HomeMy Public PortalAbout02 Five Member Historic Preservation Advisory Board TOWN OF TRUCKEE California RESOLUTION 2016-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TRUCKEE ESTABLISHING A RE-CONFIGURED, FIVE-MEMBER HISTORIC PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Town Council may establish by resolution such other boards or commissions as it deems necessary pursuant to Section 2.06.010 of the Town Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a Historic Preservation Advisory Commission is an important component of the historic preservation policies of the Downtown Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Commission must meet the membership requirements of the State Historic Preservation Office and be given specific duties and powers on historic preservation matters in order for the Town to qualify for federal and State historic preservation programs; and WHEREAS, Policy 8(C)(1) of the Downtown Specific Plan states "A Historic Preservation Advisory Commission complying with the requirements of the State Historic Preservation Office for participating in the Certified Local Government Program will be established..."; and WHEREAS, Town Council Resolution 98-40 established the Commission in 1998, including the number of members, the required membership qualifications and the duties and responsibilities of the Commission. This resolution also authorized the formation of either a five- or seven-person HPAC; and WHEREAS, Town Council Resolution 99-48 refined the requirements necessary of the HPAC; and WHEREAS, in 2009, Resolution 99-48 was repealed and Resolution 2009-67 was adopted which established a seven-member HPAC. Resolution 2009-67 also established the requirements necessary to be a Commissioner, including three Professional members, three Lay members and one member of the Truckee-Donner Historical Society; WHEREAS, one of the Town Council's priorities is to seek efficiencies in services including how the Town processes land use applications and development review, including Historic Design Review; and WHEREAS, at its December 8, 2015 hearing, the Town Council decided to establish a five member Commission which would include two Professional members, two Lay members and a member of the Truckee-Donner Historical Society; ****** NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TRUCKEE, the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission's configuration is modified as follows: Section 1-Commission Established The Commission shall consist of five (5) members who shall be appointed by the Town Council. Section 2-Qualifications Two (2) commission members shall be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation-related disciplines, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. If such professionals are not available, commission members who have a demonstrated special interest, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation or other historic preservation-related disciplines, with interest or knowledge in Truckee history, or who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience, or knowledge in Truckee history may be appointed in-lieu of such professionals. One (1) commission member shall be a member of the Truckee-Donner Historical Society. Two (2) members hall be a lay member who has demonstrated special interest, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation or other historic preservation-related disciplines with interest or knowledge in Truckee history, or who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience, or knowledge in Truckee history. It is desirable that members reside, work, or own property or a business in the HP district. Each commission member shall attend at least one informational or educational meeting, seminar, workshop, or conference per year that pertains directly to the work and functions of the commission. Section 5-Meetings/Quorums A quorum of three for a five member Commission shall be required for the transaction of any business. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL, that all other aspects of Resolution 2009-67 remain unchanged. The foregoing resolution was introduced by Council Member Wallace Dee, seconded by Vice Mayor Goodwin, at a regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council, held on the 12th day of January, 2016 and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Council Member Wallace Dee, Vice Mayor Goodwin, Council Member Flora, Council Member Barr, and Mayor deRyk Jones. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: Joa eRyk Jones, M or / Judy P ice, M r ,� own Clerk