HomeMy Public PortalAbout03 March 11, 1980 TC MinutesTOIL N OF YARROW POINT The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yarrow Point was ta11'ed-to order on March 11 1980 at the Town of ice, 4705 91st Avenue N. E., Yarrow Point, at 7:30 P. M. e to lack of a quorum, the meeting was continued to March 12 1980 same time, same location. Proper notice was given. Those in attendance were Minor C. Lile, Mayor, Council Robert Dahl, Larry Coleman, Melvin Freeman, Carson Wheeler, Cleric/Treasurer Lorraine Diede, and Chief Albert Anglin. Residents in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Curt Criiver, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hiddleston and Mr. and 'ors. Dennis Buchanan. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by the Mayor. Minutes A motion was made by Carson Wheeler, seconded by Robert Dahl, to approve the minutes of the February 12, 1980 Council meeting. No discussion. Passed unanimously Police_ Report Chief Anglin reviewed the Monthly Police Activities Report for February 9 with the Mayor, Council and residents present. ore detailed information was given on the burglaries tatting place within our Town, the apprehension of two burglars, the passible recovery of some of the items stolen, response time by the Police Department through the Dispatcher from the City of Bellevue and possible ways to protect:-our'hofiies from burglars. Discussion. Chief Anglin specifically referred to the response time to one of the burglaries on Yarrow Point. < Disc' u§sion • Another concern was that the emergency num er o e or referred the caller to another number who, in turn, referred the caller to another telephone number. Chief Anglin explained there is only one frequency. When a burglary is not "in progress" the call is delivered through the regular response system. 885--3131 is to be used only when "in progress". Discussion between Chief Anglin, Mayor and Council, and Residents. In the case of the operators referring the caller to other numbers, Chief Anglin has referred the matter to the head dispatcher who was to check and put out a new set of instructions-, intended -to --correct- possible Confusion in this regard. 455-5917 answers when 454-1332 is not operating - bef6re.8•:30••A':,M..;:between 12 noon and 1:00 P. M., and after 4:30 P. M. If you dial 885-3131 - there are two people - and which ever -one is not busy will answer. t If it is a non emergency, it is referred upstairs to 455-6917 and they will refer the party to 454-1332. 40 Tyr. Freeman stated that when we were asked to support the dispatch Service, this procedure was not the case.' There was no mention that is would be handled this way. 885-3131 is listed on stickers as Police/Fire Emergency and 99% of the people think of that number for immediate response need. 885-3131 is a carry over from 911. Page 2 Minutes of Council meeting 3/11/80 Chief Anglin is in the process of writing a letter to be sent to our residents. Mayor Lile has asked him to purchase additional stickers with two telephone numbers instead of the one 885--3131. The questions was asked - "Why is it no4ossible for calls coming in to a85-3131 to switch it upstairs. Chief Anglin said he did not know. There are four 885-3131 lines coming into the center. He will talk to those in charge and ask why they can't answer dispatch and non -emergency into one system - automatic switching. Discussion of the possibility of having our own dispatcher. It was stated by Chief Anglin that the cost would be too great. Discussion of how to provide additional police protection on Yarrow Point. Chief Anglin states that there is one patrol car on the road at all times covering three Towns. Presently there is a studying being conducted by the City Manager of Medina to combine Medina; and Clyde Hill Police Departments, to serve Medina, Clyde Hill, Hunts and Yarrow Points. Discussion on ways to obtain more funding for additional police protection within our Town, such as additional police officers, possible guard to be placed at entrance to Point, etc. Suggestion has been'made of placing decal on Yarrow Pt. cars. Curt Cruver referred to the roadend at N. E. 47th Street and stated that they are not going to put up with what happened last year. He asked what they can do to get some adtion by the Police in that area. Alternatives