HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009-06-16 AttorneyClient Session CASE 07-12570CA081 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 VIL LAGE OF BAL HARBOUR ATTORNEY/CLIENT SESSION BAL HARBO UR VILLAGE HALL 655 96th STREET BAL HARBOUR , FLO R I DA 33 1 54 T UES DAY, JUNE 16 , 2009 6 :16 p .m . -6 :50 p .m. 22 T aken before Mary G . Stephenson, FPR, Notary 23 Publi c for the State o f Florida 24 25 TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC . (305) 444 -7331 1 1 2 APPEARANCES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 JEAN ROSENFIELD, MAYOR JONI D . BLACHAR, ASSISTANT MAYOR PA TRI CIA CO HEN MARTIN PACKER JAIME M. SANZ VILLAGE MANAGER: ALFRED J . TREP PEDA VILLAGE AT T ORNEY: WEISS SEROTA HE LFMA N PASTORIZA CO L E & BON I SKE , P .A . BY : RICHARD WEISS, ESQ . MICHAEL POPOK , ESQ . 16 VILLAGE CLERK: 17 EL L ISA HORVATH , CMC (PRESEN T ONLY DURING PUBLIC POR TION ) 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATE S, INC . (305) 444 -7331 2 3 1 Thereupon , the following proceedings were ha d: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 MAYOR ROSENFIE L D : I am calling this public meeting to order . Can I have the ro l l ca l l , please . MS . HORVATH : Mayor Rosenf i eld . MA YOR ROSENFIELD : P r esent. MS . HORVAT H : Assis t ant Mayor Blacha r. ASS I STAN T MAYO R BLACHAR : Present . MS. HORVATH : Councilwoman Cohe n . COUNCILWOMAN COHE N: Present . MS . HORVAT H: Counc i lman Sanz . CO UNCILMAN SAN Z: Presen t. MS . HORVA T H : C o uncilman Packer i s absent . MAYOR ROSENFIE L D : The time is n ow 6 :1 6 p .m .. We are about to have a n attorney/c li ent session in accordance with Florida Statute 286 .011 regarding li tigation sty l ed Lynne Bloc h -Mullen v ersus J oel Jacobi , Bal Harbo u r Vi l lage and Miami -Dade Coun t y Canvassing Board , Miami -Dade Count y Circu i t Cou rt Case Number 07-12570 CA 08 . T he session is est i ma t ed t o l ast one hou r, a n d the following people will be in atte n dance at this meeting : I wil l be in a t tendance , t he Vice Mayor Jo n i Blachar , Co u nc il persons Jaim e Sanz and TAYLO R RE ES E AND ASSOCIATES, I NC . (305) 444 -733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1 4 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 Patr icia Cohen, and we are hoping Mr. Pa cker shows up , t he Vi ll age Attorneys, Richar d J . Weiss and Michael Popok, and Village Manager Alfred J . Treppe da. The proceedings will be r ecorded by a certi f ied court reporte r, and at t he conclusion of all litigation discusse d , the transcript will be made part of t he public r eco rd. All those i ndividuals who I have not named should leave the room a t th is time. (Thereupon, Ms. Ho r vath l eft the room.) MAYOR ROSENFIELD : We need to ha ve the doors closed. Is it al l right just to have that oute r door closed? MR. TREPPEDA: Yes . We can see if they come in. MAYOR ROS ENFI ELD: Mr. Popok , would you like to start? MR . PO POK: Thank you, lad ies and gentlemen . We are here to talk abou t the Bloch-Mullen case and try to bring this to a close . What I have for the counci l is just a quick chart, which I'm go i ng to walk through , with where we are with p r oposa l s and counterproposals that are now for consideration. Okay? I'll walk TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOCIATE S, INC . (305) 444 -733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 you through them. I'l l collect t hese at the end. Okay. You wil l r ecall that we had originally gone back and forth with counsel for the Bl och-Mul l ens about how to get t hi s mat t er resolved , and there were a number of issues. filed. We had the ou t standing appea l that t hey had We had our outstanding motion for cos t s r e lat ed to the fact that we were the prevailing party . We had our mo t ion outstanding related to t he motion for sanctions arising out of their filing attacking Chief Hunker , and then we have iss ues related to releases betwee n the parties. Those are the f u ndame n tal issues. 5 What we fina l ly came down to, what they finally had p r oposed is what i s on this settlement chart. Le t's just walk th ro ugh i t . On the village side, we would release Bloch-Mullen and h er attorneys , and those are the two attorneys not inc l uding Ms . Cellini . They made that clear to me . They want it for the two firms t hat are representing Bloch-Mu l len to be rel eased from liability arising out of the motion for sanctions. They would give the village a re l ease t hat wou l d be symme t rical, including the staff counse l and attorneys fro m l iability. TAYLOR REE SE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 So o n re l eases , there 's no open issues . ASS ISTA NT MAYOR BLACHAR : Bu t t hey don 't want you to rel e ase Ce l li ni? MR. PO POK: No . I asked t hem spec i fical ly , are you looking for a release . T h e y said, no , we are l ook ing for a release for Bil l Hearon's firm , who is the l ea d counsel , and Mar k Journey 's firm . Those are the two fi rms that were involved . is who t h ey have asked for. So there we have no ope n i ssues or no o u ts ta n d i ng issues. T hat T he ne x t iss ue is the motion f or sanctions , 6 motion fo r costs ve r sus the i r appeal . If we wo u ld agree to wi thdra w the mo tion fo r sanc ti ons ar is ing out of t h e Chief Hunker issue against B l och -Mullen and