HomeMy Public PortalAbout1967-08-26 Meeting30 August 26, 1967 The Council of Hal Harbour Village met Saturday, August 26, 1967 at 9:3n A. M. in the Villa.!Je hall. Present: Messrs: Beatty, Hart, Printup, Tapliu and White. up m,tion pf.Mr. Va i sec ulfti. by Mr. I'rintun the minutes previous revio es mee in f Jr l.v _> > were ap!)rove as sn n i er Also present were W. E. Webb, Village Manarer; Mary T. Wettercr, Villa,.e Clerk; and Thomas H. Anderson, V_i.11are Attorney. Mr. Webb reported that he hJd delivered Turner Rallis' report to the County Manager and John Greene on August 4th and they had agreed to ;;ive them to the County Commissioners. Mr. Homer said he had also just received the report .from the Public Works Department. At that time it was contemplated that our Council would meet with the Commissioners on August title. After we were not on the agenda for Aurust 3th, Mr. Wallis also learned that the Commissioners had not been ;riven their copies of the report, so Mr. `Iebh went directly to the County Manager's office and got them b:,ck. At that time he spoke to the Assist- ant County Mana„or, Hoke Welch, wile asked that the reports not be given to the Commissioners until Nr. Homer was ready. When Air. hallis aopreached fir, domer and Welch, Mr. '.comer said he would be ready some time in September. Mr. Homer wanted to read both reports and then we will be notified when to appear. In the meantime, Air. Anderson has written tP the County Attorney stating that the property owners will sue the County for damages. Mr. Taplin asked if individuals can bring suit or will it have to be the Vi.l.la ;e and ?'r. Anderson said the individuals can sere. Mr. Tadli.n asked if we should meet with i,,ayor Dormer of Miami Beach and Mr. 'iebb informed hit: that the Yana;rcr of Miami Beach has a copy of Mr. Wallis' report and that we will he notified when the Neneral meeting ouorosion takes place. ?Ir. Webb said that he had only one answer from the letter he wrote to the hotels and apartments on Collins Avenue regard - in„ the maintenance or the sidewalk and z;rass strip between the sidellalk and Collins \venue. (hi motion of Mr. Hart, se- conded by tit'. Beatty and unanimously voted, Mr. Anderson was instructed to prepare an ordinance making: it mandatory to Jeep this lroperty up. Mr. Webb explained that the County Tax Assessor was ex- pected to certify the Assesshd Valuations the first of September at which time the Village Clerk could relay the inform tiou to trim in North Carolina. As soon as he made his final computa- tions, he would notify this orrice and a Special Meetings could be called to set the mi.11ne for 1967. The Council agreed to this procedure. The Council then cPisidered bids for additional Ji),OPO Life insurance for police and firemen as reeui.red under the bills passed at tee .last session of tue Lec,islature, He read a letter from Don 15arp;ee1', the a;.;eut for our pension plan, which explained the situation eau this nor i.nse cance. The bids were as follows: Cohdpariy Submitted by Amount 31 Nation bide Ins. Co. Don Borger 28 men ri,12»)')/yr/man $ 336.nf St.i'aut Fire & Life Leonard Sacks men 0$12,00/vr/uran 33h.ntr Ins. Co. Stevenson L: men .4g1:.`)n/yr7/rr;cn 336.(v) ilosford Continental National Paul 2. Bell ,'_ men ::)512.50/vr/coon 350.1I) Amer. Group The Travelers Ins. Co. Joe Gardner 2 men .°o 'vr/uran }() 1. a Peninsular Life Ins. Fred Far;ikner ilien 4 3.1+`)/yr/nrnn 235.""'• Co. (1) i flui_table Life Assurance (2) Fred Faulkner 12 Pire,len 'r 131. 1') 16 policemen v)2.1n '30.(t0 Continental Casualty Co. '::`m.E, I}ecici.;cm '28 men -)f;12.5f/yr/roan 35f.0 (1) IJnt-)ccul)ational , u1y (?) 9:1 clays only Mr. ':'e:,b said lie had tried to contact Mr. Faulkner on Friday regarding iris bid, hut that be was .nit of t n n. It 10.:z• r.