HomeMy Public PortalAbout03-08-22 Regular Council MeetingM IN U TES RE G U LA R CO UN CIL M EETI N G KEY BISCA YN E, FLO RI D A TU ESD A Y , M A RCH 8, 2022 CO UN CIL CH A M BER 560 CRA N D O N BO U LEY A RD 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The m eeting w as called to order by the M ayor at 6:02 p.m . Present w ere Councilm em bers Fra nk lin H. Caplan, Luis Lauredo, Edw ard London (arrived at 6:07 p.m .), A llison M cCorm ick (arrived at 6:05 p.m .), Vice Mayor Brett G. M oss and M ayor M ichael W . D avey. Councilm em ber Ignacio Segurola w as absent. A lso present w ere V ill age M anager Steven C. W illiam son, V illage Clerk Jo celyn B. K och and V illage A ttorn ey Chad Friedm an. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: M ayor D avey led the Pledge of A llegiance. 3. INVOCATION: Reverend Felipe A ssis, K ey Biscayne Presbyterian Church w as unable to attend the m eeting. 4. BRIEF COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: M ayor Davey addressed the public thank ing A nn T aintor fo r her hom em ade pie and w ished the residents a H appy International W omen's D ay; M ayor Davey and V ice M ayor M oss thank ed Councilm em ber Laur edo fo r sponsoring a resolution in support of Ukr aine and fo r the idea of lighting up the M onaco fo untain in the Ukra inian flag colors; Vice M ayor M oss also thank ed the V ision Board, the V ision Board Plann ers and the adm inistra tion fo r their hard w ork done on the w orkshop and recognized it as a w onderfu l com m unity event and also thank ed the organizers of the Children's Business Fair fo r w hich he w as honored to be one of the fair's judges; Councilm em ber Caplan addressed the public stating the m ethodology behind the V ision Board W or kshop and the pro ducts offered w ere best in class and also recognized the com m unity that attended the celebra tion of life events held fo r form er V ice M ayor C liffo rd B ro dy and also fo r M arius Robinson; Councilm em ber M cCmm ick addressed the public ann ouncing that the start tim e fo r the Charter Revision Com m ission M eeting on M arch 1 O'", Ma rch 8, 2 0 2 2 2022 has been changed to 4:00 p.m. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The following residents addressed the Council: Daisy Diaz, 330 Palmwood Lane; Ann Taintor, 170 Ocean Lane Drive; Sandra Mejia, 170 Ocean Lane Drive; Laudy Ibarra, 482 Fernwood Road; Nicholas Cardoso, 101 Ocean Lane Drive and Cecile M. Sanchez, 260 Cypress Drive. At this time there was discussion from Councilmembers Lauredo and London regarding the public comments given earlier this evening regarding last night's PTA Meeting held at the Key Biscayne K-8 Center. 6. AGENDA: Mayor Davey requested the addition of a discussion on the Key Biscayne K-8 Center's PTA Meeting as Item 7B and for it to be heard immediately after the Special Presentation and to remove Item 8F from the consent agenda due to a conflict of interest and for it to be heard immediately after the consent agenda; Councilmember McCormick requested to defer Item 8B to the next Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember Caplan requested the addition of a discussion regarding the Artwork Mural at the Golden Hog Market as Item 12B6; Vice Mayor Moss requested to present a photo during Councilmember London's discussion Item 12B4; Councilmember London had no objection to the request; Vice Mayor Moss also requested to have a future discussion on Scooters in the Village, the Manager stated that there will be a Community Meeting on March 151'\ 2022 regarding scooters and the administration will report back at the April 12111, 2022 Regular Council Meeting on the resident's feedback and Councilmember Caplan requested the addition of a resolution sponsored by Councilmember Lauredo as Item 7C. The Attorney addressed the Council regarding Item 7C and requested for the title to be read at this time. Councilmember Lauredo read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, CONDEMNING THE UNPROVOKED INVASION OF THE SOVEREIGN NATION OF UKRAINE BY RUSSIA AND REQUESTING PRESIDENT BIDEN AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) TO PROVIDE ALL POSSIBLE ASSISTANCE AND HUMANITARIAN AID TO THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE AND TAKE SUCH STEPS AS ARE NECESSARY TO DEPRIVE THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT OF SOURCES OF FOREIGN MONIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Lauredo requested the addition of a discussion regarding Reappointments to the Village Athletics Advisory Board and the Art in Public Places Board as Item 12B7. Councilmember Caplan made a motion to approve the agenda, as amended. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Moss and approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 2 of 13 March 8, 2022 7. