HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230314 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes –March 14,2023 Remote Meeting via Zoom 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present:Amy Ritterbusch,Chair,Mary Jo LaFreniere,Vice Chair,Irfan Nasrullah,Muriel Kramer,Shahidul Mannan Officials Present:Town Manager Norman Khumalo,Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER:Chair Amy Ritterbusch called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM.She called the name of each Select Board member.Ms.LaFreniere,Mr.Nasrullah and Ms.Kramer responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear her.Ms.Ritterbusch called the names of staff members,and Ms.Lazarus responded affirmatively that she was present.Ms. Ritterbusch stated that the Board is meeting via Zoom,and if there is anyone attending who would like to speak during the Public Forum portion of the agenda,they must notify the meeting host in advance and could do so while the Board is in executive session. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to enter into executive session Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a)(purpose 3)to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to Police,Fire and Communications Unions because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board;Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A, §21(a)(purpose 2)to consider strategy with respect to negotiations with non-union personnel (Town Manager and Police Chief);Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a)(purpose 6)to consider the purchase,lease,sale or value of real estate in relation to properties in the vicinity of Town Hall, the Jenner Property (Map R12 Block 9 Lot 0),0 Spring Street,Map R23 Block 100 Lot 0 West Main Street,Map R23 Block 73 Lot A and Block 73 Lot B Rear West Main Street,and 3 contiguous parcels on College Street totalling 20.74 acres because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board;to approve executive session minutes, and;to allow Norman Khumalo and Elaine Lazarus to participate in the discussion,and to reconvene in Open Session at the conclusion of Executive Session.ROLL CALL:Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes;Ms.LaFreniere-Yes;Mr.Nasrullah-Yes;Ms.Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-4,No-0. CALL TO ORDER -REOPEN OPEN SESSION:Ms.Ritterbusch called the open session to Order at 6:37 PM.She called the name of each Select Board member.Ms.LaFreniere,Mr. Nasrullah,Ms.Kramer and Mr.Mannan responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear her. Ms.Ritterbusch stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2022,She noted the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom as posted 1 on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join.She stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM.She noted that the meeting is being recorded and attendees are participating by video conference.Ms.Ritterbusch stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar,unless otherwise noted.Ms.Ritterbusch reviewed the ground rules of the meeting including how speakers,board members and the public may participate.She stated that all votes taken in the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms.Ritterbusch announced that the Police Chief contract has been signed,and the Police union contract has been completed. PUBLIC FORUM:Seetharaman Ganesan,1 Revolutionary Way Apt.#106,stated the gun clubs in Hopkinton cause noise pollution and violate applicable state law.He stated it appears that Police Department employees go to gun clubs and could therefore be violating state law.He requested that the Police Chief provide 3 years of data on the number of officers who go to gun clubs,how many gunshots they fire every year,and how much the Town pays per gunshot.He stated he would like this information to be available to the public.He stated Hopkinton should not be the hub for police officer training,noting that there are 4 gun clubs in Town and there could be more.He stated a quiet environment is needed for life. CONSENT AGENDA:MOVED by Mary Jo LaFreniere and SECONDED by Shahidul Mannan to approve the Consent Agenda,consisting of:1)approval of the Minutes of the February 28,2023 meeting;2)approval of Marathon Fund requests of $3,520 for the Friends of Hopkinton Family Day and $950 for the Hopkinton High School Parent Post Prom Committee for the post prom party at Urban Air on 5/12/2023.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Ms.LaFreniere offered condolences to the family of Roy Wetherebee,former Town Accountant, who passed away recently. PUBLIC HEARING -COMCAST LICENSE RENEWAL:MOVED by Mr.Manan and SECONDED by Mr.Nasrullah to open the public hearing on the renewal of the cable franchise license to Comcast.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0.Bill August,the Town’s Special Counsel in this matter,stated the draft 10-year license before the Board is very strong,and the Town has worked closely with Jim Cozzens,HCAM Television,in this regard.He reviewed aspects of the license including support for local programming and the annual payment which will be the maximum allowed by law.He stated a new item is a PEG access channel in high definition,and an upgrade for the other local channels.He stated it is a nonexclusive license,so other providers can enter the market,but it is rare for a community to have more than two providers. 