HomeMy Public PortalAbout03/21/1978 * Newly Elected Commission Meeting" gosag dealaO go xueg IeuoTgeN IsaTd unS go aogoaaTO a sT aq aouTs SuTgoA woa; pauTegsge goox aoefvN passed sere Z -8L# uoTgnlosag 'uosTggag aauoTssTwwoO .fq papuonas 'sguawal0 aauoTssTwwoO Aq uoTgom u0 ,passed AlsnowTueun seta uoTgom 'uoTgom agg papuooas uosTggag aauoTssTwmoO 'paguTodde -aa aq apenaox waTTITM 3aTg0 aoTlod gegg panow agaodel aauoTssTwuwoO ,passed eflsnomTueun sum uoTgom `uosTggag aauoTssTimuoO fq papuooas 'xael0 umol Aindea paguTodde -aa aq uufmo eaegaeg gegg agaodwl aauoTssTwmoO Aq uoTgolq ,passed AlsnowTusun sere uoTgow 'agaodeq aauoTssTwwoO 6q papuooas sari uoTgoW aainsuaal pue aa2uuvW umol se paguTodde -aa aq uuLmf) meTTITM gagg uosTggag aauoTssTwmoO Aq uoTgoN ,passed AlsnomTueun sum uoTgow aqg pue `uosTggag aauoTssTmwoO 6q papuooas seta uoTgom aqy " A3Toedeo gegg uT pauTegaa aq gdlopusg 39 aessus 'uogsugof ITounoo legal aqg gegg panow 9g10de7 aauoTssTmwoO " AlsnomTueun passed uoTgow aqy uoTgom aqg papuooas sguamal0 aauoTssTmmoO 'aogoaaTO sxaotq oTlgnd uosTggag aauoTssTwmo0 pageuTmou goox aoAuR " .flsnomTueun passed uoTgom aqy " uoTgom agg papuooas goox ao ux 'aogoaaTO aousuTd uosTggag aauoTssTmmoO pageuTwou sguam810 aauoTssTmmoO *AlsnomTueun passed uoTgox 'uoTgom agg papuonas 'goox aoleN 'aauoTssTmmoO aollod log 9410de7 aauoTssTwwoO pageuTmou sguawaTO IauoTssTmmoO " AlsnomTueun passed uoTgox uoTgow agg papuooas sguamal0 IauoTssTwmoO '41al0 umol agaodua IauoTssTmmoO pageuTwou uosTggag aauoTssTwwoO " 6lsnomwoun passed uoTgow sguamalo aauoTssTwmoO 6q papuooas uoTgow 'aodeW aoTA ao; 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anal aeaq TTTm 13eg3 pup 'uBTaaog pug 01390mop 'saTmaua TIe 3su'te9s upTaolg 3o a3e3S aqa 30 pug so3e3S pa3Tun aqa go 3uawuaano2 pug uoT3n3T3suo0 aqa pua3ap pup 3oa3oad '3aoddns TITm 13eg3 HVSMS A1NW3110S 00 I :sties pug sasodep 'uaons ,STnp uaaq 3saT; BuTneq 'oqm paaeadde AIleuosaad 6ep sTg3 '143eo a93sTu7mpg o3 pazTaog3ne AInp aaoT; ;o us '.S3Iaog3ne paugisaapun aqa aao;ag HOV39 W IVd 30 AINnOO VOIflO'Id 30 31V1S H1VO A1'IVA011 30I310 10 HIVO a -T•e � of � O_� 11�0 SS3jjbMMNn ndU61 ws3id1J NalY 61 W 0 AW - 3OMV11V VaIMOId 40 31VIS N19nd AMNION :saaTdx3 uoissTmmoO AK OTTgnd dae30N �L,6I .0 °V m Jo 6eR �3 —sT111 3N 3210d3H u3HINOSHOS ONV 01 NHOMS aauaToTn ao aaao3 lq epTaoT3 3o a3e3S ag3 ao sa3e3S palfun D113 go 3uamuaano9 :113 ;o taoagaaano ag3 'dl3aaaTpuT ao AI3oaaTp 'segaga3 ao UT sanaTlaq goTgM flied ao uoT3ezTUBSao SUP go aagmam a Sou me 13gg3 'aauaToTn ao aaao3 4q BpTaoT3 3o a3e3S aqa ao '093e3S pa3Tun aqa ;0 3uamua9no9 ag3 3o Moagaaano 9g3 uT anaTTaq sou op 13eg3 !S3agd 3sTun moo0 sill o3 aouanl;uT ao Tasunoo 'aaTnpe '3aoddns ao pTg .Sue puaT 13ou ITIM pug `3ou anaq 13eg3 'Kjaed 3sTunmuo0 aqa To aagmem a sou me 13eg3 dVSMS 7,,M310S Ou I '009 RK d'IIH OS 'aalue o3 3noge me I goTgM uo `gpTaoTA 'mpaa3S 3Tn9 go uMol aqa go aauoT9sTmmo3 umol go aoiggo aqa go saT3np aqa 3o Ile wao;aad AIIn3g3Te3 TTTM I 3eg3 pug `upTaold 3o a3e3S ag3 30 uoT3n3T39uo0 