HomeMy Public PortalAbout2008-07-16 I I I TOWN OF TRUCKEE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 16, 2008, 6:00 p.m. Town Hall - Administrative Center 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 6:02:23 PM 2. ROLL CALL: Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Brown, Mayor Green, and Council Member Susman. Absent: Council Member Dee abstaining due to a conflict of interest. Staff Present: Town Planner Hall, Records Technician Kuhlemier, Assistant Planner LaChance, Town Manager Lashbrook, Assistant Town Manager Terrazas, Senior Engineer Vaughan, and Public Works Director/Town Engineer Wilkins. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - led by Bob Williams. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. 5. 5.1 PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Hilltop Master Plan (Application 00-110); Town of Truckee, applicant. Recommended Action: 1) Conduct a public hearing on the matter and continue the deliberation portion of the public hearing to the August 7, 2008 regular meeting; 2) Adopt Resolution 2008-01, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration; 3) Adopt Resolution 2008-02, approving amendments to the Downtown Specific Plan; 4) Direct Town Staff to incorporate the revisions listed in Table 2 of the staff report into the Hilltop Master Plan and Design Guidelines and return the revised master plan and Resolution 2008-03 to the Council for consideration of adoption at the August 7, 2008 meeting; and 5) Direct Staff to return Ordinance 2008-01 to Town Council for consideration of its introduction at the August 7, 2008 meeting. Mayor Green disclosed she lived in a neighborhood adjacent to the project. 6:03:05 PM Duane Hall, Town Planner, presented from the Staff report: . The Master Plan is a comprehensive planning and policy document, adopted by the Town Council to guide Town decisions on the development, infrastructure, public services, and conservation of natural resources on the property. o This is not a development plan or permit. Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 1 o The plan will outline growth and redevelopment of Hilltop area for the next 20 years. o Master Plan Contents. o Introduction and land use. o Common infrastructure. o Land uses and development standards. o Design guidelines. o Historical resources. o Environmental policies. o The Reynold Parcel is not part of the Hilltop Master Plan (map on file with the Town ae~. . o The Hilltop Area Planning sub-area in the Downtown Specific Plan did not include the development potential for Reynold parcel in the existing and projected growth. o This mistake is being corrected as part of an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan. o The traffic from Reynold parcel was analyzed in the traffic studies as part of the background traffic, not traffic generated by the proposed Master Plan. o The Ski Hill is a very important piece of the Master Plan. 6:26:37 PM o Traffic Analysis o Conducted in accordance with Town Engineer requirements. o Conducted by LSC Transportation Consultants, Gordon Shaw. 6:29:02 PM Gordon Shaw, LSC Transportation Consultants stated; o Two accidents over a five year period that were reported. o If the accidents are not reported, they are not In the statistics. 6:36:50 PM Council Discussion: o The trail commonly known as the Aspenwood Trail: will go through the seven lots and connect the Aspenwood Development. o Stricter language in the plan for expectations for future snow storage is possible. o Council is not approving the development plan or the building envelopes. o Council would like to avoid all ambiguity as this plan relates to the General Plan policies. o Council would like Staff to keep all discrepancies out of this plan. o Council questioned the two to four lane widening of Brockway Road. sce Engineering, Dale Creighton presented: o Background on the Town ofTruckee's 1996 General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan. o Proposed building size for the Hilltop Master Plan by owners are: o JAR-Hilltop 22,938 square feet. o Young 1,875 square feet. - 0 Kuttle 2,000 square feet. o Intrawest 6,050 square feet. o A total building square footage is estimated at 33,863 square feet. o 460 units of residential. o 3.86 acres of commercial. Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 2 I I I I I I o The Master Plan promotes development of the Hilltop area as an attractive residential area incorporating a mix of commercial, office, and recreational uses oriented to pedestrians. o General guidelines for development density in the area are contained in Table 2.1 under the Hilltop sub-area. o A Master Site Plan shall be prepared prior to any new development and shall: o Include affordable housing. o Preserve and protect the old ski hill in a public park. o Primary access will be from Palisades Drive. o Cluster development to protect sensitive resources, ridge lines, scenic views, and open space. o A mix of retail and office uses shall be included to provide goods and services to the neighborhoods along Brockway Road and the Hilltop area. o The Master Plan shall include design standards ensuring compatible architecture and site design with the existing historic mountain character. o The Master Plan shall protect and improve existing pedestrian trail access to "The Palisades", the Truckee River and Brockway Road. o The Master Plan shall identify how