HomeMy Public PortalAbout2011-06-16 (2) TOWN OF TRUCKEE x"'72° TOWN COUNCIL t�♦ EP° > �� ���� ���' REGULAR MEETING MINUTES e,� . _ as�oos June 16, 2011, 6:00 p.m. 4444, (f r "a - T '' - I...` " Town Hall - Administrative Center 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA 6:01:32 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council Members; Green, Brown, Wallace Dee, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Staff Present: Town Attorney Crabb, Records Technician Kuhlemier, Assistant Planner LaChance, Town Manager Lashbrook, Community Development Director McLaughlin, Associate Planner Nishimori, Town Clerk Price, Administrative Services Director Szczurek, Assistant Town Manager Terrazas, Recycling Coordinator Dorr, and Public Works Director/Town Engineer Wilkins. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — led by Paco Lindsey. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT — none. 111 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 Assistant Town Manager Terrazas presented the June 2011 employee incentive awards. 5.2 Assistant Planner Lachance presented the Train Depot design update (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). 6. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Green pulled item 6.7 for further discussion. Council Member Brown pulled item 6.3 for further discussion. It was moved by Council Member Green, and seconded by Council Member Wallace Dee, to approve Items 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6 as follows: 6.1 Approve the minutes of June 2, 2011. 6.2 Approve Resolution 2011 -26 authorizing the establishment of the Gann Appropriations Limit for the 2011/2012 fiscal year of $14,556,796. 6.4 Adopt Resolution 2011 -21, classifying the various components of fund balance as defined in GASB Statement 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions; including Exhibit A "Fund Balance Policy" and Exhibit B "Components of Fund Balance ". 6.5 Adopt Resolutions 2011 -24 and 2011 -25 requesting the Nevada County Transportation U Commission (NCTC) allocate Transportation Development Act Funds for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 for Transit and Paratransit System operations. 6.6 Authorize the Public Works Director/Town Engineer to purchase furnishings for the • Public Service Center office and dormitory space from Machabee Office Environments estimated at $150,171.01 and authorize a 10% contingency amount for a total not to exceed amount of $165,188. The Consent Calendar carried with the following vote. 6:21:29 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 6.3 Application for Statewide Park Program Grant Funds. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 2011 -23 to authorize the Town Manager to execute and submit a grant application for construction of Phase 3B of the Truckee River Legacy Trail. Public Works Director/ Town Engineer answered; the Town will move forward with grant applications to build trails. The proposed Park and Recreation District measure language will need to be flexible so grant funds can also be used to build trails. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. The Staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Brown, seconded by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and carried with the following vote: 6:23:44 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None'. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 6.7 Town Manager Pay Change. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 2011 -29, increasing Tony Lashbrook, Town Manager's pay by 0 %. Council discussed their appreciation for Town Manager Lashbrook's request to waive any pay increase and lower his deferred compensation in light of the decrease in the economic and budget status. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. 1 Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 2 The Staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Council Member Brown, and carried with the following vote: 6:24:27 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.1 STAFF REPORT — Parking Working Group Process and Proposed Recommendations. Recommended Action: Schedule a public hearing and potential action on the Parking Working Group recommendations at the July 21, 2011 Town Council meeting; direct staff to perform outreach with the Downtown business community in conjunction with the Truckee Downtown Merchants Association regarding the recommendations of the Parking Working Group; direct staff to pursue services of a public outreach consultant related to the recommendations; and direct staff to develop details on how a partnership could be achieved with Downtown business and property owners related to the formation of a . Downtown assessment district. Public Works Director/Town Engineer Wilkins and Parking Services Manager Beede presented information from the staff report (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • The public workshop would be the next opportunity for citizen input. • The Committee discussed in detail: o Police Department management of the Parking District. o New revenue sources. o Eliminating paid parking. • The policy for general fund subsidiary needs to be examined prior to a final decision. • The funding source for the Diner lot is made partially by both Redevelopment and the Parking Enterprise fund. Council acknowledged each Committee Member by name and thanked them for their commitment and time. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Paul Leyton, Committee Chair of the Parking Working Group, provided a handout to Council and spoke about the committee process (letter on file with the Town Clerk). Peter Trummer, Parking Working Group Committee Member, stated his personal preferences regarding the Committee recommendation. Mayor Anderson closed public comment. 