to additional police protection were discussed. Chief Anglin suggested our citizens need to become more responsive. They need to be trained to know the sighs. The Police Department offers to give instruction.on Block Watches, etc. In addition he has visited every classroom of.schools in his area twice a year. J Thei`res dents -,in attendance expressed their-donc6iff that' -'every effo're.be made Ito pirate ct, them -homes of residents on Yarrow Point. Chief Anglin stated that you can saturate the Town with officers but the citizens will prove to be the most effective if they advise the police immediately upon observing something out of the ordinary. .For the purpose•of identifying pgssessionsl;=an engraver is available from the Town office. Mayor Lile invited the residents present, if they are interested;in:obtainnguthe_.- services of additional police protection, to petition the Council. This will show a backing of the people. The Council will respond to the citizens. The Council explained that the most effective way to obtain additional funds for 40 this purpose would be to raise the lid on property taxes. Page 3 Minutes of Council meeting 3/11/80 Enforcement of "No Parking signs Chief Anglin stated that because a parking ticket costs the offender only $5.00 and because the cost to the Town to file said parking ticket offense is $12.00, he has been trying to handle the enforcement of these matters with warning tickets. He will pursue this matter with the Bellevue District Court to see if a more equitable method could be reached. The State Supreme Court establishes bail costs on all offenses. Sto si -- N. E. 38th Place �- 92nd Avenue N. E. Mrs. Diede stated Dr. Milton Walter of 3801 92nd Avenue N. E. had, by telephone, requested that a stop sign be placed on this private easement at 92nd Avenue N. E He stated that he had learned of two incidents, in addition to a recent accident at that location, caused from what appeared to him to be a lack of a stop sign at that location. Lorraine Diede contacted -Chief Anglin. He reports that a stop sign has now been placed in said location - upon receiving the request. Chief Anglin stated he will again look at the location to determine whether a "Stop" sign painted on the roadway of N. E. 38th Place would be easier for the eye to detect than the sign. Chief Anglin acknowledged that the placing of this sign was not an obligation of the municipality - but that of the private easement owners. Engineer's Report - H. Allan Newbill private easement England Road - Recently the extension of this/roadway, tying it into a turnaround area, was paved. Mr. Newbill was not contacted prior to the surfacing, as required. Mr. Newbill has written a letter to the Town Council, carbon copy to the owners involved in the completion of this road, outlining why Town approval cannot be given at this time. Mr. Newbill reports that he has recently met with Tom Gibbs, Contractor for the road construction and hired by Forbes, new owner of the England property. lie reviewed with Mr. Gibbs the contents of his letter outlining compliance required. A drawing of the easement road and turnaround, including grade revision, storm drainage provided, etc. must be presented to the Planning Commission for presentation to the Council for approval. Newbill advised Gibbs that it is the property owner's responsbility to comply as outlined in Lorraine Diede's letter to James England dated May 16, 1979. Bids on (1) Public storm drain over private r2perty at 8800 and 8809 N. E. 34th St. andc72) storm Hain connection at st Avenue N. E. were presented y e Town Engineer. Redmond Rock and Construction $3,860. Doolittle Construction Co. 5,680. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Freeman that the bid presented by Redmond Rock and Construction Inc. be accepted. Larry Coleman seconded. No further discussion. Passed unanimously. 