HomeMy Public PortalAbout20240109 - Marathon Fund Committee - AgendaNOTICE OF MEETING BOARD/COMMITTEE NAME: Marathon Fund Commi;ee DATE: 01/09/2024 TIME: 7:00PM LOCATION: HCAM Submi;ed by: Colleen Charleston AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Acceptance of December 2023, meeQng minutes 3. Update on previous requests - ( Selectboard approval/dates) 4. Update on check requests 5. New Requests Sr Parents Class of 2024 HHS 6. Date of next meeQng-02/??/2024 7. Adjourn NOTE: The officer calling the meeQng is responsible for the posQng requirements. NoQces including agen- das must be posted 48 hours in advance excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Please keep in mind that the Town Clerk must receive the hard copy of meeQng posQngs by 3:30 pm at least 48 hours prior to any meeQng. *Per changes to the Open MeeQng Law effecQve 7/1/10, “A lisQng of topics that the chair reasonably anQcipates will be discussed at the meeQng” are to be listed on the agenda.