HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231002 - Sustainable Green Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON SUSTAINABLE GREEN COMMITTEE Monday October 2,2023 at 6:00 PM Town Hall -Lower Level Google Meet joining info Video call link:https://meet.google.com/chz-ffxe-dtb Or dial:(US)+1 574-328-1059 PIN:936 081 857# More phone numbers:https://tel.meet/chz-ffxe-dtb?pin=7408896311705 MINUTES _________________________________________________________________________ Committee Members Attending:Amit Tandon,Amy Groves,Christine Coffman,Deena Baker Nel,Diane Hayward,Don Sutherland,Ella Nel,Geoff Rowland,Ken Parker,Linda Chuss,Nicole Simpson,Paul Gallagher,Peggy Barton (remote) Others Attending:Julia Chun,Carol Esler 1.Group photo was taken 2.General business a.Public comment -none b.Committee membership updates -no updates i.One posted vacancy -it should be appointed soon ii.Dan Eversole’s position -Geoff will check into the status c.Unanimously approved minutes from September 2023 meeting d.Buddy system -all buddy pairs have met i.No suggestions for improvement ii.Going forward,any more work with these buddy pairs would be informal. e.Subcommittee membership adjustments &appointments i.Amit chose Transportation,and may join Buildings later.It was unanimously approved by the committee. f.Budget &Treasurer ’s update i.Reviewed &approved expenses that were provided to Diane. 1.Linda -for printing at Staples for events 2.Linda -for the EV Expo ad for the Independent (bill went to town hall) 3.Amy -for the ad for the Independent,for other for CAP event ii.Diane asked about the budget process and approval process -the town accountant is out sick: 1.If something is approved on the budget,we don’t have to wait for a committee meeting approval to make that expenditure. 2.If receipts are brought,what is the committee's role in reviewing them? 3.Diane will meet with the town accountant and then we’ll update our process. 3.Updates from committee liaisons:summary,none a.Select Board -Shahidul Mannan,not present b.School Committee &ESBC-2 -Amanda Fargiano,not present i.Geoff will talk to Amanda about the Hopkins extension -we want to comment on a few things ii.Amy didn’t hear back from them about the CAP event,but expects they are coming c.Parks and Rec -Laura Hanson,not present 4.Updates from Julia Chun -Sustainability,Economic Development,Equity Project Manager a.Grants,municipal aggregation,specialized stretch energy code,and more. i.Julia finished the municipal aggregation supplier interviews. 1.Julia will send a document to Geoff and Norman.All 3 suppliers are good,2 are great with good options for customization.We are also considering their ability to do outreach. 2.Discussions will continue. 3.The State’s Department of Public Utilities (DPU)has new stringent guidelines.1 of the 3 candidates is reluctant to agree to comply, so that’s a downside for them.There is now a framework that the DPU hopes will expedite the process -it should take about 8 to 12 months for approval. 4.We will have Municipal Aggregation info at the CAP event. 5.Julia mentioned one of the companies had translators.Someone asked what language(s)?Julia will check if it matches our Environmental Justice community. 6.What are the rates like compared to Eversource suppliers now? They cannot answer that question.It’s like with investments -while history has shown the municipal aggregation rates to be less expensive,it’s not a promise for the future -Linda will add a note about that to the web site (has been done).The price is determined when we choose our options and it can change -they say timing the choice of the rate is something they can help with based on world economic conditions. b.The MAPC Accelerating Climate Resilience Grant application was submitted and the results should begin to be announced soon. c.Mass Power Choice Energy Resiliency Grant -Julia will wait to see if we get the MAPC grant before deciding whether or not to apply to this one. d.Specialized stretch code -the draft article was good.Nicole will get it to Elaine (has already been done).Someone will invite the inspectors to the CAP event. e.Julia will have a drop-in event/office hours for placemaking -turning land/space into a place where community members can congregate e.g.a mural on the wall, adding chairs on the common etc.Julia will send that out in