HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230523 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes –May 23,2023 18 Main Street,Hopkinton MA -Room 215/216 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present:Muriel Kramer,Chair,Shahidul Mannan,Vice Chair (participating remotely),Irfan Nasrullah,Mary Jo LaFreniere,Amy Ritterbusch Officials Present:Town Manager Norman Khumalo,Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER:Amy Ritterbusch called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall.She stated that the public has the option of attending the meeting in person or via Zoom,and the meeting is being recorded. Ms.Ritterbusch requested a motion to enter executive session Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a) (purpose 2)to consider strategy with respect to negotiations with non-union personnel (Town Manager,non-union Town employees);to approve executive session minutes;to allow Norman Khumalo and Elaine Lazarus to participate in the discussion,and to reconvene in Open Session after the conclusion of Executive Session.MOVED by Ms.Kramer and SECONDED by Mr. Nasrullah.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-3,No-0. Mr.Mannan and Ms.LaFreniere joined the meeting in executive session. CALL TO ORDER -REOPEN OPEN SESSION:Amy Ritterbusch called the open session to Order at 6:30 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM:Peter LaGoy,21 Hayden Rowe,stated he is speaking as the Chair of the Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC)but not based on a Committee vote.He referred to materials in the meeting packet from Muriel Kramer pertaining to reorganization of the Upper Charles Trail Committee (UCTC)and the TCMC.He stated it treats the committees similarly and was not prepared in consultation with the TCMC.He stated the TCMC has been working on many projects including public outreach,and the Town Meeting voted to replace the UCTC.He stated there are many problems with the proposal and a 6 week hiatus on work would have a big impact on the TCMC given ongoing and planned work.He urged the Board not to interfere with the functioning of the TCMC. Amy Groves,2 College St.,stated she is speaking as a private citizen and not as a member of a town board or committee.She requested that the Board direct the UCTC to pause operations until further notice to allow time for information gathering and determining a path forward.She stated the UCTC should not meet,sign documents or have any work performed.She stated a 1 recent vote of the UCTC to re-elect the same Chair and Vice Chair signals they intend to continue business as usual despite a recent Town Meeting vote to disband them. Steve Frohbieter,39 Sanctuary Lane,referred to Ms.Kramer ’s suggestions in the Board’s meeting packet.He stated he supports allowing the Board time to consider what to do and a hiatus for the UCTC,but disagrees with including the TCMC in the hiatus because it isn’t an obstacle to what the Board has to consider. Linda Chuss,11 School St.,stated she is a TCMC member and stated the Board should work with the TCMC on any changes.She stated there is a Trails Club so there doesn't need to be any “Friends”groups pertaining to trails,and merging the committees would create a dysfunctional group. Amanda Maffei,21 Hayden Rowe,stated the Town told the Board what to do.She stated some think that the two Town Meeting articles were affrontive and divisive,but they were a last resort and she became very concerned when she read about potential crossings of Hayden Rowe for the Upper Charles Trail.She stated the UCTC has pushed a lot of things through without accountability,and she asked the Board to act logically. Scott Knous,175 Hayden Rowe,stated he is speaking as a private citizen and not as a member of a Town board or committee.He stated there are good people on the UCTC and the Board should focus attention on detailing discipline and having a plan,which are needed in addition to the Board’s help.He stated the Board should look at how the UCTC functions and whether it can function the way it needs to. Peter LaGoy,21 Hayden Rowe,stated he is speaking as a private citizen and one of the citizen petitioners for the two Town Meeting articles.He stated there are many important issues requiring a lot of Select Board discussion and deliberation,and trails is not one of them.He stated the petitioners did not present the article lightly,and the Board is advised to replace the UCTC in the style of the School Committee/Elementary School Building Committee relationship.He stated the Town Charter reminds people to act on behalf and for the benefit of the public,and stated the Board should act quickly to implement the will of the Town. Ms.LaFreniere acknowledged the loss of Dick Hoyt who passed away recently.She acknowledged the recent passing of Harry Hamilton and stated both will be missed.She announced that the Hopkinton Emergency Fund has 4 entries for the Falmouth Road Race to auction off. SELECT BOARD REORGANIZATION:Mr.Nasrullah nominated Ms.Kramer for Chair,and the nomination was seconded by Ms.Ritterbusch.There were no other nominations.