HomeMy Public PortalAboutPublic Comment Niobe Burden Austere Darrah Johnston From: Town of Truckee, CA <webmaster@townoftruckee.com> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 12:23 PM To: Truckee; Hilary Hobbs Subject: *NEW SUBMISSION* Public Comment Form for Short-Term Vacation Rental Ordinance and Permit Program Public Comment Form for Short-Term Vacation Rental Ordinance and Permit Program Submission#: 522533 IP Address: Submission Date: 09/03/2020 12:22 Survey Time: 1 minute, 7 seconds You have a new online form submission. Note: all answers displaying"*"' are marked as sensitive and must be viewed after your login. Name Niobe Burden Austere Email niobe.burden@gmail.com Phone (optional) Public Comment Please see attached outline and reference the current Placer County STIR ordinance passed November 2019.Thank you for the opportunity to provide input <font><font color=#FF0000><b>lf your comment exceeds 2000 characters, please use the attachment function below to attach your comment in a separate document.</b></font> Attachment STIR Ordinance- Permitting Considerations.pdf Please ensure that you enter your email address in the box below and click the <font><b><font color= FF0000>SUBMIT</font></b> button to receive a copy of your submitted responses for Public Comment. Thank you, Town of Truckee This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System'".Please do not reply directly to this email. 1 Thursday, September 3, 2020 STR Ordinance - Permitting Considerations I encourage you to review the Placer County STR ordinance also attached if you aren't already. Many suggestions are from this document in addition to issues referenced by friends, social media,next-door forum and some constructive ideas from Europe,where I'm currently living. My primary home in Tahoe Vista is currently rented long term and my husband and I plan to return. I have also been an Airbnb host and guest since their beginnings in 2008 and have also shared many ideas with Cindy Gustafson,Placer Board of Sups Proposed STR ordinance considerations - A. Primary home short term rental versus secondary home or investment property short term rental and management thereof 1.Property owners onsite may rent rooms or in-law units in their primary residence for an unlimited number of days in a calendar year 2. Secondary homes with no owner onsite are required to have a local property manager/contact (able to be at property within one hour 24/7),and may only rent a total of 120 days per calendar year. (What was the average#rental nights in 2019,based on TOT reporting?) 3. Secondary and investment properties should be encouraged to rent long term,or at least to staycationers and necessary workers. Maybe have a reduced TOT for rental stays between 15 -30 days? There are many advantages to renting long term versus short term- this information should be communicated to current STR owners and homeowners in general. (More suggestions in a separate public comment about addressing housing needs) 4. Same encouragement of long term rental to those who own in-law units which could ease housing needs 5. Property management companies responsible for properties for rent need to be available 24/7 and onsite within 1 hour of notification to meet a STR compliance officer or law enforcement(same language as Placer County ordinance) 6. No out of area property management allowed,including those based in So Lake Tahoe, where a representative can't be onsite within an hour. This is a growing issue where owners are lured by "full service management" for an inexpensive flat fee, ie Vacasa,who's headquarters are in Portland,Oregon has a current local contact located in South Lake Tahoe. B. Transient Occupancy Tax 1. Increase the TOT percentage to 18%,or an increase based on a projected budget analysis to support costs including local STR compliance enforcement staff and additional infrastructure and staff found necessary as a result of the recent increase in visitor and STR activity 2. Mandate that the increased percentage collected in TOT will be directed to the above budget items which in addition to codes enforcement should be fire safety,EMS,litter mitigation and general town improvements. 3. Failure to obtain STR permit or pay quarterly TOT should result in a 12 month denial of rental privilege 1 Thursday, September 3, 2020 C. STR Operating permit 1. A copy of STR permit must be displayed on the resident bear box or clearly visible near the door entry as well as on inside of the entry door at all times. 