existing historic resources on the site will be protected. o The Master Plan shall identify standards for appropriately scaled and designed development. o Overview of section topics, design guidelines, and design process. o Overview of community concerns, economic analysis, and green planning principles. Council Discussion: o Fitch and Cook will develop their existing eight acres; this will start the development process of the Hilltop Master Plan. o Fitch and Cook bought the Kuttle property adjacent to Tom Young's. o Torn Young does not have current development plans. o Life of the Master Plan is in stone until Council changes the plan. o Future items may arise that need the plan to be altered. o Council can review the plan at any point. Dale Creighton asked for a provision of a height requirement on the Young property. Stated the applicant would like the height of a future building taller. RESPONSE: Council questioned why there would need to be a height requirement change? Council supported Staffs height requirements in the Plan. 7:41:16 PM Mayor Green opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone wishing to speak in support or opposition to the Hilltop Master Plan (Application 00-110). Dan Warren, Truckee Tahoe Area Bikers Association (TTABA): o Thanked the Great Race participants. o Trail access Sierra Meadows and adjacent neighborhoods lack. o Stated the more intersections on the roadway will increase the possibility of more Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 3 accidents. 7:48:43 PM Dennis Dickinson, Truckee resident: o Wetlands in the Hilltop Master Plan area are an issue. o The wetlands go down from Hilltop towards Palisade Drive to the Ponderosa Golf course ending in the Truckee River. . Trenches have been dug in the wetlands to remove water, damaging the wetlands. . Concerns regarding the protection of wetland in the project area. o Request Staff join him for a site visit. I 7:53:14 PM Andrew Esler, Truckee resident: o When he bought his house in the area, there was no future plans to build anywhere around his house and now they will build within a 100 feet of his property. o Requested more space between the neighborhoods. o With the many changes in people making decisions in the Town of Truckee, there seems to be a lack of positive community approach. . The traffic studies do not have comments regarding Truckee Donner Regional Park with concerts and games; this has increased the traffic on Brockway and Palisades. o Requested Council look at this type of traffic in the Master Plan. 7:56:46 PM Peggy Towns, Truckee resident: o The traffic analysis does not show all the traffic hazards that take place on the corner in I question. o The traffic study does not address the hazards created by a new road. o Would like an access gate to Sierra Meadows. 7:59:04 PM Tom Allen, Truckee resident: o Stated he bought his home in Truckee for the ambiance of the Town. o Growth is annihilating the Town and its character. o Requested Council do a study and protect the wetlands. o Requested limiting the access road for emergency use. Jacqui Zink, Truckee Resident: . Requested Dale Creighton change the font on the presentations. o Stated every developer uses an urban study; however the community has not expressed it's desire to have an urban Town. o Expressed concerns that the Planning Commission is not addressing community concerns. o Request Council require an Environmental Impact Report, prior to adoption of this plan. o Questioned the sustainability of the green building components in the Plan. o Stated the Master Plan lacks the lighting components. o Herb shop has light pollution in Truckee. o Stated height is an issue: I o Newly constructed buildings in Truckee keep getting taller. Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 4 I I I o Stated the property owners have not conceded to this project NOT being good for Truckee. o Stated traffic study lacks the component of winter months. o The stop lights in Truckee are becoming urban and disastrous. o Requested Council retain all the requirements in the General Plan Update for this plan. 8:06:49 PM Nichole Sachse, Truckee resident: o Truckee does not have a policy for posting bonds for larger developments. o Concerns about lighting in the Plan. 8:09:34 PM John Eaton, Mountain Area Preservation Foundation (MAPF): o Stated specifications in the Plan are not direct enough. o Questioned why four lane roads are being considered against the General Plan policies. o Would like an extensive public process to approve the four lane road. o Stated the traffic analysis does clearly show the correct activity on the corner. o Questions why the Town is not video taping or audio taping meetings. o Requested Council take the appropriate time to review the Plan, not rushing. o Requested the easements for the ski hill be clearly defined in the Master Plan. o Vigorously objected to any change in height standards. o Stated negotiations between MAPF and the developers did not end the way MAPF would have liked. Jar-Hilltop refused to sign the letter solidifying a contract with MAPF. o There are severe problems with traffic in the intersections. Council Discussion: o In Mr. Creighton's presentation it appears clear that Jar-Hilltop has made concessions to the changes MAPF requested in their public comment. o Council could not understand the disconnect between Jar-Hilltop and MAPF. o Council asked permission to review the letter that is different than the one submitted. John Eaton, MAPF, responded: o There are two ways to memorialize an agreement with a developer. One is through the master plan the other is when the developer and the environmentalist sign an agreement. MAPF is requesting the later of the two. Council Response: o Requested MAPF keep the project and conditions within the public process. 