HomeMy Public PortalAboutChapter 5-Jan8-2015Chapter 5 Transportation C HAPTER 5 |TRANSPORTATION J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 5.2 1 | Introduction Th is chapter describes the vehicle, pedestrian and transit systems within the Joerger Ranch Plan Area and the respective relationships planned to interface with the existing and future road, trails and bikeways network . Unlike many new development areas, there is already a signifi cant existing public road and highway network that serves Joerger Ranch and the greater Truckee Area. Th e existing road and highway network (see Figure 5-1) provides easy access to and from the plan area. Th e site is bisected by State Route Highway 267, creating separate development areas with varying levels of highway visibility. Similarly, but to a lesser degree, Soaring Way and Brockway Road further separate the development into four (4) quadrants within the Planning Area. SR 267 is an existing State Highway and direct access from the highway to the development is restricted. Brockway Road and Soaring Way are existing minor arterial roadways, and provide the primary access to the Plan area. Th e Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan is designed to provide vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation within the Planning Area and is consistent with the Goals, Policies and Guidelines of the General Plan and the Town’s Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. FIGURE 5-1 ROADWAY NETWORK 5.3 J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN T RANSPORTATION | C HAPTER 5 Key circulation goals are as follows: Goal CIR-1: Develop a roadway system that provides access and mobility for Truckee residents and businesses and adequately serves existing and planned land uses while maintaining local community character. Goal CIR-2: Maintain adequate Level of Service on Truckee’s roadways and intersections to ensure the safe and effi cient movement of people and goods throughout the Town. Goal CIR-4: Create new developments that are integrated into the circulation network and promote connectivity within and between community areas. Goal CIR-10: Provide a safe, comprehensive, and integrated System of facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and other non-motorized modes of transportation. Additionally the key element specifi c to Joerger Ranch identifi ed in the Town’s General Plan Circulation element states as follows: Per General Plan Policy PC3-P8, the mix of land uses in the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan will not generate an amount of traffi c that, in addition to the buildout of the General Plan, will result in the need for four lanes on Highway 267 from Highway 80 to the Highway 267/Brockway Road/Soaring Way intersection. Th e Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan improves existing roadway circulation patterns by improving existing roadways & intersections with added lanes, striping, crosswalks and new bicycle and pedestrian links. Th ese improvements help support the diff erent land uses within Joerger Ranch and integrate the needs of motorized vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians alike for safe conveyance of travel. Detached bike paths, FIGURE 5-2 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION C HAPTER 5 |TRANSPORTATION J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 5.4 re-striping and roadway widening are some of the identifi ed improvements. Intersections are a key element to providing eff ective circulation. Th e Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan proposes various improvements to the following four (4) intersections which are described in further detail in Section 2: • Brockway Road / Martis Drive • Brockway Road / Hope Court • Highway 267/ Brockway Road / Soaring Way • Soaring Way / Joerger Drive General Plan Table CIR-5, item 25 identifi es the Highway 267/Brockway Road/Soaring Way intersection to be improved with a “roundabout, or additional through and turning lanes”. As illustrated in Figure 5-14, the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan identifi es additional through and turning lanes along with improvements for the safe crossing of pedestrians and bicyclists. Th e identifi ed improvements may be constructed incrementally or all at once, as traffi c demands warrant to meet the requirements of General Plan Policy 2.1. Th is intersection is also identifi ed within the Town’s AB 1600 Traffi c and Facility Impact Fee Program and traffi c fees are currently being collected for required future improvements. Bike paths are an important component of the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan. Separated 10’ wide Class 1 bike paths and attached Class II bike lanes are proposed to create bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within the Plan Area and greater Truckee Area by providing linkage to future connections to the Truckee River Regional Park, Truckee River Legacy Trail, River View Sports Park and Martis Valley Regional Trail connecting Truckee to Northstar. Th e design of Class I paths and Class II bike lanes will follow the specifi cations of the Town’s Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, and bike trails are proposed both on-site and off -site within and around the Plan Area. Crosswalks will utilized to promote pedestrian safety and encourage non-motorized transportation and are integrated throughout the Plan Area. Th is is critical in order to create a walkable, pedestrian accessible environment that is currently dominated by vehicular traffi c. Utilizing materials with textures and colors at crossings to distinguish pedestrian crossings from vehicular traffi c is an important design characteristic. Th e primary Class 1 bike path crossing near the Brockway Road/ Hope Court intersection shall consider additional design elements to provide safety for bicyclists and pedestrians including raised medians with a “crossing island” to shorten the crossing distance and shall be approved by the Town Engineer. An alternative location may be approved by the Town Engineer based on the outcome of a future corridor study for this section of Brockway Road. Th e Circulation Element of the General Plan supports alternate modes of transportation to reduce vehicular use. Th e Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan enhances bicycle and pedestrian circulation with the construction of sidewalks and pathways along with the incorporation of bus shelters on Brockway Road and Soaring Way (Figure 5-2). Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter identify specifi c roadway and circulation improvements proposed for the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan Area. 2 | Roadway & Intersection Design 2.1 Roadway Improvements Th e Plan Area requires diff erent roadway sections to meet the circulation needs based on existing traffi c patterns and proposed land uses contained within the Specifi c Plan. Proposed roadway sections combine and integrate vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian uses for safe conveyance of travel. 5.5 J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN T RANSPORTATION | C HAPTER 5 SOARING WAY: Soaring Way in its existing condition consists of 12’ travel lanes, 8’ Class II bike lanes and concrete curb/gutter. Th e proposed roadway section for Soaring Way, east of Joerger Drive, is illustrated in Figure 5-3. Th e fi nal roadway section will include 6’ pedestrian sidewalks on each side of the roadway, 5’ Class II bike lanes and 8’ parallel parking. Th e proposed roadway section of Soaring Way, west of the Joerger Drive roundabout, is a transitional section to Highway 267 and is illustrated in Figure 5-4. It will include suffi cient width to accomodate a right turn lane, left turn lane, and through lanes. Additionally, the roadway section will include two 5’ wide Class II bike lanes and a 6’ wide sidewalk to convey pedestrians to the development areas. FIGURE 5-4 SOARING WAY - WEST OF JOERGER DRIVE FIGURE 5-3: SOARING WAY - EAST OF JOERGER DRIVE C HAPTER 5 |TRANSPORTATION J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 5.6 HOPE COURT: Hope Court currently consists of two 16’ wide travel lanes and aggregate base shoulders 2’ - 4’ in width. Th e proposed roadway section for Hope Court illustrated in Figure 5-5 narrows the road width to 12’ landes and includes the addition of a detached 10’ wide Class I bicycle path that will continue to the east and connect to the Martis Valley Regional Trail system. Th e Class I Bike Trail may be located on either side of Hope Court, depending on fi nal design. MARTIS DRIVE: Martis Drive is currently a narrow dirt road and will be constructed to meet Town road standards, as conceptually illustrated in Figure 5-6. Th e fi nal location of Martis Drive depends on a number of factors not determined at the time of Specifi c Plan preparation including the outcome of the Corridor Plan and project-specifi c site design, land use, and traffi c volumes. Generally, if the road is constructed in its current location, a detached Class I bike path will be required on the westerly side all the way to the northerly limits of Joerger Ranch. In the event Martis Drive is required to be constructed elsewhere within the Plan, future development will require the construction of a 10’ Class I bike path from Brockway Road to the residential neighborhood north of the BIZ zone. Additional right-of-way or a public trails easement will be required to be granted by future developers, if necessary, to fi t the fi nal Class I trail alignment. FIGURE 5-6: MARTIS DRIVE FIGURE 5-5: HOPE COURT 5.7 J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN T RANSPORTATION | C HAPTER 5 BROCKWAY ROAD: Th e existing Brockway Road consists of two 11’ wide travel lanes, a center turn/ refuge lane and two 5’ wide Class II bicycle lanes. Ultimately, the Brockway Road improvements will be determined upon review of a specifi c development plan for proposed Parcel 4, consisting of all Joerger Ranch property west of Highway 267. Joerger Ranch Policy P4.4 limits the continued use of a two-stage left turn lane except where there are low turning movement volumes. Brockway Road, west of Hope Court, could remain primarily the same with the addition of a Class I bicycle path on the northerly side of Brockway Road from Martis Drive and crossing Brockway Road to Hope Court. Additional improvements such as an additional pass-through lane, center median, and/or relocation of Martis Drive may be necessary depending on the ultimate build-out of Parcel 4. Brockway Road, east of Hope Court intersection, is illustrated in Figure 5-8 and will transition as it approaches Highway 267 to accomodate a westbound through lane, designated left turn lane, northbound through lane, designated right turn lane and two 5’ wide Class II bike lanes. Additionally, a 5’ wide sidewalk is proposed for a safe pedestrian approach to Highway 267 and a Class I bike path will continue to Highway 267. 