HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrleans School Committee Minutes 2012-06-18 ORLEANS SCHOOL COMMITTEE Meeting of June 18, 2012 Held in the Music Room, Orleans Elementary School Present for the Committee: Mary Lyttle, Josh Stewart, David Abel, Eric Elinstrom Present for the Administration: Dr. Hoffmann, Principal Carreiro Others in attendance: John Hodgson— Orleans Selectman CALL TO ORDER Chair Stewart called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. AGENDA CHANGES —None CITIZENS SPEAK—None RECOGNITIONS Sue Quatracelli and the OES Community Service Club were recognized for their contributions to the community which was made possible in part from a grant from the Cape Cod Five. Students shared essays about helping out at the Animal Shelter, Food Pantry and also picked up trash in their community. Principal's Report Principal Carreiro reported that June was a busy month with events, field trips and project-based learning. She thanked Chuck Hollander-Essig and Dawn Steber for creating a fifth grade video and Mrs. Thayer for all her hard work on the fifth grade year book. Enrollment, Title I with grades I and 2 included, science/new framework and materials needed for each grade level were also items of interest. Principal Carreiro also expressed what a great year it has been at OES with earlier start times, lunch before recess, the new Health and Wellness Policy implementation, new technology, new science frameworks and new teacher evaluation process. Smart board installation was discussed with an estimated cost of$10,000. Sandi Wright, educational assistant at Orleans Elementary School for 22 years who has retired,was honored by the School Committee. Dr. Hoffmann referred the committee to the Assistant Superintendent's report highlighting work being done on the Common Core, ELA and Math, curriculum mapping Atlas, and the science curriculum frameworks. Dr. Hoffmann also reported he met with the Police Chiefs and noted Chief Roy from Orleans is retiring and recognized him for always being accessible to the schools. He also thanked the Town of Eastharn for funding benefits and summer salary for the School Resource Officer. He attended the Middle School curriculum night that was a tremendous event with projects in ELA, Math, Robotics and Tech Ed. He attended many senior activities at the high school noting scholarship night and the graduation ceremony. Other activities attended were scholarship night, graduation, BUGS breakfast, OES talent show, lunch at Captain Linnell House, and the OES science fair. Giovanna Venditti will begin work on July 1"and has already worked 10 days in the district. Susan Murray is in communication with the cafeteria managers and is working with them on uniforms, caps and nets, as well as shoes for a more professional appearance. Inventory from all schools has been forwarded to her and she is working on the September menu. She is also looking into some professional development days for cafeteria staff. The Point of Sales System will be web-based vs. server based and will begin phasing in use in October. Dr. Hoffinann indicated he has received input regarding the Strategic Plan, attended all school council meetings and posted the draft document on the website for community comments. On July 9th there is a Joint School Committee meeting scheduled to review and adopt the plan. FY12 Budget Update Dr. Hoffmann reviewed the expenditure plan through June 30, 2012. Items being considered for purchase are gym wall pads, upgrading Microsoft Office to 2007, a server, smart boards for 9 classrooms and replacing computers in the lab. The goal is to have enough money remaining to purchase science materials. It was also noted $9,000 was expended at the end of the year for tuition for an outside placement. Discussion followed regarding purchasing some of next year's items so there will be money for science supplies. It was noted that Special Needs tuitions can be pre-paid. Principal Carreiro stated she is waiting to hear from the Town Administrator regarding the five- year plan for physical plant updates. She noted there are some repairs that need to be done this summer such as bathroom partitions and a few doors. Selectmen Hodgson asked that Principal Carreiro email a priority list to him with building needs. David Abel mentioned the need to possibly replace the furnace as a newer model will bring a 20-30% reduction in fuel consumption. Principal Carreiro noted various vendors who are helping with the maintenance such as carpet cleaning, painting, and floor refinishing. Cafeteria Report Dr. Hoffmann reviewed the cafeteria report with the committee noting that 2 employees are paid from this revolving account. The cafeteria manager's salary is in the regular budget line 3035. Lunch will increase to $2.50 next year to be in compliance with Federal guidelines. School Choice Update Principal Carreiro reported that there is one student registered for grade one as one decided not to attend. There were four applicants for grade four. Two grade four students have special needs, one OES could not accommodate and the other will need an educational assistant. Dr. Caretti reviewed how a special needs student is paid for under the School Choice Program. All information on the I.E.P. is put into a state provided form with a formula and is 100% reimbursable minus employee health benefits for educational assistant. Dr. Caretti stated the school is not required to develop a new program for a student but are required to try and service students. Motion: On a motion by David Abel, seconded by Eric Ehnstrom, it was voted unanimously to close the application process as of June 18, 2012 and that parents with registration papers not yet returned be notified and told the deadline to submit their paperwork is June 30th Dr. Caretti asked that the committee consider developing a process for special needs students to move into programs within the district, if they cannot be accommodated in their own town. 2 School Committee Summer Dates Orleans School Committee—July 30th—Conference Room at OES, budget development process. July 9th—Joint School Committee Meeting—8:30 a.m. at Central Office, Supt. Evaluation and Strategic Plan. Junly 24th—Jim Hardy, MASC will give a presentation on the Roles and Responsibilities of School Committees Eric Ehnstrom asked that the committee have the final version of the expenditure report at least a week prior to the July 30th meeting. OTHER REPORTS AND INFORMATION Cape Cod Collabortative—no report Playground Subcommittee—Chair Stewart referred to Principal Carreiro's report and added that all the subcommittees have been filled. The subcommittee is meeting on Tuesday from noon to 8:00 p.m. to organize. There are some small fundraisers taking place this summer including donation boxes, a table at Cape Cod Five, and a Float in the July 4th Parade. The mailing fundraiser brought in $29,000. Chair Stewart will check about hanging a banner across Main Street. Pat Switchencko was thanked for her service to the committee. The Superintendent will send a note on behalf of the committee. Transportation Subcommittee—First Student continues to fine tune the routes. An August meeting will be scheduled. Approval of Minutes On a motion by Mary Lyttle, seconded by David Abel, it was voted 3 yeas to approve the minutes of May 21, 2012. (not voting-Mary Lyttle) Executive Session On a motion by Eric Ehnstrom, seconded by Mary Lyttle, it was voted by roll call vote to go into Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. Roll call vote was as follows: Mary Lyttle-aye, Eric Ehnstrom-aye, David Abel-aye, Chair Stewart voted aye. The Committee went into Executive Session for the purpose of negotiations and will not return to open session. Adjournment On a motion by Eric Ehnstrom, seconded by Mary Lyttle, it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ann M. Tefft, recording secretary 3