HomeMy Public PortalAbout04 April 8, 1980 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT 19 The regular meetin of the Council of the Town of Yarrow Point was called to order on April 8. 1980 at the Town office, 4705 91st Avenue N. E., Yarrow Point, at 7:30 P. M. Those in attendance were Minor C. Lile, Mayor; Council Robert Dahl, Larry Coleman, Carson Wheeler and Juanita Loder; Clerk/Treasurer Lorraine Diede; Attorney Ronald C. Dickinson; Town Engineer, Allan Newbill; Police Officer Sgt Mollner and others; !Myra McEwan, Vicki Cunningham, Bob Brett and Dr. and Mrs. Clark B..Phillips. MIMJTES A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1980 Council meeting. POLICE REPORT Sgt. Mollner reviewed the Police Report for the month of March with those present. Burglary reports have decreased in all areas since the first of March. The last two burglaries on Yarrow Point police believe were done by juveniles. Hunts Point has recently had two but they also appear to be the work of juveniles. Telephone stickers with two numbers can be acquired at a cost of S� each in lots of SOOO. The Crime Watch Newsletter is ready for printing and will be distributed soon. MAILBOX PAGODAS A committee, Vicki Cunningham Chairperson, has been formed and has begun a study of how to repair, build, and raise funds for the upgrading of the mailbox pagodas within our Town. The committee is willing to raise the necessary funds and organize the work but when the task is completed they would like to tern them over to the Town from then on to be maintained by the Town. Ron Dickinson, Tohn Attorney, stated that there are legal means by which the Town can acquire the pagodas. Mayor Mile reviewed a petition signed by eleven families that they would instigate restoration and repair and then arrange for the Tour to acquire therm for maintenance. A standard for pagodas was discussed. Mayor Lile asked that the committee bring a plan to the Council -for approval. It was stated that good organization will be necessary if pagodas are to meet high standards. A discussion took place in regard to whether paper slots under the mailboxes were necessary anymore. Carson Wheeler feels they are an added MnRid65 i8 for fire. Mrs. Cunningham stated it was the intent of the committeepaper slots in the design of the pagoda. The committee was requested to provide accurate cost estimates for maintenance and new pagodas. It was suggested that fund raising activities might be incorporated with the 4th of 40 July celebration. The Council stated that they are in agreement with the proposal to accept the pagodas for maintenance after they are brought up to the Council's standards. Page 2 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 They would like to approve the design and quality standards before work begins. After the work is completed, action can be quickly instigated for Town ownership. CLARK B. PHILLIPS SUBDIVISION - Lov 4, Block 15, Replat of Yarrow The Planning Commission reconnends to the Council that the subdivision of'1the.'Clark B. Phillips land be approved contingent upon the following: 1. The division of the land is to be as shown on the revised drawing presented to the Planning Commission by John Dodds, Engineer for Dr. Phillips, at the April 1 1980 Planning Commission meeting. 2. The reciprocal easement documents are to be presented with the correct legal descriptions according to the drawing presented 4/l/80. 3. Profile drawings of street and turnaround, drawing of drainage plans, are to be presented to and approved by the Town Engineer. Construction shall take place prior to final �-rproval or a bond in an amount estimated by the Town engineer to cover the cost of said improvements shall be presented to the Town. 4. Receipt of $30.00 as final approval fee. S. Receipt of estimated engineering charges of $300.00, Discussion took place in regard to the location of the nearest fire hydrant. It was suggested that this location be placed on the plat drawing. Further discussion took place in regard to lot size, setbacks, easement and turnaround requirements. When the above items are completed, platting ordinance requirements will be met. After no further discussion, a motion was made by Carson Wheeler that the plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Bob Dahl. seconded. The motion was passed unanimqusly. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION THAT A POOL {AVER AND SIDEYARD FENCING EXTENDED O INTO THE LAKE PAST THE BULKi-II3U BE ALLOWED IN LIEU OF A FFNCE ON THE WATERFRONT SIDE OF THE PROPERTY.AT 4650 95Tfi AVENUE N. E. Section 7.4.8 of Ordinance #225 was amended by Ordinance #241 allow the Planning Commission to recommend to the Council alternate permanent barriers equal to or more effective than the fencing requirement ttie-po61-must1he enclosedby fencing at least rive feet high. Ff'approved, this information must be recorded as a covenant on the property. Lon Foreman, former owner of the property at 4650 95th Avenue N. E., through his attorney, Chris Frost, has presented an agreerrent.(which includes the new owners of this property, John Doces and his wife, Julie) to the Planning Commision, which in 40 turn, is now recommending to the Council that '/ be accepted under Ordinance #241 requirements. (the agreement) Discussion took place. 0 Page 3 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 This agreement, if approved, warrants that Foreman had submitted to the Town Council and Planning Commission a request for a determination that the property was in compliance with the Town's Ordinance #225, Section 7.4.8, as amended. Mr. Foreman was advised in 1978 that his swimming pool was not in compliance with Town requirements. On August 29, 1979 by letter Mr. Foreman was given a date of September 7, 1979 as to how and when he would comply. He requested a hearing before the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Forst represented him and presented a request to allow the pool cover in lieu of a fence. The Board concluded that it was not within theito authority to permit a change to the ordinance...Tthat.•ji,s the function of the Planning Commission and Council. Mr. Frost appeared before the Planning Commission. Proposed Ordinance #241 was presented to the Council tipon:�recommenditi.ofi of the Planning Commission and adopted at the February 12, 1980 Council meeting. The agreement presented tonight by Mr. Frost for Mr. Foreman, who now lives in California, further states, if adopted, that the Town has approved the safety measures currently about the property as being in compliance with the Town's Ordinance #225, as amended. Discussion took place in regard to the need for the agreement to specifically list the -.safety measures. Further the agreement states that the Town's determination that the above described property is in compliance with said ordinance is conditioned upon the continued maintenance of the current safety measures, or safety measures of a similar quality. The Council stated that the wording should refer to "similar and/or better quality" Carson Wheeler made a motion that the agreement be accepted as to its intent af.: eownerss ave complied witti the alternate barrier requirement su jec to (1) The safety measures shall be specifically lasted * (2) The words "similar and/or better quality" shall be added to the "second paragraph on Page 2 Bob Dahl seconded. Two yes - Carson Wheeler and Bob Dahl. Two no - Larry Coleman and Juanita Loder. The Mayor broke the tie with a no vote. Motion failed. Further discussion followed on the wording of the agreement. Larry Coleman made a motion to refer the agreement back to the Planning Commission suggesting to them that tTiey did not fih-dthe permanent alternative barrier as required in the amended ordinance. Juanita Loder seconded. Discussion. What is an alternative.to fencing? Two yes - Juanita Loder and .Larry Coleman, Two no - Carson Wheeler and Bob Dahl. Mayor Lile broke the tie with a no vote. Motion failed. * 1. Side fences into the lake 2. Bulkhead 3. Pool cover Page 4 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 More discussion followed on whether or not alternate permanent barriers were provided and if a pool cover and bulkhead qualify - and if not, what would. Ronald Dickinson stated that he did not see any risk in the agreement as presented. Mayor Lile suggested the matter be reviewed at the next Council meeting and in the meantime the Council members go to the site and look at the installation as it exists. Bob Dahl asked if there was a way to take action before then. It was stated that it would he better to wait when opinions from all council members can be heard. A time convenient to the Doces will be arranged so that those involved may meet together. ENGINEER'S REPORT 91st Avenue N. E. - Storm Draina.Qe connection - located in front of home at 4228. The storm water drainage problem that surfaced when gist Avenue N. E. was improved under the G. O. Bond Street Improvement