1 Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 3 It was Council consensus to direct staff to: • Schedule a wo prior to the July 20th meeting and schedule a public hearing and potential action on the Parking Working Group recommendations on July 20, 2011 at a Town Council meeting. • Perform outreach with the downtown business community in conjunction with the Truckee Downtown Merchants Association (TDMA) regarding the recommendations of the Parking Working Group; • These items do not need to be completed prior to July 20`" o Pursuing services of a public outreach consultant. o Discussions on a Downtown Assessment district until the short term decisions have been made. 7.2 PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Setting Proposed Solid Waste Services Rates. 1 Recommended Act Conduct a public hearing and approve Resolution 2011 -28 with Exhibit A, adopting fiscal year 2011/2012 residential and commercial rates for solid waste services; authorize staff to solicit qualified firms for audit services; authorize staff to issue a letter of non - compliance for violations of the solid Waste Franchise Agreement as outlined below; and authorize the Town Attorney to take legal action as required to enforce current franchise terms and defend any litigation filed. Recycling Coordinator Dorr and Assistant Town Manager Terrazas presented information from the staff report (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). Mayor Anderson opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in support or opposition to setting proposed solid waste services rates. Sherry Sullivan, Truckee resident: • Spoke in opposition to the trip charge as outlined. • Stated placement of bear sheds can become a winter safety concern. • Charging for bear sheds in bear country is counter intuitive. o Charging the trip charge would discourage the installation of bear sheds. • Believes there are discrepancies in measurements for bear sheds. • A mechanism needs to be in place, to let TTSD know when no trash collection is needed. Margo Groth, Truckee resident and real estate agent, stated opposition to the trip charges and inconsistencies in guidelines between TTSD, Town, and homeowner associations. Lyle Hauff, Truckee resident and representative of an association with ten condos /townhouses in Tahoe Donner, stated opposition to the trip charges, and questioned the fairness in the charges, his association does not use bear sheds, but due to the proximately of the garbage bins they would be charged the trip fee. Robb Etnyre, General Manager Tahoe Donner Homeowner Association, stated: • The current trip charges are unauthorized. • • There are discrepancies with increases between TTSD and Town. o Supports staffs recommendation particularly reference to stopping potential litigation. • Does not support retroactive fees for the hauler. • Tahoe Donner will lose service at the busiest time of the year. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 4 • • Opposition of trip charges. o Requested data to analyze the increase costs in trip fees from fifteen feet to eighteen feet. TTSD needs to show this cost. Truckee resident, at 12473 Northwoods Blvd., • Trip charge is above and beyond service by the franchise agreement. • The fifteen feet in the franchise agreement is subjective and is not what the hauler is stating. • This is the largest subdivision and quite normal service, to charge extra seems to be unfair. • TTSD will have to survey Tahoe Donner; the community does not trust TTSD with their numbers. Roy Richner, Truckee resident: • Spoke in opposition to the trip fees. • Questioned validity of the measurements. • Stated any new installation within 15 feet could be impossible due to snow removal and snow load. • Has had bear sheds for 16 years and never used it. • Residents will start to leave garbage on the roadway instead of being charged, which is counterproductive. John Dunes, Board Member Tahoe Donner HOA and Truckee resident: • Opposed to the fee increase due to TTSD's irregularity in documenting their fees and increases. • Inflationary rates are alright but no one else in this economy is receiving inflationary adjustments. • Supports points of previous speakers. Craig Pack, Truckee resident: • Questioned why TTSD will not release information to the consultants or staff for purposes of obtaining quality information to support the increase. • Requested justification to support TTSD's position that their need for more revenue. • Stated the increase is ridiculous. • Residents use the signs so TTSD does not need to look in bear shed and those people should not be charged. • To encourage a more "green" perspective, suggested TTSD look at a program that trash is picked up every other week but customers are charged weekly. Jamie Brimer, Truckee resident: • Questioned the fairness of the green waste program being charged to all residence as not all residents use the program. • Stated TTSD is probably making money on this program, but that information is not being shown. • Ray Labadie, Finance Director, TTSD responded to public comment: • Stated customers do not understand trip fees. • TTSD is against the $.91 fee as it is not a sufficient rate increase. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 5 o The trip charge is not required by every customer. • Each customer will have to contract with TTSD, to be charged the trip fee. Customers can choose to place garbage at the curb with no trip fee, 111 which is consistent with the ordinance. • The fifteen feet measurement is in the franchise agreement; but the bigger picture is the overall problem that the company is loosing money in the Town of Truckee. This is due in part to the co to take care of bear sheds. o The contract states bear shed shall not exceed 15 feet and Tahoe Donner's Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR's) identify fees beyond the 15 feet set back! • TTSD offered several proposals to staff to bridge operating costs; staff had options to disperse the triplfees for Tahoe Donner residents throughout town citizens. o In TTSD's opinion Staff and Council said if you own a bear shed you should pay for it. • Measurements do not require precision but the company could go and measure, TTSD staff are not surveyors but they could make a call if they customer and company don't agree. • TTSD would be happy to increased base charges to cover trip