about a week. 5.Update to our Charge /Criteria for Applicants a.Geoff has not heard anything from town hall about what the role of our committee can be with regard to appointments. b.We reviewed the proposed criteria for new members in slides 4 &-based on questions and feedback,we made updates to the slides/criteria i.Clarify “we might not have been approved” ii.The required criteria are not considered to be intimidating.It’s less intimidating than what’s in the charge now (composition section). iii.The chair can let the select board know about current needs. iv.We’re looking for either experience or expertise in some area of sustainability. v.Reword “musts”to “required” vi.Reword “wants”to “preferred”-used to distinguish among candidates. vii.For hours,change to “Be willing to give an average of 6 to 8 hours a month” viii.Instead of “passionate”,use “motivated” c.We agreed on the required and preferred criteria. d.Next steps: i.Linda will draft updated wording in the charge related to the criteria. (Already done -see Draft.)Committee members will review it before the next meeting and vote on it at the next meeting. ii.We will then get the charge updated with the town. iii.Geoff and/or Linda will then work on the process so the criteria is used for new member appointments by the Select Board and so that applicants are aware of it before showing up for appointment at a Select Board meeting. 6.Workgroup Progress Goals and Progress Summary Sheet and the Outreach Sheet a.Zero Waste i.DPW Director meeting results re:waste stream metrics,Mass DEP recycling dividend program,&composting 1.Met with Julia and Kerry Reed:reviewed what the subcommittee does and got priorities of the DPW 2.Outreach and education is helpful -Linda can help them update their website (not necessarily immediately) 3.Talked about composting and funding the bin -DPW will check it out 4.DPW wants effective recycling and better education 5.Harveys contract is not complete 6.Mattress recycling drive is being considered 7.Town cleanup -we would support other groups doing it -can post pictures of trash picked up 8.Waste stream metrics -there’s an error in the latest but we are still in about the same place as we were in 2016 a.How do we compare to other towns -pay as you throw have lower tonnage.Most nearby towns are like us but Northborough looks better -Christine will ask someone b.Pay as you throw was raised as an option for use -it would need to be in the contract.Harvey contract is for 5 years. c.Pursuing pay as you throw is not on the Zero Waste subcommittee’s low hanging fruit list 9.Expect to hear back on funding of composting bins,work with the dividend money -the dividend money application wasn’t submitted as we thought.Julia thinks there might be a grant through Mass DPC for the bins. 10.Peggy shared about sending a Black Earth letter to her neighbors. Other committee members will do that too. ii.High School Environmental Club re:composting -Diane met with Heather Abraham,the club’s advisor.They are doing the Next Trex challenge for benches made from recycled plastic the club collects.Diane said we will help promote it.Diane will ask if they want people from the community contributing or just students. iii.Diane will attend one of their meetings.Geoff asked what else we can work on with them.HS Club is meeting 10/3 -our committee will try to help them 1.Maybe they can monitor tonnage and counts (e.g.how many students compost) 2.They are trying to talk about compostable trays b.Transportation i.EV Expo results -About 35 vehicles -same as last year,over 300 attendees -50%more than last year,55%were from Westborough,12% from Hopkinton.About 32+attendees from Hopkinton -double from last year.Entrance survey and retrospective results coming. c.Outreach /Communications i.Site visits to farms 1.Honey Nut -canceled due to weather 2.Long Life talked about soil and moisture retention,minimizing plastics,possible next steps in town,and much more 3.Some towns use trustees to help preserve it,there is federal money 4.HALT and OSPC and Garden Club might be interested -Linda and Ken to talk with them.There is some property near Ashland. Pratt Farm was considered for a farm but the irrigation could have PFAS. ii.Repair Cafe and Hebert’s EV Expo events 1.Senior Center used disposable plastic tablecloths -Peggy talked to Jessica about using paper