HomeMy Public PortalAboutCitizens Waste Managment Advisory Committee (7) Town of Truckee CITIZENS WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 1999, 4:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 1. CALL TO ORDER-Chair Ingalls called the meeting to order at 4:10 pm. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members Angelo Perata, Don McCormack, Paul Thomas, David Drinks, Geoff Stephens, Linda Fairman, Chelsea Walterscheid, Al Salas,Ron Ratto, Pat Sutton, Dan Helm,and Chair Beth Ingalls. ALSO PRESENT: Daniel P.Wilkins,Town Engineer; and,Jim Smith, Staff Assistant 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS — Chair Ingalls introduced Janie Deuser Collomb who heard about the CWMAC from the US Forest Service staff. She stated that she had a background in recycling in Hawaii,and offered her assistance to the Committee. She was the founder and Executive Director for Hawaii's recycling center. Through her efforts, Hawaii changed "recycling" to "an economic redevelopment"issue nomenclature,and the community paid more attention to the problem. She also commented on Boulder, Colorado's efforts, as well as that city's current recycling efforts. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4:1 Minutes of September 7, 1999.Motion by Member Stephens to approve the minutes, Seconded by Member Salas,motion passed unanimously. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Support of Joint Submittal of Fifth Cycle Used Oil Opportunity Grant with Nevada County-Oral Report-Dan Wilkins. Mr.Wilkins reported on the State's Waste Management Board having funds available to assist in the implementation of used oil recycling programs. Over the last three years, the Town had used those funds and worked jointly with Nevada County who actually administered the grant.The County provided two staff people to implement the program in the Eastern County,including Truckee. Current discussions were being held with Nevada County Environmental Health to provide assistance in locating an additional site,possibly at the airport, and piggybacking off the Tahoe Basin program for boat marinas at Donner Lake. Application packages were due October Pt, and Nevada County included the Committee in their application. Council approval of a Town resolution would be,required. It was the consensus of the Committee to proceed with the joint application with Nevada County. • Town of Truckee Citizens Waste Management Advisory Committee Page 1 5.2 Update on Status of HHW Grant Received by Town of Truckee- Oral Report--Dan Wilkins.Mr.Wilkins presented an update on past grant activities in association with Jim Greco to put together a new program for HHW at the Eastern Regional Landfill. Initially, the Town applied for $54,000. That application was denied due to budget limitations;however the application, in theory, was approved. Initial contact with a State Board representative at previously held solid waste conferences proved to be beneficial in that the Town received a letter stating that a$24,700 grant had been earmarked for promotion of a HHW facility at the landfill with public education in proper storage and transfer of materials to the local facility.The first quarterly report would be due by December 15, 1999 Member Ratto explained the current program for disposing of HHW material at the landfill.Member Sutton noted that more people would utilize the program if disposition could be done in Town,but due to liability for potential contamination,the program was required to be conducted at the Eastern Regional Landfill. The next scheduled event was scheduled for March, 2000. Ms. Collomb suggested a Halloween ad to say something like"If you think Halloween is scary,look under your kitchen sink..."and felt it would be timely for the November collection. Councilmember McCormack felt color ads drew more attention. Mr. Wilkins reported that funding was available and the landfill facility was on-line and the Committee was assisting in regional promotion. A newspaper insert or a door-hanger could be developed in preparation for spring. Ms. Collomb suggested contacting the grocery stores for permission to stuff shopping bags. Motion by Member Thomas to double the size of the ad and CWMAC to pay the additional cost; Seconded by Member Stephens. Discussion on Motion: Member Ratto noted that the disposal company advertised in all three area newspapers.Member Sutton felt a second ad by the Committee would be more appropriate,and Chair Ingalls felt a separate, more distinctive ad would be in order. The landfill ad would be focused on HHW and the Committee's ad could be about recycling. The ad would run from January through November in all three papers.Member Sutton questioned Mr.Ratto on contract terms with Nevada County as to advertising requirements contained in the franchise agreement, and questioned whether the Committee should be supplementing the disposal company's efforts. Member Stephens felt the Committee was trying to enhance the total advertising picture. Member Sutton also suggested monitoring the response. VOTE ON MOTION: The motion passed unanimously. The ad would run through the end of November 1999 (two in October and one in November). Chair Ingalls expressed concern about spending funds on ads when there would be no collection activity. Member Fairman stated she would contact other retailers about stuffing ads in shopping bags. Member Fairman noted again for the record that Rite Aid would not participate in that type of promotion due to Rite Aid's corporate management location on the East Coast where no blue bags were in usage.It was suggested that HHW information should also be included in the bag staffers. Town of Truckee Citizens Waste Management Advisory Committee Page 2 Member Ratto requested clarification as to whether the Committee wanted the ad to run in all three area papers. Member Sutton questioned using public funds for a private company in another county. Mr. Wilkins pointed out the benefits to Truckee