HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231026 - Select Board - Agenda PacketTOWN OF HOPKINTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday,October 26,2023 6:00 PM Hopkinton Town Hall,18 Main St,Hopkinton,MA -Room 215/216 (Amended 10-25-2023 -Day of the week updated) Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87847150931?pwd=NlRxby8zYzgyZDJsRUxsbld5TUxXdz09 Passcode:894036 Or One tap mobile : +13052241968,,87847150931#US;+13092053325,,87847150931#US Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality,dial a number based on your current location): +1 305 224 1968 US;+1 309 205 3325 US;+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York);+1 646 931 3860 US;+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC);+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma);+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston);+1 360 209 5623 US;+1 386 347 5053 US;+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose);+1 507 473 4847 US;+1 564 217 2000 US;+1 669 444 9171 US;+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose);+1 689 278 1000 US;+1 719 359 4580 US;+1 253 205 0468 US Webinar ID:878 4715 0931 International numbers available:https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc4d5yOcQt 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER -OPEN SESSION 1.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:01 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2.Residents are invited to share ideas,opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM CONSENT AGENDA 3.The Select Board will consider the following consent agenda: a.MINUTES -The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes of the October 10,2023 and October 17,2023 meetings. 6:15 PM NOV.13,2023 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 4.The Select Board will consider signing the November 13,2023 Special Town Meeting Warrant.A demonstration will be held of electronic voting to be potentially used at the Special Town Meeting. Supporting Exhibits:Special Town Meeting 2023 6:45 PM SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM DISCUSSION 5.The Select Board will review the School Resource Officer program with Police,School and Youth &Family Service Department representatives.The School Committee is invited to attend. 7:15 PM LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES 6.Supporting Exhibit:FY 24 Liaison Assignments 7:20 PM FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS Page 1 7.Board members will identify future agenda items. ●For 10/17 we will add:Town Clean Water/PFAS Remediation Advisory Council Framework Mannan (requested Sep 2023) ●Town Economic Development Advisory Council-Mannan 7:25 PM ADJOURN Correspondence to Select Board 1.Mike Torosian Email -STM -Electronic Voting 2.Kristen Turner Emails -STM -Elmwood School Replacement Operating Cost Questions Upcoming Select Board Meetings 1.November 13,2023 -Special Town Meeting 2.November 14,2023 3.November 28,2023 Town Hall is accessible;the public may attend in person or remotely.If accommodations/modifications are needed, please contact the Town Manager ’s office at 508-497-9701 or complete this form. The listed matters on the agenda are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting.Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.Unless an agenda item is a posted public hearing,the matter may be considered earlier than the indicated time if there are last minute cancellations or other unforeseen events which cause the Board to move more quickly through the agenda. Page 2 The Middle School is accessible. If accommodations/modifications are needed, please contact the Town Manager’s office at 508-497-9701 or complete this form by November 10, 2023. Select Board Chair Muriel Kramer ______ Initial COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF HOPKINTON SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT NOVEMBER 13, 2023 (Voter Registration Deadline: November 3, 2023) MIDDLESEX, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Hopkinton in said County, GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn all inhabitants of the Town of Hopkinton qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs: To bring in their ballots on November 28, 2023, to an adjourned session of the Special Town Meeting to be held at the Hopkinton Middle School Gymnasium, 88 Hayden Rowe, to vote “Yes” or “No” on the following question appearing on the ballot: QUESTION 1: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of Proposition two-and-one-half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to design, construct and furnish the new Hopkinton Elmwood Elementary, located on the Hayden Rowe site at 147 Hayden Rowe, for 1195 students in grades 2-4, inclusive of all building, mechanical systems along with associated site work improvements? For this purpose, the polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. AND, further, to meet at the Hopkinton Middle School at 88 Hayden Rowe, on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., then and there to act upon the following Articles: ARTICLE 1: Elmwood Elementary School Sponsor: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, an amount of money to be expended under the direction of the Elementary School Building Committee to design, construct and furnish the new Hopkinton Elmwood Elementary, on the Hayden Rowe site, located at 147 Hayden Rowe, for 1195 students in grades 2-4, inclusive of all building, mechanical systems along with associated site work improvements, and