8:22:31 PM Allan Radford; Owner of Jar-Hilltop: o Thanked Staff and Council for the opportunity to respond. o Thanked Staff for their hard work. o Stated he agreed to the changes from MAPF requests; Mr. Creighton drafted a letter and submitted it to Staff. o Mr. Radford had breakfast with Stefanie Oliveri just this morning; at that time he had not seen the newer different version of the letter. Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 5 o He requested Stefanie forward the letter to his Counsel for review. o The revised letter was just received by Mr. Radford today; he still is requesting I time for review. o Agreed to have an answer by August 7'". o Never stated he would not sign the letter just wants to look at any implications. . Supports the historical qualities, parks, public, and ski easement etc. . Assured Council, once he gets an approval for how the property will be developed, the agreement for the ski hill easement will be done in perpetuity. . Enjoys working with Staff and Council. 8:33:59 PM Kaitlyn Backlund, MAPF Executive Director, requested more conversation and negotiations with Mr. Radford. 8:34:55 PM Elli Hyatt; Truckee resident: . The traffic study was done in the summer months. o Pointed out the winter months were not used in the study. o Requested the intersection allow emergency access only. o Requested snow storage be analyzed on the corner. o Stated LSC did not take into account for snow or snow storage. o Stated since there have not been major accidents or fatalities; the accidents that are not reported are not integrated in the record, this leaves a lot of questions. o Stated The roundabout on Brockway Road will cause traffic to back up. 8:39:50 PM I John Svahn, Truckee Trails Foundation; stated he would like the trails integrated in the Trails Master Plan and looks forward to the connection from Hilltop to Sierra Meadows. 8:43:00 PM Jamie Brimer, Truckee resident: . Citizens keep an open mind and keep negotiating to decide what is best for the community and your homes. . The developers will continue to negotiate; everyone will need to make concessions in the end. 8:45:00 PM Joe Evans, Truckee resident: . Concerns regarding: parking, snow, snow storage, and the high density. . Truckee's house prices cause for roommates or even a dual income family, which means more than one car per household. . Requested a more Truckee community approach to the Master Plan. . The corner connection road needs an access but not a through traffic road. o The corner is bad spot currently; making it a through road will increase the danger. . Concerned about the vitality of Downtown and would like to see Hilltop enhance the Downtown not abandon it. 8:49:08 PM Andrew Esler, Truckee resident: I Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 6 I I I . Stated the intersection is a safety hazard. . Would like to question the high density and open space. o Questioned the only open space in the plan is the downhill; which appears to be unusable and un-developable. . Stated Planning Commission replied to a request that the use the of East River and West River intersection could not be utilized because they are to far from the Hilltop Development. . Stated with all the development being proposed in the Town of Truckee; Mr. Esler is interested to see how it will all work for the community and economically. . Stated requested the parking issues with Blue Coyote and the Park and Recreation's Regional Park be examined in this process as well. 8:52:50 PM Jamie Meeks, Prosser resident: . Trees are an asset to our day to day life in Truckee. o Driving in Prosser, it looks like the land has been violated. o There are requirements as to size of trees allowed to be cut in other towns. . Request this become part of the Master Plan. o Stated currently when you see Hilltop you see forest and can't imagine only seeing more buildings. o Requested Council consider the air quality research that states; the lack of dust and erosion control in construction periods can kill trees and increase fire hazards putting the public in danger. . Ms. Meeks lives in Prosser and stated there are never water trucks for any of the new construction being done on Gray's Crossing. Mayor Green closed the public hearing. Dale Creighton, applicant's response: . The project is responsible to provide Class two bike lanes that will prvide connection to planned trails. . . Easement issue; page 3-36 read from the draft master plan. The provisions for the easements are in the plan, the Aspenwood Development. . Design standards and green building provisions are included. . There are lighting standards in the Plan. . There was some ambiguity regarding the MAPF agreement; that has been cleared up in the Master Plan. . Concerns of the slope and lane striping will be addressed in the conceptual design of the intersection. . Statements regarding the roundabout; applicant request Staff address. o The roundabout will move 200 feet to the east for the roundabout. o The current Sierra Motors