2 The Board requested comments from the public.Jim Cozzens,Station Director,HCAM,stated that from his perspective it is a good contract,the Town will be getting the maximum funds allowed including funding for capital improvements,and the HD channel.He stated it is a very good license for the community.Mr.Khumalo stated a public hearing was previously held and comments were received from residents.He stated there is a video recording of the hearing and will be made available online.He thanked those who have worked on the license renewal.Mr. August stated there will be minor formatting changes to the license before signature. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.LaFreniere to close the public hearing. ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan that finding that the cable franchise renewal proposal of Comcast Cable Communications Management,LLC (Comcast)reasonably meets the franchise and cable-related renewal needs and interests of the public and Town of Hopkinton;and finding that Comcast’s financial and technical qualifications and support for local programming channels,facilities,and services are reasonable to meet Town cable franchise needs;I move that the Select Board,as statutory cable license Issuing Authority for the Town,vote to accept and approve the Renewal License agreement with Comcast effective November 15,2023 and execute the renewal license,subject to minor insubstantial changes prior to signature.ROLL CALL: Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes; Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0.Mr.August thanked the Comcast negotiation team which was accessible and responsible. EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENTS:Mr.Khumalo introduced Diane Hendrickson,who has been promoted from Assistant Treasurer to Treasurer/Collector.He described Ms.Hendrickson’s background,experience and certifications,noting she has been the Assistant Treasurer for 11 years.Members stated it is great to see employees move up within the organization,thanked Ms. Hendrickson for her service and welcomed her to the new position.Ms.Hendrickson thanked the Board for the opportunity and for the support of the Finance Department.MOVED by Mr. Nasrullah and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to confirm the Town Manager ’s appointment of Diane Hendrickson as Treasurer/Collector.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Mr.Khumalo introduced Allison Keaney,who has been appointed to the new Circulation and Technical Services Supervisor position in the Public Library.He described her background and experience,and the duties of the position.Members welcomed Ms.Keaney and thanked the Human Resources Department for its efforts during the hiring process.MOVED by Mr. Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to confirm the Town Manager ’s appointment of Allison Keaney as Circulation and Technical Supervisor at the Public Library.ROLL CALL: Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes; Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. TEVA,ALLERGEN,CVS,WALMART AND WALGREENS OPIOID SETTLEMENTS: Mr.Khumalo described the history of the case,which was brought by several States and other 3 government entities.He reviewed terms of the settlement as it pertains to each of the companies. He stated the settlement money and other items will be divided by all participants.He noted that the Town has begun receiving payments in a prior opioid settlement case the Town opted into. Mr.Mannan asked about the timeline for receiving payments,and Mr.Khumalo stated that payments would be received over 6 years,with the start date unknown at this time.Ms. Ritterbusch asked about the amount the Town would receive,and Mr.Khumalo it is unknown and depends on how many participants there are.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to authorize the Town Manager to sign the Teva,Allergen,CVS,Walmart and Walgreens Opioid Settlement participation forms.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. FY 2024 COMPREHENSIVE BUDGET:Ms.Ritterbusch stated the Board will consider adopting the FY 2024 Comprehensive Budget (Operating and Capital)and submitting it to the Appropriation Committee.Mr.Khumalo thanked those who have participated in the budget building process,noting that he has listened carefully to the Select Board and other stakeholders and has provided an update to his prior budget transmittal.He stated the budget would comply with laws and town policies.He stated it does not solve the long term imbalance between revenues and costs,but restrains growth in new positions as a start in this effort.He stated it reflects the severe multi-year impact of planned capital expenditures and continuing over-budget requests.He stated the budget accomplishes the following objectives:1)sustain services at 2023 levels;2)the 2024 tax impact would be 2.9%,comprised of a 4.3%increase in operating budgets and 0.6%for capital,if all the debt exclusions are approved;and 3)it meets existing contractual obligations which are substantial due to inflation.He stated it provides $4.3 million in new funding for the schools,which is more than twice the Proposition 2 ½increase allowed for the entire town.He stated there would be no new positions added on the Town side,and all new positions would be at the schools.He stated there would be a 26%increase in health care costs for all employees and retirees.He noted there is a 10 to 12 month lag in health care cost inflation,so increases seen this year are likely to be repeated next year.He referred to a $1.2 million shortfall in health insurance for the current fiscal year and a 12%increase is seen as the growing trend,based on workforce demographics,medical cost increases,and other factors.He stated there is no proposal to shift costs to employees or retirees.He noted that the budget proposal is fully compliant with Town financial policies by bolstering the stabilization