HomeMy Public PortalAbout20240320 - Adaptive Playground Committee - AgendaAdaptive Playground Committee Agenda March 20,2024 -6:00PM via Google Meet Google Meet joining info Video call link:https://meet.google.com/rqc-jxdk-wky Or dial:(US)+1 669-241-7608 PIN:347 174 589# 1.Welcome -Committee Introductions 2.How did we get here -discussion of CPC grant 3.Goals of Committee a.Identify town owned parcels (email sent 2/29) b.Identify criteria for town owned parcels c.Identify customers -request is kindergarten to grade 1 d.Identify time when customers are available to utilize e.Identify criteria for playground 4.Accessible Playgrounds a.Purpose of Play &Impacts of Playgrounds (information gathered by Lauren Dubeau) b.US Access Board Accessible Play Areas c.US Access Board Guide to the Accessibility Standards 5.Criteria for playground -discussion 6.Scope of Work for Designer 7.Timeline for playground This schedule is an approximate outline. a.Existing Conditions 3 weeks July b.Schematic Design 6 weeks Aug-Sept c.Design Development 3 weeks Sept -Oct d.Construction Documents 4 weeks Nov e.Bidding 3 weeks Dec -Jan ‘25 f.Construction Administration 5 months Feb ‘25 -Aug ‘25 8.Meeting dates and goals a.Meeting #1 -today b.Meeting #2 -criteria for parcels,customers c.Meeting #3 -criteria for playground,accessibility d.Meeting #4 -review Scope of Work submissions e.Meeting #5 -meet with designer, f.Meeting #6 and on -driven by the designer