HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 05:238 2t\£füluíiú1t ú£ í4£;¡Æúrúu£4 ú£ ([lätÍ£r£j1 ~+ 3]+ No. 05-238 Date of Adoption August 11, 2005 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET AND THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY AND FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Carteret desires to further the public interest by obtaining a grant from the State of New Jersey in the amount of$28,220.00 to fund storm-water activities as described in the Scope of Services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body resolves that Patrick DeBlasio, Chief Financial Officer, is authorized, (a) to make application for such a grant, (b) if awarded, to execute a grant agreement with the State and (c) to execute any amendments thereto which do not increase the Grantee's obligations; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Municipal Laws, Rules and Regulations in its performance pursuant to the agreement. Adopted this 11th day of August, 2005 And certified as a true copy of the Original on August 12,2005. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC, CMC Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE RIIM i~JJ- NAPLES RlOS SIT RZ YES NO NY A.B. X X X CO. NCILMAN YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILMAN X -lndicate Vote AS - AbsenT. NY - Not Voting X.OR - Indic<lles Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municip::d Co_ r,:ij -~ August 11, 2005 J CLERK ·{\(If"!'"" ,.', ",fr'ë!0t' .,>: d~1'1~ ··-'f.·"';:';":·"~~i;l iJ.~~~ ''''''.!'¡.,!£(i-., ;}~¡i~¡ ',.....,.t¡¡¡¡:;". :,..;:{~i4)it ,'~}{ ':"·"'\'il".i\;:~~*,:' .1.':. ,'>'<"1";/<:'10'),_': ··,-.'·:'L.¡~,qo\< ;}¡:;'I. ·~~ît··>; 7325412884 BOROU (1',1 TIffl DEI'AIlT:>t BOROUGH OFCARTERET PAGE 02 Attøetlll~~t A GlIANT AGIŒDŒNT JlElWEEN F CARTERET Name otGraotec. an u,pltah:) AND STATIi OF NEW JI!.II.SIiY BY A/'III FOR NT OP ENVlRONMliJIITAL PR0TJI.CI1:0N GO GRANTI ENTIFIER: WQ05-310 G BODY RESOLUTION Therefore,. the gtWe"-.( body resolves tJut c1' (prt~t title of aqthor.iM otJJdaJ) l(I'U\i IIIVIIii...t with the State !ûtd. (c) to execll inen:.st the Grantee". obliptl0Jl.L Tbe Gr... a..... to eo..pl)' ...-11_ .1 appliU.bl rederal, Sblœ, .ad ~u.JI.(eJ,pa1I.WII, ndhj IIl;I.d npJaUus io its perronnanœ punu.lli!It to die Jlp-eement. The govemiD. bod,I of aCROUGH OF C:"RT (priøt Gr..tee'lI' Na oIJtainÎII.C. graJlt from die s."tr, of New len,q I in the Scope ofSemU$. II'iU'Oftr.ed lod ~~ Ayeo' No_: Abaent; I, (print n..c:) ( I Cottl_, spllCifJ) tbi. resblution ""' da,ly adopb:d by desÎm to fbrth... tIM pu". ilit.-est by tø fuÞd Ibormwater.UhtCIM as da,=rtbed fÞÍf"w"""'-1 .....tume) d <a) 0 ...k. ...,.lIcatioa fM audla 1I.....t, (b) if'."..rdec:l, to .:I.&Ølte.. . M" tile s1ltœucn' to tb~ Om" of I MY amadmcuq thø:"l!to I 1 aD'f amendm_u tbetete whieh do WI: S&.U- CERTlFICA110NOiI J ...unldpal clerk I ) CÐUlJ,ty clerk. I J utilitiel Alltltority <"1edl, or ØIIrd'fYtbt (priBt Gráatet'. n....) at II medi... duly held o. the (prlnt me of Gr...'. lIoft~tftC body) day 01 . .......-.--. tIIat tIIi. n:901ut1.~ bas Dot been IIIDcnded 1)'- repea1edj aad that it rem.~. bI fuU to~ ..d efJed on the datil! J "IiIYe sabtcri m1 ;tp_nrr..·· (aigllcttu:,,)'" (pnlit..It).) (prlOI_) Oetl!': 'ORTIFICA 1'101'1 MUST BE SIGNED BY A OFl>ICIAL OTII:ER "111M THE I \I])MDUAL 4{)TR<J;JUZBD TO EiUcun: THE AGRliEMENT_ ""nû dctt DlUI' be Q$ AlOft ttaa. si:d)' (61) d. . prior 1tq"'1iI GraDbe'. BlI:natiou ottilie .~~t. J'''.orilinal ccrtific:.tion ~I'e$ ,,"or to the Gnmtec', lion. GraD.tn _lilt: labmit a cwmady artlded top)' oU,n.s ReIOIBtio. wh_ it reu.1'JIfiI tlll~ aecIItM .p'«meutto the o.ep. eIIt. 08/04/2005 10:18 7325412884 BOROUGH OFCARTERET PAGE Ð1 20 COOKE AVENUe¡ CARTEAET. NEW Ji!RSEY 07008 Phone: 732-541-382\1 Fa" 732-541-2884 BOROUGH OF CARTERET . . . /: t' \ t\\\O ~ I\"-'~' Fax To: Kathy B4mey F"" Patrick DeBlasio Fax;: 732-541·,8925 August 4. 2005 , Phone: : 2 including cover sheet Re: RÐso-nekt meeting CC: ¡;;¡ U.."nt I!'l1 for .eview o Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please .ecyc/e -CommentsJ Hi Kathy, Please put on next council meeting. Thanks.. . Pal