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: The M anager intro duced M s. A ileen B oucle A IC P, E xecutive D irector w ith the M iam i-D ade Tra nsportation Plann ing O rganization, w ho then gave a presentation on the TPO Sm art Plan overview . T h e M anager addressed the C ouncil regarding the above presentation slide refe rring to the V ill age of K ey B iscayne's Priority C apital and M aintenance & R epair T ra nsport ation Projects and potential fu nding fo r C ra ndon B oulevard, H arbor D rive and W est M ashta D rive. T h ere w as discussion fr om the C ouncil and the M anager regarding the above presentation and requests fo r gra nts. M ayor D avey addressed the C ouncil regarding last night's PT A M eeting held at the K ey B iscayne K -8 C enter. There w as extensive discussion fr om the C ouncil regarding the above item , and fo r the M ayor to reach out to M iam i-D ade C ounty School Superintendent, D r. Jose L. D otres, and to hold a w orkshop at a fu ture date to be determ ined in order to discuss com m unity goals and fo r C ouncilm em bers and the com m unity to attend fu ture M iam i-D ade C ounty School B oard M eetings. C ouncilm em ber Laur edo m ade a m otion pro posing that the C oun cil take on the above item as a fo rm al project of assistin g the parents and to system atically address this as a body and C ouncil priority and fo r the M ayor to hold a Special C ouncil M eeting and fo r the M ayor and the M anager to do a prelim inary appro ach to establish a philosophy of going fo rw ard. T he m otion w as seconded by V ice M ayor M oss and appro ved by a 6-0 voice vote. T he vote w as as fo llow s: C ouncilm em bers C aplan, Laur edo, Lon don , M cC orm ick, V ice M ayor M oss and M ayor D avey voting Y es. C ouncilm em ber M cC orm ick addressed the C ouncil regarding the Education A dvisory B oard's representation at the m on thly M iam i-D ade C ounty School B oard M eetings. M ayor D avey addressed the C ouncil stating that a Special C ouncil M eeting regarding the above item w ill be held at a fu tur e date to be determ ined and befo re the next School B oard M eeting scheduled fo r A pril 131'\ 2022 A t this tim e C ouncilm em ber Laur edo m ade a m otion to appro ve the U kr ainian resolution read earl ier in the evenin g. The m otion w as seconded by V ice M ayor M oss. T here w as discussion fr om the C ouncil to m ake the fo llow ing am endm ents to the resolution: in the title to rem ove the w ord "the" befo re U kr aine; to add "all possible assistance" after the w ord pro vide and to am end the sentence aft er the w ord people "and take such steps as are necessary to dep rive the R ussian gov ernm ent of sour ces of fo reign m onies". A lso in the first Wh ereas cl ause to add "and basic m ora lity" aft er the w ord law ; and in Section 3 to am end the sentence after the w ord pro viding to say, "all possible assistance" and aft er U kr aine to add "and enacting such sanctions and other acts as are necessary to punish the R ussian governm ent fo r its illegal and unw arra nted invasion .". There w as no objection to the pro posed changes. T he resolution , as am ended, w as appro ved by a 6-0 voice vote. T he vote w as as fo llow s: C ou ncilm em bers C aplan, Laur edo, L ondon, M cC orm ick, V ice M ayor M oss and M ayor D avey votin g Y es. 3 of 13 March 8, 2022 8. CONSENT AGENDA: Vice Mayor Moss made a motion to approve the following consent agenda, as amended. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. The minutes of the December 7th, 2021 Regular Council Meeting. The minutes of the February 8th, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO APPLY FOR A MATCHING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $344,477 TO EXPAND THE VILLAGE'S ON-DEMAND TRANSIT SERVICE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A 2022 NEAT STREETS MIAMI MATCHING GRANT IN AN AMOUNT OF $25,001 FROM MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR THE KEY BISCAYNE STREET TREE PLANTING PROGRAM AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT RELATED TO THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The consent agenda, as amended, was approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. At this time, Mayor Davey recused himself from voting on Item 8F due to a conflict of interest and exited the Chamber. The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH JAMES F. LEACH, CELLCO PARTNERSHIP D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS, AND T-MOBILE SOUTH, LLC RELATING TO THE DENIAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OF THE INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN CELLULAR EQUIPMENT ON THE ROOF OF THE CAPE FLORIDA CLUB CONDOMINIUM LOCATED AT 210 SEAVIEW DRIVE; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Lauredo made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan and approved by a 5-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick and Vice Mayor Moss voting Yes. At this time Mayor Davey returned to the Chamber. 9. ORDINANCES: The Clerk read the following ordinance on first reading, by title: 4 of 13 March 8, 2022 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 26, "GOLF CARTS," OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO GOLF CART AND SLOW MOVING VEHICLE USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. There was discussion from the Council and the Attorney regarding the required annual inspections and registration renewals for golf carts. The Attorney suggested that Councilmember London speak with Chief of Police Frank Sousa between first and second reading regarding the above ordinance. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no speakers present. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Chief Sousa addressed the Council regarding the above ordinance. There was extensive discussion from Council and Chief Sousa regarding the above ordinance, Crandon Boulevard enforcement being covered under the County ordinance, assessing Village fines instead of administering Florida State statues which have longer lasting ramifications and possibly extending the annual inspection to every five years instead. The Manager addressed the Council stating that the annual inspection gives the Police Department an opportunity to remind the residents of the Village's golf cart rules. The ordinance was approved on first reading by a 5-1 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember London voting No. The Clerk read the following ordinance on first reading, by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCENO.2021-07WHICHADOPTEDTHEBUDGETFORFISCAL YEAR2021- 2022 BY REVISING THE 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lauredo. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no speakers present. The Mayor closed the public hearing. 5 of 13 March 8, 20 22 The ordinance was approved on first reading by a 6-0 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. The Clerk read the following ordinance on first reading, by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, CREATING SECTION 2-105, "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS," OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ESTABLISH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FILING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Vice Mayor Moss made a motion to approve the ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no speakers present. The Mayor closed the public hearing. There was discussion from the Council regarding the above ordinance, transparency, public records requests and to hold a training workshop for residents interested in running for Council on how to fill out campaign finance reports in May or June 2022. The ordinance was approved on first reading by a 6-0 roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 10. RESOLUTIONS: The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO ENGAGE PLANNING AND DESIGN PROFESSIONAL(S) FROM THE VILLAGE'S CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDERS LIST TO DEVELOP A CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY, INCLUDING THE BEAR CUT BRIDGE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $175,000; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding a national search for professional services to develop a concept plan for the Rickenbacker Causeway. There was extensive discussion from the Council and the Manager regarding the above resolution, a national search and the Plan Z Consultants. The Manager addressed the Council reporting that Miami-Dade County is moving forward with the Bear Cut Bridge Project and that Commissioner 6 of 13 March 8, 2022 Regalado asked the Director of Public Works from Miami-Dade County to present this project report at the April 12°1, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. The Manager addressed the Council regarding the Village's pre-approved engineering firms and qualifications. The resolution was approved by a 5-1 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember London voting No. The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A CAPITAL PROJECT AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF LIGHTING POLES FROM MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING, LLC IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $249,900 FOR THE ST. AGNES LIGHTING RETROFIT PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Caplan. Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Director Todd Hofferberth addressed the Council regarding the above resolution. There was discussion from the Council, the Attorney and Director Hofferberth regarding the above resolution. Councilmember London made a motion to clarify in the agreement that the lights installed at St. Agnes are to remain Village owned property. Councilmember Caplan made an amending motion to clarify in the agreement for a not less than five-year extension. There was no objection to the amendment. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council stating that the goal is for a ten-year extension. The London motion, as amended, was seconded by Mayor Davey and approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. The resolution, as amended, was approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. At this time the Manager's report was heard. Village Manager. The Manager addressed the Council reporting on the status of Covid 19 7 of 13 March 8, 2022 infections, testing and vaccinations. Plan Reviewer Olga Garcia addressed the Council reporting on creating an "Adopt-a-Circle" program to assist with litter control, improving landscaping, signage and fixing the traffic calming circle's curbs. There was discussion from the Council regarding the above items. The Manager addressed the Council reporting on an update regarding beach operations and maintenance including sargassum and composting. At this time Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council commending the resident and non- resident kite-surfers for following the Village's kite-surfing rules and the work of the Police Department, the beach rangers and Dr. Samimy. Councilmember Lauredo also discussed the no dogs on the beach policy. The Manager addressed the Council also thanking the beach rangers, the Parks and Recreations Department and the Police Department for their work regarding the Village's beaches. At this time Vice Mayor Moss requested to discuss Item 12B5 along with the below Manager's report update. There was no objection to the request. Public Works Director Jake Ozyman addressed the Council reporting on the results of the solid waste service survey stating that 61 % of residents preferred curbside service and 3 9% preferred side-yard service for the returning of the garbage cans. Vice Mayor Moss addressed the Council regarding residents' responsibilities and stating that the garbage cans are not being screened from view and also requested for the administration to have a campaign to educate residents on the Village's solid waste ordinance. Vice Mayor Moss also discussed the contractor's responsibilities for service and that the Village is paying 47% above the price of curbside service for side yard service and that this contractor's workflow simply does not work to be able to put the garbage cans back. Vice Mayor Moss made a motion to direct the Manager to renegotiate the solid waste contract to have side yard pick up at half the price and for the contractor to leave the garbage cans by the curb and then it is the resident's responsibility to bring the garbage cans back to their side yards. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lauredo. There was discussion from the Council and the Attorney regarding the contractor's service issues for side yard drop off. The motion was approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, London, McCormick, Vice Mayor Moss and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Director Hofferberth and the Manager addressed the Council reporting on a Youth Program Concept to better target youth programming, inclusion and education throughout the Village and possibly forming a Youth Council. Director Hofferberth reported that online registration will start on July 181\ 2022 for the volleyball program and more programs will move to online registration in the future. 8of 13 March 8, 2022 A t this tim e there w as discussion fr om C ouncilm em ber L aur edo and D irector H offerbert h regarding athletic fi eld usage fo r girl's fi eld hockey and baseball. T here w as discussion fr om the C ouncil, D irector H offerbert h and the M anager regarding using the M ast A cadem y fi elds fo r baseball and soft ball and possibly using athletic field space at the K ey B iscayne Presbyterian C h urch . A t this tim e, C ouncilm em ber Laur edo addressed the C ouncil regarding priorities and usage of the Freebee ride service fo r residents. C h ief R esilience and Sustainability O ffi cer D r. R oland Sam im y addressed the C ouncil report ing on the status of dra ft in g a seaw all ordinance to address shoreline pro tection and that this w ill be presented this sum m er at a fu tur e date to be determ ined. D r. S am im y addressed the C ouncil report ing on the EV charging station status update w hich incl u des the fo ll ow in g: to add fo ur EV charging locations on Fern w ood R oad, tw o near the Beach Park an d tw o on H arbor D rive cl ose to the K ey B iscayne Presbyterian C hurch. Som e of these chargin g stations w ill also offer 5G w i-fi capability. A t this tim e C ouncilm em ber L aur edo addressed D r. Sam im y com m ending his w ork w ith the K ite- S ur fi ng pro gra m . C ouncilm em ber L ondon addressed D r. Sam im y requesting ift here is a paym ent system fo r the EV chargin g station s. D r. Sam im y confirm ed that there is a cost fo r charging one's electric vehicl e at these changing station s. A t this tim e there w as discussion fr om the C ouncil and the M anager regarding receiving fe edback fr om the Freebee drivers regardin g resident's usage. T he M anager addressed the C ouncil giving a presentation on the R esilient & Sustainable In fr astru ctur e Plan regardin g 5 lines of effo rt : (1) Shoreline Pro tection (2) Storm w ater System U pgra de (3) U tility H ardening and R esilience ( 4) R oadw ay Im pro vem ents (5) C hanges to R egulation s, Plans, Zoning and B u ilding Standards. The M anager addressed the C ouncil on the curr ent w aiver status and stated that the A rm y C orp s of Engineers w ill visit the V illage on N ovem ber 251'\ 2022 and that the goal is to have the w aiver com pleted by the end of M arch or the w eek aft erw ards. D iscu ssion s have begun w ith M iam i-D ade County on how the 50/50 Federa l/Local split w ill be don e in term s of fu nding and w hat the V illage w ould need to pay fo r the back basin. Evaluation s of pro fe ssional fi rm s have been ongoing fo r the last tw o m onths along w ith developing a R esilient In fr astru ctur e Integra tion and Im plem entation Pro gra m . The M anager w ill report back at the next R egular C ouncil M eeting on the nam e of the pro fe ssional firm . The goal is to have a fu tur e w ith an integra ted and fo cused plan of action . M ayor D avey requested the above presentation be posted on the V ill age's w ebsite. T here w as discussion fr om the C ouncil and the M anager regarding the im port ance of the above 9of 13 March 8, 2022 presentation. The Manager addressed the Council reporting on a status update on grant programs and funding opportunities. Mayor Davey requested that this presentation be posted on the Village's website also. Mayor Davey addressed the Council regarding Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava's idea that if the counties and municipalities work together, they will be able to identify and go after good grant opportunities at the federal and state levels. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding holding a workshop regarding the Manager's above presentation and with the Vision Board in attendance at a future date to be determined. There was discussion from the Council and the Manager regarding the above item and possibly holding a workshop in June 2022. Chief Financial Officer Benjamin Nussbaum addressed the Council reporting on the quarterly financial update for October 1 to December 31, 2021 and reported on the collection rate for solid waste billing is at over 80%. The Manager addressed the Council stating that the Impact Fee Feasibility Analysis is presented in the agenda for Council's review. At this time there was discussion from the Council and the Manager regarding receiving agendas in advance and the agenda outline. Chief of Staff Jocelyne Moussavou addressed the Council reporting on a status update on the Capital Improvement