burden on is to show that the current use is not viable. And I think what we have not heard today --although we've heard some comments about the way the club has been run, etc., etc., etc., the fact is the Applicant expert has not even done a study on the viability of this club. He was prepared to testify generally to whether or not clubs in general are doing well, but we have not heard --and it is their burden if you are going to approve this today, to show that the club is not viable. What we have heard is comments from a couple of proprietary club members who stand to cash in, to the tune of about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, why this is not a viable situation. I don't need to get into their bias on this subject, but clearly what we haven't heard is a group of independent objective residents of this Village come to the podium and express why this is a good thing to do. So on that, I would suggest we do one of two things today. Either we deny it because they have clearly failed to meet their burden, PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 or at a minimum, we move to continue this and post pon e. Th ank y ou. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. Mr. Ward, sir? 94 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Get to the mike. MR. WARD: Howard, whether you know it --my name is Glen Ward, again. Whether you know it or not, I voted and a good number of people voted to keep that club. The problem with it is, the majority voted not to. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: What year was i t ? MR. WARD: The same people running it that have been running it. I'm sorry. It just doesn't make --it's been losing money for a good period of time, and it's still losing mo n e y. The problem with this is, Howard, we've got a piece of property we can't keep running. I mean, we can't, and even the people who were social members and all, aren 't using the thing. I mean, this thing divided the whole community to a point that they aren't using it at all. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 95 So now it's just draining it even worse. This thing has been the biggest battle going on around. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can I ask you a question? MR. WARD: You can ask me anything. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Do you think it's possible that everything --that maybe new leadership at the club would make a difference? It's had the same leadership If you're losing money and it's been many years, if it's a public corporation, you take out the leadership and you start again. {INAUDIBLE) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We did try and we did switch the board as well as the president, and so far has not The number of members is not enough. That is the problem. That was the problem. The taxes continue to increase and the expenses went up. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Let me ask you, Glen. Do you think they have met the burden -- without any comparables up and down the coast, without showing graphs of real numbers, do you PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 think they've met the burden that it's not viable as a club? 96 MR. WARD: Can I tell you that if I believed that there was one viable way of doing this, I would continue to fight to keep it there. Do I believe they have? Yes, because Surf Club -- UN I DENT I FIED SPEAKER: I agree with you, but according to us as a decision-making body, we have not seen any numbers. We have not seen past financials to show that is viable or not viable. We have not seen comparables of different clubs. So just him saying that, we don't really know if it's viable or not. We haven't had any evidence. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'd like to talk on this issue. It's pertinent, too, to what is going on right now and what has gone on in the last three months. Not only has the yacht --excuse me, Mayor MAYOR SPIEGEL: I got a call. Go ahead. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Bi scayne Boulevard -Mi ami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 97 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Because he seems to have a problem with this . Not only -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Just to keep it --I have no problem with this. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No, no, the problem with this membership thing. Not only can we not have a viable club at the beach club facility, now we run our numbers and try to put a yacht club together. I go out there and I call residents throughout this neighborhood and ask who wants to join a yacht club, and I'm getting resistance there, too. So a yacht club -- Excuse me. Let me have one second. A yacht club that has a basis in land of maybe two or three million dollars and a tax expense of a lot less, that's not even turning out to be economically feasible, let alone, a property that's worth thirty-six million dollars. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I agree with the comment. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'm in trouble running the club and getting memberships. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 98 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I agree, and I'll look to our counsel, but I think in a quasi-judicial proceeding, that we need evidence to show if it's viable or not viable. A couple of club members just coming up saying it 's not viable, without fancy graphs and comparables and to show us evidence as to why UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But isn't the truth as good as fancy graphs? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We need to see numbers, numbers to show it's not a viable club. The Bath Club is having to sell off its UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Wait a second. Where's the Bath Club? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Right down the beach. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I don't even know the Bath Club. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's not my problem. I've been here since '4 8. Let me tell you, the Bath Club was one of the stronger and better of the clubs. It is PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -988 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 99 going under. It's losing members. The Miami Shores Country Club had to go commercial, as far as that's concerned. The Surf Club up there, I don't know what their condition is at this particular time. I know they have quite a few assessments and as long as they get the big donations from private individuals, they continue to stay in business. They get private individual donat i ons of large money. All I'm telling you is, the club does not work. You can get your graphs, you can get whatever, there is no reason if that thing would work, I would continue to argue for it. I would continue to fight for it. I do not want to see anything but a club there. It can't be done. Drive. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you, Glen. Dr. Lelchuk? DR. LELCHUK: Ira Lelchuk, 169 Camden I believe we're stuck in a bit of a quandary as far as what the State law allows you a l l to do, and then again how it affects us all here. Unfortunately, it is all tied PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 together. Though you can only vote right now on zoning changing from private club to oceanfront, it does --what will culminate after that if it is rezoned oceanfront will affect all of us. Unfortunately, without knowing what, in fact, they are going to be doing there, I believe we, the residents, are in a quandary and feel that we may not have the protection that we voted you in to do for us to preserve and protect Bal Harbour and the residents of Bal Harbour. I feel that there has been so much discussed for the last two years when this first emanated. The topic of the sale of the club, moving the majority of the club from the oceanfront into the residential area where the club is going to stay in existence and build a twenty thousand square foot building because they felt they had enough members to sustain that size, that they would have three or four hundred members . They would have a building there as well as a parcel on the oceanfront. I feel at this time we really need to PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Bou levard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101 sit back and look and see what the possibilities are that we are going to render over there, should you rezone it, and how it would affect all of us. One question to Mr. Miller is the traffic situation. Has the Majestic traffic situation been figured into what you are doing? One thing I know, we do have to look towards State law level, but I know we have a State road going through our neighborhood, but with the increased number of cars, do we know how far in season we are going to be backed up from the entrance of the shops to Harbour Way and how long we are going to be stopped at the various traffic lights? I don't know if, again, you can rule on that. If the State says you can sit five minutes to go from 102nd Street to 96th Street, well, maybe our Council Members can't have a choice about that, but I know as a resident, I would rather not be sitting five or ten minutes as I have sometime in the season UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (INAUDIBLE) DR. LELCHUK: I know you do. So, again, I would like you to look at PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 102 the issues and try and get the evidence to see what the actual ramifications will be if this is rezoned and how this will affect us. MR. WEINSTEIN: Joel Weinstein, 10185 Collins Avenue. For my verification and for the edification for all the people here, I would like to know if Ava Development does own that property or is it s till under agreement? MAYOR SPIEGEL: I don't know. MR. WEINSTEIN: They are corning here and they are telling us they own the property. Are they lying or telling us a bunch of lies, or what's going on here? Does anybody know whether they own the property? Mr. Attorney? Do they own it or, they don't own it? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: They don't own it -- MR. WEINSTEIN: They own it or they don't own it? UNI DENTIFIED SPEAKER: answer to that. I know the MR. WEISS: As I said in my initial, underlying presentation to you, AVA Development PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 103 is a contract vendee. The Applicant before you today for the zoning change is the owner of The Bal Harbour Club, Inc. Is that clear? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. MR. WEINSTEIN: They own the title. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Now, let me see if I can explain it again. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Let me explain it to you. What he's saying is that the club owns the property today. MR. WEINSTEIN: That's what I wanted to know. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The club owns the property and -- MR. WEINSTEIN: They have a contract. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: They have a contract, I assume such MR. WEINSTEIN: So they are not the owners of record? That's what I want to know. So when they sent us a lette r here , they lied to us? AVA Development has purchased the Bal Harbour beachfront property. To me, that would say that they owned it. So they are PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 104 lying there. The second thing is, I'm a tax accountant. Not that I'm bragging, but I had many people come to me with businesses that failed. If you look around in Miami, you will see a lot of people into a store, spend a hundred thousand, fix up the store and two months later it's closed and they went out of business for a simple reason, very poor ma nagement. In my opinion, this club, if it was put into the proper management, would make a lot o f money. It's prime, prime location. It's better prime location than Boca Raton or what have you. This is Bal Harbour. You see the Bal Harbour Shoppes. They do business because they are beautiful shops and they're in a prime location. Bal Harbour Club should be a club and it should remain like that. I would say for the people who now own it, or whoever is going to buy it subject to the existing conditions, let them meet the challenge and make that club into something good. Bal Harbour, I've been a resident here PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, F lorida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 0 5 for eleven years, is one of the most beautiful areas that I've ever seen anywhere in the world, and I think we ought to keep it, or try to keep it as best as we can. Th a nk you . MR. CLANCY: Just one more thing real quick. Sean Clancy, again. I, too, have been a social member of the club for eleven years. The club is a wonderful place. There has been a period of, shall we call it, benign neglect. There has been a desire on the part of some of the people in the club for this situation to develop over a number of years, because their desire was to sell the club. As Glen said --and I fully believe Glen in what he is saying. He has no desire to sell the club. He would like to see the club stay viable, but unless you have a concerted effort from the top to the bottom to bring in new members, to keep the club up, to attract the people in the community who have moved in over the past ten years, obviously, it's not going to be a financially viable s i tuat i on . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORT I NG, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Mi ami , Florid a 33181 (30 5 ) 944 -98 8 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 6 But for many of the people, though, the bottom line is they want the hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Let's not kid ourselves. They are going to commit to money that they never thought they would commit to before. They want the cash. The desire to keep the club is very much secondary to them. The desire to maintain a very beautiful community is very much secondary --it all comes down to the money. The developer wants to make money because he wants to develop the property and that's what we have right here. But, there are a lot of people, really, who would like to be a member of this club if there was new leadership and if there was a way to join this club and make it a real viable situa tion. So, definitely there are people who want to join, but unfortunately, that's not the desire of some of the people driving the train. Thank you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Along the way because it's been a long train ride --there were people who were willing to buy the club and to maintain it as a club. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 107 Unfortunately, it then became a bidding war and different things went back and forth. So these people were pushed aside in a court of law. But there are people out there who would like to own this club and maintain it as a club, but cause of the internal politics as of this point, that has not yet happened. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: That's the first I heard about that. Anyone else? Mr. Schulman? MR. SCHULMAN: Do I get any rebuttal? UNIDEN T IFIED SPEAKER: Feel free. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Everybody done? MAYOR SPIEGEL: No. MR. RUDOLPH: I can speak for rebuttal. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You can speak. This is for rebuttal. This is rebuttal. MR. RUDOLPH: What happens after then it's over after rebuttal? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It's over until either we get continued, denied or move on. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Why don't you speak now? PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 108 MR. RUDOLPH: Is there any way to reserve the MAYOR SPIEGEL: Reserve the right -- MR. RUDOLPH: At what point will it be decided whether you all are going to vote today whether this is going to be? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I haven't decided. MR. RUDOLPH: That hasn't been decided yet. Will I have an opportunity before that decision is made to come up and speak? If so, I'd like to UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Now is your chance. MR. RUDOLPH: Now is my chance? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The opportunity is coming shortly. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Speak, or forever hold your peace. MR. RUDOLPH: There are just a couple of things I'd like to add onto the record, read into the record, if I might. Again, I want to --I'm sorry --Doug Rudolph, 212 Ba lbay . PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 109 I am sure that there are a number of very serious legal issues that our attorney has passed on to us from research that he has done today that none of us are capable of putting into the record right now, and for that I apologize. In laymen 's terms, I'd like to just have you all remember a few things. First and foremost, if you read the Master Plan carefully that continues to refer to what the intentions of everybody was when it was put into place, it very specifically says that this could happen, not this will happen. I think that that's an important element to remember. Secondly, I also think it needs to be remembered that --(INAUDIBLE) Speaking personally, since the issue of the viability of that club was brought forward and opened up as a main and integral part of this proceeding, I'd like to say two things. There are many , many of us who would have joined the club long ago had it not been clear that the intent of the club was to sell it, and that if we put our not insubstantial deposits PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Mi ami, F lorida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 110 down, we would not receive them back. That was not the most welcome open arms situation. Secondly, Mr. Clancy alluded to the people that were along the way willing to buy this club. I feel very badly in certain respects when I see the club not working. th ink all of us do. Since that issue was opened up, I'd I like to say more specifically that the group that came in and made a bid for those proprietary memberships, it was not a small amount of money. I think it was in the neighborhood of $68,000 for a proprietary membership. Along the way, somebody had to make the dec i sion do we want that much money, and if that group's intent to keep it as a club, those people had to decide at the club whether they wanted to take this much money to keep it as a club or this much money and change it. And as long as we're talking about those issu es , I just thought it would be nice to enter that into the record as a fact so we don't forget it later. As I said before respectfully to you PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305} 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 111 people who have a very tough job to do, our group, and just speaking .for our group --we are willing to go whichever way you are, as far as how you want to deal with the issues. So I will leave that to you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you. MR. SCHULMAN: Madam Mayor and Members of the Council, my name is Cliff Schulman, again. The first thing I'd like to do, very importantly, I'd like to offer Fred Spiegel a ride home. (LAUGHTER FROM THE AUDIENCE} here -- MR. SCHULMAN: I don't want him stuck MAYOR SPIEGEL: Who? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Fred Spiegel. MR. SCHULMAN: Okay. He doesn't want to be with me, either. Look, I got you better attendance at this meeting than you have had in a long time. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's true. MR. SCHULMAN: Let me deal with a couple of things very, very seriously, if I might. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 ,-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 112 Having done this for a few years --and you might find this hard to believe --this is not the first time I have appeared on behalf of those who seek to build both highrise multiple family, as well as other types of uses in an area. And it is not unusual, nor am I particularly surprised or shocked, that people who are here both in the single fam i ly and those who already l ive in highrises would like to keep things the way that they we r e. They made a great movie of that. But it has clearly been known that the club facility, from a Master Plan point of view and from a zoning point of v i ew, has been capable of being used f or th i s purpose. So there is no great surprise that I'm hearing opposition. But we should all recognize one of the things which you swore as your obligation to do when you took office and every elected official in the state of Florida does --you swore to uphold and def end the constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Bal Ha r bou r. UNID ENTIFIED SPEAKER: I don't remember PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 113 that. MR. SCHULMAN: Yes, you did. In point of fact, you may even have a signed appointment that was made in the record books as to your taking that oath. That is a very serious oath. One of the things we are talking about here is not whether or not this should be a public park. You have the power to make this a public park. There is a Constitutional way to do that, and what you do, if you choose to, is you condemn it and you pay market value, fair market value, (INAUDIBLE) market value, so that private people's property rights are protected. Because both the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida, to get on my high horse here, say that nobody's property should be denied without due process of law and without the payment of full compensation. Now, I would challenge anyone in this room who were told that they could not do something with their property by the government, how concerned they would be that they would be that they receive all the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 protections of the law. One of those protections is that zoning in the State of 114 Florida is not done by (INAUD I BLE). It is not done by a popular vote. Before you can restrict someone's right, Constitutional right, to use his property, there must be evidence, there must be a hearing and there must be a quasi-judicial body. You are not sitting as you know today as you do when you wear your l egislative hat. Your City Attorney would instruct you, you are sitting as if you were judges hearing a judicial case. Now, what kind of judicial case would it be if the judge looked out over the amassed people in the courtroom and said, "All in favor of hanging the guy --al l in favor -- hang him." Well, that was just the lynch justice that the constitution was enacted to stop. I think Mr. Hi rschl is quite correct and clearly r ecognizes the standard of proof that is before you today. And all of the eviden ce, the only evidence which i s before you today, we believe, sustains the position that the property should be changed from "PC.11 PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 115 From the people who actually tried to make the club work every way that they could, under oath they told you --under oath --and they are challenged, because, "Oh, they have an interest." Well, everybody here has an interest. They wouldn't be in this room today at 6:00 o'clock without an interest, without some bias. But under oath, they told you what they went through. That's the only evidence in the record. The only other evidence in the record is an expert who does nothing but value real estate and these types of properties for a living and is the only expert you've heard today regarding the utilization of the property, and I'm going to let him speak again also on other properties. All I'm saying to you is, we just don't count noses anymore, and say well, that's what the people want, because there are private property rights that are exceedingly i mportant. The testimony, clearly on the usage of traffic, shows that all your standards for traff ic and every other consideration for the servi ces that are necessary for this type of PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3 899 Bi scayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 116 development in a maximum development scenario have been met and would be met by this development. I'd like Mr. Cannon to briefly address, if he would, some of the issues of similar clubs that he is familiar with on the ocean, just to make it clear that his expert opin i on to you was not merely based on a nationwide knowledge. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Could I just say You just mentioned a couple of times, that's the only evidence i n the record. all -- MR. SCHULMAN: Yes, sir. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And that we are UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: In his opinion. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Well, no. We were all very friendly, did the right thing at the last meeting. Now we move to this meeting. You are well aware that the attorney for the residents is not here, who is supplying much of the evidence. Having said that and noting that, don't you think it's fair to allow PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Bou l evard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 117 --to continue this until they have a fair opportunity to present their evidence, because you are aware that that attorney is not here. MR. SCHULMAN: Councilman, that's in your discretion, really. As you know, when it was first asked the last time, we agreed and paid half the cost of your re-advertising, as a show of good faith, not to try to push it and not to try to (INAUDIBLE). I have no control over another attorney's schedule. Clearly you have a whole bunch of people who didn't manage to show up today. As to what's fair, we have a duly noticed public hearing. It's been continued once. Clearly that's within your discretion, but I'm saying to you I was prepared, I'm here, my people are here and we already deferred it once and I paid half the cost of the advertising. I don't know how much fairer I can be than that. So, Mr. Chair, can we come up for a vote? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Point of order. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes? You'll have to come up again for the court reporter. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Madam Mayor, this is a point of order. Howard Berlin, 67 Balbay Drive. 118 Point of order. I heard Mr. Schulman say several times during his rebuttal argument that all of this testimony that's before you was under oath. I never heard any oath administered. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's correct. MR. BERLIN: My understanding is it was talk, and unless it's under oath, it's just that, talk. So where we are right now is, there is no evidence in the record. I didn't see one document submitted into evidence, and I didn't see anybody take an oath. So right now as I see it, there is zero in this record. (Applause.) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr. Berlin. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And I do hear at other meetings, Madam Mayor, where the court did administer an oath. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 119 MAYOR SPIEGEL: Everything is public. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: What I would, Madam Mayor, Mr. Berlin being a lawyer. Thank you. I'd like the court reporter, with your permission, to swear all of the witnesses that testified, including your own expert that what they said and what they will say today, was true under the law. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Some people have left. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'd like to swear my witnesses. I don't care about the rest. MAYOR SPIEGEL: It's --we have --we have it on public record. Everything is on 17 public record. 18 One moment. 19 (Thereupon, there was an off-the-record 20 discussion.) 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Whoever testified and are going to testify, would you raise your right hand and be sworn? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: They can't hear you back there. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 120 If you testified or hope to testify, please raise your right hand. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: That lady back there. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Marjorie Schell. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Whoever testified already -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: You'll have to stand up also. You have to stand up. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Whoever testified or wants to testify, please stand up, raise your right hand and be sworn. (Thereupon, the witnesses were duly sworn.) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thank you. Madam Mayor, we would ask that the informational packet which was submitted into the record at the beginning, be formally admitted in evidence, and all exhibits used in the course of my presentation be marked. Is that all right, Madam Mayor, so the record is clear? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes. He wants to be made a part of the public record. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cannon. 121 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: All right, Mr. MR. CANNON: The most expensive club -- and I must classify this as equity membership and social membership it's the equity membership clubs that are absolutely running on financial distress. Social memberships, which is more of a pay-as-you-go, are not having those same problems because they are subsidized, as Mr. Schulman said and I'm aware of this, by sometimes grants, foundations and so forth and several of them fall into a category of being a non-profit status, but most clubs are not. The most expensive club that I have seen in South Florida is the Pelican Bay Club, where the current equity fee is $106,000 per member. The studies that we have done include Weston Hills Country Club, which is in a major lawsuit between the property owners and the equity membership and the golf club and were involved in that lawsuit for about three years as a consultant to Arvida. We did Ocean Reef Club, which ended up PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 122 being sold to the two thousand members of Ocean Reef and Key Largo, for those of you who are familiar with it. We have met with prospective investors on the Surf Club and the Bath Club, which are running into similar fi n a ncial difficulties that you are in here. The most unique club that we had the opportunity of doing a study on was Mar-A-Lago, and that was Mr. Trump who bought the former Merriwether Post House. He bought that in 1985 , sinking several money out of pocket and it was draining him, and he created a Trust and converted it to a club, and we still have a bet on the side as t o what the memberships were. The City of Palm Beach said that the maximum club members are five hundred. He hasn 't reached that goal yet, but it's in a Trust where it 's for public ownership. There are a lot of memberships that are given away there, and the financials of that UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Do you have any exhibits that I could look at, anything? You are going over numbers and facts, but anything I could look at, I can verify, I can see PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 123 sources what they are? MR. CANNON: I don't have that available for you. I apologize. These are my notes, but I can make it available to the Council if you would like me to. One of our clients is Aventura, which is developing the Harbor Islands and because that is the Intracoastal and in the Three Islands neighborhood, they asked us to explore the viability