which school facility Select Board Chair Muriel Kramer ______ Initial 2 shall have an anticipated useful life as an educational facility for the instruction of school children of at least 50 years, and for which the Town may be eligible for a school construction grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”). The Town acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and any project costs the Town incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town. Any grant that the Town may receive from the MSBA for the Project shall not exceed the lesser of (1) Forty-nine and seven hundredths percent (49.07%) of eligible, approved project costs, as determined by the MSBA, or (2) the total maximum grant amount determined by the MSBA. Pass any vote or take any act relative thereto. ARTICLE 2: Eliminate Political Caucus, and Local Election Ballots with Printed Political Affiliation for Sponsor: Citizens Petition To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board, on behalf of the Town, to petition the General Court for passage of a special law substantially as provided below, to authorize the Legislature to make clerical or editorial changes in form only to the bill, unless the Select Board approves amendments to the bill before enactment by the Legislature, and to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments that shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition. An act relative to Town elections in the Town of Hopkinton Section 1. Notwithstanding chapter 53 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, a primary or caucus for the nomination of town officers shall not be held in the Town of Hopkinton. Ballots used at a regular or special town election for the election of town officers shall not have printed thereon a party or political designation or mark, and there shall not be any political designation or mark appended to the name of a candidate for town office. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Pass any vote or take any act relative thereto. ARTICLE 3: Adopt the Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code Sponsor: To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code, for the purpose of regulating the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, by accepting the provisions of 225 CMR 22, Appendix RC and 225 CMR 23, Appendix CC, with such acceptance to take effect July 1, 2024. Select Board Chair Muriel Kramer ______ Initial 3 Pass any vote or take any act relative thereto. ARTICLE 4: Land Acquisition - Vicinity of South St. Sponsor: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money for the acquisition of the ______ Property at [address], containing _____ acres, more or less, identified as Assessor’s Parcel _________ and more particularly described in a certain deed recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book ______, Page ____ for open space purposes. Said sum to be spent under the direction of the Town Manager. Pass any vote or take any act relative thereto. ARTICLE 5: Municipal Parking Sponsor: To see if the Town will vote to: (1) acquire by gift, purchase, lease, eminent domain or otherwise, an interest in [addresses] (Assessors Map parcels _______) for the purpose of providing municipal parking on such terms as the Select Board shall deem to be in the best interests of the Town; (2) acquire by gift, purchase, lease, eminent domain or otherwise, an interest or interests in land from the winner or winners of a competitive bid selected pursuant to M.G.L. c.30B, for the purpose of providing municipal parking in the downtown area on such terms as the Select Board shall deem to be in the best interests of the Town; and (3) raise and appropriate, borrow, transfer from available funds or otherwise provide a sum of money for the purpose of such acquisitions. Pass any vote or take any act relative thereto. HEREOF FAIL NOT, and make the due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Clerk of said Town of Hopkinton, at the time and place aforesaid. Given under our hands this ______th day of October, 2023. SELECT BOARD TOWN OF HOPKINTON ___________________________ ____________________________ Select Board Chair Muriel Kramer ______ Initial 4 Muriel Kramer, Chair Shahidul Mannan, Vice-Chair ___________________________ ____________________________ Amy Ritterbusch Mary Jo LaFreniere ___________________________ Irfan Nasrullah A TRUE COPY ATTEST: _____________________________ Connor Degan, Town Clerk DATE: ________________________ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SERVED THE FOREGOING WARRANT BY POSTING A TRUE AND ATTESTED COPY THEREOF IN THE TOWN HALL, ALL THE POST OFFICES, THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, THE SENIOR CENTER, AND AT LEAST ONE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING AT LEAST FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF HOLDING SAID MEETING. _______________________________ Constable of Hopkinton SELECT BOARD LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS FY 2024 Appropria�on Commitee C Commitee Cable Commitee Animal Control Conserva�on Com Commitee Commitee Commitee Cemetery Commission Commission on Disability Town Clerk Commitee Council on Aging ADA Oversight Commitee Veterans Celebra�on Commitee Commitee Hopkinton Cultural Council Marathon Commitee Marathon Fund Commitee Parks & Recrea�on Commission Youth Commission C reserva�on C FY24 Select Board Liaison Assignments – Page 2 Woodville Historic District Commission Hopkinton Historic District Commission Historical Commission