fees. o Addressing the issue of a bear shed mechanism for no "pickup ", TTSD has issues with safety and break -ins for second homeowners. Mayor Anderson closed the public hearing. Council Discussio I: • The volume of the public's opposition to the trip charge has been noted. • The only thing Council must do today is set the rate for the County's tax roll. • Fuel cost have increased this year. • The Town right -of -way average is 18 feet from edge of pavement to private property line. The pavement edge is not the measurement identified in the franchise agreement. o The majority of bear sheds are located more than 18 feet from the street. o Take the Truckee Way to discuss the trip charges including TDHOA. o After discussions and an agreement is reached staff will bring back trip charges for Council's approval, as required. o Council had consensus from all parties present in the room to discuss trip charges. • Council Member Wallace Dee disclosed she is a Tahoe Donner resident. • TTSD agreed to meet with stakeholders to discuss trip charges. • Discussed the threat of discontinuing pick up from bear sheds after July 1, 2011. • Council told the Hauler that litigation is not the Truckee Way. • Stated the Town does not have any way to justify the rates as proposed by TTSD. o Discussedi going to a bid if the Town and Hauler could not come to an agreement. RESPONSE: Ray Lail adie, Finance Director for TTSD: • The question rega going to a bid or getting justification is a tough question. o An audit was excluded by staff and Council. o The rate study came back to contract compliance. • TTSD is not against an audit but feels an audit is too late. TTSD is leery because of how the rate study has Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 6 • TTSD is not in favor of going out to a request for proposals (RFP); and would rather work things out with the Town. o TTSD could offer rates at a lower the market rate for a period of time until AN agreement is reached. o Putting an RFP out to bid would put TTSD in a bad position because they are a small hauler and organization. • Might agree to an audit, if TTSD agrees on what is being audited. • TTSD is in support of restarting negotiations. Council Direction: • Remove trip charge amounts in the Resolutions. The Staff recommendation approving Resolution 2011 -28 with the Exhibit Adopting 2011 -2012 residential and commercial solid waste rates excluding any trip charge fees was moved by Council Member Wallace Dee, seconded by Council Member Brown, and carried with the following vote: 8:17:36 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. The Staff recommendation authorizing Staff to use approximately $66,000 of Solid Waste funds was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and carried with the following vote: 8:18:03 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. Action from Council was taken in the first motion for bullet point three. The Staff recommendation authorizing staff to solicit qualified firms for audit services was moved by Council Member Wallace Dee, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 8:18:57 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 7 The Staff recommendation to issue a letter of non - compliance for violations of the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement was moved by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Wallace Dee, and carried with the following vote: 8:19:26 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. The Staff recommendation to authorize the Town Attorney to take legal action as required to enforce current franchise terms and defend any litigation filed was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Council Member Brown, and carried with the following vote: 8 :19:40 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. Council directed staff to explore alternatives for releasing and RFP for refuse services after discussion with the hauler was moved by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 8:21:05 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None! Absent: None! Abstain: None! The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Anderson adjourned for a recess at 8:21:37 PM. Council re- adjourned at 8:31:01 PM. 7.3 PUBLIC HEARING — Delinquent Accounts for Residential Solid Waste Services. Recommended Action: Conduct a public hearing and approve Resolution 2011 -27 establishing delinquent residential solid waste service accounts. Recycling Coordinator Dorr presented information from the staff report (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 8 Council Discussion: • Fewer than five letters were returned only one included trip charges. • Staff will verify records to make sure there are no unauthorized trip charges prior to the list going to Nevada County. • Staff does not know if the hauler has contracts for trip charges. Mayor Anderson opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in support or opposition to establishing delinquent residential solid waste service accounts. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed the public hearing. The Staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Brown, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 8:36:50 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 7.4 STAFF REPORT — Memorandum of Understanding with JMA Truckee 1, LLC. For Redevelopment Agency Assistance for the Hotel Avery Project. Recommended Action: Authorize the Town of Truckee Redevelopment Agency Executive Director to execute an agreement with JMA Truckee 1, LLC. Regarding Redevelopment Agency participation in the Hotel Avery Project; authorize the Agency Chair and Agency Executive Director to execute a revised Cooperation and Funding Agreement reducing the $3.0 million allocated to the West River Street project to $1.5 million and allocate $1.5 million to the Avery Hotel project subject to entering into an Owner Participation Agreement. Vice Mayor Jones recussed herself due to the proximity of her residence to the project. Assistant Town Manager Terrazas presented information from the staff report. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. The Staff recommendation was moved by Mayor Anderson, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 8:42:45 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 9 7.5 PUBLIC HEARING — Development Code Update (Phase II Development Code Amendments — Public Art Incentives, Hillside Development, Sewer Requirements, Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Storage Areas, Land Use Definitions, Land Use Tables, Storage Containers Downtown, Time Limits, Phasing, Extensions, and Clean- up Amendments) (Application 07- 063 /DC AMD). Recommended Action: Conduct a Public Hearing; waive the first reading and introduce Ordinance 2011 -03I amending the Truckee Municipal Code, Title 18- Development Code, Public Art Incentives, Hillside Development, Sewer Requirements, Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Storage Areas, Land Use Definitions, Land Use Tables, Storage Containers Downtown, Time Limits, Phasing, Extensions, and Clean -up Amendments. Associate Planner Nishimori presented information from the staff report (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • In August 2011 the Planning Commission will start talking about a tree preservation program. • Staff provided clarification regarding the proposed changes. Mayor Anderson opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in support or opposition to amending the Truckee Municipal Code, Title 18- Development Code. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed the public hearing. The Staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Brown, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 9:22:01 PM Ayes: Couricil Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Vice Mayor deRyk Jones. The motion passed 4 -0. 7.6 STAFF REPORT — Authorization to bid Town Hall Concrete and Landscape Renovation Project. Recommended Action: Authorize staff to advertise the Town Hall concrete replacement and landscape renovation project for construction bids. Assistant Town Manager Terrazas presented information from the staff report (presentation on file with the Town Clerk). Robbie Litchfield, L & P Design Works, presented information from the staff report. Council Discussion: • Using asphalt for the apron (entrance to the parking lot) is less expensive then concrete. • The impervious concrete will be removed from Town Hall. o Discussions on the impervious concrete tested at Town Hall. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 10 • Plant material will be easily maintained. • Discussions on lighting the flag pole. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. Council Direction: • Include night sky friendly light for the flag pole. • Document the results of the pervious concrete test. Council Member Green stated: "Very responsible thing for us to put in the impervious concrete as an experiment and would like the concrete to stay" The Staff recommendation was moved by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Brown, and carried with the following vote: 9:42:44 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 7.7 STAFF REPORT — Mid - Management Memorandum of Understanding. Recommended Action: Adopt the Mid - Management Memorandum of Understanding dated June 2011. Administrative Services Director Szczurek presented information from the staff report. Council Discussion: • Thanked the Mid - Manager group for stepping up and reopening their contract to help with the fiscal wellbeing of the Town. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. The Staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Council Member Brown, and carried with the following vote: 9:49:46 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 11 Item 7.9 taken out of order 7.9 STAFF REPORT — Update on potential recreational facilities and trails bond and consideration of a joint meeting with the Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District (TDRPD) Board onpuly 5, 2011. Recommended Action: Consider meeting jointly with the Recreation and Park District Board on July 5, 2011 (Tuesday) to decide whether or not the Town supports the placement of a financing measure for recreation facilities including trails on a ballot for voter's consideration in November of 2011. Town Manager Lashbrook presented information from the staff report. Town Attorney Crabb stated if it is Council's desire to have a joint meeting with the TDRPD, Council will need to adjourn to the July 5th meeting. Steve Randall, Truckee Donner Park and Recreation District, General Manager, presented information to Council (not previously provided to staff). • Stated the flyer that was published with the Town's logo without permission /approval was an oversight on his behalf. • The economic impact study will be completed next week and available by June 30, 2011. o Has a preliminary finding in hand. • TDRPD will hire bond Counsel to draft language. • A community survey will go out by the weekend. Council Discussion /Question: • Council is receiving information after the fact and with no time to review or provide input 111 • If Council and Staff receive bond language on June 30 and schedule a meeting on July 5 will that enough time for input or partnership? Response: Steve Randall: everything is scheduled to be completed by June 30 and the ballot language has t i be at the County on July 6 Council Discussion /Question: • What is TDRPD e xpecting from the Town on July 5th? Response: Steve Randall: • Agree to go forward and support the bond measure and election. TDPRD is asking Bond Counsel if monies for trails can transfer to the Town due to the fact that TDRPD and the Town boundaries are different. Town Manager Lashbrook questioned, what might arise if Council did not take a formal action until after the bond is on the ballot. Response: Steve Randall: TDRPD will have three weeks to "pull" the bond off of the ballot if it is deemed necessary. Town Manager Lashbrook questioned if TDRPD's Board is more versed in all the information, The Town Council and staff has not had the opportunity to review the information so if the Council