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Mr.Nasrullah nominated Shanidul Mannan for Vice Chair,and the motion was seconded by Ms. Kramer.There were no other nominations.ROLL CALL:Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo 2 LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes;Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0.Ms.Kramer thanked Ms.Ritterbusch for her leadership over the past year. CONSENT AGENDA:MOVED by Ms.Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Mr.Nasrullah to approve the following Consent Agenda items:1)Approve the Minutes of the May 9,2023 meeting;2)Accept the resignation of Cynthia Esthimer from the Upper Charles Trail Committee (Parks &Recreation Commission designee);3)Accept the following gifts:$1,250 for hotspots for the ‘Library of Things’at the Hopkinton Public Library from the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation;and $50,000 from an anonymous donor to the Hopkinton Police Department in recognition of the outstanding efforts over the years in providing order and security for the runners of the Boston Marathon.The Board thanked Ms.Esthimer for her service to the Town and thanked those who have donated to the Town.ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Mr.Nasrullah asked for clarification as to why the requested G.L.c.268A 20(b)exemptions are needed,and it was stated that the municipal (school)employees are taking a second position,the process has been reviewed and the seasonal employment is recommended.Ms.Kramer asked why there would be differing pay rates,and Jay Guelfi,former Parks &Recreation Director, stated there are different jobs,from Program Directors to Coaches.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Ritterbusch to approve G.L.c.268A 20(b)exemptions to allow the hiring of the following municipal employees of the School Dept.who seek to provide personal services to a municipal agency (Parks &Recreation Dept.),for Seasonal Summer Sports Clinics: ●Thomas Keane-Basketball Clinic Program Director ●Jean Cann-Track &Field Clinic Program Director ●Michael Greco-Basketball Clinic Assistant Director ●Mark Sanborn-Basketball Clinic Coach ●Gregory Romanko-Basketball Clinic Coach ●John Golden-Basketball Clinic Coach ●Chaney Gaudette-Basketball Clinic Coach ●Mikayla Pucci-Basketball Clinic Coach ●Calli Korbey-Sports Clinic Coach ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. Mr.Khumalo noted that Mr.Guelfi has left his position with the Town and thanked him for his service. EMPLOYEE INTRODUCTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS:Mr.Khumalo introduced Thomas Temple,Interim Director of Public Works,and reviewed his experience.Board members welcomed Mr.Temple,who stated he appreciates the opportunity.Mr.Khumalo introduced Pat Savage,Interim Parks &Recreation Director.Ms.Savage described her background and experience.Board members welcomed Ms.Savage. 3 Maria Casey,Human Resources Director,introduced Charles (C.J.)Paquette,and described his background and experience.She stated that references revealed he is a team player and excels at customer service.Ms.Kramer asked what brought him to Hopkinton,and Mr.Paquette stated previously in his career he served as an Asst.Treasurer and had moved on,but he had missed it. He stated he is looking forward to working in Hopkinton.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Ritterbusch to confirm the Town Manager ’s appointment of C.J.Paquette as Assistant Treasurer.ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. UPPER CHARLES TRAIL COMMITTEE (UCTC)-TOWN MEETING FOLLOW UP: Ms.Kramer referred to her ideas and suggestions contained in the meeting packet which speakers previously mentioned,noting that she did not mean to cause alarm and was just providing her feedback as requested.She stated she will be fine if some or none of her ideas are accepted,and urged people to assume positive intent when people are making a contribution.She stated she will continue to do that and welcomed others to do the same. Ms.Ritterbusch reviewed a draft process framework for moving forward on this issue which she and Mr.Nasrullah prepared.Mr.Nasrullah stated the need for public input was important as he has thought through this.Referring to a process the Board went through for goal setting,he stated it was a great process and he learned from that.Mr.Mannan stated the framework looks good and well thought out,and agreed that feedback from people is needed.He stated he also thinks the Board needs to act on the current operation of the UCTC immediately,and would be in favor of dissolving it or pausing operations while the Board finds common ground and builds new.He reviewed options including changing the UCTC’s charge,and making it a subcommittee.He thanked UCTC members for their service.Ms.LaFreniere stated