Program has been connected to the main storm drain.to the engineer's satisfaction. P.uhl. c storm water drain off N. E. 34th Street. down throu;�2 Edson property at 8800 N. E. 34th St. to Lake —NETton .. .. Mr. Newbill stated the problems have been resolved but not without considerable problems. It was finally determined that the blockage of the line was due to concrete,washed from trucks serving recent homes under construction in that area,hardening -in the Strom drain. Examples of the concrete removed from the line were shown to the Council. Mr. Newbill suggested we ask our Town Attorney if tbnsid6ration should be given to pursuing the concrete companies to -pay for the repair caused by their actions. Originally the bid amount of this work was $3,160 from Redmond Rock. Redmond Rock now estimates the cost to be approx. $6,000. Prior to the hiring of Redmond clock, approx. $1,000 was paid to Roto Rooter. Town Engineering charges are expected to be extens.iveotonsidering the time it has taken to finally reach a solutioftcon.•thishatter. Problem at storm drain on the N. E. corner of N. E. 37th Place and 92nd Avenue N. E. r. Ne ill. was asked to looK at it. Drainage problem - presented by Mrs. Martin Ford - in front of her property at Doss N. E. 32nd Street. Mrs. Ford, by presentation of a drawing, outlined how water runs off the road onto her property. She stated that this has occurred since the roadway was surfaced under the G. 0. Bond Street Improvement Program. Mr. Newbill will review the situation. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT N. E. 38th Place and 92nd Avenue N. E. 0 At our Town Attorney's suggestion, all correspondence received in this regard should be forwarded'tQ the Town's insurance agent. Page 5 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 LANDSCAPING AT FLYER STOP AREA BY STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mayor Life stated that the landscaping in this area has now been completed by the State. Twenty or more large Douglas firs and fifty sumac have been planted recently, after a meeting on the site between the Town and the State. These additional plantings, plus the completion of the landscaping by the par -.king area, the connection of water(by the Bellevue Utilities Department) to this site; presentation to the Town of a 60 foot rubber hose with attachments, etc. now complete what the State feels is their part to warrant the Town's acceptance of the :'Might of Way Relinquishment Agreement..' This agreement states that the Town agrees to accept frontage roads (N. E. 33rd St.) including the Flyer Stop area, -a portion of 92nd Avenue N. E. alongside the Flyer Stop area which apparently has been under State ownership and the landscaped area at the triangle of 92nd and Points Drive plus 92nd and Points Drive streets adjoining the triangle, as Town streets and relieve the State from all responsibility in the operation of these roadways as public throroughfares. The agreement also states that the Town agrees to perform all maintenance, etc. Mrs. Diede stated that George Kessick of the State Department of Transportations has requested a final.;meeting�at!)thie,,site to assure satisfadtion to the Town. This meeting will be arranged in the near future. Mayor Lile stated that the presentation of the proposal for the Town to take over this area will be discussed for approval at the next council meeting. Mr. Lee Potter of Puget Power has presented a list of plantings for placement in the vicinity of the new location of their transformer. Upon approval by our Town, this matter will be taken care of. Mr. Potter stated that the plantings recommended were suggested by the State's landscaping department - to tie in with the landscaping in the Flyer stop area. 1980 CONTRACT 'etT l THE KING COUNTY DIVISION OV A OOHOLJ,%4 ,JERVICHS This contract acknowledges that the 'Town will allocate two percent of liquor taxes and profits for the support of alcoholism services during 1980 and the County agrees to make available to the residents of Yarrow Point an alcoholism program and services, subject to reasonable financial. charges. The Clerk advised that the last contract presented and signed was for 1973. This contract reads basically the same. Mayor Life stated he will review. RICHARD CHAPIN - Land at the southeast corner of N. E. 40th and 95th Avenue N. E. Mayor Lile stated a letter has been received in regard to annexing this property to the Town of Yarrow Point. It appears that the first