HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230328 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes –March 28,2023 18 Main Street,Hopkinton MA -Room 215/216 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present:Amy Ritterbusch,Chair,Irfan Nasrullah,Muriel Kramer, Shahidul Mannan Select Board Members Absent:Mary Jo LaFreniere,Vice Chair Officials Present:Town Manager Norman Khumalo,Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER:Chair Amy Ritterbusch called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall.She stated that the public has the option of attending the meeting in person or via Zoom,and the meeting is being recorded.She confirmed that Shahidul Mannan,participating remotely,could hear and be heard. Ms.Ritterbusch requested a motion to enter executive session pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a) (purpose 3)to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to Police,Fire and Communications Unions because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board;pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a)(purpose 2)to consider strategy with respect to negotiations with non-union personnel (Town Manager);pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a)(purpose 6)to consider the purchase,lease,sale or value of real estate in relation to properties in the vicinity of Town Hall,the Jenner Property (Map R12 Block 9 Lot 0), 0 Spring Street,Map R23 Block 100 Lot 0 West Main Street,Map R23 Block 73 Lot A and Block 73 Lot B Rear West Main Street,and 3 contiguous parcels on College Street totalling 20.74 acres because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board;to approve executive session Minutes;to allow Norman Khumalo and Elaine Lazarus to participate in the discussion,and to reconvene in Open Session after the conclusion of Executive Session.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Muriel Kramer.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes. Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. CALL TO ORDER -REOPEN OPEN SESSION:Amy Ritterbusch called the open session to Order at 6:41 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM:Nanci Hill,Library Director,stated that April 23 to April 29 is National Library Week.She cited statistics on Library circulation over the last year.She stated that Library programming brings the Town together,and noted that Library staff will be celebrating the week with different theme days,and provided information on activities that will be held during the week. 1 Muriel Kramer,39 North St.,referred to the recent school shooting tragedy in Tennessee,stating she wanted to take a moment to consider what occurred,and the suffering of people from gun violence.She stated she appreciates the efforts of residents who are taking action and becoming involved.She stated the issue is solvable and isn’t about responsible gun ownership,it is about violence against children. Seetharaman Ganesan,1 Revolutionary Way Apt.#106,thanked staff for providing the report from the Police Dept.responding to his questions about their use of gun clubs in Hopkinton.He stated he would like to know if there are any other towns sending their officers to gun clubs in Hopkinton to be trained,and asked for the Board’s assistance in reaching out to the gun clubs to ask who their major customers are.He stated that people want and deserve to know what is happening there. CONSENT AGENDA:MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to approve the Consent Agenda,consisting of the following:1)approving the Minutes of the March 9,2023 and March 14,2023 meetings;2)accepting the resignation of Michelle Leibowitz from the Hopkinton Cultural Council;3)approving the Hopkinton Lions Club request to place 50 to 60 temporary Community Yard Sale signs within the road rights of way of East Main St.,Main St.,Cedar St.,West Main St.,Wood St.,South St.,and Hayden Rowe on or around April 13 and removed the evening of May 13;4)approving a parade permit application for the Jimmy Fund Walk on October 1,2023;and 5)approving a parade permit application for the Triathlon at the Hopkinton State Park on May 21 and September 10,2023.Board members thanked Ms. Leibowitz for her service on the Cultural Council.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. PUBLIC HEARING -STREET ACCEPTANCE:Ms.Ritterbusch called the public hearing to Order on the acceptance of Foxhollow Road and Box Mill Road as public ways.John Westerling, Director of Public Works,distributed an inspection report on the two streets to the Board.He reviewed the items for each that should be addressed before the DPW can make a positive recommendation for acceptance at Town Meeting.John Gelcich,Principal Planner,stated that the Planning Board has recommended acceptance of Box Mill Road,and discussion of Foxhollow Road is scheduled at its next meeting.He noted the Town has been working with the residents’attorney on moving acceptance forward as the developer has abandoned the project, which is complicated by the fact that the lot owners own to the centerline of the road.Robert Finnegan,attorney for Foxhollow Road homeowners,stated it has been a struggle for the residents due to the abandonment,and they have been working on the punch list and getting the work done.He stated a contractor is anticipated to start work next week and should be done by mid-April. Mr.Mannan asked how developers can be held accountable so this doesn’t happen in the future. Mr.Gelcich stated that sometimes it happens,and the Planning Board reduced the bond before it knew there was a road ownership problem.He stated the remaining bond amount is $5,000.Mr. Mannan asked what the anticipated costs are when it accepts streets.Mr.Westerling stated that DPW maintenance initially would be plowing and minor items for the first 10 years or so,and in the long term,roads need upgrades in the future.He stated it would be absorbed into the overall 2 budget for roads.In response to a question,it was stated that the homeowners are funding the work that remains,and the goal is for it to be complete before Town Meeting.Mr.Finnegan described the road ownership as it pertains to the Land Court,and it was noted that the Town will take the road right of way if there is a positive vote at Town Meeting.The Board discussed whether to vote on acceptance at this time or to wait for additional information on the completion items.