aqa 'sa3e3S pa3Tun aqa 3o uoT3n3T39uo0 sill aapun aoT33o ploq o3 pal3T3ua mp I aega pup 'ames aqa o3 aouvl2allu pup 63le,iol 'q3 ?g; anal aeaq TTTm 13eg3 pup 'uBTaaog pug 01390mop 'saTmaua TIe 3su'te9s upTaolg 3o a3e3S aqa 30 pug so3e3S pa3Tun aqa go 3uawuaano2 pug uoT3n3T3suo0 aqa pua3ap pup 3oa3oad '3aoddns TITm 13eg3 HVSMS A1NW3110S 00 I :sties pug sasodep 'uaons ,STnp uaaq 3saT; BuTneq 'oqm paaeadde AIleuosaad 6ep sTg3 '143eo a93sTu7mpg o3 pazTaog3ne AInp aaoT; ;o us '.S3Iaog3ne paugisaapun aqa aao;ag HOV39 W IVd 30 AINnOO VOIflO'Id 30 31V1S H1VO A1'IVA011 30I310 10 HIVO `o 51131WM83aNn 37NV8(1SN1 7VUN30 I7NH1 03GNOS - 6161 '61 *AYW MidX3 NOISSIWwco AW 3E)MVI 1V VOISold d0 31V1S onsnd AdV10N :saaTdxH uoTssTmmoO dW oTlgnd Saa3oN 4T61 'u'V r VV4 ;o ,CeO 1-C eT9Z HW Hwan unraosims uNV OZ N80MS 'yY °ao aloTA ao aoao; Aq spTaol3 ;o a3a3S ag3 ao sa3g3S Pa3Tun aq3 30 3uamuaan00 a113 ;o mO1g3a8no aq3 '6l339a1PuT ao AI33aaTp 'eag3ea3 ao UT sanaTlaq goTgn 63aed ao uoT3azTuvSao .Cue ;o aogmam s Sou me 1 3ag3 'aoualoTA ao aoao; ,Cq spTaolg ;o a3e3S ag3 ao 19a3a3S Pa3Tun aq3 ;o 3uamuaano0 aq3 ;o noag329no 8q3 UT anaTTaq Sou op 1 3eg3 :d3aed 3eTunmmo0 ag3 o3 aousnl;uT ao lasunoo 'aoTApe '3aoddns ao pTs Sus pual '3ou IITM pus 63ou aneq 1 3eg3 'A3aed 3sTunluu00 aq3 ;o aagmam a 3ou me I 3eg3 HVHMS ArimwH'IOS 00 I "009 HW d'IHH OS 'aa3ua o3 3noge me I goTgm uo 'apTaolg 'meaa3s 3In9 ;o uteoy aq3 ;o aauoTssTmmo3 umoy ;o aoT;;o aq3 ;o saT3nP ag3 ;o Ile mao ;sad flIn;g3Ts; 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SSNa73a2'J '7S SxvAa :saaTdxH uoTssTu>moo AN Sh311NM7130Nn 3DNvdnSNt MIN3O n8141 030NOR n Sae30 6461 '61 'tlVW SAWdya NOISSIWW03 AW oTTQ d N — wi iv vnIMMA do 31VIS 71lBnd ,WVION &C6j `o V �n� a ;o .l "Tqi 3W uoau caunSfinS GMV OZ NNOMS ° aouajoTn ao aoao3 Sq opTaoTd 3o a3s3S aqa ao sa3e3S pa7Tun aqa 10 3uamuaano0 aqa ;o Moa113aano gill 'SjyoaaTpuT ao Sj3oaaTP 'segoeay ao UT sanaTTaq goTgM Aland ao uoT38zTue8ao Sun go aagwam a Sou me 13egy 'aouajoTn ao aoao3 Sq apTaoT3 3o a3e3S aqa ao '983e3S payTun aqa go ]uamuaano0 aqa 30 Moagyaano aqa uT anaTjaq you op 13ug3 :S3and IsTunmmoo aqa o3 aouanTjuT ao jasunoo 'a3Tnpe '3aoddns ao pTe Sue puaj 'you jjTM pun 'you aneq I 3ng3 `Syaud yeTunumo0 aqa go aagmam a you we I yagy -IVHMS XMW3Z05 o0 I 'Q00 3W d7HH OS 'aayua oy ynoge we I tloTgM uo 'RPTaold 'weaayS 3Tn0 ;o uMoy a113 jo aauorssTmwoO uMoy 3o aoT33o aqa 3o s.T3np gill Jo Ile waojaad 4jjn;g7Tu3 TTTM I 3sg3 pun 'sPTaoTd 3o a383S aqa ;o uo-l7n3j7suo0 aqa 'sayu3S pa7Tun ag3 ;o uoT7n3T3suo0 aqy aapun aoT33o PToq 03 PaIyT3ua me 1 78113 pue 'ames aqa 03 aoueTBajje pub S3IeSOI 'g7Te; anal aeaq jjTM 13e113 Pug 'USTaaOg pue oTyeamop 'saTwaua jjn ysuTUOU BpTaojd 3o a3e3S aqj ;o pun saye3S pa3Tull aqa ;o 3uawuaano8 pun uoT3n3TysuOD aqa puajap pus 3oa3oad '3aoddns jjTM 17eg7 IMMS VMRSIOS OQ I :sdns pup sasodap 'uaoMs Slnp uaaq 3saTj BuTAeq 'oqM poaeadde Sjjpuosaad Sop sjg3 'g3eo aa3sTuTmpe 03 pazTaog3ne Sjnp aaoTgjo us 'SyTaog3ne pauSTsaapun aqa aao;aq HOV3H WTVd 30 SSNROO