HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230926 - Conservation Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION TOWN HALL 18 MAIN STREET HOPKINTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01748 Tel: 508-497-9745 Hopkinton Conservation Commission September 26, 2023 Page 1 of 3 September 26, 2023 Called to Order: 7:00 PM Online Via Zoom Adjourned: 8:21 PM Members Present: Ted Barker-Hook, Jeffrey Barnes, Jim Ciriello, Janine LeBlanc, Matthew Moyen, Melissa Recos, Joe Orzel: Lucas Environmental, Kim Ciaramicoli: Conservation Administrator, Anna Rogers: Environmental & Inspectional Services Coordinator Members Absent: Ed Harrow 7:00 PM Commission Business • Mr. Barnes stated the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with An Act Extending Certain Covid-19 Measures Adopted during the State the of Emergency. He stated for this meeting the Commission is convening by video conference via Zoom App as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Commission’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He noted the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM TV. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and attendees are participating by video conference. • A Roll Call was held for members: Ms. Recos – present, Mr. Ciriello – present, Mr. Barker-Hook – present, Mr. Harrow – not present, Ms. LeBlanc – present, Mr. Barnes – present, Mr. Moyen - present • A Roll Call was held for staff: Ms. Rogers – present, Ms. Ciaramicoli – present, Mr. Orzel – present • Documents for review. Mr. Barker-Hook made a motion to issue the following documents and to have Ms. Ciaramicoli sign on behalf of the Commission. The motion as seconded by Mr. Ciriello and it was passed by everyone except Mr. Moyen who abstained. - 188-1815, Yeoh, 7 Cubs Path - Order of Conditions - RDA 2023-8, Milford Water Company, 0 Echo Lake - Negative Determination of Applicability - 188-1707, Jackson, 132 Clinton St - 3 Year Extension Permit - 188-1595, Domingues, 128 Hayward St - Certificate of Compliance - 188-1803, EL Harvey, 35 Parkwood Dr - Certificate of Compliance • Draft Minutes for review. Ms. Recos made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 6 and June 27, 2023. The motion was seconded by Ms. LeBlanc with everyone voting in favor except Mr. Moyen who abstained in a roll call vote. • Hopkinton Boy Scout Troop 1, 0 West Main St (U18 69 0), Berry Acres – Request for Exemption. Ethan Davan, Eagle Scout, stated he would like to construct a foot bridge over a trail which is experiencing flooding due to beaver activity. The footbridge will be made from three, 10-foot sections. Mr. Chuck Dauchy, HALT, added the following points to the discussion: - the Site has been flooded for about 2 ½ years - the area around the trail has grown in quite a bit and it is hard to navigate around. - the footbridge design is standard from the other projects HALT has proposed Hopkinton Conservation Commission September 26, 2023 Page 2 of 3 - the trail will connect to the apartments off of Lumber St. Mr. Barnes asked if there will be a ramp for bikes and Mr. Dauchy stated yes. In response to a question, Mr. Davan confirmed only hand tools will be used during construction. Ms. LeBlanc made a motion to approve the Exemption Request. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barker- Hook and it passed unanimously in a roll call vote. 7:15 PM Vacha, 29 Woody Island Road DEP File No. 188-1817 Notice of Intent Robin Vacha, owner/applicant; Russell Waldron, Applied Ecological Sciences; Richard Lind, contractor Mr. Waldron gave an overview of the Notice of Intent application and site plans dated August 15, 2023: - Proposed deck on helical piles - Lower retaining wall adjacent to Lake Maspenock needs repairs - Proposing to replace some of the blocks in the wall, but unsure of the extent of the repair - Unaware of the Chapter 91 waterways license status for the existing docks and boat house structure - Will be revising the plans based on the Lucas Environmental comments The Commission reviewed the Lucas Environmental comments dated September 26, 2023. Mr. Orzel reviewed the following: - The retaining wall abutting Lake Maspenock is jurisdictional as inland bank - No BVW present at the site - Number of tree stumps from recent cuts, but determined work occurred under recent Commission Staff approval for risk trees - Some invasives present on-site: bittersweet, burning bush and glossy buckthorn - Recommend invasive