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Nasrullah to continue the public hearing to April 11,2023.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. Mr.Nasrullah left the meeting at this time. SPECIAL TEMPORARY ALCOHOL LICENSE:The Board reviewed an application submitted by the Knights of Columbus Bishop Rice Council 4822 for an annual fundraiser on May 6,2023 at the St.John’s the Evangelist Parish Hall,20 Church St.,from 6 p.m.to 10 p.m. Andrew Vail described the application,and the Board reviewed staff comments and recommendations.Mr.Vail stated there would be one detail officer present during the event. MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to approve the Special Temporary Alcohol License for the event.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes; Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-3,No-0. EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT:Mr.Khumalo introduced Daurys Reynoso and described his background and experience,noting that he came to the Town through the Town’s participation in a workforce development program for adults entering the construction field,and worked for the Town while obtaining the necessary licenses.He recommended confirmation of the Town Manager ’s appointment of Daurys Reynoso as Heavy Equipment Operator at the Dept.of Public Works. Mr.Nasrullah returned to the Board at this time. Board members welcomed Daurys Reynoso to the Town.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to confirm the Town Manager ’s appointment of Daurys Reynoso as Heavy Equipment Operator at the Dept.of Public Works.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS:Amy Ritterbusch stepped down as Chair and Mr.Nasrullah Chaired this agenda item.Doris Early,applicant for Board of Registrars, described her interest in continuing to serve on the Board.Scott Knous,applicant for Historical Commission,stated he has a passion for preserving historical structures,and described his interest in serving on the Commission.Timothy Ritterbusch described his interest in serving on the Upper Charles Trail Committee,noting he is an avid biker and runner and a bike trail would be an important asset to the Town. 3 MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to appoint Doris Early to the Board of Registrars,to a term expiring Feb.1,2026.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. MOVED by Mr.Mannan and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to appoint Diane Hayward to the Sustainable Green Committee,to a term expiring June 30,2025.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to appoint Scott F.Knous as an Associate Member of the Historical Commission,to a term expiring June 30,2025.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes. Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. MOVED by Mr.Mannan and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to appoint Timothy Ritterbusch as an Alternate Member of the Upper Charles Trail Committee,to a term expiring June 30,2025. ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Abstain;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-3 (Nasrullah,Kramer,Mannan),No-0,Abstain-1 (Ritterbusch). CHAPTER 269 OF THE ACTS OF 2022 -MIDDLESEX COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT:Mr.Khumalo referred to the information received from the Middlesex County Retirement System which requests that Select Boards of municipalities within the System accept Chapter 269 of the Acts of 2022,a local option which allows a one-time increase to the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)granted to retirees in FY 2023,from 3%to 5%of the System's $16,000 COLA base.It was stated that acceptance of the Act is conditioned upon approval by the Middlesex County Retirement Board and by two-thirds of the System's Select Boards prior to June 30,2023,and the Middlesex County Retirement Board voted to accept the Act on December 14,2022.Mr.Khumalo stated the COLA will help address a long term COLA issue with retirees,which is limited by law to a small percentage each year.He stated that Town staff has begun discussions with its legislative team to raise the amount of the COLAs to index federal poverty level and Social Security COLAs.He stated improving retirement benefits will help with retaining the public employee workforce.He stated a majority of communities have voted in favor of the COLA so far.Mr.Mannan stated he would like to know the impact of the change on the Town’s OPEB liability.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to approve the proposed Middlesex County Retirement System COLA as proposed in Chapter 269 of the Acts of 2022.