tablecloths and they were amenable iii.CAP event -there was a press release and HopNews ran it.There was an ad in the Independent but no article.No word from eHop or HCAM. iv.NEEECO and Heat Pumps workshops -Wed Oct 18 at the Senior Center, 6 to 8pm,plus virtual -encourage attendance with people you know - Diane and Geoff and Ken will be there v.Women’s Club talk -open to the public,Oct.23,6:30 to 7:45 at the Library 1.Reviewed a summary of the talk 2.We can work more with the Women’s Club vi.Don asked about the Con Comm and the weeds at Maspenock -Don may attend the meeting to express the concerns with the toxins.This would go through the weed committee,to Con Comm,and maybe town meeting. The toxins are banned in lots of other places in the world.Not clear if DPW will do it or …It may not go to town meeting this time.It would happen in the spring.See the article in the Independent about it. d.Green Energy i.Municipal aggregation status -was presented by Julia e.Environment -we read a report sent by Don. i.Pesticides are largely unregulated in the country.There is a lot of paperwork but it’s not enforced. ii.The toughest effects are on kids -IPMs are not up to date. iii.E.g.nitrogen is just applied on lawns as part of a contract.Most is on lawns,not from agriculture.Runoff goes into lakes.We need to reduce the exposure. iv.Since 2015,there has been EPA childhood epidemiological studies especially neurotoxins have effects in utero. v.The use of toxins is more systemic -e.g.when applied to a plant,it gets through the whole plant or fruit so you can’t just wash it off. vi.The data has been there for decades.The CDC has identified there’s been a 200%increase over 20 years affecting children’s brains.MA attorney general filed a lawsuit and overrode the EPA.McGovern put forth legislation,along with Elizabeth Warren,to ban all of it,and the chemicals that China and EU have banned.That’s HR 5085 and is part of the farm bill.All who want to write to /call McGovern and Warren.Can Hopkinton endorse this as a town?Geoff asked Amanda based on School Committee experience if we can endorse it and we can. vii.Everyone will read the bills and Don’s report.Next month we can vote on it as a committee to endorse it. f.Climate Action i.Preparation for community drop-in event on Oct.11,6-9 pm,Senior Center. 1.Setup can start at 5 pm. 2.Volunteer when you can -1st or 2nd half. 3.Use boards and blue tack Amy is providing. 4.Each table is 6 feet long -use wording that won’t exclude apartment and condo dwellers 5.Linda will get Don’s flyers prepared. 6.House is ready 7.Banner and sign will be there 8.Letter to stakeholders should go out with BCCs soon. 9.Suggestion box will be at each table. g.Buildings i.Specialized Stretch Energy Code article for Special Town Meeting ii.Reviewed the draft slides 1.Solar does need to be planned for when designing the site 2.Most new houses being built are over 4,000 3.Question -should the MBTA homes be included or not -maybe as a backup iii.Warrant should be approved this week and then within about a week,it should come out from us within a week iv.There will not be a “Know Your Vote”event 7.NYC Climate Week [5 minutes] a.Updates from Diane’s trip 8.MA &Federal Legislative Actions [5 minutes] a.Any updates on legislative actions b.Single use plastic bottle ban for state agencies -implemented c.American Climate Corps i.White House fact sheet 9.Solar Flair Panel Issues [5 minutes] a.Follow-up on questions from last month -Paul 10.Events [Reminder]-see hopgreen.org/about-us/events for details a.Climate Action Plan community drop-in event -Wed.Oct.11,6 to 9pm,Senior Center b.Heat Pumps session -Wed.Oct.18,6 to 8pm,Senior Center c.Women’s Club talk at the Library -Mon.Oct.23,6:30pm,open to the public - Eco-Friendly Living in Hopkinton d.Special Town Meeting -Nov.13 11.Upcoming meetings a.Nov 6 is the next meeting -Town Hall lower level i.Expected known absences for next meeting -ensure quorum. ii.We can review progress from half the workgroups next month,the other half the following month,and assign a time limit,and have subcommittees stick to it. b.Suggestions for upcoming agenda items i.Potential items ii.Annual calendar c.Adjourn -unanimously approved ______________________________________________________________________ Approved unanimously at the 11/6/2023 meeting of the Sustainable Green Committee