step is fbr..Mtfl:. Chap ill.,to app�Xeta the:CJI�'=^of Kirkland'.to.;A�thdraw from that city. STUDY OF CONSOLIDATING MEDINA AND CLYDE HILL AND A SEPARATE STUDY TO CONSOLIDATE 40 DI A, CLYDE HILL,. HUNTS AND YARROW POINTS Continued on rage by— * paid for by the State 0 Page 6 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 198D Yarrow Point has received only one copy of this study which was authorized by the City of Medina. A request is to be made for additional copies for Council's review. JULY 4Tf-1 FIREWORKS A letter was received from Beth Lee, Chairperson for Yarrow Point for the 1980 4th of July Celebration. It was acknowledged that this amount has been alloted in the budget. Mayor Life will respond to her letter. CLERK] TREASURER REPORT Summer' Job Applications Street maintenance. 'IWo young men have applied. The Council felt it would be well to have someone older. The sign announcing acceptance of applications will be put up again until. the next Council meeting. Lifeguard Two applications have been received. Census Report The Mayor and the Clerk will. review. Mrs.:•'Diede reports that she has taken an actual count of the residents of the Town. The exact total has been determined to be 1077, down from 1,092 in 1979. There are 372 homes of which 8 are unoccupied. 21z2ster The dumpster will be located in two places the wekend of April 11, 12, & 13th. This information was included in the latest Newsletter and a sign has been placed advising the residents. Vandalism It was reported that the Brandenfels home just off 92nd Avenue N. E. on N. E. 35th St. was vandalized and made a complete shambles. Reconstruction of parts of 91st Avenue N. E. Senn brae Drive under G. 0. Bond Street Improvement Program Suggested our Town Engineer pursue this matter with Gary Merlino Construction Company at an early date. Street Lights - to be changed From mercury vapor to sodium „vapor Mrs. Diede reported that a new sodium vapor light has been placed on the pole at the southwest corner of N. E. 34th Street. This light replaces the light Page 7 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 standard removed by the State ... i.-,%,...located previously across the street from this corner. A water line located there broke and when it was repaired no structures could be replaced over the line. CLEAN UP AT ROAD END N. E. 47TH STREET Bob Freeman, reported that: -,he and: hi�i:,father,:.,Co�mcilman Freeman, had cleaned the road end as a good Scout deed. A letter of thank you has been sent to them. The Planning Commission has been pursuing the Post bilitles of cable tv installation on Yarrow Point. The only response received is from Viacom, a company that recently~ received a franchise with the City of Kirkland. Mr. Bill Lilly, Regional Director, attended the Planning Commission meeting in April and stated that at the present.time their company cannot consider installation }because of the cost involved. Perhaps when they complete Kirkland's installation, anticipated to be by the end of the year, circumstances then may allow them to reconsider. WATERS OF YARROW BAY It has come to the Town's.attention that permits for the following have been applied for through the City of. Kirkland 470' dock 'ust north of the Yarrow Bay Sailing and Tennis Club to become a part a a con ominium proposed for construction. The dock would have six slips. Notice of public hearing has been requested from the City of Kirkland. This information will be forwarded to all concerned. Permanent mooring buoy At the Town's request, notice has been received in regard to this mooring buoy. A letter has been sent to the Corps and a response received. The Corps has advised that if this permit is issued, the applicant must comply with State requirements, such as leasing the bottom land. It was suggested that the Town write further in regard to our position in this matter. SHELTER FOR BUS RIDERS - FLYER STOP Metro has recently been contacted in regard to an approximate date when the double shelter would be returned. They advise that they are considering not returning the double shelter, as the single shelter replaced there is sufficient to serve the ridership. Mayor Lile will pursue this matter further. TREASURER'S REPORT Mrs. Diede presented a report as of this date and reviewed with the Council the current financial status of the 'Town. The matter of an understanding that no additional engineering charges are to be incurred during the reconstruction of 91st Avenue N. E. by the Gary Merlino Const. Company are to be again discussed with the Town Engineer, Mr. Newbill. Page 8 Minutes of Council Meeting - April 8, 1980 VOUCHERS The following vouchers were approved for payment: , gg i�ln Current Expense #2696 through #2715 $12,132.98 plus #2712 = 0/ 7d�q Sr Street Expense #1042 through #1044 528.97 y 4 ff'- � yr G . 