her at t orneys and withdraw t he motion for costs, and there i s about a $4,10 0 cost charge running for th a t , they woul d dism iss the appeal wi th prejudice . There , we have no open i ssues. It comes do wn to what we refer to as the Chief Hunker iss u e . MR . WEISS: And r ea lly th e intangibles , which we can ta l k about in a second , t h e pol ici es and all of that. MR . POPOK : Yes . This is wha t is they TA YL OR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 44 4 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 2 5 7 offered, and , of course, t here 's things I have spoken t o each of the council people individually about t hat is not on this chart , which we can ta l k about next. T he last one i s they wanted an agreement from the village that we w i ll not fund or support a private suit by t h e ch ief if he decides to sue f or defamation or some t hing e l se . That we wou l dn 't fund it , we wouldn 't suppor t i t in any objective way , whatever that mea ns. And t h e y ha ve f inal l y come around o n the Chief Hu nker issu e, and l e t me desc ri be what they are proposing . I still don 't thin k t hey ge t the problem , and tha t is part of the reason why th e ir proposal is the way i t i s . I don 't th i nk they t hi nk that what they have done is i mproper o r it had a rea l effect on t he town , on the vi l lage, on the law e nforcemen t officia l , his integrity , his credibi li ty, and because they don 't quite accept it , it 's difficult to n egotiate with them on that point . So what we have gotten them to offe r, the mos t that t h ey would offer is they would not oppose i f t h e v ill age on its own d i me filed a mot i on under , and there is a rule of the court that allows for the fi li ng of a motion to have TAYLO R REE SE AND ASSOC I ATE S , I NC . (305) 44 4-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 certain items in the record marked confidentia l , which would basical l y -- MAYOR ROSENFIELD : Do I have to -- MR. WE ISS : Just note to the record th at Counci l man Martin Packer has arrived, and was unavoidably d e l ayed in traffic. COUNC IL MAN PACKER: T han k you very much . I 'm sorry . 8 COUNCILWOMAN COHEN : we could. We just started. We wai ted as long as You didn 't miss much. MR . POPO K: Having created the problem, there is only a handful of so l utions related to Chief Hunker, so me of which are really out of our hands. We couldn't move to seal the records because the records they had already filed were filed not unde r seal and under Florida law , once i t's not under seal, it can 't be sea l ed. We asked for t hem to withdraw it, to strike it , or to work with us to accompl ish that. Their response, some of you saw the letter and read through the le tter, their r esponse was, if you want to mo ve to try to get i t marked confidential, origina ll y said, I'll stand silently and won't object. I to ld th em, well , t h at is really not TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 44 4-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 going to be eno ugh . It wou l d ha ve t o be at best a join t effort . He wants us to file t he certification that is required under the law to certify that appropria t e grounds for confident i al i ty a re p r esen t , and the law requires that i f there i s one I can see us ce r t i f ying under , and that wou l d be there is a gove r nmental purpose on keeping that portion of t he documen t re lat ed to Ch i ef Hu n ker a nd his c r edib il ity , to have it kept confidential . could use . Tha t is one method we The on l y oth er method le ft to us is a mot i on to strike the pleading . In t he r u le book , i t says if i t's i mpertinent, scandalo u s or -- basica l l y impertin ent or sca nd alous , the co u rt can st r ike t he p l eading . We c h ecked w i th the c l erk . The court co u ld also o rder the pleading removed from the r eco r d . T h ey don 't agree wit h t hat method and that is what t h ey wro t e in t heir le t te r , but we conf irm ed t h at is a method we could use . MR . WE I SS : The truth i s that we d on 't feel we have a very high chance . We f eel much less confiden t of gett in g t hi s removed from the record if t hey don 't make the motion wi th us . TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES , INC. (305) 4 44 -7 331 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 COUNCILWOMAN COHEN: They would have to be with us . MR . WEISS: We feel there is a difference. That we have a much higher --this is not a guaranteed anyway because t he judge, a~ Michael talked to me about it yesterday , has some real discre t ion in this area , but we fee l l ike if there is a joint motion by bot h part i es in a case to mark this as confidential MR. POPOK : Or have it stricken from the record. MR. WEISS: or have it stricken from the record, that we have a much higher chance of success, and that we frankly feel l i ke our chances of success are signif i cantly reduced if they don 't join in the motion , and they will not agree to join in the mo t ion. COUNCILMAN PACKER : They will not agree. MR. POPOK : The y won 't agree. We asked them . We talked with them . I even asked for a phone cal l r esponse today before I walked into this meeting, a nd I didn't rece i ve it . I wanted to run one more idea by them. We are trying , we are clearly t rying to get this r eso lved. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I AT ES , I NC . (305) 444 -733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 MR. WEISS: I think that is an impo rtant po in t that, you know, be tw een Michael and I, we have --we are --there is no push for any kind of s e ttlement from the other side . Everything aga in, we are doing it because we feel like in the end , the point that the counci l is try i ng to make because of t his li t igation was made, which was t he charter was upheld , the judge ruled in our f avor , and we really feel li ke --the feeling that we got from the counci l was that you wanted this to be over. I want to assure you that we h ave done every t hing t ha t we possib l y can go i ng beyond really even what you instructed us to try t o see whether t here was a settlement here , and they will not agree. MR. POPOK: The easiest one on t h is po i nt, wha t R i cha r d is saying , I think , very acutely , the easiest thing for them t o do wou l d be t o join in a motion to strike the pleading and submi t an order to the judge , an agreed order t o the judge w i t h everybody holding hands in agreement . The j udge cou l d well 50/50 sign it without any hea r ing at all. If she felt uncomfortable , she could call us in fo r a hearing, and then I would want Mr . Hearon to stand with me . TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 The p rob lem is they will not agree that what they did was wrong, and for the motion to s tr ike to be successfu l , they have to go on the record to say t ha t wha t they f il ed was scandalous , impertinent and ir relevant . They wil l never go there. They have made it very c l ear to me. We gave him this opt i on when we filed th e motion for sanctions . T h ey cou l d have withdrawn the motion completely. He said even in his last l etter, Mr. Hearon was very c l ear, we did not do anything wrong, we don 't feel we did anything wrong and we are not going t o be withdraw ing it . MR . WEISS: The problem is t hey have gotten thems el ves --fir st of all, we told you that in order t o g e t t he judge disqualified, they made the se sta t e me n ts about the j udge . T h ey d i dn't need to go t here to get the judge disqualified , and the way they hand l ed the case i s mak in g i t more and more difficult for us. Bu t i t 's a quagmire th at we are trying -- believe me , Mic ha el --when I said to Michael , l et 's t ry one more time to t r y t o ge t t his t h ing settled, th e n Micha el said, you know , Ric hard, you are go i ng a li tt le bit beyond what the council authorized you to do. They tol d you to wr ite the TAYLOR REES E AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 13 letter and de ma nd all tho se apologies . I said, well, l isten, let 's see if you remove all t he emotion from this thing, if the re 's jus t releases a nd dismissals, and let 's get them to do it. MR . POPOK : E at ing crow. MR. WEI SS : The whole admit t ing t h at we d idn 't spend the money, because, remember, t h at was a big part of it, we didn 't spend th e money frivolo usly and we did i t to defend the charte r , and a ll of that. I said to Michael, le t 's see if we can get --remove a ll the rheto ri c and see if we can ge t t hem just t o agree to sett l e it b as ed upon some very clear te rms and that is why we did this sheet. T hey won't go t h ere. Th ey won't . MAYOR ROS ENFIELD: Who i s t he y? Th ey or she? MR. WE I SS : We ha ve to a ssume that the plain tiff in t h is case is L ynne Bloch -Mullen . MAYOR ROSE NF I ELD : We mus t assume this is t h ey. MR. WEISS: We are talking wi th he r attorney . So we have to ass u me that she is ca l ling the s hot s. Now , who is t ell ing her what to do and all TAYLO R REESE AN D ASSOCIAT ES , I NC. (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 that , I wouldn 't even bo ther to speculate. COUNCILMAN PACKER : Wouldn 't i t be he r attorney advising her? MR. WEISS : No , because there 's two issues here . The issues tha t they are dea l ing with , surely her attorney is adv i sing her, but in t he end, it 's the client 's decision , just like it 's your decision. So the issues that really are left here are, number one, how st r ong l y you feel about the Tom Hunke r i ssue . That is number one . Numbe r two is --because let me just pee l that back for a second. Michael, please cor r ect me if I'm wrong. MR . P OPOK : Su r e , I wi l l . 14 MR . WEISS: If t h ere is no sett l ement , they are go in g to file a br i ef . They have 70 days to file a brief , and then we a r e going to file a response brief . We are going to incur anothe r 20 -something, 30, wha teve r it is of attorney 's fees , and I assume she is going to pay some a tt orney, but still what will be remaining on the record are two things on our part. Number one , t here is going to be a motion to ta x costs , which we are going to pursue for TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 44 4-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 $4,100, and, number two, we have a motion for sanctions against them . MR . POPOK : Which we have not filed . MR. WEISS : Which we have not filed , but which we wil l file , and we will pursue . So two t hings , if this case doesn 't get settled , that is what is going to happen . You are going to have an appeal going on on one side, and on the other side you are going to have