2. Stated on permit must be owner/property manager with phone number available 24/7 and email 3. Stated on permit must be STR Compliance contact information for Town of Truckee 4. A "Good Neighbors" flyer issued with an STR permit must also be displayed alongside the STR permit on the inside of the entry door. See Placer County example - it includes Emergency Evacuation Information,Fire Department contact,How to Open Bear Box and a notice to guests of potential financial penalties for violating the STR ordinance with reference to a link to the ordinance. D. STR Occupancy- long term tenancy (more than 30 days) and essential workers exempt Create and enforce temporary limitations to occupancy until the COVID-19 pandemic has ended per state government recognition - (for winter 2020?) - it's important to BE PROACTIVE rather than reactive to avoid the development of a COVID hotspot in the Tahoe/Truckee area THIS WINTERI! This is suggested as an IMPORTANT temporary measure. People need to realize that sacrifices need to be made during a pandemic. This measure does not discriminate against families in accordance with the Fair Housing Act. Covid-1 9 doesn't discriminate and it will continue to get worse this winter when more people who don't live together will be in enclosed spaces breathing the same air- spreading aerosoles (coughs, singing, even talking).... and you know we're not all going to be wearing N95 masks..... ** Limitations to the current level of occupancy - Maximum of 4 ADULTS from SAME FAMILY or Same Permanent Address- under age of 18 exempt ** During COVID pandemic- Names of ALL adult occupants,and their permanent address are to be registered with the reservation on file and provided to the STR Compliance Officer or Law Enforcement upon request. (This is a current requirement in France and much of the EU (along with copy of identification) for COVID contact tracing and should be a US nationwide precaution.) After the COVID-19 Pandemic - 1. Maximum of 2 adults per Bedroom,eliminate two additional in other living space - under 18 exempt 2. Address incidental camping by Adults on property or decks and in prohibited structures (as in Placer County ordinance) 3. Properties on private septic systems need to provide proof with permit application that the property's septic design accommodates the stated maximum occupancy 4. Subletting of short term rentals prohibited. 2 Thursday, September 3, 2020 5. Special Events - Weddings,corporate events,commercial functions and any other similar events which have the potential to cause traffic,parking,noise or other problems in the neighborhood are prohibited from occurring at short term rental properties,unless a permit has been issued by the STR compliance officer? or Nevada County per code.... E. Fire Inspections (refer to Placer county ordinance language) 1. Rental properties must have a fire inspection completed within one year of permit issuance and annually thereafter- confirming the property is equipped with adequate and working smoke detectors,fire extinguishers,carbon monoxide detectors and have clearly stated emergency communication. Defensible space should be checked bi-annually. Cost of inspection at expense of property owner (or shared cost? - don't know what this cost is?) 2. Property must have a street address number clearly visible from the street or front of property 3. Outdoor fireplaces - no open wood burning pits,bonfires or campfires permitted at STRs. Natural gas/propane burning fireplaces and fire pits with 20 pound tanks or smaller acceptable per local fire department regulations. 4. Grills and B arbeques per local fire department regulations. Charcoal grills of any type are strictly prohibited. 5. Appropriate receptacles and cans of sand made available for cigarette butt disposal and reference to same in Good Neighbor flyer. F. Parking/Noise/Garbage - (refer to Placer County ordinance language) 1. All cars must fit in the property driveway or have an approved off-site parking plan. No overnight street parking,regardless of time of year. 2. No RV/Oversized vehicle parking or camping in driveways 3. Neighborhood quiet hours from 10:00PM to 8:OOAM 4. Garbage -As a requirement of the STR permit - the rental property must have a Bear Box installed of appropriate size for the declared occupancy before permit issuance. 5. HOAs - refer to Placer county ordinance language for exemption language or require a declaration from the HOA that the number of cans stated on the permit application is sufficient and available for the specified property rental occupancy. G. Code Enforcement Inspections 1. Upon receipt of a complaint filed on a property,the enforcement officer has the right to also conduct followup inspections for correct occupancy,parking compliance and proper garbage disposal. There should also be a verification that the required signage and STR permit information is in place and clearly viewable. 2. Fines for violations and denial, suspension and revocation of STR permit- (language similar to Placer County ordinance) 3