HomeMy Public PortalAbout2020-02-25TOWN OF TRUCKEE TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 25, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Town Hall - Administrative Center 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Polivy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council Members; Abrams, Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Polivy. Absent: Council Member Commendatore. Staff Present: Seana Doherty, Housing Program Manager; Kelly Beede, Administrative Analyst II; Nicole Casey, Senior Accountant; Nick Martin, Administrative Analyst II; Hilary Hobbs, Management Analyst; Denyelle Nishimori, Community Development Director; Daniel Wilkins, Public Works Director/Town Engineer; Andrew Morris, Town Attorney; Jennifer Masters, Administrative Technician; Judy Price, Director of Communications, Town Clerk; Jeff Loux, Town Manager; Rob Leftwich, Chief of Police; and Chrissy Earnhardt, Administrative Services Manager. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — recited in unison. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Doug Coulter read from written comment (on file with the Town Clerk). Vice Mayor Klovstad thanked those that have served on the Climate Action Committee for the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). 5. PRESENTATIONS — none. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Tirman, and seconded by Council Member Abrams, to approve the Consent Calendar Items as follows: 6.1 Approve the Minutes of January 22 & 23, 2020 Team Building Workshop, and February 11, 2019 Regular and Closed Session Meetings. 6.2 Adopt Resolution 2020-10 and Resolution 2020-11 modifying the June 2019 request of Transportation Development Act Funds from the Nevada County Transportation Commission supporting the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Truckee TART System, and establishing a six-month transit operating reserve. 6.3 Adopt Resolution 2020-07 revising the CalHome Down Payment Assistance Program Guidelines and Resolution 2020-08 revising the Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods (BEGIN) Down Payment Assistance Program Guidelines. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 The Consent Calendar carried with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Abrams, Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore. Abstained: none. The motion passed 4-0. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.1 STAFF REPORT: Establish and Appoint Members to the Public Art Advisory Body. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 2020-09 establishing a Public Art Advisory Body; and appoint Troy Corliss, Molly Moore, Jean Fournier, Heather River, Carole Sesko, Jennifer Standteiner, and Carolyn Wallace Dee to the Public Art Advisory Body for two and four-year terms, with term lengths to be selected at the first advisory body meeting. Hilary Hobbs, Management Analyst, presented from the staff report (on file with the Town Clerk). Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. Sarah Smith, Truckee Arts Alliance, shared her gratitude for the process, and support for the arts community. Mayor Polivy closed public comment. The staff recommendation was moved by Vice Mayor Klovstad, seconded by Council Member Tirman, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Abrams, Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore. Abstained: none. The motion passed 4-0. 7.2 STAFF REPORT: Request to Continue Railyard Public Art Installation Outside of the Public Art Program Process. Recommended Action: Exempt the proposed Railyard public art installation from the developing Public Art Advisory Body process to avoid project delay. Hilary Hobbs, Management Analyst, presented from the staff report (on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • Questioned what the historic slang for Community is. Response from Jennifer Standteiner — They are researching with the Truckee Historical Society. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. Jason Hansford, Truckee Development Associates (TDA), stated: • TDA is excited to be working with the Standteiner on this project. They just found today that the roundabout contains too many utilities to move forward with the original idea, but they are excited to have the current art piece underway. Tony Corliss, artist of the art piece; provided a background and presented a mock-up of the art. Joey Rzeplinski, resident, stated: • Supports this project, and keeping it moving forward. • Here to show support for the project, and the art. Mayor Polivy closed public comment. The staff recommendation was moved by Council Member Abrams, seconded by Council Member Tirman, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Abrams, Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore. Abstained: none. The motion passed 4-0. 7.3 STAFF REPORT: Approval of Accessory Dwelling Unit Pilot Program, and Direction on Other Potential Housing Programs. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 2020-12 to enable the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Pilot Program; and discuss future housing program priorities from the General Fund Housing Designation. Seana Doherty, Housing Program Manager, presented from the staff report (on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • Homeowner Associations can no longer make it unreasonably difficult to build ADUs. • There are no development fees for 750 sq/ft. or less. • A fee reduction over 2% will trigger prevailing wage requirements. • ADU cost to construct is somewhat a barrier because the cost to build smaller is often times greater. • Adding an ADU adds equity to each property that participates. • State law went into effect which means rents cannot be increased more than five percent annually. • There is nothing in the Ordinance that would eliminate an absentee homeowner from renting an ADU for long-term rental. • Town is looking at the possibility of hiring a project manager in order to help direct the pairing of landlords and tenants. • Discussion about the Casita Program acceptance criteria. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 " Conversations with Placer and Nevada Counties are continuing. " Through Climate Action Plan, the idea would be to work with other entities (Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Southwest Gas, Liberty Utilities, etc.) through the program. " How the funds are monitored will depend on Council's purpose. Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. John Falk, stated: " Deed restrictions are relatively permanent and hard to change. " The use of ordinances is a more effective way to shape units over time. " Important to note the seasonal workforce; it's not just the full-time resident that needs housing. " If deed restrictions are used, look at the possibility of a buy out to make the Town whole. Anne Dwyer, Architect/Business owner, stated: " ADU pilot program is a wonderful program and will be interwoven into our community. " Two primary issues: lack of knowledge, and permitting and design fees. " Implement a process to help increase public knowledge. " Increase the ease of access to these spaces. Heather Rankow, Business owner: " Recommended Town provide a public workshop  great public relations opportunity for both the program and the Town. " Provide website forms and checklists. " Recommend reporting to Council quarterly. " Publish a workflow and permitting diagram. " Help homeowners with an easy path to get a permit. Make it easy and streamlined. " Suggested an Open Counter Hour 3 days a week to talk about ADUs. Heidi Almstead, Martis Fund, stated: " One of the Martis Fund programs is down payment assistance; we may be able to collaborate. Peter Greenberger, Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe, stated: " The visual impact on the community is limited if we go with the ADU option. " Provided anecdotal information about previous State rebate or incentive programs. " Fee reductions and waivers instead of deferrals will do a lot, and there are ways to avoid prevailing wage triggers. " The Martis Fund has expressed interest in helping, let them. " CATT would love to participate in an ADU Academy. Valarie Brinker, CATT/Homeowner, read from written comment on file with the Town Clerk. Mayor Polivy closed public comment. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 Council Direction: ADU Program Discussion: • Support the pilot program as outlined. • Good allocation of funding to kick-start the program. • Be mindful of the complexities, and keep it simple for success. • Down payment assistance really helps a particular customer that is not on this list. • Suggestions about linking Rehab/Energy Efficiency with the landlord incentive. • Discussion regarding amounts allocated toward the four new proposed housing program priorities. • If people are not taking advantage of the programs, they could be pulled for review, and modification. • Dissenting viewpoint shared on the down payment assistance idea. • Concerned with the idea of doing away with rental assistance pilot. • Provide tools to the business community to give them examples of how to help provide housing. Council Direction: • Approve the ADU Pilot Program as outlined in the staff report, and approve five housing program priorities; the four outlined programs, plus the addition of the first time homebuyer down payment assistance loan program. The staff recommendation, including the direction above, was moved by Council Member Tirman, seconded by Council Member Abrams, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Abrams, Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore. Abstained: none. The motion passed 4-0. Mayor Polivy called for a brief recess. Mayor Polivy reconvened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. 7.4 STAFF REPORT: Discussion of General Plan Market Analysis Report and Draft Policy Recommendations. Recommended Action: Discuss the January 30, 2020 "Town of Truckee General Plan Update Non -Residential Market Analysis", prepared by BAE Urban Economics, and provide direction to staff on policy recommendations. Denyelle Nishimori, Community Development Director, presented from the staff report (on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • The zoning and building portions would come later if the land use designations changed. • Pioneer Commerce Center has some mixed use, which has been allowed. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 In Downtown with the West River Street revitalization, there may need to be some land use designation changes. Truckee is relatively new in its existence with remnant zoning left over from earlier days when the highway was Donner Pass Road, so there will be some modifications and possible dual land use designations that may need to occur. Aaron Nousaine, Associate Principal, BAE was invited to podium to answer questions: • In looking at the demand versus supply figures, BAE tried to break it down in the pipeline, with a 20 -year projection of demand. • There are certain changes in the report that can be reasonably anticipated, but others cannot be anticipated — like the last recession. • Growth rate is calculated from a projection without constraints, then layering on constraints and assuming fair share of population and employment from a regional perspective. Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. John Falk, Tahoe Sierra Board of Realtors, Legislative Advocate, stated: • Suggested using encouragement or incentives rather than requirements on Page five of the staff report. • Request that limitations are not placed on STR's at this time that is key to the tourism economy, and would have economic impacts that may be unintended. • STR's are a hot button topic. Heather Rankow, stated: • Most common office use, is a small office. There aren't enough in current supply. • Multi -use spaces are also something to look at. • E-commerce is building up, while retail spaces are paring down. • Promote, as a community, mixed development uses in order to create micro - communities. • Promote developers to achieve this by working with them to invest in the communities. Jan Holan, General Plan Advisory Committee Member, Truckee resident, stated: • Important to look at industrial zoning for residential. • Concerned with the direction in the Pioneer Center with the conversion of industrial to commercial. • Cautioned that we need to have very specific zoning plans along the river. Art Chapman, stated.- This tated:This is a very good report. • Provided anecdotal information about housing demand. • Workforce housing needs to be created for people who work here. • It is difficult to attract new retail, because the businesses can't find the workforce to staff the businesses. Mayor Polivy closed public comment. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 Council Discussion: • We can provide a framework, but we should allow the marketplace to determine various uses in the community. • Micro -communities were important to bring up, but they need to be balanced and flexible. • Nothing in the report should be considered static; things can and change - we need to be flexible. • Policy should address more flexible office spaces. • To have flexibility for good high quality jobs, we need to make sure we look at the market within the framework. We don't want square footage to be sitting vacant. • There was general agreement with staff's recommendations. Council Member Abrams left the meeting at 9:17 p.m. 7.5 STAFF REPORT: West River Site Master Site Plan Approval. Recommended Action: Approve the West River Site (Capital Improvement Project C1817) Master Site Plan, and direct staff to move forward with Phase 1, park design. Hilary Hobbs, Management Analyst, presented from the staff report (on file with the Town Clerk). Council Discussion: • Pedestrian use will be less than on commercial row. • The volume of activity for bicycles on the sidewalk should be reduced in the future with the future legacy trail extension. • Design updates can be brought back at the next Council Meeting. • Concern with the size and scale of the property on the east side of the site; suggestion to make it more viewable from a walk from the east in a westerly direction. • Work is being done to realign the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100 year floodplain map. • There was discussion about having the bridge landing in the park. The park was meant to provide greater river access, the bridge may compromise the intent of the park. • Suggested talking to MDG about having more realistic renderings for the next presentation. • Concern with having bikes on the sidewalks. • The travel for cyclists and pedestrians really should be separated and clear. • Visual access should be reassessed from the east. • Would like to see re -designed graphics to include the bridge landing. Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. Jan Holan, Truckee Trails Board Member, stated: • One minor correction, there is no bike lane at Donner Creek. o It is important to look ahead at what West River Street could be in the future. o Hopefully at some point, we will have a proper bike lane for further connectivity. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 " Support the location of the bridge. " Concerned with having bikes on the sidewalks. " Angled parking isn't the issue. " Concerned with the volume of pedestrian and bicycle traffic that will occur with the connection of the Pyramid Trail. " It is uncomfortable to ride behind angled parking; it is more unsafe than parallel parking. Mayor Polivy closed public comment. Council Direction: To move forward with Phase 1 park design and come back with the streetscape design at a later date. The staff recommendation, as modified in the Council Direction, was moved by Vice Mayor Klovstad, seconded by Council Member Tirman, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore, and Council Member Abrams. Abstained: none. The motion passed 3-0. 7.6 PUBLIC HEARING: Public Hearing for Discussion of Possible State Community Development Block Grant Application. Recommended Action: Open a Public Hearing; solicit public input and comments regarding activities to be included in the Town's possible Community Development Block Grant application. Denyelle Nishimori, Community Development Director, presented from the staff report Mayor Polivy opened the public hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in support or opposition to the action stated above. Seeing none, Mayor Polivy closed public comment. The staff recommendation was moved by Vice Mayor Klovstad, seconded by Council Member Tirman, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore and Council Member Abrams. Abstained: none. The motion passed 3-0. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 7.7 STAFF REPORT: Town Council Legislative Platform. Recommended Action: Adopt the Town of Truckee Legislative Platform or provide direction to staff regarding amendments to the draft. Andrew Morris, Town Attorney, presented from the staff report Council Discussion: • This is important to move forward in an organized fashion. • Questioned what supports rail transportation in our system. o That would fall under transportation infrastructure. • Favor an increase in Library and Public Art Funding. Mayor Polivy opened the item for public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Polivy closed public comment. The staff recommendation was moved by Vice Mayor Klovstad, seconded by Council Member Tirman, and adopted with the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Tirman, Vice Mayor Klovstad, and Mayor Tirman. Noes: none. Absent: Council Member Commendatore and Council Member Abrams. Abstained: none. The motion passed 3-0. 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Vice Member Klovstad • Attended General Plan Advisory Committee and the Climate Action Sub - Committee Meetings. • Attended Chamber Mixer at Stella. • Phone conversation with Assemblyperson Dahle about wildfire. • Attended the Mayor Manager Meeting. • Met with Diedre Walsh from Northstar regarding reduced footprint. • Attended Truckee Springs Fundraising event. • Presented the welcome address to the North Lake Tahoe Truckee Leadership Program. Council Member Tirman • Met with a French documentary film crew on February 11. Mayor Polivy • Met with project proponent from the West River Cottages. • Spoke with Devin Bradley from Nevada County for smoke free downtown. • Attended the Chamber Mixer at Stella. • Met with Board Director and Tournament Director for the Barracuda Golf Tournament that will be held over the 41h of July. • Met with Sierra Business Council. • Met with Heidi Doyle from Sierra State Parks Foundation. Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 9 9. ADJOURNMENT — 10:34 p.m. To the regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council March 10, 2020, 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA. Respectfully submitted by: J nifer L. sters, d inistrati Technician, for J Price, MMC, Town Clerk Approved: avid Polivy,'Mayor Town of Truckee February 25, 2020, Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes Page 10