this continued fight i ng dealing wit h the mot ion for sanctions and the motion for costs . MR . PO POK : One other item on that -- COUNCI LMAN PACKER : Can I -- MR. POPOK : Sorry, councilman. COUNCILMAN PACKER : I don 't want to in t errupt. Can you just adv i se me what you mean by a motion for sanctions? MR . WE I SS: Go ahead, Michael. MR . PO POK : At the council's direc tion, in an effort to try to convince them early on to remove from t he record the filin g that attacked the chief, we served t hem with what is permitted under Florida statutes, which is 57 .105 of the Florida statutes. If you file a meri t l ess p leading or other fi l ing with t he court, if the TAYL OR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 side attacks it , gives you a demand l etter and says, you ha v e 21 days to withdraw it or we are going to seek atto r ney 's fees and costs against you related to t hat filing , they have t heir 21 days to withdrew the mo ti on . MR. WEISS: And they didn 't . MR. POPO K : I had a conversation with them on t he 20th day. He said, we are never going to remove that . We didn 't do anything wrong. ASS I STANT MAYOR BLACHAR : But why? MR . POPOK: T h i s is before i t became an issue in sett lement. MR . WEISS : Understand a l so the point, I 1 6 think it 's a very good question you asked . Understand t hat at that point , they had the full freedom to withdraw that p l eading and none of this would have been a problem . The problem i s they have gotten deeper and deeper i n to t his thing . T hey di d n't withdraw the pleadi ng . COUNCILMAN PACKER : What I don 't understand i s when you say this thing about sanctions -- MR. WEISS: Yes. CO UNCI L MAN PACK ER: --then it's up to the j udge to look at this thi ng and say , yo u did someth i ng frivolous or not frivo l ous? TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 44 4 -733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1 4 15 16 1 7 18 19 2 0 21 22 23 24 2 5 MR . WE I SS : Yes , exac tl y . COUN CIL MAN P AC KE R : Is t h a t co r rect? CO UNC IL WO MA N CO HEN : T hat mea n s we have to con t inue . MR . WEISS: I f t h is th i ng i s not settled, 17 t h ere will be three things going on. Th e one that he just described , wh ich is t hat we are going to f ile a mo ti on for sanctions. MR. PO POK : If t he counc i l authorizes . MR. WEI SS : If the counc il wants us to , to t r y to ge t that p lead in g to be dee med p ri vileged a nd r emoved , numbe r one . Num be r t wo , if y o u wa n t us t o, we a r e going to p u rsue the m f or the $4,1 00 so t he j u dge , t h e l ower co u r t judg e wi ll be de a l in g wit h those t wo i tems , t he t r ial j u dge . A n d on the other hand at t h e appellate c ou r t , t h e T hird Dis tri ct Court o f App eals , we wo ul d have t h i s whole a pp ea l process g o i ng on , whic h, frank l y , has al most no rela t i onship to t h e o t her two items . CO UNC I L MAN PACK E R : T he othe r ap p ea l t h i ng i s , in othe r wo r ds, t h ey are appeal i ng a l so our r i g h t that we ap p o i nte d Mr . Sanz to th e seat? MR . WEI SS : Yes . Ma rtin , that is the only TAYL OR REE S E AND ASSO CIATES , INC. (3 05 ) 44 4-7 33 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 18 th i ng they a re appealing because t here is nothing else , because the Joel Jac oby issue, he resigned . The court never made a determ i nation o n that . t he on l y iss ue that the y are appea l ing CO UN CI LMAN P ACKER: appoint . MR . WE I SS : Correct . I s our right to So ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR: If we we rit ahead with the motio n for s ancti ons against t hem, what is t he cha nce that we wou l d p r evai l on that? MR. POPOK: Well, we a re handicapping what a court is go i ng to do . I have to te ll you cour t s are , you k now, the y a re n o t excited abo u t sanctioning attorneys , law fir ms, and that type of thing , so we are going t o be -- MR. WEISS : It 's v e ry di ff icul t . MR . POPOK : We are going t o have to gear up for a very strenuous motion . ASS ISTAN T MAYO R BLACHAR : Wouldn 't you be call in g as a witness t he j udge they h ad wanted out recusing him? You probably would to show that t hese peop le are evil. MR. PO PO K : I haven 't sat down and thought about the strategy of things. ASS ISTAN T MAYOR BLACH A R: But I 'm saying i f TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC . (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 you had t o do that, I think it would help your chances of winning a mo tion like that , but I just don't know in terms of MR. WEISS : hearing on 57.1 05 . It 's very difficu l t to win a ASSISTANT MAYOR BL ACHAR: So wha t do you guys recommend? MR. POPOK: But they do know they have exposure because t hey are mak ing it part of t he settlement. T hey do want a release . Even if they gave it a ten percent chance of success, they don 't want it hanging over them. That 's for sure . MR . WEISS: Let me give you t he r ange of options . I f you want okay , in the whole i ntangible issue , which I don 't want to lose because I know t hat it 's important and I don't want to lose it . COUNCILWOMAN COHEN: The chief . MR. WEISS : No. we raised last t i me . The intang i ble iss ue which It was raised in a l l t his v i triolic rhetoric, which is that the council wasted money and they shou l d have done this and all