Hopkinton Housing Authority Sustainable Green Commitee Trail Coordina�on and Management Commitee Commissioners of Trust Funds Lake Maspenock Dam Advisory Group Hopkinton Schools Athle�c Field Subcommitee Boston Athle�c Associa�on Elementary School Building Commitee (Life of the Todaro Proper�es Advisory Group (Life of the Prat Farm Master Plan Team (Life of the Project) Upper Charles Trail Commitee (term expires 6/30/25) Open Space Preserva�on Commission (term expires 6/30/26) Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board (term expires 6/30/26) Metropolitan Area Planning Council Representa�ve, Select Board Member (Town Manager Appointment) MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (1 year term) 10/20/23, 9:26 AM Town of Hopkinton, MA Mail - STM STM Elaine Lazarus <elainel@hopkintonma.gov> Mike Torosian <miketorosian@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 9:15 PM To: selectboard@hopkintonma.gov I support electronic voting. Please make it happen. Mike Torosian 1 colonial ave https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?i k=dbd2da471 e&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f: 1780053963608330988&sim pl=msg-f:1780053963608330... 1/1 8/25/23, 10:01 AM Town of Hopkinton, MA Mail - Elmwood School Project ry ,• 'riPF*Mqn Elmwood School Project Elaine Lazarus <elainel@hopkintonma.gov> Kristen Turner <kturner73@gmail.com> Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 3:36 PM To: selectboard@hopkintonma.gov Good Afternoon Select -board Members, I am the parent of two students in HPS and I would like to share my thoughts on the proposed Elmwood school replacement project that you will may be voting to endorse tonight. While I agree that increased student enrollment is an issue in Hopkinton, I disagree with the solution of a new school for grades 2-4. In an ideal world, with unlimited resources, this project checks all the boxes. However, realistically, a modest replacement 2-3 school should have been selected. Instead we are presented with this school building proposal with an exorbitant price tag that will be the largest elementary school in Massachusetts. I am aware that all the committees have worked very hard to keep costs down, and give them kudos for all their time and effort. It appears to me that no budget was provided to this project from the town and the ESBC is simply creating one as the process moves along. This seems backwards to me. Shouldn't the town have provided a budget guidance to the project that is affordable to taxpayers and takes into consideration all the other capital needs of the town as a whole? We need a solution for our students but it needs to be an affordable solution. I understand that the average homeowner will see taxes increase $1,100+ per year for the next 20-30 years; some can take this in stride, but MANY others will struggle. Long term residents, single parents, senior citizens, low/moderate income families cannot absorb this increase. Keep in mind that there is another potential 40M for a Hopkins School addition riding on the heels of this project. What would that look like for a tax impact? An additional $500 perhaps? I urge you to seriously consider the viability of this project given the tremendous tax burden that will be inflicted upon the residents of this town. The School Committee asked one question before last night's vote (I think about the lifespan of construction materials), I find this a little disappointing considering we are talking almost $160 Million dollars. The MSBA eimbursements are wonderful, but please don't ignore the sacrifices you are expecting residents to make to get this "free" money. Regards, Kristen Turner 89 South Mill Street https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=dbd2da471 e&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1775049812226111603&simpl=msg-f:1775049812226111603 1/1 10/24/23, 9:01 AM Town of Hopkinton, MA Mail - STM- Elmwood School Replacement- Operating Cost Question Elaine Lazarus <elainel@hopkintonma.gov> STM- Elmwood School Replacement- Operating Cost Question Kristen Turner <kturner73@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 7:42 AM To: selectboard@hopkintonma.gov Dear Select -board, I am following up on this email. I posed this question to the ESBC as well, and they got an answer from the Superintendent. Her answer is as follows: Regardless of where the students are housed, with increased student enrollment come increased FTE headcount requirements. We've been adding faculty over the past seven years to support the 800+ students who have joined the Hopkinton Public Schools. We will continue to do that. So, if we don't build the new school, we'll still be adding faculty, administration, and staff to educate the children in our buildings. As I am sure you know, Hopkinton is ranked 26 out of 351 cities and towns for the highest average single family tax bill. The Superintendent explains new headcount, including administrators, will be hired regardless of the outcome of the projects. Given that budget shortfalls will be an issue in the near future, through what means will these new headcount be funded? Best Regards, Kristen Turner Begin forwarded message: From: Kristen Turner <kturner73@gmail.com> Date: October 18, 2023 at 1:23:28 PM EDT To: selectboard@hopkintonma.gov Subject: STM- Elmwood School Replacement- Operating Cost Question [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?i k=dbd2da471 e&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f: 1780636960813756977&sim pl=msg-f:1780636960813756... 1/1