HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230126 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTown Of Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee January 26, 2023 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA (Google Meet) Meeting Minutes Present: Ken Weismantel, Al Rogers, Eric Sonnett, Mary Larson-Marlowe, Jim Ciriello, Dan Terry, Chris Alicandro Absent: Steven Levandosky, Darlene Hayes Guests: Linda Kimball, Connor Degan, Peter LaGoy Mr. Weismantel called the meeting to order at 7PM, Remote Hybrid Script was read. Mr. Weismantel explained the meeting was to continue the Public Hearing for FY24 and for a Quarterly Update. Motion to reopen the public hearing for FY24, motion was made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe. The roll call vote: Eric Sonnett - Yes, Al Rogers - Yes, Mary Larson- Marlowe- Yes, Jim Ciriello - Yes, Ken Weismantel - Yes. Chris Alicandro is present at 7:03pm. Mr. Weismantel explained that he spoke with Mr. Khumalo and there is no progress to report on land acquisitions, he did however note that he was able to get a contact for NSTAR. Mr. Weismantel explained that in a prior year the McDonough property was discussed, and it was discussed that the purchase may be an option as Mr. Khumalo reported having a meeting with an individual involved with the property. Mr. Weismantel explained that adding this parcel would be after the deadline, however wouldn’t move forward without agreement/price. Mr. Terry is present at 7:06pm. Motion to add Spring St. McDonough property to warrant and for the property to be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission. The motion was made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe. The roll call vote: Eric Sonnett - Yes, Al Rogers - Yes, Mary Larson- Marlowe- Yes, Dan Terry - Yes, Jim Ciriello - Yes, Chris Alicandro - Yes, Ken Weismantel - Yes. Motion to authorize the chair to remove any land purchase from our Warrant Article submittal that the owner refuses to sell. The motion was made by Eric Sonnett, seconded by Mr. Rogers. The roll call vote: Eric Sonnett - Yes, Al Rogers - Yes, Mary Larson-Marlowe- Yes, Dan Terry - Yes, Jim Ciriello - Yes, Chris Alicandro - Yes, Ken Weismantel - Yes. Motion to continue the Public Hearing for FY24 till February 23, 2023 at 7pm, motion was made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe. The roll call vote: Eric Sonnett - Yes, Al Rogers - Yes, Mary Larson-Marlowe- Yes, Dan Terry - Yes, Jim Ciriello - Yes, Chris Alicandro - Yes, Ken Weismantel - Yes. Shared Housing - Mr. Weismantel explained that Mr. Gelcich had sent an email update about SHSO. Cemetery Commission - Ms. Kimball explained that the vendor that has been doing the headstone restoration had been sick, however the commission is hopeful that work will begin Spring/Summer. Ms. Kimball reported that there was some clean up going on at the cemetery thanks to some Eagle Scouts. There was a discussion about trees and plantings, Ms. Kimball explained that while some trees had been removed by NSTAR they were going to replace some trees/hedges. Ms. Kimball spoke about the need for restoration at the Comey Chapel, to which Mr. Weismantel explained that potential CPC funds could be used, he cautioned that CPA funds couldn’t be used for maintenance. Town Clerk - Mr. Weismantel explained that he had recently signed an invoice for the preservation of town records. Mr. Degan explained that the vendor had a great track record with preservation of town records. Mr. Degan brought some preserved books for the committee to look at. He explained that in addition to the restoration of town records the company provides a scanning service. The electronic scans are accessible to the public, which may be used in but not limited to genealogy research. Mr. Weismantel inquired if Mr. Degan could use any of the project's remaining funds. Mr. Degan thanked Mr. Weismantel but explained that he will be returning the remaining funds. Motion to close project 32B22 Town Record Preservation and return any unused funds to the Historical bucket. The motion was made by Mr. Rogers and seconded by Mr. Sonnett. The roll call vote: Eric Sonnett - Yes, Al Rogers - Yes, Mary Larson-Marlowe- Yes, Dan Terry - Yes, Jim Ciriello - Yes, Chris Alicandro - Yes, Ken Weismantel - Yes. Mr. Alicandro questioned where the documents were stored once preserved. Mr. Degan explained that the records were stored in the vault and there are some climate controls in place. Boundary Marking Cameron Woods - Ms. Soares explained that this is the project that Open Space