that . You had us include in you r original l etter to them after our last executive session that we wanted them to say affirmatively that the TAYLOR REES E AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 counci l spent the money to defend t he charter , that they didn 't spend the money to defen d Jacoby . So on one hand , we have the absolute, you have the absolute ability to get rid o f thi s , which is basical l y saying, okay, we wil l exchange mu t ua l releases, withdraw motion for sanctions, we wi ll withdraw our motion f or costs, and t hey wil l dism i ss their appeal, and this case is gone. COUNCI L MAN PACKER : Has that been proposed to them? COUNC IL WO MAN COHEN: That is why we are here today . MR. WEISS: The p roblem i s that you have the whole in t angible issue has not been addressed, and you have to decide how important it is , and the whole issue of the chief has not been addressed. MR . POPOK: Richa rd is righ t . T hey would ta ke i t i n two seconds. MR . WEISS: The problem is there i s two other issues, both o f which they created , and you have to decide whethe r it's impo rtant enough . COUNCI L WOMAN COH E N: T hey created knowing fu ll we l l that we are going to close the flo odg at es, and that is where they are going . TAY LOR REE SE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC. (305) 4 44-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 MR. WEISS : Those are the t wo issues. If you re move t hose two issues, which are sort of the intangibles, I 'm cal l i ng intangibles , which is telling us the council spent the money imprope rly and tha t they re move the Chief Hunker issue , this case is settled in f i ve minu tes. T h e question is, honestly, how far you want to go on th i s thing to defend, and I think we have exp l ained it to you, but if this was a regular perso n, you k now , if Ch i ef Hu nke r was just a regular person , i t wou l d not be as much of an iss ue , but the prob l em is he 's the chief law enfo r cement officer of this village . They have basically said that the chie f law enforcement officer of this village is a liar . they sa i d in the pleadings . MR. POPOK: On e other element. That is what Richard i s right in the way that he describes it about possible settlement. One other e l eme n t, they do not want this council to fund. about a sui t by Chief Hunker. They a re worried MR. WE I SS: They a r e worried that we won't support or f und a suit by Chief Hunker . Again , you need to decide how strongly you feel about those two issues that are r eally not TAYLOR REE SE AND ASSOC I ATES, I NC. (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 they are really not par t of the regular in a n ormal la wsuit , they wouldn 't be around if they hadn 't filed that p leading about Tom, and if they hadn't made all these statements in public, that would no t be an issue. ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR: Do we owe a duty t o th e chief to support him? That is the bo t tom line. MAYOR ROSENFIELD: The question is not do we owe a duty , how much of this i s actually be lie ved by the public. MR . WE I SS: I t's not the pub l ic. On the intangible issue , i t is the public . MAYOR ROS ENFIELD : On the intangible , it is th e public . MR. WEISS : Bu t on the T om Hunke r issue, it's not t he public. MAYOR ROSENFIE LD : I understand t hat , but does the public believe t hat this man is unf i t to serve. I mean everything that has been said in t h is chamber, the two young peop l e that came here one day to g i ve hi m a plaque and to honor him, they feel that he is probably the finest man. MR. WEISS: The Tom Hunker issue , the reason Tom Hunker --first of all, the Tom Hunker TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC. (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 1 3 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 issue is not how the public fee l s a bout him, alt h ough I t hink that burns him . The issue that he is wo rri ed about is when a guy l ike Tom Hunker who is the head of police in Ba l Harbour is accused of being a l iar, it undercu t s. The feeling he has , number one , undercuts h i m as a profess i ona l law en f o r ce ment officer for 30 -something years, and it undercuts the whole po lice department . COU NC ILWOM AN COHEN: De finitely , definitely . COU NC I LMAN PACKER: Ba sica ll y , they pursued t hat line, and they refuse to back off , and we feel th at T om is absolutely on the up and up . Then they are wrong and the council has t o to say , hey, look, i f you are not going to wi t hdraw it a n d ta k e ba c k what you sa i d , sorry , Charlie , you don 't defame anybody , you don 't have any evidence to defame anybo dy , and that is it . You will have to suffer the consequences , whateve r the consequences are goi n g to be . c hi e f . MR . WEISS : Un derstand -- COUNC I L WOMAN COHEN : It 's not u s . I t's t he MR . WE I SS : He 's saying t h at th e case is TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 44 4-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 not going to get settled, and we are going to go after the motion for sanctions. COUNCILMAN PACKER: That is what you ha ve to do if they don't want to back down . COUNCILWOMAN COHEN: T o defend; MR. WEISS : Understand the fact t hat t h e 24 case i s under appeal . The other thi ng for you to consider , be lie ve me, I don't want you to th ink in any way t hat I am pushing one way or another . I 'm j us t trying to give you all the information so you can made a decis i on. The risk in not settling this case is that some judge , some panel o f three j udges at the Third District Court of Appeals say that what the tria l judge did in a llo wing us to sea t Jamie is wrong. That is the COUNCILMAN PACKER : That is go in g to continue no matter what we do . MR. WEISS : No, no . If you sett l e the case , it 's all over . MAYOR ROSENF I ELD : It 's over. ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR : And if you don 't and that gets brought up on appeal , that could conceivably take two years . years . T hat could take a few MR. WEISS : It could ta ke a year . TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC I ATES, INC. (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 13 14 15 1 6 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 MR. POPOK : We wil l get a decisio n w i thin a year . ASSIS T ANT MAYO R BLACHA R : Wi t hin a year? MAYOR ROS E NFI E LD: At the time o f the next electi on . ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR: At t he time o f t he ne xt e l ection . My conce rn, t h ough , and I th i nk t h is is what everybody has to u nd erstand , too , is t hat it hurts th e ch i ef because if t he ch i ef has to ever t esti f y in a co urt of law, they can use th is aga i ns t him and it ma k es him look l i ke he 's not respec ted by us, and th a t i s the p r oblem that I have with it , because h e sho ul d know tha t we s u ppor t him . COUNC I LWOMAN COHEN : Are yo u kidding? ASSISTAN T MAYOR BLACHAR : I kno w yo u say you don 't wan t --y o u are g iving us what yo ur op i nion is, b u t you are not really telling us which wa y you would le an . I would l ike you r opinion . What would you do to resolve this? T ha t is what I wan t to know . MR . WEISS: I have done e v e ry th ing I can do to try to reso l ve this . ASS I STANT MAYOR BL ACHAR : Bu t what do you TAYLOR REES E AND ASSOCI ATES , INC . (3 0 5) 4 4 4-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 thin k we should do? COUNC IL WOMAN COH EN: Go forward . ASSISTANT MA YOR BLACHAR: Do you think we shou l d go forward? MAYOR ROSENFIELD: He told us. It is up to us . COUNCILWOMAN COHEN: How about the chief? I think the chief should be consulted. MR. POPOK: Let me jump in for Ric ha r d for one second. I th in k we have reache d the point now, I can say this wi t h confidence and hav ing dealt wi th them and reading what they have written, t hat you really have a choice to make . I t's a policy choice about whether you want to get the case settled because ther e is a c le ar pa t h to get the case settled or you wan t to stand firm on Ch i ef Hunker. I don't think they are giving us the ability to do both . MR . WEISS: I think the question is whether t he risk that the judges, and we think tha t we had a very so l id case below, we thought we should have won below on the issue of t he council replac i ng . We think the charter is clear, but, you know , you never kn ow what happens i n an appeal. TAYLOR RE ES E AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 44 4-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 On t he one hand is tha t . On the other hand is the issue of Tom Hunker. I can 't tel l you that we have a hundred percent chance of winning that appeal. I think t h at we h a ve a very good chance of winning the appea l , and I t hin k Michael agrees with me . Ri g h t? MR. POPOK : Yes . MR . WEISS: And that is as strong as I will be about anything . I don't go any higher than very good chance. MAYOR ROSENFIELD: I have to ask a question and t hat is because we are constan t l y in a fina nc ial -- COUNCILWOMAN COHEN: Cos t. MAYOR ROS ENFIELD: The budget. MR. WEISS : The cost to pursue the appeal, abou t 20,000. Right? MR. POPOK : Hold on a second. Yes, wit hout t h e ora l . I would say 25,000 with the hearing, with an o r al argument . COUNCILMAN PACKER: May I j us t say something? Michael , you said 25 seco nds ago if there is a chance, to settle. out . MR. POPOK : I t 's the way Ric ha rd l aid it I f you drop t h e Hunker issue , you can get TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 44 4-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 t h e case sett l ed. MR. WEI SS : I will tell you . You asked me what to do. I would not stand on ceremony asking them to withdraw through statements about what t h ey said abo u t the council because I just think it 's nonsense. I will tel l you t his: about T o rn Hun k er is serious. I th in k the thing He 's a decent person , and I would not abandon Tom , but that is just my opinion, and that is sort of --if I had to make t h i s decision , that i s what I would do beca u se I don 't thin k it 's right to abandon Tom Hunker . ASS I STANT MA YOR BLACHAR: I agree with you . COUNC IL MAN PACKER : Arn I ri gh t in thinking we are on two tracks; i s t h at correct ? The t rac k with the appea l o r you are connecting the t wo with the Tom Hu n ker? COUNCI L WOMAN COH EN : E i t h e r way . MR . WE I SS : I t's all co nn ect ed. MAYOR ROSENFIELD : It's all connected. MR. WEISS : There is n o way to spl it it apar t . COUNC ILM AN PACKER : So it canno t spl it apart . We have to sta nd firm , and stay behind TA YL