v0Iu0'Id d0 3ZvS5 HZvo A;L'IVAO't HOIddO 30 HIVO J' :saaTdxH uoTssTu>moo AN Sh311NM7130Nn 3DNvdnSNt MIN3O n8141 030NOR n Sae30 6461 '61 'tlVW SAWdya NOISSIWW03 AW oTTQ d N — wi iv vnIMMA do 31VIS 71lBnd ,WVION &C6j `o V �n� a ;o .l "Tqi 3W uoau caunSfinS GMV OZ NNOMS ° aouajoTn ao aoao3 Sq opTaoTd 3o a3s3S aqa ao sa3e3S pa7Tun aqa 10 3uamuaano0 aqa ;o Moa113aano gill 'SjyoaaTpuT ao Sj3oaaTP 'segoeay ao UT sanaTTaq goTgM Aland ao uoT38zTue8ao Sun go aagwam a Sou me 13egy 'aouajoTn ao aoao3 Sq apTaoT3 3o a3e3S aqa ao '983e3S payTun aqa go ]uamuaano0 aqa 30 Moagyaano aqa uT anaTjaq you op 13ug3 :S3and IsTunmmoo aqa o3 aouanTjuT ao jasunoo 'a3Tnpe '3aoddns ao pTe Sue puaj 'you jjTM pun 'you aneq I 3ng3 `Syaud yeTunumo0 aqa go aagmam a you we I yagy -IVHMS XMW3Z05 o0 I 'Q00 3W d7HH OS 'aayua oy ynoge we I tloTgM uo 'RPTaold 'weaayS 3Tn0 ;o uMoy a113 jo aauorssTmwoO uMoy 3o aoT33o aqa 3o s.T3np gill Jo Ile waojaad 4jjn;g7Tu3 TTTM I 3sg3 pun 'sPTaoTd 3o a383S aqa ;o uo-l7n3j7suo0 aqa 'sayu3S pa7Tun ag3 ;o uoT7n3T3suo0 aqy aapun aoT33o PToq 03 PaIyT3ua me 1 78113 pue 'ames aqa 03 aoueTBajje pub S3IeSOI 'g7Te; anal aeaq jjTM 13e113 Pug 'USTaaOg pue oTyeamop 'saTwaua jjn ysuTUOU BpTaojd 3o a3e3S aqj ;o pun saye3S pa3Tull aqa ;o 3uawuaano8 pun uoT3n3TysuOD aqa puajap pus 3oa3oad '3aoddns jjTM 17eg7 IMMS VMRSIOS OQ I :sdns pup sasodap 'uaoMs Slnp uaaq 3saTj BuTAeq 'oqM poaeadde Sjjpuosaad Sop sjg3 'g3eo aa3sTuTmpe 03 pazTaog3ne Sjnp aaoTgjo us 'SyTaog3ne pauSTsaapun aqa aao;aq HOV3H WTVd 30 SSNROO v0Iu0'Id d0 3ZvS5 HZvo A;L'IVAO't HOIddO 30 HIVO ��g Sd311MMd3QNn 3:INVdnSNI IVMBN30 nmi 030NO2 61.61 '61 MVW SdMIdM3 NCdSSIWWOD AW 304VI 1V YMS014 dO 31Vi$ OIIBnd AdVION :saaTdxg uoTse -pi=oO AK oilgnd AaeaoN 1 YC6i `0'V go ds0 si4,i 1 SK TdOdRH GHMOSWIS (INV 01 NNOMS aoualoTn ao aoao3 Aq ePTaold ;o a7eaS aqa ao saae75 pe7Tap aqa ;o JuamuaanoO ally ;o taoagaaano aqI 'AlloaaTpuT ao Al�aaTp `sagopal ao UT sanaTlaq goTgm Alaed ao uot3ezlue8ao Aue go aagmam a aou me I jpgj 'aouaToTn ao aoao; Aq apTaolg go aaejS aqa ao 'saaels palcup aqq ;o juamuaanoO aqa go Moagaaano aqa UT anaTlaq aou op 13egj '.Alaed asTunmmoO ail; of aouanl;uT ao Tasunoo `aoTnpu 'aaoddns ao pTa Aup pual 'jou lITM pup 'aou anaq I aega 'Aaaed IsTununuoO aq4 go aagmam a aou ma I aeg7 dVHMS ?LIRWHIOS 00 I 'QOO HW drMH OS 'aalua of anoge we I goTgn uo 'apTaolg 'meaaaS 3in0 go umol aqa 3o aauoTssTmmoO unol go aoT ;3o aqa go saT7np aga go Ile mao;aad AIIn3glTe3 ITTM I 7ag7 Pus 'ppTaold 3o a7e3S aqa go uoT7n:ITasuoO aqa 'sa3e1S paaTup aqa ;o uOT3n3T3suoO aga aepun aoT33o ploy oa paiaTaua me I aega pue 'Mmes aqa 03 aouaTSaTlu pua A319AOT `IlTa3 anal anaq TITM I Ivgl pup 'u9Taao; pua oTasamop `saTmaua lle asuTa3e epTaol3 3o 9367S aqa ;o pue saaeaS paaTup aqa go 3uamu19no8 pup uoTanaTasuoO aqa puagap pup joa3oad 'laoddns ITTM 17eq:l UVEMS VINWH70S 00 I :sAps pop sasodap 'uaons Alnp uaaq asaT; BuTnpq 'oqn peapadde ATTpuosaad Aep sTga 'q -jso as -4sTuTmpa oa pazTaoglne ATnp aaoT; ;o up 'AaTaoglnp pauSisaapun aqa aaogag HMO IU'Iv A0 "I HOIdHO HO HIVO HOVHH W'IVd do AIN110O V0Ii10'Id 30 HMS MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION CALLING TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 7, 1978 WHEREAS, the Town Charter, Chapter 27579, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1951, requires a Town Election to be held on the first Tuesday in March, 1978, which is March 7, 1978. 