Garage facility is the area of the single lane . roundabout. o If land uses change within the plan it could change development with regards to a single lane roundabout. . The parking that was required by the code had many complaints. The development team did a 25% reduction and is just meeting the parking requirement. . In the agreement with MAPH there was reduction of residential and more overnight lodging. A problem arises in the economics that they are not on the freeway and no Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 7 freeway access. The Plan is providing more of a bed and breakfast lodging so it could survive away from the highway. o The bike lane project will meet the requirements of the Truckee Trails Master Plan. o Illumination of street addresses may be addressed in the development. I Mayor Green adjourned for a recess at 9:09:21 PM. Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 9: 17:37 PM. Council Direction: o Negative Declarations look at water. If Council chooses to waive the Negative Declaration, Council will require from the Truckee Donner Public Utility Department a document stating they can provide water to the existing customer and future developments. o Wetlands: o Concur that the Town needs to protect the wetlands. o Some of the downstream wetlands could be deteriorating. o Building setback on the ridge is addressed in the General Plan. o Housing: o Entry level housing; appropriate for the community. o Size of this particular residential is in the historical guidelines and broader the general plan. o Some residential is shown as three stories. o Council would like to see specifics for this residential use that should look like "Downtown". More specific language would make the Plan less subjective down the road. o Staff to work with applicant and come back August 7'" on size and number of affordable units. o Historical guidelines to have size and look to guide the intent of variety. I o Solar power: o Defer to the applicant to talk about solar, green building, plans. o Affordable housing: o Each project complies with inclusionary housing ordinance. o Integrate workforce housing for another sites. o Second units are addressed in the traffic analysis; not included in the density numbers. DRS 14 (28 lots) allow for second units and RS zoning (18) lots allow for second units. They were addressed in traffic impacts and mitigations. o Important element is the exterior of affordable housing. Requiring the visual look is maintained with the same appearance as other market rate housing as addressed in Development Code. o Bonding: o Town policies require when improvements will be done. o Policy states if the improvement need to be deferred a 125% bond is required until completion. o Before projects are finalled all improvements are required to be completed. o Bike lane: o Requirements answered in the Master Plan. o Can request Staff to add bike requirements to Public Improvement and Engineering Standards. I o Parking for special events. Town of T ruckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 8 I I I o Special events parking is dealt with through the special event permits. . Coordination with Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District. . Traffic impacts: o Four lanes on Brockway are not supported. The General Plan regulated that Brockway would not be a four lane road. . Request staff look at traffic from Avery Hotel site, Railyard Site, Planned Community Three and this development all together. . Widening will need to happen on Brockway at the intersections not the whole road; 30% completion on the first phase. o Council requested to see map in context to current roads and proposed roundabout and road connection. . Connectivity for Palisades: o This is a winter issue with safety. Potential of opening the intersection for all months except freezing months. Can add plan.language for trigger in Phase II there will be an analysis of the Traffic. o Truckee Fire Department required a minimum of an emergency access. . Questioned Staff to evaluate if a two hundred foot set back from these existing houses would work instead of one hundred. o Would like to see a map prior to making that decision. . Lighting will be addressed by Staff. . Clarification on one condition of approval. The Planning Commission resolution change in the Development Code. . EIR as oppose to Negative Declaration. o This Plan is implementing the Downtown Specific Plan which has an EIR; that plan is 11 years old. That could bring up new issues. o A project submitted might trigger further environmental review. . Snow Storage: o Wetlands do not allow for snow storage. o The Development Code has sufficient requirements for snow storage. . Project by project will require adequate snow storage. . Council directed staff to address all discussion items and report back to Council for deliberation and action at the August 7th meeting. . Public input will be accepted for the new discussion items only. To the regular meeting of the Town Council, July 17, 2008, 6:00 p.m. at 10183 Truckee Airport Rd, Truckee, CA 96161 10. ADJOURNMENT -10:43:03 PM To the regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA. anna D. Kuhlemier, Records Technician for Judy Price, CMC, Town Clerk APPROVED: Town of Truckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 9 A:?~ -~A-< .; Barbara Green, Mayor Town of T ruckee Town Council Public Hearing Page 10 I I I