10 Animal Control Services Agreement with King County The proposed contract for 1980 was reviewed and discussed. After discussion Dr. Freeman made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to sign said agreement. The motion was seconded by Robert Dahl. Passed unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes of 3/11/80 /W Relin uishment A reement Turnback A e :-E.'Flyer Stop by the State to the Toi,m o t in the vicinity of the 92nd Ave. arrow Point. H. Allan Newbill was requested to give the Council his engineering opinion as to whether N. E. 33rd Street has been constructed to Town standards. Mayor Lile stated that the Town has agreed that if the State would landscape the Flyer Stop to our satisfaction, the Town would take over the maintenance of the area. Discussion took place of fir trees removed when construction first began - and which have not been replaced. This matter will be reviewed with members of the State Department of Transportation. Rjt of wa along 9 2nd Avenue N . E . between N.E. 33rd and N.E. 34th It was stated that the Town should do something to improve the looks of this right of way - such as kill the weeds.and plant ivy. A' lication for mooringbuoyin Yarrow BE -- made to the Cityof Kirkland y o ride, is matter is to e investigate as to its exact location, why the Town of Yarrow Point did not receive public notice, etc. 'Mayor Lile will respond by letter to the Corps of Engineers. Eurasion Milfoil Robert Dahl reviewed with the Council the possibility that Metro may take the lead in coordinating a milfoil control program at public beaches and selected open waters of Lake Washington during 1980. Local governments have been polled about the severity of the milfoil problem and a public meeting has been held. Generally"'it has been agreed that government has some respon-.bility for controlling milfoil and that Metro may be the most appropriate local agency for coordination. .The method of control provided would be harvesting or bottom screening services at public swimming beaches and in up to 150 acres of open water. The services would be provided under contracts with local jurisdictions and the state DOE. No herbicides of any kind are to be used in King County waters, at this time. It was stated that Metro should also seek a direct financing method for milfoil control programs, submit a Lake Improvement District proposal to the State Legislature and work with citizens and government agencies to develop a uniform herbicide policy for 1931. For the 1980 program there are very little funds. Reference has been made to possible funding by the Corps of Engineers (70%). Robert Dahl and '_Mr: Life attended a meeting at Hunts Point in -regard to a local program for control in the immediate future. In attendance were those who arranged last year's control program for our area, rep resentat iire's,,.of�NW-4-•,'�aray;'company;. - Metrd;. Departrnent,3bf� Lcology afid" other 'inter635ted` parties ; r` Yor' Barton has cbntacred,�thol-Department'.- of.12c6logy y letter, -since•• thav� meeting - statingi,that the"T ris" af'Yarrt�w Pol-n-e![hunts Point concluded that it would be desirable to again treat with Endothal in early June the most seriously affected areas of Fairweather 13ay, Cozy Cove and the portion of Yarrow Bay under the jurisdiction of Yarrow Point. A-1 Spray Service has advised that the areas involved are as follows: Fairweather Ray 148 acres Cozy Cave, 188 acres Yarrow Bay 25 acres Total 361 acres A-1 also advises that treatment of 200 acres of the 361 should achieve the critical amount of control. They quote $400 an acres (against $300.last year) for treatment or a total of $80,000. Page 5 Minutes of Council meeting 3/11/80 Mayor Barton's letter went on to advise -the DOE that the Town of bunts Point would serve as.the lead agency, proposing treatment of the 200 acres on the basis of attaining at least $56,000 (70%) from the Corps. The remainder would have to be obtained by private subscription since the budgets for the munici- palities for 1980 have already been established. A response was requested from DOE at the earliest possible date. No;:furthex' recbinm6ndat ons:.were-i jade by the Council at this time. The Mayor stated that he will attempt.to keep them informed on this matter. Land at the southeast corner of 95th Avenue.N. E. and N. E. 40th Streets - in e City of Kir Ian Mayor Lile reported that a letter had been received from the Municipal Services Center outlining annexation requirements. A copy of said letter will be forwarded. - to Council members. Catch Basins within the Town John Topper, a young resident of our Town,, has been contacted by the Town office and agreed to clean out catch basins that have become plugged. He has agreed to continue