1.. An election is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, March 7, 1978 for the purpose of electing five (5) Town Commissioners who shall hold office for a term of three (3) years beginning on the third Tuesday of said month of March, 1978. 2. The Election shall be held in the Town Hall of the Town of Gulf Stream, Florida, located at 246 Sea Road in Gulf Stream, and the polling place shall be open between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.M., Eastern Standard Time; 3. Only qualified, registered voters of the Town of Gulf Stream shall be allowed to vote in this election; 4. Any person who desires to have his or her name placed upon the of- ficial ballot shall file with the Town Clerk, at least 20 days be- fore such election is to be held, a petition signed by at least four (4) qualified electors of the Town of Gulf Stream requesting such person to become a candidate for such office; 5. A copy of this Proclamation shall b — - " Board at least ten (10) days before TEST: C� Barbara Gwynn, Deputy Town Clerk I� O f� W pq 1� Z T� o U Q X V � � J G m �a � LL m � � a y Q �1 U W � Q O Gy k1 O O �\ W F E O N! Gi m; Ht Ni G N7 ro 7 N U Q 0 m Y T m a O A 3 RI 0 G 5 - A +: Z d� w: +� Gi m y O; m Hi o ' 0. O -r{ m j Uy O m .. .5 a .5 7 a a a O I o��_?�! ay3 AgmEv� Fy�L OW ne to LL �D'°' ZW Lq � x0 c�0.'m8.� >g to�o�o4�Ym a mu H m.o bg.E$pooa E`uem a x+f.m ohm a .wv �'an �. •� �roro ❑roro a m O ti M � � �Q ccs a b z i A lC W W W Q r) g a3 i O q m M M m .0 QI O G 00• r' 0 m w m u •u a m O o H I _a° 9 ro �� r �o� This is a copy of the first publication of your legal adver- tisement which ran in the News - Journal on F`Pb- 2 '9 78 . If there are any corrections please indicate on the margin and return to us at once in time for the next publica- tion on Feb. 9 197-8--. This publication is scheduled to run 2 times the total cost of which will be V9 n . 66 Affidavit will be mailed to you immediately following the last publication. THE DELRAY BEACH NEWS- JOURNAL P. O. Box 760 DELRAY BEACH, FLA. BE re- the Is of said month of March MS. � 2. J he Electionn . smell be ireia In the Town 3. Only qualified, registered voters of the Town of Gulf Stream shall be allowed to vote In this election; 4. Any person who desires to have his or her name VIaced upon the official allot shall file with the Town Clerk, at least 20 days before such election Is to be held a petition atfned by at least four j4) qualified electors of the Town of Gulf Stream requesting such person to be- come a candidate for such office: 5. A cyy of this Proclamation shall be oosteon the Town Hhlletln Board at PUBLISH: February 2 & 9, 1973 RESOLUTION 78 -3 Corporate Resolutions (DEPOSITORY, BORROWING AND SAFE DEPOSIT) Name of Corporation . _ TOWR- QF_GTJLk'-,U-R—EAM -- —_— _ Title of Account— _SAME._.