5-7: BROCKWAY ROAD - WEST OF HOPE COURT FIGURE 5-8: BROCKWAY ROAD - EAST OF HOPE COURT C HAPTER 5 |TRANSPORTATION J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 5.8 JOERGER DRIVE: Th e proposed Joerger Drive cross-section, as illustrated in Figure 5-9, will maintain two 11’ wide travel lanes, two 4’ wide Class II bike lanes, and 4’ shoulders. A 10’ wide Class I bike path will be constructed through the open space and continue off -site to the Riverview Sports Park (see Figure 5-10). HIGHWAY 267 INTERSECTION Th e existing intersection at Brockway Road / Soaring Way / Highway 267 is currently signalized with northbound and southbound through lanes with additional left turn lanes onto Soaring Way from the north and onto Brockway Road from the south. Traffi c from Brockway Road approaches a through/ left turn lane and a designated right turn lane. Th ere is one (1) eastbound through lane to Soaring Way and one (1) westbound lane approaching from Soaring Way. Improvements to this intersection have been identifi ed in the General Plan as a “future community need” independent of the traffi c impacts resulting from the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan. Improvements to this intersection are in the Town’s Capitial Improvement Program and ultimate design will be determined by the Town Engineer. Each development within Joerger Ranch is required to pay “fair share” traffi c impact fees prior to building permit issuance. On the Brockway Road side of the intersection, widening of the roadway is proposed in order to shift the designated right turn lane to the South and accommodate an additional lane. Th is additional lane will allow the existing through / left turn lane to be separated into a designated left turn only and designated through lane. Class II bike lanes are proposed in both easterly and westerly directions. Curb & gutter and a 6’ wide concrete sidewalk is proposed on the south side of Brockway Road to facilitate pedestrian safety up to the signalized intersection. Th e north side of Brockway Road will include a Class I bike path which will cross Highway 267 and continue toward the north to Riverview Sports Park. Final alignment may be modifi ed by the Town Engineer. On the Soaring Way side of the intersection, widening is proposed to allow for a designated right turn lane with a through/left and eastbound lane . Signalization upgrades along with lane widening is proposed to accomplish these intersection upgrades. FIGURE 5-9: JOERGER DRIVE 5.9 J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN T RANSPORTATION | C HAPTER 5 BROCKWAY ROAD / HOPE COURT Th e existing three-leg “T” intersection at Brockway Road and Hope Court is anticipated to remain, however this intersection will be reevaluated upon submittal of a development plan for Parcel 4 and additional improvements may be necessary. At a minimum, striping and minor widening will be required to create a left turn pocket west bound on Brockway Road onto Hope Court. A pedestrian and bicycle crossing for the Class 1 bike path will be located at or near the Brockway Road / Hope Court intersection. Th e fi nal location of the crossing will be evaulated and determined during the review of development west of Highway 267. Safety measures for bicyclists and pedestrians will be incorporated into the crossing and shall be reviewed & approved by the Town Engineer. BROCKWAY ROAD / MARTIS DRIVE Th is intersection currently serves as the primary access to the existing winery. Th e ultimate location of Martis Drive will depend on the future land uses within Parcel 4. If Martis Drive is constructed in its current location, improvements will be made to this intersection including but not limited to striping within Brockway Road, curb and gutter on Martis Drive and a Class 1 bicycle path crossing. Further evaluation of this intersection will be conducted upon a specifi c development application for Parcel 4 and additional improvements may be required. SOARING WAY / JOERGER DRIVE: Currently, Soaring Way is uncontrolled with both an eastbound and westbound lane. Th e Soaring Way / Joerger Drive intersection will be improved to a single lane roundabout (see Chapter 7 - Implementation & Phasing for details). 2.2 Intersection Improvements Major intersection improvements are further discussed in Chapter 7 -Implementation & Phasing. Depending on the timing of development within the planning area, the existing intersections at Joerger Drive / Soaring Way and Hwy 267/Brockway Road/ Soaring Way may have operational capacity to accommodate some level of development without need for major improvement as set forth within this Chapter and Chapter 7. Should the Town pursue a roundabout at Hwy 267/ Brockway Road/Soaring Way through the Towns Capital Improvement Program timing of that improvement could result in the intersection improvement recommended in this Specifi c Plan to not be warranted or to be removed. Interim improvements may be considered during the site specifi c development review process for individual development permits. Such consideration may be given on a case by case basis and subject to the circumstances in eff ect at the time. Reasonable interim improvements can be proposed to allow areas within the plan to develop incrementally. However, it is required that each development pay their proportional fair share of the common infrastructure improvements required by this plan. When an individual project necessitates construction of the common improvements and/or approved interim improvements, the developer of that individual project will be responsible for either posting fi nancial security for the estimated cost of the improvements or construction and completion of those improvements. Th e project developer can record a reimbursement agreement and be permitted to collect the proportional fair share monies from future development projects within C HAPTER 5 |TRANSPORTATION J OERGER RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN 5.10 the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan area in order to compensate for expenditures to meet the overall common area improvements obligations of this plan. 3 | Bicycle Network & Design A 10 feet wide separated Class 1 bicycle path is proposed to connect all four quadrants of the Joerger Ranch Specifi c Plan and also connect to Martis Valley Regional Trail system and Riverview Sports Park (see Figure 5-11). A Class 1 bicycle path is also proposed to be constructed on the westerly side of Martis Drive to the northern property boundary of the Joerger Ranch Plan Area which will allow for a future extension to connect to the Legacy Trail to the north. Class II bicycle lanes are also integrated into the various roadway sections including Brockway Road, Joerger Drive and Soaring Way. FIGURE 5-11: TRAILS EXHIBIT