HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 05-12 :'0 05,,12 QÐrÒlnlt1\Cl' of the ¡ :~¡1 JJ r Oll ~ì I¡ L1 f QJmJ l'loct, ¿N - JJ Ii , '. I! !1 Ii II II I' II I, 'I II I' ., i1 I I, II Ii 'I I, II il " J\.N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ¡Bu:n,DING IMPROVEHENTS FOR TEE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. NEW JERSEY, AP~ROPRIATING $375,000 FROM THE CJ\.PI TATJ U1PROVEM:l';NT FUND OF THE BOROUGH FOR THE COST T1ŒREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH Of CARTBRET nl THE COUNTY 0[0' MIDDLESEX, ST]\TE OF NEW ,TERSle."Y, AS F'OLLOWS' SECTION 1, ~~he Boroug-h of Cart~re t J . in thl2. COlin ty of HirJdlesex, New ,Tersey, hereby ª,uthorizes Vurio,),sBui:ding TmprovIÕ:!IDent!3 t.ogether h1Jtb all pu:r;poses nece,ssary, incidental .or appurtenE.!l t thereto; iI 1\ It II '1 I' ]1 I' II Ii n SEÇ'L'r0N 2. For said improvemenr:s OJ:' purposes theI'''' is hereby appropriated th" SUm of $.37'51000,00 which arnOlL'lt is mad>e availahlefrorn t.he Capital Imp,'(overnenr..:. Fund-Re"serve Eor Lònd Sale. SECTION 3. 'rhe Capital Buèget of the BoroUgh is h~reby amended to conform with the provisions of this Ordinance to the e;-:.tent of' any incOnSistency here·,,-i th. I I I I I I , ii' , Ii :1 " II I' II " ¡¡ q II " I' SECTION 4. The purposes described in :Section 1 herein are not cuo:ent expenses'. The$e are a.lJ. Improvements that thfJ Borough may lawfully. undertak~ as Generõ.l Impro\7erner'ts I a.hqn()pa.rt of the costs thereof has been or shall besp8cial1y asses sed on propeTty specially benefi. t.ed·· thereby. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall. tar.:e effect 8.S providlBd by ~~av.r. I... 'i II " II I' " 'I Ii lL-.--~---.--,--______.__._ I , I , __~ __I ~----- DO NOT USE sp¡\(.:r: f:lrLO\~' TillS U[{~ -...-.._.,--.".__..---_._.,._--~_._~~_.- . RECO¡U) OF COUNCIL VOTE . ~-. .. ... .Criij¡.¡.r:IJ,\j·\N·.·.·. -=r.\. 'E.I~.l. .'~.'O II' NV IL'. II ___.[:-1' - co î',SI£ç:ò}~;N··-]Ji.¥(I:lN '-l-':C'!:'-1 I!_~----B.ELLIN(L·_'_I~_ ['--1-- ----Ii NAPTFS. "-X !--'--'I"---1 11- - . DIAZ "'-P--¡...JC-J-- ~____II_._Rlos.......___ . )(.-I--m -'-'-r-J I.. KRUM_m_'_-XJ_ --,1 -SLTARZ-m-----Hlrm--I--~T- II .J...... l~ I I __.. ._____L_.L____L_p 11--' N· '",~;·':,,'~~"Ie . -=-~ . ,Ihs,n' NV· ¡.¡", \'oong NOR In~'""s......I."'0 U' nr~J~..:::~o__________, 1r--~II:.:~~·I·j~1 niiìdillg 01 IIi" COllol'il 01 Ilk lJolOogh ,,¡' Carlel:1 N J . "11. FebrLJaI:}'. fl,...2005__ I .... '. March 10, 2005 __._____.. 1-;\<I"[<I"d \n.'.,'C¡"~"": 'elldJl1g nller ~=I'}~l1g DO _ ~/'_~=~~~'--_~~-~., , 1-.------- -~ ..:_~:.:.:~~. . i i i\1.'.J'lllJ\~_-\i:VI)¡Z-'·""-·- ~. .~.. _.' . ._.! I .' .. 91-11-0$" __7"4/~~ U."_......_..._.___~~_ '. -'·--'''UI<I.'L'r,1I CU'I!); C/ ~ Affidavit of Publication Publisher's Fee $43.12 Affidavit Charge $20.00 State of New Jersey} 55. MIDDLESEX COUNTY Personally appeared MARIAN BUTLER of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed In Freehold, NJ and published In NEPTUNE. In said County and State, and of general circulation In said county, who being duly sworn, deposeth and salth that the advertisement of which the annexed Is a true copy, has been published In the said newspaper 1 (ONE) times, once In each Issue. as follows 2122/05. ....j '.J A.D., 2005 \'\ ~~ ~ Ô -"":2. ~"."