__ Located at 246 Sea Road City Gulf Stream _ State Florida Incorporated under the laws of the State of L the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Secretary of the above named Corporation (hereafter called "this Corporation ") ; that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of this Corporation at a meeting duly held on the __ day of —_ 19 —, at which a quorum was present and voting throughout. and that such resolutions have not been rescinded or modified and are now of fill] force and effect: "RESOLVED, that the FLAGSHIP FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOYNTON BEACH, Boynton Beach, Florida, (here- after called "Bank ") is hcrehy designated as a dt-poNitury ill' this Corporation and that a checking or deposit account be opened and maintained in the n:nnc of this Corporation with said Bank and that all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of numey front said account shall be signed by the William F. Koch, Jr,_ Joan S. LaPorte Lindley S. Bettison Evans M. Clements — -- -- (PLEASE HAVE AUTHORI7ED SIGNERS S PALCE THEIR SIGNATURES AND TI{EIR TITL);S APOVE (Please indicate if authorized signers sire to sign SINGLY OR JOINTLY.) and any one of such officers is authorized to endorse all notes drafts, checks, bills, certificates of deposit or other instruments payable to or owned or held by this Corporation for deposit in said account or for collec- tion or discount by said Bank; and to accept drafts and other instruments payable at said Bank and to waive protest of any checks, notes, bills or other instruments made, drawn or endorsed by or to the order of this Corporation. "FURTHER RESOLVED that all notes and other evidences of debt of this Corporation to Bank shall be signed by the -- — — __ - -- - - -- -- - -- NONE (Insert title of officer or officer- and specify in what manner — Singly or Jointly) and that such officer or officers are authorized on behalf of this Corporation to make loans from said Bank from time to time for credit to the account of this Corporation evidencing the obligation of this Corporation to repay such loans by signing notes as authorized herein, and to convey to and h o)tifc,c'or.pled , e with said Bank such property and collateral securities owne l I:r held by this Corpora'�as may be rdu.hred b'y said Bank for such loans. "FURTHER RESOLVED that this Corporation is authorized to rent frr5p .th anka ,Safe Deposit Box in their vaults, to be entered according to the policies and regulations of said Baik by the NONE (Insert title of officer or officer, end spcc:fy in what manner— Singty or Jointly) 90-t SOUTHEASTERN rI✓!'