to proceed on a project to clean all catch basins, as time allows, around our Town, recording same on a map supplied him. Mayor Lile proclaimed this week "Girl. Scout" week. Lorraine Diede, Treasurer, reviewed the fact that $7 500 is still owing URS Company for engineering associated with the Street Improvement program completed under a G. 0. Bond issue in 1979. Her sug estion to the Council was that this amount be paid in monthly installments of 1,875. until paid but the final monthly payment shall be withheld until full satisfaction has been received from the contractor, Gary Merlino Construction Co. The Treasurer's Report stating the financial status of the Town of Yarrow Point as of this date was presented to they -.Mayor and Council,.discussed and accepted. Vouchers: Mrs. Diede presented the following vouchers for approval: Current Expense #2674 through 112695 Street #1039 through N1041 G. 0. Bond Street Construct #219 -r�Z" There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10':15 P. M. Lorraine M. Diede Clerk/Treasurer TOWN OF YARROW POINT TR I- ASURER' S REPORT MARCH 11, 1980 Cash Balance 2112/80 $18,601.06 Investment -Balance 2/1.2/80 36,018.07 $54,619.13 Receipts 2/13 - 3/11/80 12,090.12 Total $66,709.25 Less Disbursements Current Expense Purchased Investment. - $10,000.00 Current Expense Interest Earned. 153.69 Treasurer's checks purchased 11.46 Warrants Paid Current Expense 73,246.63 Street 362.91 Fund G. 0. Bond St. Const. Current Expense Federal Revenue Sharing Street Arterial Street Street Bonds Outstanding Warrants Current .Expense Street G. 0. Bond St. Const. L Cash Book -0- $ 2,093.97 911.00 2,808.61 949.22 -0- $ 6,762.80 Year End 1978 22.10 13,774.69 Investments $ 5,000.00 ..17,736.10 -0- 9,050.62 13,635.04 750.00 $46,171.76 $52,934.56 Total $ S1000.00 $19,830.07 911.00 11,859.23 14,584.26 750.00 $52,934.56 Feb. Mar Total 231.10 3,V a S Z gl. kvi/, 43 . - Aa/, 43 ,tea azgg,le Lorraine M. Diede, Clerk/Treas., VOUCHERS MARCH 12, 1980 Current En ense 2 74 - U. S. Post Office - 600 Post cards for Census 2675 -- U. S. Post Office- Bulk Mailing - Newsletter, etc. 31.59 2676 -- Lorraine M. Diede - March $1,625. less $550., $99.61, $97.50 , MA � I1 7.46 = $ 754. 57 870.43 2677 - Public Employee's Retirement System - March 1980 L. M. Riede $97:50 Town $119.60 & $14.00 231.10 2678 - Internal Revenue Service - lst Quarter Report - S50.00 Deposits Sea. 1st 1/22 and 2/19 - Paid by L. M. D. 2679 - Washington Physicians Service - K. W. Day Ins. Premium ,March and April 1980 @$74.00 148.00 2680 - Mithun Associates - February Plan Check Fees 97.50 2681 - Douglas Bertsch - 7 February Inspections @$10.00 70.00 2682 - Fred L. Brown -. 3 February Inspections @$10.00 30.00 2683 - PDQ Printing - Newsletters, Info. Bulletin and Census 66.47 2684 - Pacific N. W. Bell Office Telephone 2/8/80 $33.40 L.D.1.97 35.37 2685 - Washington Natural Gas Co. - office healt 1/8-2/7/80 45.84 2686 - Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency - 1980 share 212.00 2687 - King County Comptroller - 4th Qtr. 1979 - Alcoholism Support 66.34 2688 - URS CO. - December 1979 Retainer $65.00 12/1-12/28 Gas Permit $ 8 . S2 73.52 2689 - Department of Labor and Industries - 1st Qtr Report L. M. D. $7.46 Town 13.28 20.74 2690 _ Employment Security Department - 1st Qtr Report L. M. D. $298.83 Town $298.85 597.68 2691 - Wloyment Security Department - Unemployment Insurance 1st Qtr. Report 29.25 2692 - Municipal Clerk's Association - 1980 dues $10.00 Registration for L. M. Diede Clerk's Conf. 4/9-11-$50.00 60.00 2693 - Bellevue District Court - February - 7 Court Cases @$12.00 84.00 2694 - U. S. Post Office - 1 roll of 15� stamps 15.00 2695 - Christian Diede - Rent Town office March 1980 125.00 Street E ense .S519,93 1039 - URS Company - 2/19/80 Statement #19104 484.5S Simon Drain $8.92 Eng. Roto Rooter Work $131.10 Eng. Problem on drainage G. 0. Bond Issue -.,Project (91st - 4224) $43.20 Drainage Problem N. E. :;4th - Edson $301.33 1040 - Tum A Lum Lumber - Inv. #A183876 - Posts for street signs 54.59 1041 - Puget Power - Street Lights 2/1/- 2/29/80 21 lights 82.49 G. 0. Bond Street Construction 4 7.f• G 3 219 - Gary Merlino Construction Company 2nd Revised'Pay Estimate 823.20 220 - URS Company - $1.875. payment on $7,500 - balance due on G. 0. Bond Street Project engineer 1,875.00