HomeMy Public PortalAboutTeresa Ln_2 lL!ly/ao 11.•t anLL v��c+++ % ELEVATION CERTIFICATE E r 7 .' 9 A 6 1. 7 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY . NATIONAL (ROOD INSURANCE PROGRAM MENTION: Uwe of this certificate don not provide a waiver of this hood lowrsnds purchase requitement. That roan Is used only to provide 'lewder frdorTnetion newsiery to ensure oornpttertoe with applicable common* Aeodplafn management ordlnance% to detennkre Sri ptaper klstlflttra�I torr npletIng t lot* n request tame folaowtt pegs*. evisksn (LOMA or LoMFi). • SEC1lON A PROPERTY INI'ORMAT1ON 1 nvi INS R*,av' COPAN* uee shoes' owNHra NAME PC1.r"+Y KUMBEM 8T111ET ADMEN N lMdiai akat.. L a * . euM a r d w a r adp. t a i n t rrl OR P . O . ROUTE MID bOX NIM8ER t e o r e A N ' I oar MM P 0 ( re5a. 1 1 1 OTHER OEOCRIPt*ON (W vas end Yak No'. etr .) — 4o r Zi Ne £rti W44 vE fug Ps v1.S /o 4 CHY STATE ZIP CODE 6A Y' MIA D rY SEE l S“A.01), 6A. 3( 32-8 . SECTION 0 MOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMT ON Provide the tollowInp horn the proper FIFtM (See Instructions): 1. cresuurary mown a. PANEL NUrreta 3. SUFrTx 4. DATE OF FlRM INCV1 ( 6. PAM ZONE it SASE C FLY�I') EEYraTVN 1 931 t: Co / C . a /i7 /d'c I v 9 I e'AOZ 4 cwM I 7. Inchoate the Ovation datum system used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations (8FE): r.4 NOV{ I 29 D Other (describe on bad ) P. For Zones A or V, where no BFE le provided on the FIRM, and the community hoe established a BFE for thls building site, indlcwte the community's BFE:J L LI 1 I,LI feet Nt3VO (or other FIRM datum -see Section 9, Item 7), • SECTION C 11UtLD4NG ELEVATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams four on Pages 5 and 8 that best deeafbnsi the gulled build np 's reeterenao twat • 2(e). FIRM Zone' Al 430, AL, A1 ma A (wtlh SP E), The ter of the reference level floor from the selected diagram Is el an elevation of l 1. 1 1 1- 1.11 feet NOW (or otter FIRM datum -sae Section 8, item 7)_ (b). FIRU Zones V1-V30, VE, end V twit BFE). The bottom of the Toward horttontet structure, member of the reference level from the selected dlagrem, is at an elevation Of I L I il-1 loot NOVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section B, Item 7). (e). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). 'The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is 1 1 I .L feet above D. or ' below 0 (check one) f'* highest grade adjacent tb the building. (d), FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference twat trom the selected diagram Is 1 l 1.1_1 feet above d or below 0 (check one) the highest grads sdieoenl to the building. it no flood depth number is available, is the building's towest floor (reference level) elevated in icoordanx a with the communfy's eoodpialn management ordinance? El Yes ❑ No 0 Unknown 3. Indicate the elevation datum System used in determining the above reference level elevations:1 NOVD'29 0 Other (describe under Comment' owl Pegs 2), (NOTE: If the e1evatrgrt datum used le treasuring the elevations is dfferant than Mel used on Nre F71111 flee , Section B: /torn 77, then convert the efeverfor+s to the aim system used on rho RAM and show the canversIoh equation under Conti rerrte on Pegs 2) 4. Eirretkrn reference mule used appears on FIRM: ❑ Yes IgNo (See instructor* on Pape 4) 5, The reference If elevation le based on: {g.eetual construction ©conabrcdon drawings (NQ7F, Ue9 of conshucfbart burring' 18 arNy valid if thebufieing does not yet have the reference level floor In place, In wtrfch case Offs Car fifforde w only t* Veil for the building during the course of construction, 4 post -construction Elevation CeniNcate echo be required once construction 13 Complete) B. The elevation of the fewest grade immediately adjacent to the building Is :1 I 1 1 171, U ,feet NQVD for other FIRM daturn -see . Section B., Bern 7). ; SECTION 0 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 1. If the comrnurety offldel responsible for vsrttring Wilding elevellonl 6pecNlei that the reference level indicted In Section C, Item 1 is not 0* "lowest floor' es defined In the community's lloodpiein management ordnance, the elevation ei the building''' lowest floor' RI defined by the militant* lc I 1 I 1 1 1,LJ test NGVD (or other FIRM cellar -sae Section B, Item 7). E. bete or tl+e elan al can.Ivuc0On Ot &Ubethntte) i nproverneM - N A Pare 11 .31, MAY 93 Itt -NACE3 All PRtvt0US EDl1 'l$ SEE REVERSE SLOE Fat cohniN fA0Chl 12/14/99 11:47 FAX 3539181 BARRY A BROWN CO 003 • SECTION E CERTIF1CA110N • This codification IS to be slined a land sUhteyor, engineer, or archheci who to authorized by note or local law to certify nervation Information when the elevation eftnotion for Zoe Al -A30, AE. AH. A (with EFE).V1- V80.VE. and V (with t3FE) is required. Community Acing who are authorized by Wel law tx ordinance to provide floodplain irsa menl Information, may also sign the cateliosSen_ In the case of Zones AO and A (wtthOut a FEMA or community Issued EFE), a building OlfNoal. a property mew, or on owner's representative may alio Sipe the certification. Piefarenee level Magazine t8, 7 and 8 - Dietinpulohlng Features -0f the certifier; le unable to candy to loresksweyroron.brreekawey wait enclosure sise,AXIONOn of servicing equipment area use. wait openings, or unfinished area feature (e then list the F tura(e) inciuded rat in under Commelee below, The diagram number, Section G, Item 1, moat elMU be entered, t certlty that the informaffon in Secttore E and C on It* oeittrtoete ref serfs my best eltorfs to int tpret the data a vail t tandereterld (tilt any Wet statement may be punishable by fine or krtlxiasonment ender le U& Cork, section toot. e -0 er bA r., l t ,, 5 it2. , 0 1 2 -39 CERTIFIERS RAMO LICENSE NUMBEillar AiBn Se* R.. tr , 5. 1 -a- rr L14,V p 5% ri Lis / 1t COMPANY WAmE r. o � 0 1r .S Al"A NA/A1a� , a A • (4t -- MTV OTATI ADDRESS SMARMS ° DirdIE PHONE Copies should be mode of this Gattiticets ton 1) community official, 2) tneutenee ogentiesengeny, and 3) building ownet Cc.) ee Mkt- ra./2•'t P t/ 1 Ca Sril -tiCr AI r OM MUM • WAS SAMMY O&M ON COUSINS a v A • A V ROMS toes ZONES AWES X EE ,r IKAAWS UAL _1 una sIAOD dEYATOI swe magma Wettence alai) °"O= a�eana u va aarMO UP4S. 0004 4 , a4 , <r , 7.r 1 -.71 .;. The diagram* to the points at which Out elevations should be measured In A Zones and V Zones. Elevations lot ell A Zeno *sod be measured al the top of the rehirence travel floor. Elevations for elf V Zones shoted be measured a1 tha bottom of the lesereet horizontal structural member.