Projects including the Lake Park Gazebo Improvements, the KB Community Center RTU replacement, Beach Park Sewer Extension and the KB Community Center Spin Bike replacement. Vice Mayor Moss addressed the administration requesting that the Capital Improvement Projects chart be organized by project phase rather than by priority status. The Manager stated that the chart will be organized by project phase for the next Regular Council Meeting. At this time the Manager addressed the Council reporting on a status update regarding the septic to sewer conversation stating that only 28 properties remain on septic. COS Moussavou addressed the Council giving a presentation on the Marine Stadium Construction project update and the next steps and timelines with a soft phase construction start in July 2022. There was discussion from the Council regarding the Virginia Key Advisory Board and the above presentation. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Manager requesting for the Manager to reach out to the new operators of the Miami Seaquarium on Virginia Key. There was no objection to the request. JO of 13 March 8, 2022 At this time the Council took a five-minute break. The meeting reconvened at 9:22 p.m. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no residents that addressed the Council. 12. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The following items were discussed: Mayor and Councilmembers. Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding a review of the Village's litter law. There was discussion from the Council and the Attorney regarding the above item, the Florida litter law, code enforcement, assessing fines and issuing public service announcements. Councilmember McCormick addressed the Council regarding having a public service announcement to help educate the public on the Village's litter law. It was the consensus of Council to direct the Police Chief and the Manager to enforce and assess fines for littering and for the Attorney to update the ordinance if needed and to report back at the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding a zoning change on the ballot for Senior Living. There was extensive discussion form the Council and the Attorney regarding the above item, the Ask Club, the Vision Board's work regarding this item, zoning changes, existing intensities and densities, affordable living for seniors, group homes and a charter amendment petition. There was discussion from the Council regarding possibly having this as a referendum question on the ballot for the next election. The Council will further discuss this issue at a future date to be determined. Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding lights at night regulations for vehicles including scooters and bicycles. Chief Sousa addressed the Council regarding the above item and announced that there will be a workshop next Tuesday on Scooters and Bicycles and asking for the community's input and will report back with a plan at the next Regular Council Meeting. There was discussion from the Council regarding the above items. Councilmember McCormick addressed the Council regarding having a public service announcement regarding lights being required for nighttime bike riding. Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding the maintenance and use of swales adjoining residential property. There was discussion from the Council and the Manager regarding the above item, the resident's blocking of swales, cars parking on the street, eco-friendly grass technology for swale durability and code enforcement. It was the consensus of Council to have a plan in place first in order to address this issue Village-wide. 11 of 13 March 8, 2022 Councilmember McCormick addressed the Council regarding having a public service announcement regarding the Village ordinance against parking on the street. Chief Sousa addressed the Council regarding street parking enforcement. Vice Mayor Moss addressed the Council presenting a photo of a curb example and requesting to work with the Manager and Director Ozyman to help choose a type of curb that best fits the Village's character for future implementation. There was no objection to the request. At this time Councilmember London addressed the Council regarding the Chapter 30 Zoning Code Amendments recently passed and a scrivener's error regarding base flood elevation. Vice Mayor Moss confirmed this scrivener's error was corrected. Councilmember Caplan addressed the Council regarding the artwork mural at the Golden Hog Market and requested assistance for the artist to be able to gain access to the neighboring property in order to update the mural. The Manager will reach out to the entry block property owner in order to assist. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding reappointments for the current members of the Village Athletics Advisory Board and the Art in Public Places Board. Mayor Davey reappointed the current members of both of these boards. It was the consensus of Council to approve these reappointments. Village Attorney. The Attorney did not submit a report. Village Clerk. The Clerk did not submit a report. 13. OTHER BUSINESS/GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was no further business discussed. 14. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of future meetings and events was presented to the Council. 15. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ;j~}\<och Village Clerk Approved this 12th day of_~A .... p;..;.r=il _ 12 of 13 March 8, 2022 ~- Michael W. Davey Mayor IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS JS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 13 of 13