0. Bond St. Construction # 2 21 1,875.00 � '1 8 -Ir. ADJOUWENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. lmd cc: Mayor and Council Town Attorney Town Engineer Police Chief Planning Commission. - rile , Board of. Adjustment 0 Lorraine M. Diede, Clerk/Treasurer Cash Balance 3/11/80 Investment Balance 3/11/80 Receipts 3/12 - 4/8/80 Total 4/8/80 Less Disbursements TNN OF YARROW POINT 'MEASURER'S. REPORT 4/8/80 $ 6,762.80 46 171.76 $52,934.56 6,775 .06 State Treasurer Driver Ed. fees Feb. $ .152.00 Warrants Paid Current Expense 3,109.34 Strdet 621.63 G. 0. Bond St. Construction 22698.20 Transfer - Art. St. to G. 0. Bond St. 2,698.20 $59,709.62 :9,279,.37 . . ..... $50,430.25 Fund Cash Book Investments Total. G. O. Bond St. Const. -0- $5:;000.00 $5,000.00 Current Expense $1,844.63 17,736.10 19,580.73 Fed. Rev. Sharing 911.00 -0- 911.00 Street 2,826.08 9,050.62 11,876.70 Arterial Street 1,323.22 13,635.04 12,311.82 Street Bonds -0- 750.00 750.00 $4,258.49 $46,171.76 $50,430.25 Outstanding Warrants _ Year End 1978 J March April Total. /off + i�A,0 /,x Current Expense 22.10 550.00 $12,132.98 $1Z,705.08 Street 528.97 528.97 G. 0. Bond Street Const. 1.,875.00 1,875.00 $22.10 $SS0.00 $14;5-56-:-95 $1S-,4-09:0'5 1,15e16 • yS +*2-7-R Lorra. e NT. Diede Clr _ a •r c?- TOn OF YARROW POINT VOUCHERS - APRIL 8, 1980 CURRENT EXPENSE 2696 - Lorraine M. Diede - Services A ril 1980 $1,625. less W/T 550. S/S $99.61, Retire $97.50 = M7.11 plus $10.00 due from February and March 2697 - Public Employees Retirement System - April 1980 L. M. Diede -.06 $97.50, Town .0736 of $1,625 = $119.60 + $14.00 installment 231.10 2698 - Seattle First National Bank - lst Deposit - 2nd Quarter 550.00 Lorraine M. Diede 2699 - Wash. Physician's Service - K. W. Day premium 5/80 74.00 2700 - Mithun Associates - Plan Check #478 $5.00 - Adm: iGgstrJj$-S:i.0a #157 and 158 @ $5.00 Heating Permits - $5.00 each 20.00 2701 - Douglas Bertsch - 2 inspections - March 1980 @$10.00 20.00 2702 - UPS Company - 3/14 #19317 Jan. Retainer $65:00 Not billed Feb. " 65.00 as yet Mar. " 65.00 3/14 #19320 England Road 21.90 216.90 2703 - Washington Natural Gas Co. - office heat 2/7 - 3/11 33.04 2704 - Pacific N. W, Bell - office telephone 3/8 $33.40 plus L. D, .97 34.33 2705 - Sea K. C. Department of Public Health - Ist Quarter 1980 52.50 2706 - Copy Supply Company = Savin Machine supplies Inv. 035076 4/4/80 12 rolls of paper - 2 cartons of toner 197.96 2707 - Washington Finance Officers Association - 1980 dues 20.00 2708 - IBM - 4/l/80 - 3/31/81 Selectric Typewriter Maintenance Agreement 69.50 2709 _ U. S. Post Office - 2 rolls of 15¢ stamps 30.00 2710 - Christian Diede - Office rent - April 125.00 2711 - Lorraine M. Diede - Reimbursement for purchase of 36 document frames for certificates for Council. - P. C. & Board of Adj. 56.54 2712 - Bellevue :District Court - Fines - March 1980 �� � � � 6"'`-' 2713 - Medina Police Department - City of Medina - 1st Qtr. Police Protection 1980 contract 9,645.00 2 714 - vQi;d 2715 - Void �( � , g 13, " z .&0 Page 1 of 2 Current Exp. Total plus # 712 4? t i�- I d, 37Q, 9 Ll VOUCHERS - April 8, 1980 STREET TOWN OF YARROW POINT 1042 - URS Company - #19318 -- 3/14 Street Opening Permit Feltin._21.30 12/29 - 2/1 19319 - 3/14 Edson Drainage 8800 N. E. 34th St. 19321 -- 3/14 Edson Drainage 108.70 364.70 1043 - Puget Power - 11/1 - 11/30 Street lights (1979 statement 72.02 not previously received) 1044 - Puget Power _ 3/1 - 3/31/80 Street lights 92-2S Street Total 528.97 G. 0. BOND STREET CONSTRUCTION #221 - URS COMPANY - partial payment on engineering statement 1,875.00 see voucher:': a` r,Q 5 Total Current Expense, Street, G. T. Bond St. Const. + 36--95. Warrant # 2712 Certification:7L ' 9S l I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of .perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the .labor performed as described herein, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the Town of Yarrow Point and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Date 4/8/80 orraine M. Di de, Cher Treasurer !amount Claimed, Examined and Allowed:$4�'495 Council. r 2. El Approved by. Page 2 of 2 Mayor tAAAl