HomeMy Public PortalAboutA 2008-03-24 - VET. AFFAIRSf CITY OF LYNWOOD VETERANS AFFAIRS COUNCIL MARCH 24, 2008 5:00 p.m. ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ CITY OF LYNWOOD CITY C!.FRKC nceiCE MAR 1 8 2005 /~/~7~F~,8~9~1A~11112~1i~~,~3/i^4/~i516 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBI~;RS h~ /~A/'~'~' ~s_F 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CA 90262 »>VETERANS AFFAIRS COUNCIL«< JOHN BEIMER, CHAIRPERSON »>BOARD MEMBERS«< JULIO MENDOZA CHARLES WOOD MANNY PEREZ FRANK CALDERON LOUIS FORD WILLIE WILLIAMS »>RECREATION STAFF«< PERRY BRENTS, INTERIM DIRECTOR ROZIE CARRILLO, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT II ANN LLANAS, MINUTES CLERK I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. ROLL CALL: CHAIRPERSON BEIMER BOARD MEMBER WOOD BOARD MEMBER MENDOZA BOARD MEMBER CALDERON BOARD MEMBER PEREZ BOARD MEMBER FORD BOARD MEMBER WILLIAMS BOARD MEMBER BATTLE V. AGENDA POSTING VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VII. INFORMATION ITEMS VIII. SCHEDULED MATTERS A. Election of Officers IX. PUBLIC ORALS X. BOARD MEMBER ORALS XI. ADJOURNMENT - THE VETERANS AFFAIRS COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING TO BE HELD AT 5:00 P. M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2008. CITY OF LYNWOOD VETERANS AFFAIRS COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February z5, zoo8 I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting for February z5, zoo8 was called to order at 5:io p.m. II. INVOCATION: The Invocation was led by Board Member Charles Wood. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairperson John Beimer led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. ROLL CALL: Present Absent CHAIRPERSON BEIMER BOARD MEMBER FORD BOARD MEMBER WOOD BOARD MEMBER MENDOZA BOARD MEMBER PEREZ BOARD MEMBER WILLIAMS BOARD MEMBER CALDERON BOARD MEMBER GUTIERREZ ** **Board Member Gutierrez has requested he be taken off of the agenda beginning in March. He stated that his job hours conflict with being able to attend the Veterans Affairs Council meetings. V. AGENDA POSTING: The agenda was duly posted by the City Clerk for the February zoo8 meeting. VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The February minutes were not approved due to no quorum. VII. INFORMATION ITEMS: Elections will be held at the March meeting to select a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Even though the Veterans Affairs Council is a volunteer board the City Council reserves the right to appoint additional members if they are Veterans. Board Member Perez stated that the Veterans Affairs Council can have as many members as can be accommodated. Board Member Wood stated that the Veterans Affairs Council should not be a political forum for Council. Board Member Calderon read a letter he wrote to Mark Flores, Veterans Affairs Council liaison. The brief letter states that he is outraged that the City Council has converted the Veterans Affairs Council from a volunteer board to an appointed board. His letter stated that this is discriminatory to all Veterans. He stated that only appointees would be able to partake in decision-making issues pertaining to Veterans. VII. INFORMATION ITEMS -Continued Chairperson Wood stated that he thinks that in order to qualify to be a member of the Veterans Affairs Council, members should have an honorable discharge from military service. Board Member Perez stated that members of other commissions have to be let go after three absences. Not so with the Veterans Affairs Council. Board Member Wood stated that former City Council Member Armando Rea started this Board but he never attended because he is not a military Veteran. VIII. SCHEDULED MATTERS: A. Membership Rules -Board Member Wood stated that we should make sure that only honorably discharged Veterans are allowed to serve on the Veterans Affairs Council. Everyone should submit a copy of their DDzt4 form. Mr. Flores requested that a motion be made to require a copy of each member's DDzi4 be submitted in order to be on the Veterans Affairs Council. Board Member Perez motions that members be required to provide a copy of their DDzt4. Board Member Wood seconds the motion. By unanimous consent the vote passed. B. Membership Drive - Mr. Flores stated that the Marketing & Grants Department will feature an article on the Membership Drive in the April edition of the Lynwood `n Perspective. He stated that a press release will also run in the local paper. Board Member Wood recommends that we use an application form; i.e. name, address, branch of service, etc. IX. PUBLIC ORALS: Pearline Calderon, 4oio Josephine Street, announced two up-coming senior events: • March r, zoo8 - Assemblymember Hector de la Torre will speak at a meeting at Alta Med on Proposed Budget Cuts for zoo8/zoo9, io a.m. to u:3o a.m. • March 4, zoo8 -Area Agency on Aging Public Hearing on Emergency Preparedness, z p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Center. In regards to the white crosses to be used on the front lawn at City Hall for the Veterans Day program; Mrs. Caldron stated that high school students could make the crosses in their Woodshop Classes. Mr. Flores stated that he is not sure those classes still exist. X. BOARD MEMBER ORALS: - FORD -Absent X. BOARD MEMBER ORALS: Continued - WOOD - He stated that the crosses are standard size. A mortuary could be used as a vendor. He stated that former Veterans Affairs Council Liaison had a list of Veterans from WWI, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. It would be good to have doves and at least 50 crosses as part of the Veterans Day ceremony. - PEREZ - He stated that we could use z3 white crosses to represent the r3 original colonies of the United States of America. - CALDERON -Comments are under "VII. Information Items". - MENDOZA -Absent - WILLIAMS -Absent - BEIMER - He would like to see white crosses on the City Hall front lawn for the Veterans Day Program this year. The crosses need to be made and painted white. What size and how many? Chairperson Beimer also asked if anyone has checked on the Veterans Memorial Monument for graffiti. Mr. Flores commented that the monument is being respected; there is no trash or tagging. Chairperson Beimer also announced that Jim Morton has been re-elected to serve on the City Council. - GUTIERREZ -Absent X ADJOURNMENT -The Veterans Affairs Council will adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held at 5:0o p.m. on Monday, March z4, zoo8 in the Lynwood City Hall Council Chambers. recreatnweterans affairs council zoo8. March zoo8 agenda & February zoo8 minutes