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. TRAIL COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UPDATE:Peter LaGoy, Chair,Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC),stated they have made progress on trail building and trail accessibility over the last few years,and are now turning the focus to public outreach and awareness.He reviewed accomplishments including trail markers,signs and maps,and moving forward,will focus on encouraging use of trails by families,then moving to other users and natural resources.Linda Chuss,TCMC member,described the public outreach 4 program in detail,stating that more people need to know about the trails.She noted that one idea is to have one trails page on the Town website for all of the Town trail-related entities,with a form to report issues/problems.Ms.Ritterbusch asked if the maps are mobile-friendly,and Ms. Chuss replied yes,and downloaded trail apps can also be useful.Ms.Kramer stated some people are hesitant to go out on trails and asked how people can get more comfortable.Mr.Mannan asked if the Board can provide additional support or assistance.Mr.LaGoy stated the Board can help with outreach/awareness,and can also personally use the trails and provide feedback. CENTER SCHOOL UPDATE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING FOR TOWN ASSETS:Dan McIntyre,Chair,Permanent Building Committee (PBC),described the Center School reuse process to date and stated that when the PBC realized that Elmwood School may also be coming to the Town,it was decided to pause.He stated if Elmwood is also going to be in the mix,rather than repeat the whole process again,the two should be considered together.He stated the goals would be to determine the best fit of Town uses to the best site or sites,ensure Town needs are met before any land disposition,publicize Town needs to the community,and order of magnitudes costs to assist the Select Board in long term planning and budgeting.He reviewed a planning study outline which includes a community forum and consultant analysis, ultimately resulting in recommendations to the Select Board.Ms.Ritterbusch stated she had hoped that the Center School process can go ahead,as it has been sitting empty for a long time. Mr.McIntyre noted that because some land can be sold to offset costs,both should be part of the mix.Ms.Ritterbusch stated that the MBTA Communities zoning requirements should also be kept in mind.Mr.Nasrullah stated the Board has been discussing budgets,capital planning and tax impact,and he likes that public-private partnerships will be considered.Mr.McIntyre stated the PBC has a consultant (Abacus Architects +Planners)ready to go,and are ready to kick off the project within the next few weeks. FY 24 BUDGET UPDATE:Mr.Khumalo stated that the Appropriations Committee will hold a public hearing on the FY 24 Budget on April 10 at 6:00 p.m.He referred to issue papers that have been prepared on structural deficit,combined tax impact on operating budgets and capital plan,and the benefits of complying with Town financial policies in developing a budget.He stated additional information will be provided by the Town’s actuary to provide a link between the OPEB funding provided by the Town and the computed liability.He stated the papers will be released later this week.Ms.Ritterbusch stated that recordings of the Appropriations Committee meetings should be posted online.Mr.Khumalo stated he is hopeful that the budget discussions will be completed 14 days before Town Meeting,noting that the Appropriation Committee report will be completed before Town Meeting.Ms.Ritterbusch referred to the Senior Solutions Guidebook in the meeting packet,which provides information for seniors on how they can reduce their taxes. MAY 1,2023 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING:The Board reviewed the draft Annual Town Meeting Warrant.Ms.Ritterbusch asked if there will be a Consent Agenda,and Mr.Khumalo stated there could be,depending on the motions.The Board discussed accessibility at Town Meeting,and Ms.Ritterbusch suggested a form on the Town website where people can request accommodations.Mr.Mannan asked if babysitting will be available.Mr.Khumalo stated it has been discussed in the past,but the issue has been that the babysitters often need to leave before 5 Town Meeting ends.Ms.Kramer stated she is reluctant to add this to staff ’s work,and would prefer if someone would volunteer to organize this effort.She stated the message from the Board would be that it is open to people doing that. Scott Knous,75 Hayden Rowe,suggested satellite locations for Town Meeting,including places such as the Senior Center.It was noted that there are specific rules as to the bounds of the Town Meeting.Ms.Ritterbusch stated that all board and committee members should be notified of the Town Meeting date well in advance. Ms.Kramer referred to the order of articles,and recommended that the Tax Increment Financing (TIF)and PILOT agreements should be moved to the financial section of articles.Mr.Khumalo noted that the Altaeros Energies TIF will not be going forward as there is no information on a new location for the business yet.In response to a question,Mr.Khumalo reviewed the organizational structure of the Warrant.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr. Nasrullah to remove the Altaeros Energies TIF article from the warrant.