ù../V\/'\:'- '. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of February. A.D" 2005 ,j' '" "- BOROUGH OF CARTERET ,.~ , ORDINANCE #05·12 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JER~i~'rt:tf:.?:RRJ~I~~N~~ù~o Ó~<?~E THE BOROUGH FOR THE COST THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL Of THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Borough of Carteret, in the County of Middlesex. New Jersey, hereby authorizes Vari- ous Building Improvements together wIth ali pur- poses necessary, incidental or appurtenant thereto: SECTION 2. For said improvements or purposes ~t;~r5~OJõ.O~~hi~h a~.f~~ti~a~~~e ~~:ilab~emfro~ the Capital Improvement Fund Reserve for Land Sale. SECTION 3. The Capital Budget of the Borough is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this Ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency herewith. SECTION 4. The purposes described in Section I herein are not current expenses. These are all Improvements that the Borough may lawfully un- dertake as General Improvements. and no part of the costs thereof has been or shall be specially assessed on property specially benefited thereby. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by Law. The foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meet- ~n%b;~a~~e S~u2og50fwr::n ~tr~~~h a~~~::Je~~t ~i~~~ Reading. The said ordinance witl be further consid- ered on Second Reading for final adoption at a ~ ';ng of said Council of the Borough of Carteret Irch 10, 2005 at approximately 7:00 P.M" ,pal Court/Police Facility, 230 Roosevelt Ave- r':"7.;~-Carteret. New JerseK at which time and place r~ g:rh~~~d~nterested wi be given an opportunity KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, Certified Municipal Clerk ($43.12) 25338 J. ·.-Z ^," "- \ . ' > Affidavit of Publication Publisher's Fee $14.96 Affidavit a o State of New Jersey} 55. fS MIDDLESEX COUNTY l' personally appeared MARIAN BUTLER ~ of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed in Freehold, J and pUbllShe~1)1 NEPTUNE, In said County and State, and of general circulation In said county, who being duly ?'MiÍil~eposeth and salth that the advertisement of which the annexed Is a true copy, has been p~ the said newspaper 1 (ONE) times, once In each Issue, as follows 3/15105. PATRICIA W, TOWNSEND NUIAKY I'U~LlC U~ NtW JtK~tY MV (/"ÆV¡¡çr:!]" eXPIRes nr~T 2. 2005 (', A.D., 2005 ." ,-<, ~. \, \\:y\ ;, C) ", /"';;03'-'1,,)0. ~ . -- Sworn and subscribed before me this 15th day of March, A.D., 2005 BOROUGH OF CARTERET ORDINANCE #05-12 AN ORDINANCE PRO- VIDING FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY, APPRQPRIAT· ~~~ $¥lÞ9~~L FRæ-! PROVEMENT FUND OF THE BOROUGH FOR THE COST THEREFOR APPROVED AND ADOPT- ED: March 10, 2005 INTRODUCED: February 17, 2005 Advertised as adopted on first reading with no- tice of Public Hearing: February 22, 2005 Hearing Held: March 10, 200S ~~~HÈlet ~ËI:M~~VOR Advertised as finally adopted: March 15, 2005 Kathleen M. Barney Municipal Clerk ($14.96) 36679