of the beach club and there were several hotels on the beach, including former Holiday Inns and so forth nearby. When we conducted that study , we found that it just wasn't economically viable where they would share the cost of development, the cost of memberships , amongst the over two thousand residents that would eventually be members under their condominium association/homeowners association. So they cancelled that idea. The biggest problem that clubs have and I'm sure your club must have the same problem and as I said, I didn't review the financials --is where you charge a mandatory fee each month for the restaurant facilities PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 124 and then nobody shows u p to eat them. So you throw the food away, and then people get upset with wasted dollars for that . The club that faced that p roblem a n d it recently was so l d at a tremendous loss, is the Deering Bay Yacht Club . The Deering Bay Yacht Club had such a membership and all of the equity memberships there and the dues and the subsidies in that r egard for running the club, because you pay a nd no one uses it, and t h en you have those wasted dues and that's where the financial distress occur s . Recently I know that another company purchased fr om the Codina operation the assets, and about seventy million dollars was lost on that deal. Those will give just some MAYOR SPIEGEL: Well, I think these are just comments and -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Madam Mayor, let me just ask one follow-up question. Your opinion that you gave earlier regarding the viabi l ity of the club as an economic use, is it based on not only the national figures but your knowledge of the local clubs that you me ntioned today? PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 125 MR. CANNON: National, state, local and more specific , the actual clubs that I addressed in my presentation . MAYOR SPI EGEL: Thank you very much . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Thank you . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can he be cross examined? cross UNIDENTIF I ED SPEAKER : UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: examine him. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Okay. This gentleman? Yes. sure. I'd like to UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Go right a h ead . MR. BERLIN: Do you need my name again? MAYOR SPIEGEL : Yes . MR . BERLIN : Howard Berlin , 67 Ba l bay Drive . Sir, is it your testimony today that all beach clubs fail? Is that your testimony, that all beach clubs fail? MR. CANNON: If people put in the equity membership and pay the shortfall of operations, they will not fail. MR. BERLIN : Okay. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 So then it is your testimony that beach clubs can be successful? Isn't that correct? MR. CANNON : Successful, yes, viable, no. MR. BERLIN : Okay, sir , you testified you did not examine this particular beach club's financial records. Isn't that correct? MR . CANNON : Yes, because of the confidentiality agreement , as I understand it. MR. BERLIN: I'm not asking you about confidentiality. The fact is, you did not examin e this particular beach club's financial records . Yes or no? MR . CANNON : Not at this time, but I will if asked. MR . BERLIN: Okay, but today is the hearing Now, last question. S ir, are you familiar with the Johnson Stoker (phonetic) proposal that was before this club a couple of years ago? Yes or no? MR . CANNON : No, sir . MR . BERLIN : Sir, if you were told that the John son Stoker proposal would have paid all PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 127 of the carrying costs for this club, what would your opinion be as to its viability? MR. CANNON : I would have to see the contract terms and conditions to give that opinion, sir . MR . BERLIN : Last question . Isn't i t most likely, sir, that if that proposal would have paid the carrying costs, which the club members have been telling us is what burdens this club, paying the taxes, e tc., that most likely this c lub would be successful? Yes or no? MR. CANNON : I can't answer that yes or no, but it depends after I read the financial terms. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That 's the exp ert . Bon voyage. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I have a question f or Howard Berlin. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Excuse me , may I have your name? MR. CASTILLANO : Bill Castillano. Howard? I have a question for Howard. I have a question for you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That is the PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 3318 1 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 128 witness . I am not the witness . MR . CASTILLANO: Are you saying you won 't answer any of my questions? UNIDENT IFIED SPEAK ER: No. I said that is the witness . MR. CASTILLANO: a question for you . I'm just saying I have MAYOR SPIEGEL : Would you come up , please? MR . CASTILLANO: If I can't ask a question, then I 'll sit down . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I'll be happy to be the expert witness on the viability of this club, sir. Are you asking the question as a proprietary member who is about to cash in a hundred and fifty t housand dollars, or are you asking me a que stion as just a res ident who is concerned about the welfare of the community? Which is it? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'm asking you as a res ident of this community a question. Have you been to the beach club? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Were you invited PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, F l orida 33 181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 129 to the beach club? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : Well, actually the time I -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I wouldn 't exactly say I was invit ed . If you'd like, I'd be happy to tell of the circumstances, but I don't think I was invited . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Were you ever sent a letter --maybe you didn't live in the neighborhood at the time that a letter went out to the residents . Were you sent a letter to come to a membership recruitment meeting? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I don't recall. I may have. I don't know what the relevance is . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Excuse me . When that letter was sent to you, did you throw that away, or did you seriously consider joining as a member of the club? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Gentleman gentleman --have a seat, please . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER : I don't think this is relevant -- PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 1 3899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAYOR SPIEGEL: It's going nowhere. This gentleman is --and then you have to be sworn in. 130 MR. HOLDER: I need to say one thing, just one, please. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: He has the floor. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Let him speak. MR. HOLDER: Madam Chairperson, I hope the Chair -- MAYOR SPIEGEL: Please sit down for one moment while he is speaking. MR. HOLDER: My name is Daniel Holder. I have been a resident of Bal Harbour for fourteen years. MAYOR SPIEGEL: What's your address, please? MR. HOLDER: 24 Balbay Drive. When I first moved here, my wife and I, we were invited to join the Bal Harbour Club. The argument that was given --or the inducement --was that as proprietary members, it was a real l y good investment because one day, this club woul d be sold and we would make a whole lot of money. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 131 I didn't think that was a very good reason to join the club. At that time, I didn't think it was a good investment because I foresaw problems with zoning changes and all that's happening now. I don't know whether the club is a viable club or not. I do know that right now that property is zoned as a club and that property is a valuable part of this community. If you put a large residential facility there, it's going to be a considerable detriment to this community. If a club moves into where the Yacht Club is and expands and increases traffic, it's going to be a detriment to this community. The gentleman before was explaining to you your duties as a Village Council. I think your primary duty as the Village Council is to protect this neighborhood. I don't think the Village in the past has always done that. I think we have larger buildings here than we should have and a higher population than we should have. You have an opportunity now where all you have to do is just say no. It's a PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 132 property that has a particular zoning. The people involved with that property knew what that zoning was from the beginning, and I ask you to protect this community and please say no. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Mrs. Roberge. MR. ROBAGE: I 'm Lucille Roberge. I live at 165 Biscay Drive for twenty-six years. I was a member of the Bal Harbour Club and the one thing that I don't think anybody has brought out about the beach club. We have yacht club with the beach club, and that is unique. If that yacht club would have been developed the way it should have been years ago, we wouldn't be in thi s mess that we are today. Thank you. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes, sir. Please be brief and not repetitious. We've heard everything. Give us something new. MR. CARBISARO (Phonetic): Phil Carbisaro, 63 Balbay Drive. MAYOR SPIEGEL: Thank you. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 133 MR. CARBISARO: If I can, could I see that first b i llboard that was put up by Mr. Schulman? Is that asking too much? The magnificent one of showing the whole of Bal Harbour from the ocean, and you had each one MAYOR SPIEGEL: The one in color? MR. CARBISARO: The thing that got my interest on that is that there is only one with a private club there. There are a million maybe not a million and I'm over exaggerating --highrises. I don't think we need another highrise in the community. I think the burden --and it's an historic vote I believe, and the burden is on you people. Once that's voted public or whatever, we lose that forever. Bal Harbour has always been unique and I think by allowing another highrise to come in, we will never be able to have a private club there. My suggestion is that maybe we should ask for a continuance, rather than have vote today, and let the residents, the concerned residents --You don't know what you have until you lose it. I think there might be enough PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 134 interest right now to make that successful. So I'm asking for a continuance, rather than a vote at this moment, so that we can reinforce our feelings of the neighborhood. Thank you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Anybody else? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes, there are other people who want to speak. Are there any comments from the audience? Are there any comments from the staff or from our attorney? Mr. Schulman, was there something else you were going to discuss? MR. SCHULMAN: You have been very generous with your time and your patience, and we are just here to answer any questions that you may have. And Fred can still get a ride home with me. MAYOR SPIEGEL: We are going to have to wait. We have to wait for Peggy Gerson to return so we can have a full Council here. No excuses. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And you know our PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 135 1 standard rule, that you have to stay for the 2 rest of the meeting. 3 (Thereupon, there was an interruption 4 in the proceedings .) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Okay, we 're back . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Ladies and gentleman, I think it's time that we go ahead and face the issue. Again, I think for the public's informa tion and for the Council 1 s full understanding, I am going to ask the City Attorney once again to go over our options and explain the ramifications of various votes that we are about to embark upon. Please. MR. WEISS: Let me just go through and read you from the most important case in this area, which basically says: "A land owner seeking to rezone property has the burden of showing that the proposal is consistent with the comprehensive plan and that they have complied with their procedural requirements." That's the ir burden. "At this point, the burden shifts to PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miam i, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 136 demonstrate that maintaining the existing zoning with respect to the property accomplishes a legitimate government purpose a legitimate public purpose. In effect, the land owners --"blah, blah, blah. "The board or the public has the burden of showing that the refusal to -- "The burden of ;the people objecting to this rezoning is to show that the refusal to rezone the property is not arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable," and that's the way the burden is . The issue of, more people want it, less people want it, that's not evidence. That's interesting and I think that is significant. know people have strong feelings about it, but I in order for the Council to make a decision on this one way or another --and I don't know how you are going to vote and I'm going to have to defend it either way --so I'm certainly not taking a position on this. But you have got to have information on the record to support your decision. As well meaning as people are , the fact that they say I don't like the project, That's not enough PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 137 evidence. or Mr. Schulman saying, I think it's a great project. That's not enough, either. There has got to be evidence. Evidence doesn't need to be from fancy professionals, but it needs to be evidence and not just sort of someone's opinion as to what they feel. I know that that's difficult for you as a Council because I know that you are elected by constituents and you are here to serve the public and to protect the Village and do all those other things. But unfortunately, as a result of the case law that is comi ng down, you have a lot less discretion in this area than you used to. so what's important is that whatever decision you make today, that that decision is based upon evidence on the record based upon those th i ngs that I just discussed. In other words, there has got to be evidence if you are going to approve it, that it complies with the Comprehensive Plan and they have met their procedural requirements. If you are going to deny it, there has got to be evidence on the record that it's not PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 138 arbitrary, it's not discriminatory and it's not unreasonable evidence. So whichever way you go, you need to have evidence in the record to support your decision. MAYOR SPIEGEL: In other words, the people that are for it, the evidence of how much they are going to receive is really none of our business. MR. WEISS: No. MAYOR SPIEGEL: And the people that are opposed to it can't say I don't want it because I don't like a highrise or I don't want a hotel. That's not evidence. That's opinion. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The courts have recognized that it doesn't need to be expert opinion, but it just can't be I don't like it? There has got to be a reason. There have got to be things in the record --put things in the record MAYOR SPIEGEL: What's the reason? Why don't you like it? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Madam Mayor? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: This, by far in PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 139 my tenure on the City Commission is this most significant issue that has ever come before me and I think probably this Council in recent memory. It's apparent to me that the record is incomplete. There are individuals who aren 't here, who for my vote and my understanding and for me to make my educated and prudent and honorable decision, I would like the opportunity to listen to more people. I think it's well within our right to ask for a deferral. I think the record must be clearly understood before we vote in any manner on this subject, and I hereby make a motion that we defer for sixty days, because of Mr. Schulman 's inability to be here at our next meeting, and we will continue at that time. That is where, hopefully, we will get the record established and the first vote on the two Ordinances that we must vote upon will be approved. So that's my motion. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'd like to second the motion. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So we can avoid PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 140 the having to make a decision again about the --it will be a continuation of the public record UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I would like at this point --and again, I am n ot trying to waste taxpayer's money --but at this point, not to burden the Applicant or the others, I think the City should once again send out a postcard notification at our expense. I think it's good government and I think it's a way to keep our citizens informed --for both sides. Whether you are for it or against it, it's the way it should be. So has the motion been seconded? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Last month, we deferred this for thirty days? I very carefully asked Mr. Shubin and Mr. Schulman if thirty days was going to be enough. This was last month. "Oh, yes." Mr. Shubin was here when this date was set. To find him in Los Angeles today, it does not sit well with me. But I agree. We do need to get more on the record and so I wi ll go along with this. But beyond sixty days, don't look for any more deferrals. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944 -9884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 141 MAYOR SPIEGEL: And bring back strong evidence. Let's call the vote, please. Do you want to poll? MS. HORTON: Mayor Spiegel? MAYOR SPIEGEL: Aye. MS HORTON: commissioner Hirschl? COMMISSIONER HIRSCHL: Aye. MS. HORTON: councilman Gorson? COUNCILMAN GORSON: Aye. MS. HORTON: counci l man Boggess? COUNCILMAN BOGGESS: Aye. MS. HORTON: Councilman Tantleff? COUNCILMAN TANTLEFFF: Aye. MAYOR SPIEG EL: Okay. This continuance is approved for sixty days. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884 142 1 CERTIFICATE OF REPORTER 2 I, RITA BERNSTEIN, do hereby certify that I 3 transcribed. the foregoing excerpt of the proceedings at 4 the time and place hereinabove set forth, and that the 5 foregoing pages numbered from 1 to 1 41, inclusive, 6 constitute a true and correct transcription of 7 tape recordings of the proceedings at said hearing. 8 WITNESS MY HAND at Miami, Dade County, Florida, 9 this 12th day of November, 1997. PERSONAL TOUCH REPORTING, INC. 13899 Biscayne Boulevard -Miami, Florida 33181 (305) 944-9884