., �,n7d. y "FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bank is hereby directed to accept and pay without further inquiry any note, draft or check against said account bearing the signature or signatures of authorized officers even e though drawn or endorsed to the order of any officer signing the same, or tendered by such officer for cashing or in payment of the individual obligation of such officer or for deposit to his personal account, and the Bank shall not be required or be under any obligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issue or use of any instrument signed in accordance with the foregoing resolution, or the application, or disposition of such instrument or the proceeds therof. + "FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary shill certify to said Bank the names of the presently duly elected and qualified officers of this Corporation and shill from time to time hereafter as changes in the per- sonnel of said officers are made immediately certify such changes to the Bank and the Bank shall be fully protected in relying on such certifications of the Secretary and shall be idemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring the signature of any officer so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. "FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing resolutions shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of their amendment or rescission shall have been received by Bank and that receipt of such notice shall not affect any action taken by Bank prior thereto: and "FURTHER RESOLVED that. the Secretary be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to certify to said Bank the foregoing Resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter and by -laws of this Corporation." I further certify that there is no provision in the Charter or by -laws of this Corporation limiting the power of the Board of Directors to pass the foregoing resolutions and that the same are in conformity with the provisions of said Charter and By- Laws. I further certify jlhat the present officers of this Corporation and the offices respectively held by them are: J (SIMPLY LIST CORPORATE OFF ICERS,iBE ). / l / iF I INKNKM MAYOR � s: OV- L [4 2 9WPWQ , VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER rTiiklii4il COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER In WITNESS WHEREOF, I h e hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of this Corpora- tion. this a 1 day of0.> 9l 9Y 7�. WJCMIIf7f Deputy Town Cle k CORPORATE SEAL NOTE: Incase the Secretary is authorized to singly sign checksr- notes, e[¢%`k this resolutionliiis Certificate must also be signed by a Director other than the Secretary. elzlz Director of & r than Secretary l O P. F S 0 1, t' T I 0 N No. 78 -2 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOFN nF GULF STREAM, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR THE WATER FUND AND FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND AND ANTIAE- CESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELF.AY BEACH, FLORIDA. PASSED and ADOPTED on this 21st day of March, 1978, V � 41z MAYOR VICE MAYOR ATTEST: eputy Town Cle Ic