citizens by Placer County paying for the installation of the HHW disposal facility. Member Fairman said that approximately 30,000 people went through the Truckee Safeway,but there was no guarantee that the fliers would be retained by the shoppers or that the employees of the store would actually stuff the bags.Member Fairman also suggested putting the stuffers on the local message/advertising board located just inside the entrances.Member Sutton felt there should be a commitment from the store manager before expending public funding. Some members felt a more direct local citizen mailing via bulk mail would be better.Member Sutton requested that a more detailed discussion be held as to what types of targeted mailings should be done and how to evaluate their success. Member Ratto suggested having his employees drop a flier into each garbage can each week The disposal company would supply the labor if the Committee supplied the ad piece.Member Thomas suggested a door hanger to include HHW on one side and recycling on the other. Mr. Wilkins needed a not-to-exceed budget amount, specific language, dates, and coordination with the disposal company for budget and other considerations. Member Thomas commented that Tahoe Donner purchased ready-cut door hangers and had the printing done locally. Motion by Member Walterscheid to move forward with the door hanger project with a budget amount not to exceed$2,000; Seconded by Member Thomas,motion passed unanimously. 5.3 Subcommittee Reports: a. Retail Displays/Retailer Outreach—Linda Fairman. Member Fairman reported on the subcommittee's activities on contacting the Town's commercial segment to introduce recycling promotions. She felt she was at a standstill with no handouts or information available to the commercial sector of the community. Chair Ingalls clarified the intent of the draft letter stating it was to serve as an introduction,followed up by individual appointments to present the Committee's point of view about the necessity of implementing a community-wide recycling program. Another area to discuss was refuse contamination from a variety of sources—restaurant food waste,wet cardboard, etc:, and the need to keep recyclable material clean. Cardboard recycling was also discussed. If the merchants went together to purchase a bailer,the refuse company would pick up the bailed material at no cost.The bailer mechanism would need to be inside a closed area due to wet winter weather and the need to keep cardboard dry. Mr. Ratto clarified that the Factory Stores did not have a bailer,but merely a locked dumpster. Mr. Wilkins questioned the likelihood of utilizing a locked dumpster for the merchants to use since space was critical in the downtown area due to less free parking being available to employees. Ms. Collomb suggested two locked areas—one for garbage and one for recyclables.Member Sutton questioned if the Town could subsidize a private company to police the area as far as promoting recycling efforts. She felt the merchant letter was very good. Councilmember McCormack commented that the Town did have the clout to take a parking space or two for a recycling bin or a bailing unit in light of the potential$10,000 per day fine if the year 2000 goals are not achieved. The goal of the plan was to get the individual businesses to work together as one and reduce the amount of trash. Councilmember McCormack suggested inviting the TDMA President,Ed Candler, to the next Committee meeting. Member Sutton suggested the Committee attend the Association's Directors meeting. An appointment would be scheduled to meet with the merchants. Mr.Wilkins explained that the year 2000 goal was 50%reduction of the 1990 base year. Increased blue bag usage started when the disposal company started to bill for the extra garbage cans. The first year the Committee focused on residential use, now the goal was to target commercial entities. Member Fairman counted 15 garbage cans on Commercial Row and suggested for every five garbage cans,there should be one for recycling. Town of Truckee Citizens Waste Management Advisory Committee Page 3 b.Advertising/Web Page—Al Salas. Member Salas made a presentation about a proposed slide show on TV6 at a reduced price of $500 annually with changes permitted any time during the year.It would be a full screen slide presentation,and would be aired 20-30 times per day. Discussion ensued about whether"clean"needed to be added to the proposed advertisement.Mr.Ratto said the refuse company did not want to receive"dirt"jars and cans since it reduced the saleability of those items. Ms. Collomb suggested the message be put up first,then put the Committee name at the end. Councilmember McCormack suggested two slides. The cost would include ad set-up by TV6. Motion by Member Walterscheid to allocate $500 for a TV6 ad campaign, Seconded by Member Helms,motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued and revisions were made to the ad. Member Sutton suggested emphasizing cost savings be included in the ad. c. Legislative Monitoring—Pat Sutton.No report. d.Reference Library—Dan Wilkins.Mr. Wilkins reported that he had made a request to the PUD to allow placement of a brochure rack in the lobby,and he was anticipating a favorable response. Member Walterscheid commented that the Committee might want to have a booth at the upcoming Truckee River Clean-up Day on October 10th.A few members would need to staff a table for about 2-3 hours mid-day.Another suggestion was to discuss a green business incentive program,and school programs. No expenditures were anticipated since supplies were available. Sarah Green was the contact person for the River Clean-up Day. Motion by Member Thomas to participate in the Clean-up Day,Seconded by Member Fairman, motion passed unanimously. 6. ADJOURNMENT. Chair Ingalls adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, • by: fN/ Jim S±i 'th,Administrative Staff Assistant Town of Truckee Citizens Waste Management Advisory Committee Page 4