OR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC. (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 29 Tom . MR . WEISS: T he only thing that I think t ha t wou l d --I mean, our position has to be if you want to stand beh ind T orn, that we can 't allow to enter into some sett l emen t agreement, which you and I d i scussed the other day, where we have a chance of do ing . We ha ve to require if they are goi n g to se ttle with u s, that they file t his motion w i th us, and they stand with us, and th ey say, yes, we wa nt t o withdraw the thing . What is t h e least of t h e words, Michael? MR. POPOK: The lea st of the words? MR . WEISS: On the p l ead i ng t o withdraw. You said --what is the least -- MR. POPOK: MR . WEISS: MR. POPOK: I mpe rt inent, scanda l ous . No, no . I rr ele v a n t and i mma te rial . MR . WEISS : Something like that. I'm not as k in g them to say that it was, you kno w -- COUNC ILWOMA N COHEN : It's too foo li sh . MR . WEISS : What is the words they have to say? MR. POPOK : Irrelevan t and i mmaterial. mot i o n to strike they were tal king about . MR. WEISS : Ir relev a nt , i mm ateria l , TAYLO R RE ESE AND ASSOC I ATE S , INC. (305) 444-733 1 The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 some th ing like that . from t he record . I t just needs to be removed MR . POPO K: I am just going to read you one line in this en tir e thing that I think crystalizes their posit i on. letter . This is Bil l Hearon's most recent He sa i d , what the village is apparently asking on behalf of Chief Hunker, a nonparty -- they still don 't get it --is for the p l aintiff to re ca n t statement s made in her affidav it and ma de i n the motion t o recuse Judge Reyes. That wil l not happen. T hey can 't be any more clear about this . ASSISTAN T MAYO R BLACHAR: Do they feel if you take that back that some how there is an issue that they did something wrong with t h e judge, the judge had rec used himsel f? MR . POPOK : MR. WEISS : But we are re lea si ng them . They a re concerned that t hey have said something improper under oath. what th ey are concerned about? Is that MR . POPO K: T here might be t hat or they exposed themselves to a further suit from Chief Hunker maybe. Look , if they came back to us and said we will work , that doesn 't -- TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC . (305) 444 -7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 31 MR . WE ISS : If they said Tom Hunker will release us , I think we would do it . MR. POPOK: T hey didn 't ask me for a Tom Hunker re l ease . ASS I STANT MAYOR BLACHAR: Why don 't you offer that aspect of it , and if not, then I would say go forward and let 's stand behind t he chief . COUNCILMAN PACKER: That i s what we have to do. ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR : The chief deserves that. MR. POPOK : What if t h ey say, all r igh t , we wi ll move to str i ke , but we can't guarantee the results? COUNC ILMAN PACKER: It's up to the judge . ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR : It 's up to the judge . MR. WEI SS: I think we are responsible to Tom to do every th ing that we can do legally and present it that we possib ly can, but not with one hand tied behind our back . We have to have the whole vote from them based on this motion. MR . POPOK : If t hey d i d that regardless of what happens with the ju dge? MR. WEISS: Yes. That is t he most we can TAYLOR RE ESE AND ASSOC IATE S, I NC . (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 do for Tom. There is riothing else that we can do . ASS I STANT MAYOR BLACHAR: Even if you didn't have this, you wou l d have to go before the judge, so eith er way -- MR. WEISS: There is nothing more that we can do . Nothing more t hat they can do having done what t hey did, which is really unfortunate and stupid . COUNC I LMAN PACKER: Stupid . ASS I STANT MAYOR BLAC HAR: T h ey may not want to admit they we r e stupid in doing it. CO UNC I LMAN PACKER : Tha t is the issue. MAYOR ROSENF IELD: That is the iss ue . MR . WEISS: So this is what we are going to do so we don 't have t o have another executive session. Are yo u okay with the --I'm no t minimizing it --with eliminating our request on the --I 'm going to call it the po li tical side, having th em make th ese statemen t s? ASSISTANT MAYOR BL ACHAR: I think Jean was the one who really felt --that really bothered her. MR . WEISS: You know what? I don't blame h er a bit. TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOCIAT ES, INC. (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 2 1 2 2 23 24 25 33 MAYOR ROSE NFIEL D: It bothers me , but you know what ? I don 't thi nk anybody i s listening to t h em . Nobody is liste ning to them . It was rather obvious fr om th e las t e le ction that th ey weren't listening. I 'm wi ll in g to forgo t hat. That i s not --t he issue is T om . do. MR. WEISS: T ha t is what we ar e going to We are go i ng to say we wi ll wi thdraw the mot i on, but they have got to agree to f ile that motion with us to ha ve the f iles desi gnated as confident i al . I s tha t it? MR. POPOK : Le t 's t al k a bout t hat. The one I really want -- MR. WEISS: It 's n ot the best one. MR. POPO K: The bes t one for u s is a motion to strike with an agreed order submitted. MR. WEI SS : MR . POPOK : T ha t is what we want. Because the other one , the confidentiality, because the Firs t Amendment