reserve, increased contribution to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB)account,and paying for recurring spending with recurring sources of funds.He noted that upcoming capital needs and future cost of living expenses tied to the addition of new employees will result in a tax impact 5 years from now.He noted the proposal is a recommendation to the Board,and not a decision. Ms.Ritterbusch listed the revenue changes and the departments with budget adjustments as outlined in Mr.Khumalo’s memo to the Board. Nancy Richard-Cavanaugh,Chair,School Committee,stated the School Committee met earlier this evening to discuss the budget update,and the School administration has looked at the $350,000 reduction recommendation.She stated the Committee is looking to protect teaching and learning,and wants to know why this number is proposed.She noted that the School may receive a $110,000 grant from the school opportunity act which could be a reduction in the 4 budget request,but wants the full $350,000 in place while the Committee continues to look at it. She stated there is a concern that even though the administration has recommended areas where reductions can be made,the Committee does not want additional reductions and does not want amendments to the budget to be made on town meeting floor. Mr.Nasrullah asked about projected increases for next year,and Mr.Khumalo stated he anticipates increases in health care due to the lag in inflation experiences in the health care system,and he is concerned about the rate of increase in operating budgets.Mr.Nasrullah stated he is happy that the gap has been closed but it seems it is somewhat due to luck,in that Eversource did not appeal its taxes this year.He stated he is concerned about next year,and that it will become more difficult to present a balanced budget.Tim O’Leary,Chief Financial Officer, stated the Town does not know how to interpret Eversource’s failure to appeal this year,and previous filings have not been withdrawn.Mr.Nasrullah stated it should not be considered a dependable source of revenue.Ms.LaFreniere stated that new growth revenue should not be counted on because it always changes.She stated the Town has benefited from it in the recent past,but she thinks it will decrease.Ms.Kramer asked Mr.Khumalo and Mr.O’Leary how the proposal would be rated on a 1 to 10 sustainability scale going out 4 years.Mr.O’Leary stated if the Board is comfortable with the current 5 year capital plan and a 30 to 50%increase in property taxes over 5 years,the approach is sustainable.He stated it is a community choice.Mr. Khumalo stated it does not solve the long term imbalance,so any steps taken now to restrain operating budget growth independent of capital projects is a credible start.Ms.Kramer asked if he is comfortable with that,and Mr.Khumalo replied yes.Ms.Kramer asked how comfortable the Board is with asking the Fire Department to forego growing the department.Mr.Khumalo stated there are difficult decisions to be made,and it might not be the year to bring in additional staff in the Fire Dept.He stated they have included an interim solution which increases the amount available for overtime,which does not result in additional benefit or OPEB costs. William Miller,Fire Chief,stated he is comfortable with the postponement of additional staff, understanding that the Department needs to do its part to reduce the deficit.In response to a question,he stated the Town is growing and there is an increased demand for services.He stated there were 4 calls in a row this past weekend where assistance was needed from other communities,and this is becoming commonplace.He stated that someone might wait longer for an ambulance or a truck,and it is a community choice.Ms.Kramer stated this is concerning and is not optimal,and she would prioritize the Fire Dept.for future growth due to the need.Mr. Mannan stated it is not a cut to the budget,it is an adjustment to what was requested. Mr.Mannan stated he is happy to see the progress on the budget.He stated that the OPEB and stabilization funds are set aside for risk management and future obligations,and contributions have increased in the last few years.He stated the Town should put less into OPEB this year and make up for it over the next few years,suggesting $700,000 in installments instead of all at once this year,and a similar approach for the stabilization fund.He stated that doing this would free up funds that can be put toward the School budget.He questioned a reduction in the Communications budget.Mr.Khumalo stated that with respect to OPEB and stabilization,there is a basic structural problem and to address it,the Town needs to comply with financial policies. He stated that with respect to the change to the Communications budget,there is some funding already appropriated that can help with a position.Mr.O’Leary stated that when the Town 5 budgets for OPEB,it is budgeting for a future cost,and it makes the Town stronger and more flexible in the future.If money is diverted to hire more staff,it results in more OPEB and health care costs in the future,worsening the future outlook.He noted the Town has cash and could choose to fund everything requested,but the concern is where it brings the Town in 3 to 5 years. Mr.Mannan stated that the amount transferred to OPEB should be increased 48%over last year ’s contribution and not 98%,and there are good reasons for increasing the school budget by 8.1%. Ms.Ritterbusch asked about the level funding proposed for road paving.John Westerling,DPW Director,stated that the Highway Dept.team using cold-in-place recycling has resulted in savings per job,and further use of that process will make up the difference.Ms.Ritterbusch