species management plan - Applicant should identify source of three drain pipes next to Boat House - Clarify if the erosion controls are proposed both above and below the wall - FEMA flood zone not shown on the plan - Plan does not currently propose PIBs - Will need Chapter 91 approval for existing structures - Potential for Chapter 91 approval for the proposed wall work, depending on extent of repairs Mr. Waldron stated the wall repairs are still being reviewed by contractors. Mr. Vacha stated he wants to build the deck and just wants to repair the wall in place., The proposed work scope does not include excavation of the footings below the low water line. He stated he is not proposing to tearing the wall down, but they may need to replace a block here and there. Ms. Ciaramicoli stated the standard practice has been to ask homeowners to get the docks permitted through Chapter 91. She stated part of the Certificate of Compliance process would need to ensure the Chapter 91 permit is in place. Ms. Ciaramicoli asked what the status is for the mitigation plantings from the tree removal. She stated the Commission has been requiring lakeside landscaping buffers on property adjacent to the lake. Mr. Vacha stated he is happy to provide additional plantings between the house and the lake. It was determined that a PIB is required. Mr. Barker-Hook made a motion to continue the hearing to October 10, 2023. The motion was seconded by Ms. LeBlanc and it passed unanimously in a roll call vote. Hopkinton Conservation Commission September 26, 2023 Page 3 of 3 7:53 PM Hopkinton Stone and Garden, 28 Lumber St DEP File No. 188-1812 Notice of Intent - continuation The hearing was continued without discussion to October 10, 2023. 7:53 PM Commission Business – continued • HALT, 66 Fruit St – Request for Exemption. Chuck Dauchy stated the Trails Committee is helping to fund this project. He stated there has been increased beaver flooding over the last two years. He stated there are five different areas where flooding necessitates the needs for bridges and/or boardwalks. He stated HALT has relocated some of the trails, but in these areas, they just can’t due to the amount of water. Mr. Barnes asked if the ability for bikes to use them will remain and Mr. Dauchy stated that is the plan. Ms. Ciaramicoli thanked HALT for taking steps to live with and accommodate the beavers. She stated there has been increasing documentation that Beavers are a keystone species and create habitats that sequester carbon and mitigate climate change. Mr. Ciriello made a motion to approve the Exemption Request. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barker-Hook and it passed unanimously in a roll call vote. • 188-1677, Marusa, 2 Peter Porcaro Drive – Request for 1 year Extension Permit. The request was continued to October 10, 2023. • 188-1808, Rebel Hill LLC, 188-190 Fruit St – Request for Reconsideration – Vote to reopen hearing or Issue Final Decision. Mr. Barnes stated the applicant has filed a request for reconsideration under the HCC Bylaw. He stated the applicant is now proposing one single family house verse two. Ms. LeBlanc made a motion to reopen the hearing on October 10, 2023. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ciriello and it was passed by everyone except Mr. Moyen who abstained in a roll call vote. • Hopkinton Independent Article – Weed Management. Ms. Ciaramicoli expressed her disappointment with the article. She stated Kerry Reed, DPW Director and herself gave an interview and it was not represented in the article. Ms. LeBlanc stated she was also not happy to hear the article just recommended not to put sand in the lake, stating it actually isn’t allowed at all. Mr. Barnes stated the LMPA is doing a good education job, cleaning boats, cleaning up after pets, etc. He stated he was frustrated that the article didn’t mention the Town Staff working on it and that Commission members went on tours the past few years to view the weeds, etc. Mr. Recos stated she felt the article was very one-sided. She stated she feels the LMPA is doing a good job. • Mr. Barker-Hook provided an update from the Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC). He indicated that the Commission should anticipate applications for high density housing areas as required by the MBTA communities’ law. • The Commission and Staff welcomed Matt Moyen to the Commission. Mr. Barnes stated to please reach out to members and/or Staff with any questions. Adjourn: 8:21 PM