HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230706 - Open Space Preservation Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 18 MAIN STREET HOPKINTON, MA 01748 (508) 497-9755 Open Space Preservation Commission July 6, 2023 Page 1 of 3 Meeting Minutes of July 6, 2023 Present: Nancy Peters, Ed Harrow, Steven Levandosky, Jane Moran, Muriel Kramer Guests: Mary Ellen Gambon, Peter LaGoy, Mike Boelsen, Donna Pagan Mr. Levandosky Call the meeting to order at 7:00pm Mr. Levandosky read the remote meeting script noting that Mr. Harrow was joining remotely. TCMC Request - Mr. Levandosky explained that the town has accounts at Hopkinton Lumber; there is a general account and one for Open Space, recently Mr. LaGoy explained that he has been discouraged from using the general account but had been asked not to open a new account. Mr. LaGoy explained that if he were to use the Open Space account he would pay the invoice and it wouldn’t come from the Open Space budget. Mr. LaGoy explained he attempted to set up an account through the town finance department, however it hasn’t been done. Ms. Moran suggested that TCMC set up an account with Hopkinton Lumber and discouraged the use of the Open Space account, as she would hate to see the two groups get mixed up. Ms. Peters explained she wasn’t sure why TCMC would be using the Open Space account, and recommended circling back with the town accountant to set up the separate account. Mr. Levandosky explained the situation came up because Hopkinton Lumber wanted to limit the amount of new accounts. He explained that he didn’t see a problem with TCMC using the Open Space account, as it would help Hopkinton Lumber out with limiting new open accounts. Ms. Peters explained that the town should be helping set up the account versus passing the problem along to another board/committee. Ms. Moran suggested that it would send a message that TCMC was a subcommittee for Open Space which could be awkward. Mr. Levandosky suggested a proposal that for the time being TCMC could use the Open Space account, however agrees that each committee/board should have their own line of credit. Mr. Levandosky’s suggestion was to allow the committee to use the account for 6 months until they could set up their own account. Ms. Moran suggested that the Hopkinton Lumber could send the invoices directly to Mr. LaGoy’s home. Mr. Harrow suggested reaching out to assistant town manager Elaine Lazarus and accounting to figure out where the invoices should be going. Motion to allow TCMC the use of the Open Space account at Hopkinton Lumber for lumber for the Town Forest bridge through September, with the invoices to be paid by TCMC was made by Open Space Preservation Commission July 6, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Levandosky and seconded by Ms. Peters. Roll call vote Nancy Peters - Yes, Jane Moran - No, Ed Harrow - Yes, Steven Levandosky - Yes. Ms. Kramer is present at 7:31pm Invasives at Pratt Farm - Mr. Harrow explained that he had been to the site several times, as well as to Turkey Ridge and was not sure where funds would come from for invasive removal. He explained the invasives will become a major problem if nothing is done about it. Mr. Levandosky inquired if Mr. Harrow was recommending something similar to work being done at Whitehall conservation. Mr. Harrow explained that he had put in a request with the wetland scientist for the Conservation Commission, however would like to hire someone to some degree. Ms. Peters inquired as to who was authorized to make invasive removal decisions for Pratt Farm, to which Mr. Levandosky explained that Open Space had taken on the invasive management role for Pratt Farm. Mr. Boelsen explained that had been working with the invasives at Pratt Farm and that money had been spent on the removal of Autumn Olive. It was recommended that Mr. Harrow contacted the company working at Turkey Ridge. It was explained that there is Bittersweet, Japanese Knotweed as well as Autumn Olive at Pratt Farm. There was a discussion on if Open Space should include a line item for invasive removal. Mr. Harrow explained that he would reach out and get some quotes. Website - Mr. Harrow spoke with Ms. Groves about the Green Committee’s website and inquired if they would be able to assist Ospc with creating one of their own. The committee spoke about what they would like to see on the website; which includes information about the commission and maps. It was suggested that members look at surrounding town’s websites to see what others are doing. Umina Property - Mr. Harrow explained that he and Mr. Sader had provided the town manager with the letter of intent for the property. There had been a meeting with Mr. Khumalo scheduled, however that meeting had to be rescheduled. Mr. Harrow explained the property owner was interested in selling all his property, he explained that there is an agreement with Blue Wave to potentially develop solar on 5-8 acres of the property. Mr. Levandosky inquired if there had been a discussion about getting an appraisal done, to which Mr. Sader explained that he wasn’t sure however would be providing Mr. Khumalo with all the information. There was a conversation about whether or not the property was in Chapter 61. Ms. Peters explained that she hadn’t been at the meeting where this property was discussed, so inquired if the commission had been out on a site walk. Mr. Sader explained that he would be happy to help facilitate a site walk. There was a discussion about member availability for a site walk. Jenner Property - There was a discussion about the Jenner Property, it was discussed that the commission should wait until the town officially owned the property before scheduling a site walk. Ms. Peters inquired as to what the hold up was with the purchase, Mr. Harrow offered to reach out to the town manager to ask. Turkey Ridge - Mr. Harrow explained he would like the Commission to go on a site walk of the property. There was a question about invasives on the property, and who would pay for the cost of its removal. Mr. Levandosky inquired about the boundary markings and if they weren’t Open Space Preservation Commission July 6, 2023 Page 3 of 3 marked who would be responsible for marking them. There was a discussion as to if the survey was done if it would be acceptable for an organization like HALT. Mr. Harrow will reach out to the developer to get plans. ConCom properties Survey - Mr. Harrow inquired about any updates on the project, to which Ms. Soares commented that she would reach out to Marquedant and ask for an update. Minutes May 11, 2023 - Edits to the minutes to include that Russ Phipps wanted to be paid “over time” not overtime as it was written. Sad Sader’s name was incorrectly recorded. Motion to approve the May 11, 2023 meeting minutes as amended was made by Ms. Peters and seconded by Ms. Moran. The motion was unanimously approved. New Business - Ms. Pagan inquired as to what properties the Open Space owned, which had conservation restrictions. Ms. Peters offered to help assist with the parcels. There was a discussion about an interactive map showing all open space not just parcels that the Commission owns. Ms. Peters also suggested adding the legislation that created Open Space on the website. Ms. Moran inquired if Open Space had a budget for website creation. Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Moran and seconded by Ms. Peters. The motion was unanimous. Minutes approved November 16, 2023