referred to the statement that there would be no new positions on the town side,and if this means the Town Manager ’s office staff position will not be filled.Mr.Khumalo stated the position is in the FY23 budget and is not cut.Ms.Ritterbusch asked about the stabilization fund.Mr.O’Leary stated the stabilization fund was not funded last year.He stated that deposits are needed to mirror a specified percentage of the overall budget.It was confirmed that no Prop.2 ½tax override is needed. Ms.Kramer asked about the factors that go into the Town’s bond rating,and Mr.O’Leary stated the debt burden,stability of the tax base,community demographics,quality of the infrastructure and schools,management policies,and liquidity of the Town are considered by rating agencies, although the Town does not know how they are weighted.Ms.Ritterbusch stated information on this should be posted on the website. Mr.Mannan asked how the Town can increase tax relief for residents.Mr.O’Leary stated that the exemptions provided are in State statute,and are State programs.Ms.LaFreniere stated that the income criteria for the programs has not changed over the years,which is limiting.Mr.Mannan stated the Town should think of ways to provide tax relief. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to adopt the FY24 comprehensive budget as presented.The Board discussed the motion.Mr.Mannan suggested reducing the OPEB and stabilization transfers in half,or whatever is needed,to satisfy the school’s request.Mr. Nasrullah stated he will not change his motion and suggested voting on Mr.Mannan’s proposal separately.Ms.LaFreniere stated she is not in favor of reducing the OPEB contribution,as it seems this item has been frequently reduced to balance the budget.Mr.Mannan disagreed.Mr. O’Leary stated several years ago the Town started increasing its contribution 2.5%each year, but now the liability has ballooned,so the intent is to jump up to stop the ballooning,and then return to the 2.5%increases as briefed to the Board last fall.Mr.Mannan advocated reducing the amount.Ms.Ritterbusch suggested taking $175,000 each from OPEB and stabilization for the schools.Ms.Ritterbusch asked if Mr.Nasrullah would withdraw his motion so Mr.Mannan can make a motion.Mr.Nasrullah stated he would be fine with that.Ms.Kramer stated there will be less flexibility in the future,thereby lessening the possibility that greater OPEB and stabilization transfers will be possible,and she wants to make sure the Town is financially sound and stable. Mr.Khumalo suggested that the School Committee could continue to look at how they could get to the $350,000 reduction,and past practice for Select Boards is to consider moving the budget to the Appropriation Committee with a clear articulation of outstanding questions to be reviewed 6 during the process.He stated that this approach allows the budget process to continue.Carol Cavanaugh,School Superintendent,stated there has not been enough time to consider adjustments,and cited enrollment growth and new costs this year.She stated there is preliminary identification of $235,000 in reductions,and a possible grant for $110,000 to $115,000 could cover the remaining amount.She stated she is proposing this as the Superintendent,and the School Committee is divided on this. MOVED by Mr.Mannan to reduce OPEB and stabilization amounts to provide $57,500 from OPEB and $57,500 from stabilization to the school budget,then return it to these line items if the school receives the pending grant.Ms.Kramer stated she would prefer to vote the budget as recommended with the message that the Board is amenable to considering reducing the OPEB and stabilization contributions if the grant is not awarded.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr.Nasrullah to adopt the FY24 Comprehensive Budget and submit it to the Appropriation Committee with the message that the Board is amenable to reducing the OPEB and stabilization contributions if the grant to the schools is not awarded.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. MAY 1,2023 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT:The Board reviewed the annual town meeting articles concerning easements.Dave Daltorio,Town Engineer,described the article to accept an easement on 14 Hazel Road.He stated the project is a continuation of the original construction of EMC Park,and the easement will accommodate a new drain pipe connecting the drainage infrastructure in EMC Park to the infrastructure in Hazel Road.He stated the owner has agreed to grant the easement and there is no cost.It was noted that the overall project will improve the drainage system in the neighborhood. John Westerling,DPW Director,described an easement on property at 77 South St.,which will be donated to the Town.He stated the property contains a new commercial building with an existing drainage structure,and the easement will allow the Town access to maintain it.He described an easement on 20 Downey Place,which will be granted by the owner,allowing for the discharge of water toward Lake Maspenock from a low point in the road.He described easements in the Town of Milford associated with the repair of the Lake Maspenock dam.He stated the project is the reconstruction of the dam wall,which has been funded.He stated there three parcels on which there would be easements,including one that requires an eminent domain taking for a temporary easement because neither the Town of Milford nor deed research can locate heirs of the last known owner.Mr.Nasrullah asked about the cost,and Mr.Westerling stated there isn’t an anticipated cost,but there are funds in the appropriation to cover it if needed. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to recommend approval of the easement articles.