HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230511 - Open Space Preservation Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 18 MAIN STREET HOPKINTON, MA 01748 (508) 497-9755 Open Space Preservation Commission May 11, 2023 Page 1 of 3 Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2023 Present: Ed Harrow, Steven Levandosky, Jane Moran Absent: Irfran Nasrullah, Nancy Peters Guests: Mary Ellen Gambon, David Goldman, Sam Sader, Robert Levenson, Morrie Gasser Call the meeting to order at 7:14pm Public Forum – Mr. Harrow thanked Mr. Sader and Mr. Levenson for joining the meeting, explaining that he had read the article published in the Hopkinton Independent regarding forest cutting at 0 Chestnut Street. Mr. Sader explained a timeline of events to the board, starting with a subdivision proposal that was submitted to the Planning Board on May 4, 2021. He explained that on June 7, 2021, the applicant Bluewave admitted that the end goal for the property was to build a solar industrial complex and were intending to freeze zoning ahead of Town Meeting, which would vote on a solar overlay. On July 21, 2021 after town meeting the application was withdrawn because the developers felt they could work within the parameters. On April 10, 2023 forest cutting began, without town or neighbor notification, as a state permit was issued for forest cutting. On May 5, 2023 the property owner and neighbors came to an agreement and the owner agreed to have the tree cutting stopped. Mr. Sader explains that while there is an agreement for a parcel of land, the owner may be interested in selling all three. Mr. Harrow explained that having a letter with an intent to sell from the property owner is a really big deal, as it shows the owner’s willingness to sell the property. Mr. Levandosky inquired if the eastern parcels were developable, to which Mr. Sader agreed he believed they could with either a solar industrial complex or housing which would connect to Ash Street. Mr. Gasser inquired if trees were cut in the wetlands, to which Mr. Sader added if not in the wetland than right up to it. Mr. Harrow explained to Mr. Sader and Mr. Levenson that he would reach out to Town Manager Norman Khumalo to inform him of an interested seller. He explained that the seller would need to agree to an appraisal, and that the town couldn’t spend more for the property or properties than the appraisal. Open Space Preservation Commission May 11, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Sader asked some hypothetical questions, such as if the town could only spend 100,000 for example could the neighbors kick in the other 50,000 if the owner wanted 150,000 for example. Mr. Sader explained that the property owner expressed that he would potentially be willing to take payments overtime. Ms. Moran suggested setting up an ad hock group so multiple interested parties could reach hopefully the same goal. Mr. Harrow asked Commission members if they believed this should be passed along to Mr. Khumalo. Motion to suggest to Mr. Khumalo reach out to the property owner to purchase the parcels and to include an ad hock group interested in the properties. The motion was made by Mr. Levandosky and seconded by Ms. Moran. The vote was unanimous. Jenner Property – Mr. Harrow wanted to plan a site walk to take a tour of the newly acquired property, however with the amount of ticks it might be best to wait till the Summer or Fall. Mr. Levandosky explained that currently there are no existing trails, Mr. Gasser spoke about a Duck Pond Trail with limited parking. There was a discussion about potentially using the State Park for extra parking. Whitehall Conservation Area – Ms. Soares explained that Mr. Regan sent an email as he was unable to attend the meeting. In the email Mr. Regan explained he felt there were enough wood chips at the parking lot. With respect to the Fence located in Whitehall Conservation, Mr. Regan explained that the Friends of Whitehall do not have a position on whether the fence should be repairs or removed, he added that the fence was installed in order to prevent ATC access to the meadow and other WCA Trails. With respect to the meadow signs, Mr. Regan wrote that the FOW intends to have a kiosk/poster similar to Cameron Highlands. The intent is to install 2, however they would be glad to put up a third at the meadow entrance; that project is expected to be completed by summer or fall at the latest. Mr. Regan closed the email with explaining that it was the right time to do the spring mowing, and was hopeful it could be completed in a week, the FOW were making some of the white posts more visible for the mower. Mr. Harrow explained that there was a date for pruning, the work he added was approved at the previous meeting. Mr. Levandosky inquired about the map that Mr. Regan had submitted, Mr. Harrow explained that the need for mapping the trail was to help guide residents from getting lost and winding up at Mr. Regan’s house. Motion to approve of the Friends of Whitehall Trail markings was made by Mr. Levandosky, seconded by Ms. Moran. The motion passes unanimously. Open Space Preservation Commission May 11, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Russ Phipps - It was explained that at a CPC meeting, the committee approved the funds needed to obtain an appraisal. Mr. Harrow reminded the Commission that Russ Phipps Jr. wanted to be paid overtime, similar to an arrangement that his father had previously with the town. Properties of Interest - Collella near Hughes, Ms. Moran explained that an appraisal had been done and would be on file with the town. Mr. Harrow explained that a letter of intent to sell could benefit the Commission when presenting to the town manager. Town Meeting Debrief - Mr. Harrow expressed his frustrations at learning that Open Space had been named to receive Turkey Ridge, without a prior notice or discussion. The property he explains was included with the consent agenda items. Turkey Ridge, Mr. Harrow explained has substantial invasives on the property. Motion to approve April 6, 2023 Regular and Executive Session minutes as presented was made by Ms. Moran and seconded by Mr. Levandosky. The motion passes unanimously. Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Moran and seconded by Mr. Levandosky. The motion passes unanimously. Minutes approved June 1, 2023