started too early and had to pay for the survey out of their budget, there had been an attempt to get additional boundary marking. The committee suggested that if no additional work was going to be done the funds should be returned. TCMC - Mr. Lagoy reported that on the Connector Trail he was working with Beals and Thomas and Chuck Dauchy confirming boundaries; they would be going to the Conservation Commission soon. He reported that the design/build would be completed end of winter/early spring with anticipated start of construction in spring/summer. Middle School drainage/surface was almost complete; there is roughly about a 10 foot section that needs to be completed. Mr. LaGoy reported he had roughly $5,800 remaining. Trailhead Pond Street - Mr. LaGoy reported that there was little remaining, he needed to confirm that there were no water issues over at College Rock. HALT - Mr. Gasser had sent in a report and indicated that the Conservation Restrictions were still at the State level. Historical Commission - Mr. Sonnett reported that there was no change to the McFarland Sanger House. Mr. Sonnett explained that the granite for the bridge project couldn’t be removed from the water, so the Commission was looking into other options. He reported that the project for Aikens Park was near completion. Pickleball - Mr. Terry reported that there was a meeting the week prior where Parks and Recreation met with a group of players, and that the construction bid was set to go out. There will be 28 parking places, which will require approval from the Planning Board. He explained that going out to bid and meeting with the planning board will be done in February. Bathrooms Engineering EMC - There is a proposal which should be submitted in February. Mr. Rogers inquired if town water was available, and if the onsite septic could be used. Cameras Sandy Beach, EMC, Fruit Street - Mr. Terry explained that the cameras were being held off at EMC with construction. Pyne Field - Mr. Terry explained that with a project being submitted for use of the fields he would like to hold off on installing irrigation at Pyne, until construction begins and the funds can be used in conjunction with the new project. Lacrosse Wall - project has been completed, invoices should be submitted soon. Skate Park - Mr. Terry explained that there was a contract and they were coordinating with Little League. Boat Dock - Mr. Terry explained that the Conservation Commission had a few remaining issues with the boat dock. Mr. Guelfi will be meeting with the Conservation Agent Kim Ciaramicoli. Meeting Minutes Motion to approve the meeting minutes from December 8, 2022 as presented was made by Ms. Larson-Marlowe, seconded by Mr. Rogers. The vote was unanimous. Motion to approve the meeting minutes from December 15, 2022 as presented was made by Mr. Rogers and seconded by Mr. Terry. The vote was unanimous. Motion to approve the executive session from December 15, 2022 as presented was made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe Motion to approve the CPC Coalition invoice was made by Mr. Rogers and seconded by Mr. Sonnett. The vote was unanimous. Mr. Weismantel explained that the next meeting was tentatively scheduled for February 23, 2023, however if there were no land purchase updates he would cancel the meeting. Motion to to reserve for future appropriation a sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund for open space, historic resources, community housing, recreation and budgeted reserve purposes; and,further to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund, a sum or sums of money for the following Community Preservation projects or purposes, including the acquisition of interests in land, all as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee, and to authorize the Town Manager, Town Clerk, Trails Coordination and Management Committee, Open Space Preservation Commission, Upper Charles Trail Committee, Hopkinton Housing Authority and the Parks and Recreation Commission to enter into all agreements and execute any and all instruments necessary to acquire, convey or accept, as the case may be, appropriate historic preservation for historic resources and conservation restrictions for open space, in accordance with General Laws Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws, to comply with the requirements of General Laws Chapter 44B, Section §12 of the Massachusetts General Laws. Motion made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Sonnett and seconded by Ms. Larson-Marlowe. The vote was unanimous. Minutes approved April 20, 2023