i ssues re q u i re a 30 day posting on t he court docket for a n ybody that may ob je ct . MR . WEISS : Th ey need to agree to the one tha t we have the best c ha nce , j u st st ri ke t he pleadings . MR. PO POK: Right , exactly, and r emove it TAYL OR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 f rom t he record. MR . WEISS: Remove it fr om th e record. That is it. If they ask f or a release fr om Tom Hunke r in response to t ha t, we wi l l ask Tom before we offer i t. MR. POPOK: I won't offer it. MR. WEISS: I think it will be okay with that . If not , we are just --that is the end of it. We have gone --Michael saw the guy in the courthouse up in Palm Beach , approached him. We have been the one who has been trying to push it , but, hones t ly, I really don 't see any quick push for sett l ement, honestly not . One or two c iti zens have tried to get involved in settling this . MR . POPOK: I asked the opposing lawyer to put together papers to bring in to the executive session. Tha t was ten days ago. Th ey didn't respond. MAYO R ROSENF I ELD : My next question is: When did the 70 days start? MR . POPO K: I t a l ready started. They can ask for addi ti ona l time, a l though they suggested TAYLOR REESE AND ASSOC IATE S, I NC . (305) 444-7331 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35 that because of the duration l e ft in the term , they want to move to expedite the appeal. MR. WEISS: We are certainly not going to grant th em any additiona l t im e . MR . POPOK : We will get it done. MA YOR ROS ENFI ELD : When did i t star t ? Did it start th r ee weeks ago? MR . POPOK: It started off when the notice o f appea l was fi led. MR . WE I SS: I t started like three weeks ago . They are probab l y 20 days i n t o it. MAY OR ROSENFIE L D : They have 50 days to make up their mind. ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR: T hey may not even do i t . They are saying they are doing it . may not even bothe r wi th it. The y MAYOR ROSENF I ELD: That still leaves us ha nging with T om . MR. WE IS S: If they don 't file a brief, if they don't file a br i ef , then we are still hanging with Tom and we will make wha t ever mo t ion we have to by ourse l ves . MAYOR ROSENFIELD: Okay. ASSISTANT MAYOR BLACHAR : Than k you for all yo u r work. That i s not easy . TA YLOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, I NC. (305) 4 4 4-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 MR . PO PO K : Th ank you. MR. WEISS : Mar t in , d o you agree w ith what we are doing? COUNC I LMAN PACKER : I agree . T his th i ng should be settled and if somebod y is hard-no sed, as far as that goes , i t 's ridicu l ous . be settled. It h as to MR . WEISS: B y the way --well, I don't want t o say i t. MAYOR ROSE NF I E L D: Say it . MR. WE I SS : I was goi n g t o say i f somebody 36 k nows somebo dy in th e vi l l ag e th at can encourage these peop le to s ett l e t his thing to t he exte n t we want to be done with it , but they are bei ng unreasonable about it. Do n't te ll them what we did i n the executive session , but say , listen , you know wha t , we are re all y trying t o settle this thing . If you g uys don 't want to set tle , tha t is fine . The on ly ones t hat a re go in g to benefit honest l y from th i s are t he attor ney s. It 's real ly a shame . MAYOR ROSENFIELD : I think the person that you and I know wh o had tal k ed with them, they turned him down cold. MR. WEISS : A very prominen t cit i zen that TAY LOR REES E AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444-733 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 really tried to settle t h i s th i ng, and I don 't think that he is, you k now, somebody you wou l d perce i ve as close with them. MAYO R ROSEN F IE L D: And he shook his head with me the other day and said, I tried , that is it. We will keep on trying. MR. WEISS: The reason they don't want to 37 settle this t hing , there is a fo r ce h ere that is working that we don't understand, because I really don 't think it 's the --I mean , if the peop l e real l y wan t ed the see the village move on, and I have l istened t o you , n otwithstanding that you may have some differences amo n g you on some items , you are together on t his. Nobody wants to pursue this litiga t ion, which is why we went the extra mile to try to settle it . move on after th i s. execut i ve sessions . They just don't want to , so We a r e n ot having any more Te l l them I don 't want any counteroffers either because I have noth i ng further . MAYOR ROSENFIELD: I will now reopen the pub l ic meeting . The attorney/client session has n ow been terminated and members of the general publ i c are now invited to return for any further proceedings or matters . TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES, INC . (305) 444-7331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thank you very much. (Thereupon, th e proceedings were concluded at 6:50 p.m.) CE R 'TI FICA TE I, Mary G. Stephenson, FPR , S t ate of F l orida at 11 Large, certify that I was autho rized to and did 12 ste n ographica ll y report the foregoing proc eedings and 13 that t he transc r ipt is a true and complete record of my 14 ste nog raphic notes . 15 16 Dated th i s 13 th day of August , 2009. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TAY LOR REESE AND ASSOCIATES , INC. (305) 444-733 1 38