did not take a formal action until after the measure goes on the ballot, providing more time for review, would that be an issue? Response: Steve Randall: • The downside to the Town waiting is if the TDRPD Board decides to move forward on the bond measure 'and the Town decides not to partner Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 12 • The perception in the community would not be good for both the Council and Board. Council Discussion /Question: The Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) states the Town will discuss how the Town will spend the money when it comes in. Town Manager Lashbrook stated, at the end of the day, the Town builds trails within our prevue. The Town needs to make sure the bond language reflects what the Town can do and the intention of the funds. Council Discussion /Question: Can the language be dealt with before July 5th? Response: Town Manager Lashbrook: • The language cannot be fully analyzed without the economic results and polling results to make sure the language is what the community is looking for. Council Discussion /Question: • Council expressed concern regarding the partnership with the TDRPD, due to lack of discussions and communication. • Town will be a general contractor for trails if the measure passes. • The Town is not a partner in the bond measure. • The MOU states we will participate in the public process. If the studies and polling results are agreeable to Council, at that time there could be discussions on supporting the bond. • The Town requested participation in surveys, and developing polling questions, and public outreach. • It is important that the Town has knowledge of costs and amounts so the bond measure can reflect what can be done in the future. • The bond language must address the use of grant funds. • The Town will not compromise its long term credibility with its constituents. • Getting the bond language done in this short time will require communication and cooperation with the TDRPD. • Council questioned the timeframe of meeting the July 5th deadline. Response: Steve Randall: • Trails will be maintained by the Town. • Stated politically it would be beneficial for the Town to support the bond that will fund trails. Council Discussion /Question: Is there anything hidden that will come out in the next two weeks? Response: Steve Randall: there are no hidden items; the TDPRD is in a time crunch and moving as fast as possible. If the Town desires input on survey questions it would delay the process. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Nancy Wolf, Truckee Trails Foundation, stated it is an exciting opportunity to get trails built and encouraged Council to take on burden and agree to these arrangements and move forward with the bond. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 13 Paco Lindsey, Truckee Trails Foundation, stated: • The survey was completed with Charles Heath, the same firm the Town used for Measure V. • Has been working with TDPRD on brochure and survey. • The survey waslcompleted very professionally and is starting on Saturday. • Includes cross country skiing on trails. Mayor Anderson closed public comment. Council Discussion: • The Town is note planning on grooming trails for winter use. • This item has been on the radar over a year ago, the process has been going on; however, there seems to be a rush at the end and we need to make sure this is done correctly prior tolsupporting a partnership for an election in these economic times. • The survey questions are formulated and a draft survey was handed to Town staff tonight. o Issues with implied service that is not fulfilled. o Our reputation could be compromised if this is not correct. Council Direction: • Direct subcommittee - Council Member Brown and Vice Mayor deRyk Jones to discuss with staff and report back to Council on July 7, 2011. Dissenting Opinion: Council should attend the July 5 meeting with the TDRPD Board to further discussions. Council Direction was moved by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Wallace Dee, and carried with the following vote: 10:40:52 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, and Vice Mayor deRyk Jones. Noes: Mayor Anderson. Absent: None! Abstain: None! The motion passed 4 -1. • 7.8 STAFF REPORT — Fiscal year 2011/2012 Town of Truckee Annual Operating and Capital Budget. Recommended Action: Adopt the 2011/2012 Town of Truckee Annual Operating and Capital Budget, including proposed personnel changes, and adopt the estimated actual for 2010/2011 Capital Improvement Projects as the amended budget amounts. Administrative Services Director Szczurek presented information from the staff report. Mayor Anderson opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Anderson closed public comment. Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 14 For the record: Mayor Anderson's stated concerns with "management creep or mission creep ". The information provided in May's budget workshops and at the parking committee suggests the high rate for management personnel costs are higher than any other division given the task associated with the Parking Division. The Staff recommendation was moved by Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the following vote: 10:53:22 PM Ayes: Council Member Brown, Council Member Wallace Dee, Council Member Green, Vice Mayor deRyk Jones, and Mayor Anderson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. The motion passed unanimously. 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Council Member Green • Attended an Olympic planning meeting on Monday, June 13, 2011. Council Member Brown • Announced the Truckee Sunrise Rotary Annual Chili Cook -off, at the Regional Park on June 26` 9. CLOSED SESSION 10. ADJOURNMENT - 10:56:06 PM To the regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council July 7, 2011, 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA. Approved: Respectfully submitted by: r (fist Richard Anderson, Mayor " Shanna D. Ku lemi =r, Records - eE wi ar Judy Price, MMC, Town Clerk 1 Town of Truckee Town Council June 16, 2011, Regular Minutes Page 15