she does not want to see the UCTC as a subcommittee,and suspending or disbanding it would be acceptable. She stated the Board could do its due diligence then request all new applications and start fresh in the fall with a new committee. Mr.Nasrullah stated he is not in favor of merging the UCTC and the TCMC,they are distinct and the UCTC is broader than a simple trail as it connects other communities and links to a bigger statewide network.He stated there is a big difference between the UCTC and trails in Town,so keeping them separate makes sense.He stated there shouldn’t be business as usual,and UCTC activity should be paused until the Board decides what to do.He recommended that the term “multi-use trail”be defined.He feels that the trail should be usable by everyone,like other rail trails.Ms.Ritterbusch stated she leans toward keeping the two committees separate because their purposes are different,and recommends that there be a liaison from the new Commission on Disability on the UCTC.She stated the committee should have measurable goals,and liaisons should be non voting members.She stated the role of alternate members should be defined;and segments or portions of the trail should be discussed by the Board individually.Mr.Nasrullah noted the existing charge requires “2 or 3”options to be presented to the Board to choose from, but there should be 3.He noted that no plan has been submitted to the Board yet,and that as part of the MEPA process,an alternatives analysis needs to be presented.Ms.Ritterbusch stated she is in favor of pausing the work of the UCTC.Ms.Kramer stated input from those involved and the general public would help,and discussing small trail portions could be beneficial.She noted 4 there is some commonality with the two committees,especially the public engagement part,and the timeline proposed looks good.She stated people should take a deep breath and work together to build a position for moving forward,and she welcomes all feedback. Ms.Ritterbusch suggested that she and Mr.Nasrullah could work on a public survey for review by the Board at the next meeting.MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms. LaFreniere to authorize Ms.Ritterbusch and Mr.Nasrullah to be a subcommittee to work on a public survey for the Board's review.ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes; Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5, No-0. The Board discussed suspending the work of the UCTC for a period of time and what impact it would have on the funding voted at Town Meeting for segment 1.Ken Parker,69 Clinton St., UCTC member,stated the funding could be spent by the newly constituted committee,and it doesn’t make sense to begin the work before that happens. MOVED by Ms.Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Mr.Mannan to pause the UCTC’s work until July 11,2023.ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-No;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes; Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-No.Vote to Approve:Yes-3 (Mannan,Ritterbusch, LaFreniere),No-2 (Kramer,Nasrullah). VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION:The Board postponed this agenda item to a future meeting. 25 -35 MAIN STREET PARKING LOT:Mr.Khumalo stated the new municipal parking lot at 25 &35 Main St.is in the final stages.He stated the final documents to execute include a license to allow use of the 25 additional parking spaces,snow storage,and driveway access.He stated for the 31 spaces that will be owned by the Town,the Town would execute an order of taking to allow the conveyance. MOVED by Ms.Ritterbusch and SECONDED by Mannan that the Board adopt and execute an Order of Taking to acquire the parking lot at 25-35 Main Street,accept an Access,Utility and Snow Storage Easement from Kevin W.Lobisser,Trustee of the Hopkinton Village Center Condominium Trust,and approve the form of Revocable License Agreement with Kevin W. Lobisser,Trustee of the Hopkinton Village Center Condominium Trust and authorize the Town Manager to execute the license on behalf of the Board;and further move to authorize the Town Manager and Town Counsel to take any necessary actions and execute any associated agreements needed to effectuate these transactions.ROLL CALL:Muriel Kramer-Yes;Shahidul Mannan-Yes;Amy Ritterbusch-Yes;Mary Jo LaFreniere-Yes;Irfan Nasrullah-Yes.Vote to Approve:Yes-5,No-0. TOWN MANAGER REPORT:Mr.Khumalo asked each Select Board member what 3 things that went well with the annual town meeting,what 3 things that could have gone better,what are suggestions for improvement;what are the priority follow-up actions from the town meeting,and which of these would members like to work on.Members responded as follows: 5 Select Board Member Went well Could have gone better Suggestions for improvement Priority follow-up actions;Would like to work on Ritterbusch Finishing in 2 nights;Consent agenda,timer Consent agenda process not well understood by people;timer malfunction