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Ms.Lazarus described the changes to the Short-Term Rental bylaw suggested by Town Counsel, noting the changes do not appear to affect the operational aspects of the Bylaw.Ms.Ritterbusch stated she would like to exempt short term rentals during the week of the Boston Marathon from licensing requirements.Mr.Nasrullah stated he is not in support of the proposed bylaw.Ms. 7 Ritterbusch stated she is in favor of moving it forward to Town Meeting.Mr.Mannan stated he would like it to go forward,with the changes and the exemption.Ms.LaFreniere stated she feels the bylaw would allow the Town to get out in front of future problems.It was the consensus of the Board to accept the changes to the proposed bylaw suggested by Town Counsel. MASSACHUSETTS WATER RESOURCES AUTHORITY (MWRA)SOUTHBOROUGH INTERCONNECTION PROJECT INTERMUNICIPAL AGREEMENT:Mr.Khumalo described the Intermunicipal Agreement between the Towns of Southborough and Hopkinton whereby Hopkinton will receive its potable water supply through a Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)through-connection to Southborough’s water lines.He stated the Town would purchase the water from Southborough,which would supply current needs plus a 50%increase in the future.He stated the Board is asked to give preliminary approval with the understanding there may be adjustments that would come back to the Board.He stated the purpose is to send a signal to Southborough that Hopkinton is on board,and they have asked for representation at their March 25 town meeting.He stated that Southborough would peer review plans at Hopkionton’s expense,and funding is already appropriated for that.He reviewed water projects that Hopkinton would fund in Southborough.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Ms.LaFreniere to approve the Intermunicipal Water Supply Agreement between the Towns of Hopkinton and Southborough,and to authorize the Town Manager to sign said Agreement with any non-substantive changes made prior to its execution.ROLL CALL: Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes; Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. TOWN MANAGER REPORT:Mr.Khumalo referred to the Intermunicipal Agreement for a regional Shared Housing Services Office (SHSO),provided to the Board at its last regular meeting.Mr.Mannan stated the Town needs to prioritize affordable housing and economic development by creating an economic development council and filling the vacant position.He recommended preparing an affordable housing plan,and asked that the Board be updated on the new economic development position at the next meeting. Mr.Khumalo referred to the memo to the Board with Main Street Corridor updates,noting that the Town is looking at placing multiple street signs on one pole and opportunities to soften the project with landscaping. Ms.Ritterbusch stated the lane delineators are being installed on West Main St.in front of Cumberland Farms and Alltown Fresh. Mr.Khumalo referred to a recent water main break,and Mr.Westerling stated the Water Dept. crew worked hard to repair the break,then flushed the hydrants.He asked residents for patience as disturbed sediment settles out. Ms.Ritterbusch referred to information on accessibility for Town Meeting contained in the meeting packet,stating it should be discussed at the next meeting. 8 MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.LaFreniere to approve the SWAP/TRIC Shared Housing Services Intermunicipal Agreement and to authorize the Town Manager to sign said Agreement with any non-substantive changes made prior to its execution.ROLL CALL: Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes; Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES:Mr.Khumalo stated that E.L.Harvey will host the Sustainable Green Committee for a tour of its facility on March 20 at 3:00 PM and Select Board members may attend. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Kramer to adjourn the meeting.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Adjourned:9:50 PM Approved:March 28,2023 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the February 28,2023 meeting ●Marathon Fund Request,Friends of Hopkinton Family Day,dated 3/17/2023 ●Marathon Fund Request,HHS Parent Post Prom Committee,dated 3/7/2023 ●Cable Television Renewal License Granted to Comcast Cable Communications Management LLC, Town of Hopkinton,Massachusetts,renewal term:November 15,2023 -November 14,2033 ●Diane Hendrickson Resume and Cover Letter ●Allison Keaney Resume ●National Opioid Settlements:Teva,Allergen,CVS,Walgreens,and Walmart,Hopkinton Town MA, reference Number:CL-386290,Settlement Overview ●Memo dated 3/11/2023 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo,re:Fiscal Year (FY)2024 Comprehensive Budget Transmittal Update,with attachments ●Annual Town Meeting Warrant,May 1,2023,Draft March 9,2023 ●Memo dated 3/10/2023 to Select Board from Elaine Lazarus,re:Annual Town Meeting Accessibility, with attachment ●Plan entitled “Easement Plan of Land in Hopkinton,Massachusetts”,prepared by VHB,Inc.,dated May 4,2022 ●Memo dated 3/10/2023 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo,re:MWRA Southborough Interconnection Project Intermunicipal Agreement ●Intermunicipal Water Supply Agreement By and between the Towns of Hopkinton and Southborough ●Memo dated 3/10/2023 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo,re:Staff Report -Select Board March 14,2023 Meeting,with attachments ●Inter-Municipal Agreement for the Creation and Maintenance of the SWAP/TRIC Shared Housing Services Office,dated 2/23/2023 ●Script for Remotely Conducted Open Meetings 9