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. Ms.Lazarus asked if the Board will consider holding the Town Meeting at the Middle School. Mr.Mannan stated he prefers the High School athletic center.Connor Degan,Town Clerk,stated that staff has seen major issues related to the High School including the poor acoustics,making it especially difficult for those with hearing difficulties.He noted that the Middle School auditorium HVAC was recently upgraded,and there is room for 700 people.He stated he would recommend identifying only the building on the Warrant,then there is the flexibility to use additional rooms such as the gym for overflow,or space with babysitting for example,and each remote room would need a deputy moderator.He stated it will be important to make sure that people in each of the rooms can participate from those rooms.Ms.Kramer stated she recalls concerns about monitoring satellite rooms,and it is not easy.She stated she prefers the athletic center and recommends that people arrive early so they don’t have to wait in line.Mr.Degan stated the athletic center isn’t designed for meeting sound,and the Town spent a lot of money on it and it doesn’t work.MOVED by Ms.Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to hold the Annual Town Meeting at the Middle School.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. It was stated that the participatory budget items in the Pay-As-You-Go Capital article should be identified for the next meeting. TOWN MANAGER REPORT:Mr.Khumalo referred to his memo to the Board for an update on the Main Street Corridor Project.He stated that regarding the PFAS treatment project,the Town has identified the winning bidder.He noted that the most recent reading at well #6 was 42, and that the EPA is recommending a limit of 4 parts per trillion,lower than the MassDEP limit of 20.He stated that if the limit is lowered to 4,then wells 1,2,7 and 8 would not be compliant. Mr.Khumalo stated the next step in the MWRA connection project involves completion of the Intermunicipal Agreement language and asking the engineer to begin the design process.The 6 Board thanked John Westerling,Director of Public Works,for his work on this project.Mr. Mannan asked how residents are being informed about PFAS and provided information about what they can do.Mr.Khumalo stated the Health Dept.is ready to assist residents with private wells,there are regular mailings to Town water customers,and there is information on the Town website.Mr.Mannan suggested the Town should issue guidelines for residents.The Board discussed working with the Health Services Director to make information available on the Town website. Mr.Khumalo referred to letters sent to its legislative team regarding acquisition of the CSX right of way and a connection to the East Coast Greenway via the Hopkinton-Ashland Upper Charles Trail connection. Mr.Khumalo stated the Boston Athletic Association has increased its payment to the Town for processing the permits and for its support for the Boston Marathon to $140,600. Mr.Khumalo referred to the Sustainability,Equity and Economic Development position in the Town Manager ’s office,noting that he hopes that the grading/salary work will be completed soon.He stated that the Human Resources Dept.processed a total of 30 new individuals from November to now,interviewed 73 people,spent about 60 hours in interviews,sent 8 positions to the consultant for classification,and institutionalized an onboarding process.He noted that it may be difficult to hire someone for the new position,and has looked into the possibility of sharing someone with another community if no candidates are found. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES:There were no liaison reports. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS:A summer volunteer appreciation event (Mannan). MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to adjourn the meeting.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes. Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. Adjourned:9:21 PM Approved:April 11,2023 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the March 9,2023 and March 14,2023 meetings ●Email dated 3/13/23 to Elaine Lazarus from Christine Curran,re:Sign Permission ●Parade Permit Application dated 3/7/23 submitted by Ryan McGillivray/DMSE Sports/DFCI Jimmy Fund Walk,with supporting documents ●Parade Permit Application dated 2/20/2023 submitted by Tim Richmond,Event Director,with supporting documents ●Letter dated 3/23/19 (2023)to Select Board from Planning Board,re:Street Acceptance Report ●Street Acceptance Plan for Fox Hollow Road dated 1/27/2023 ●Acceptance Plan of Land in Hopkinton,Massachusetts dated 3/1/19 7 ●Memo dated 3/28/23 to Select Board from John K.Westerling,Director of Public Works,re:Street Acceptance Recommendations ●Special Temporary Alcohol License Application dated 2/28/23,Andrew Vail,Knights of Columbus Bishop Rice Council 4822,with supporting documents ●Permitting Team Comments,One Day Special Alcohol Permit -Knights of Columbus,Select Board Meeting 3/28/2023 ●Application for Employment,Daurys D.Reynoso ●Town of Hopkinton,MA Boards &Commissions Application Forms submitted by Diane M. Hayward,Scott F.Knous,and Timothy J.Ritterbusch ●Memo dated 2/23/23 to Select Board from Timothy O’Leary,Chief Financial Officer,re:One-Time additional COLA Adjustment for Retirees ●Memo dated 11/18/22 to All Retirement Boards from John Parsons,Executive Director,PERAC,re: 5%Local COLA Option ●Memo dated 1/3/23 to Town Administrators from Middlesex County Retirement Board,re:Chapter 269 of the Acts of 2022,An Act RElative to Cost of Living Adjustments for Retirees ●Update to Select Board,Trails Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC;Trails Committee),March 2023 ●Center School Update,Select Board Presentation March 28,2023 by Dan McIntyre,PBC Chair ●Town of Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting Warrant,May 1,2023,Draft 3-24-2023 ●Memo dated 3/10/23 to Select Board from Elaine Lazarus re:Annual Town Meeting Accessibility ●Memo dated March 23,2023 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo re:Staff Report -Select Board March 28,2023 Meeting ●Script and Motions for Hybrid Meeting,Select Board 3/28/23 8