Electronic voting; If a standing count is needed, put in the motions document Communication and posting online documents Nasrullah Finishing in 2 nights;timer Ways to expedite things further Lafreniere Timer;Number of people present; finishing in 2 nights Consider ways to expedite vote counts Mannan Consent agenda; participation /attendance; distribution of articles Provide more information about consent agenda Add context and history or materials to the warrant;summary on the warrant as to what the articles mean Kramer People attended, stayed and were engaged;2 nights;consent agenda;closed captioning Live checkmark in an online document indicating the status and the vote Communication and engagement plan and strategy; capital plan and interactive tool Mr.Khumalo thanked Town volunteers for their excellent work at Town Meeting,presentations were well done and there was constructive dialogue.He thanked Town staff including Ms. Lazarus for their hard work,and thanked the Board for supporting the participatory budget process. Regarding the Main Street Corridor Project,Mr.Khumalo stated that the road reconstruction in front of Town Hall is anticipated to take 3 weeks. Mr.Khumalo stated that regarding the PFAS treatment process,$1,187,000 in ARPA funds were approved for a portion of the filtration system. 6 He stated that with respect to the MWRA connection process,the Town continues to look into grants. He stated that the 127th Boston Marathon invitational entries awarded to organizations raised $526,450.55 compared to $390,065.58 in 2022,and thanked Vasudha Dutta,Executive Assistant, who is the project manager for this effort. Mr.Khumalo stated he has been meeting with Eversource regarding scheduling a public forum, and announced that it will be held on June 8 at 6:30 p.m.,possibly at Faith Community Church, with more information available soon.He stated that Town documents are being gathered and will be available in one location on the website. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES:Mr.Nasrullah stated at a UCTC meeting last week members stated they understood the Town Meeting vote,re-elected the same Chair and Vice Chair for the next year,and discussed suggestions for improvement to the committee Charge. Ms.Ritterbusch noted the World War II monument has been installed on the Common;she referred to an invite for a ribbon cutting for a new business on June 1,Mr.Mannan and Ms. Ritterbusch will attend.Ms.Kramer reviewed the Memorial Day schedule of events.Ms. LaFrenere stated that PFAS forum was informative.She noted there is a public forum on May 24 for municipal property master planning for Fruit Street,Center School and Elmwood School.Ms. Kramer stated the School Committee is interviewing candidates for Director of Student Services tomorrow;the Commission on Disability is looking for members;the Youth Commission is holding an event at the HCA on volunteerism;the Pride Parade is June 11.Mr.Mannan stated the public forum on PFAS was very informative. Ms.Kramer asked members to rank their liaison preferences for the next meeting. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS:Ms.Kramer stated she will review the future agenda items list and suggest that some may be removed and the rest prioritized. Mr.Mannan left the meeting at this time. MOVED by Mr.Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms.Ritterbusch to adjourn the meeting.Vote to Approve:Yes-4,No-0. Adjourned:8:46 PM Approved:June 6,2023 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the 5/9/23 meeting ●Memorandum to Norman Khumalo from Jay Guelfi re:Parks &Recreation Seasonal Summer Clinic Directors,Assistant Directors and Coaches;20(B)Disclosures,dated May 17,2023 7 ●Disclosure by Municipal Employee of Financial Interest in a Municipal Contract As Required by G.L. c.268A §20(b)-forms submitted by Thomas V.Keane,Jean Cann,Michael Greco,Mark Sanborn, Gregory Romanko,Jay Golden,Chaney Gaudette,Mikayla Pucci,Calli Korbey ●Charles J.Paquette resume ●Upper Charles Trail Committee,Committee Charge,Adopted by Board of Selectmen February 28, 2017 ●Trail Coordination and Management Committee,Committee Charge,Approved by the Board of Selectmen,January 15,2019 ●Muriel Kramer,Hopkinton Trails Committee 5-19-23 ●Draft -Muriel Kramer -5-18-23 -Hopkinton Trails Committee ●Meeting Notes -Upper Charles Trail Committee (UCTC)Meeting 5-17-23;Elaine Lazarus Meeting Notes of Agenda Item to Review UCTC Charge ●Memo dated May 3,2023 to Select Board from Amy Ritterbusch,Select Board Chair ●Town of Hopkinton,Revocable License Agreement,undated ●Access,Utility and Snow Storage Easement,undated ●Order of Taking,undated ●Memo dated 5/19/23 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo re:Staff Report -Select Board May 23, 2023 Meeting ●2023 Invitational Entry Fundraising Report prepared by Vasudha Dutta ●Script and Motions for Hybrid Meeting,Select Board 5/23/23 ●UCTC Process Framework for Moving Forward -Draft,5/23/23 Select Board Meeting 8