�, ;tr•d L'.:.t, in: s.n c1' 'r :; this is H new Lv ie of insn:nnoe . :)ul that the com- panies have not yet filed with the .hate Insurance Commissioner for tit.is typo of insurance ttr;,L Mr. Hebb Lnvest.i.nte furt •.er before Lue September meeting. Mr. '-ebb nsked thus Council for Lheir opinion OH Sick Leave for the employees ns we dr not have any .rt pol icy, but leave the matter to his discretion. l .ft: •. r discussion, it was the Council's opinion that the Villa._'e Maua,;.er should continue the same policy and see ;:bout obtaining disability insurance for t.le employees w:ich world take effect after the first nit; ty d;:v:; w.iicir would H. borne by the Villa e. The Villa.,o *lava •er said Ire h;d a iei:trr from the Dade Leatyle of Municipalities asking each lnrni.ci )nlity to file a com»laint with the Metro Tax Assessor's office if they believe the roll .is inequit- able. Mr. Webb said in his opinion that the Assessor's office is workin,* toward equitable as• essrr:eats. The Council decided they would take no action on this. Mr. Webb explained ttr.it in order for the Vi1la[;e to possibly Levy a flesort Tax in the future, an election w)r.itd have to be held before the end of 1967 to amend our Charter. After discussion it was moved by Mr. hart, seconded by Mr. Taplin and unanimously voted to poll the Council ns to their feelings about tlii.s tax. On roll. ca1l the fallowing votes were recorded: In favor of the tax; Messrs. Beatty, Yrintup and White. Against the tax: Messrs. Hart and Taplin. It was then moved by Mr, Beatty, sec coded by Mr. Yrintup, that an election '.)e called and held for the purpose of amending the Village Charter to i.nc)rpornt,e the nrovLsi.,ns respect.i.nr• the Levy on receipts as provided f'Nr by the State Statutes. The vote being; as follows: Messrs. Beatty, Printr:p and ?Waite yes: Messrs. Hart r Taplin, No. M.r. ;Jebb suggested that the election could be held November 7th when the School Board election takes place. August 26, 19(i7 32 Tlie Village Mana„er stated that he had the bids for the necessary dredgin,; and moorings at the seawall rat Lots 1 and 2, Mock 1. The low bidder was Bock & Marine Construction Com;>any for 931,630.Ofl. It was moved by Mr. Printup, seconded by Mr. Tn;lliie and unanimously voted thaL the Village Mana ger should uroceed with the work at t is figure. Mr. Webb said tlirt under the new State Law municipalities may transrer into the State Pension Plan. He said he would like to con- sult with our insurance man ree:ording the t.an.sfer of our plan. On motion of Mr. !tart, seconded by Mr. l'riutun, Mr. Webb was n;ctlror- ized to took into this. Mr. Beatty asked about the State Road Department work on the Collins ',venue drainage. Mr. Webb said that he had learned that the State was about three weeks behind. Mr. Beatty said he would contact Mr. O'Neill about this. nn motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. 3eatty, the meeting; was adjourned at LO:15 A. M. Attest: /!u'G i,cW Vi11a�re Clerk l Mayor September 30, 1967 The Council of Bal Harbour Village met Saturday, September 30, 1967 at 9:30 A. M. in the Village Hall. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Hart, Printup, Taplin and White. Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Herbert Nadeau, Acting Village Attorney. Mr. Webb explained that he and Mr. Taplin had attended a meeting at Miami Beach regarding the erosion problem. He said he felt it was evident from that meeting that the Miami Beach hotel owners would not go along with the master plan for rebuilding the beaches. He mentioned that Turner Wallis had a stroke and would not be able to help us for some time and also inasmuch as we have not been placed on the Dade County agenda, it seemed that we would have to do the beach nourishment by ourselves. Mr. Taplin said he would like to see this problem discussed at a recessed meeting on Monday and have the hotel owners notified so that the Council could get their feel- ings on the matter. He said he would also like an opinion from the September 30, 1967