HomeMy Public PortalAbout20240318 - Board of Health - Agenda Packet (002)NOTICE OF MEETING HOPKINTON HEALTH DEPARTMENT Date: MARCH 18, 2024 in person & virtual Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Senior Center Arts & Crafts Room AGENDA Meeting Link: https:/ /us02web.zoom.us/j /89065151140?pwd=Q29gRDhzMEcrWW9aa2w2RUxXQOtjZzO9 Meeting ID: 890 6515 1140 Passcode: 240282 UPDATED 3/14/2024* Public C olsinient - Members of the community are invited to share ideas, state opinions or ask questions Request for the Board's support for the Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee PFAS Warrant Article - Request to Approve Board's February 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes - Request For Future BOH Board Meeting- :. g. 12 j Department's FY' 24 February 2024 Budget Summary-(Pg. 13) Request to Approve Director Reimbursement-(Pg. 14) • $164.66 *In -House Concerns to be Discussed-(Pg. 15-17) Discussion & Vote to Transfer Department's Grant Fund(s) to the General Fund Account-(Pg. 18) Board of Health Meetings: Note: The listed matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Board to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion only to the extent permitted by law. Unless an agenda item is a posted Public Hearing, the matter may be considered earlier than the indicated time if there are last minute cancellation(s) or other unforeseen events which cause the Board to move more quickly through the agenda. Hopkinton Nidia LaRoche <nlaroche@hopkintonma.gov> Re: Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee request to present PFAS Warrant article 1 message Nidia LaRoche <nlaroche@hopkintonma.gov> To: Donald Sutherland <donniesutherland3@gmail.com> Cc: SMcAuliffe@hopkintonma.gov Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 8:22 AM Good morning Mr. Sutherland, Your request to meet with the Board of Health is scheduled on March 18, 2024 promptly at 5:30 p.m. The Board meets at the Senior Center arts/crafts room, 28 Mayhew Ave. This is your email confirmation of attendance. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Nidia On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 8:05 AM Donald Sutherland <donniesutherland3@gmail.com> wrote: Good morning Nidia, The Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee (HSGC) Environmental Working Group requests to present the HSGC warrant article and the group's research into the expanding PFAS testing in Massachusetts by government agencies to the next Hopkinton Health Services Department and Board of Health 3/18/24 5:30pm meeting. Proposed text: "To see if the Town will appropriate funds not to exceed $10,000 for the purpose of detecting toxic chemicals including PFAS/PFOA, pesticides, herbicides, or elements including lead and arsenic, as determined by the Health Department, in any media prior to application to town lands or waters by the Town of Hopkinton." The HSGC proposed toxic chemical preorder municipal product testing warrant would provide the Hopkinton Board of Health a proactive testing policy for PFAS and other toxic active and inert chemical compounds in municipal products (ie. Hopkinton High School artificial synthetic turf and fill to replace natural grass football field, Department of Public Works contracting toxic chemical aquatic herbicides for plant management in Lake Maspenock) to be potentially purchased this year. Stay safe, Donald Sutherland Chair of the Environmental Working Group Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee https://www.hopgreen.org Please refer these resources to your Board of Health: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) and Department of Public Health (MDPH) PFAS contamination testing of drinking water supplies and fresh water life in Massachusetts using an expanding testing range of 40 PFAS total organic fluorine compounds in fish. Please see: December 2023 Massachusetts Department of Public Health PFAS Concentrations in Surface Water and Fish Tissue at Selected Rivers and Lakes in Massachusetts https://www.mass.gov/doc/massdep-final-report-on-pfas-concentrations-in-surface-water-and-fish-tissue-at-selected- rive rs-and-Takes-i n -m assach u setts/down load P5 The state of Maine has enacted PFAS product testing mandates for active and inert compounds using 55 PFAS compounds. Please see: https://www.maine. gov/d ep/spills/topics/pfas/PFAS-prod ucts/#:—:text=A%20 retai ler%20m ay%20not%20sell, products%20containing%20intentionally%20added%20PFAS https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2023/06/main e-data-unveils-trou bl ing-trend-55-pfas-related-chemicals In January 2024, the EPA released three methods to better measure PFAS in the environment: Final EPA Method 1633, a method to test for 40 PFAS in wastewater, surface water, groundwater, soil, biosolids, sediment, landfill leachate, and fish tissue. Please see: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/key-epa-actions-add ress-pfas#:--:text=l n%20Jan uary%202024%2C%20the%20EPA, landfill% 201eachate%2C%20and%20fish%20tissue The Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee Environmental Working Group contacted the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Massachusetts Pesticide Board and Subcommittee and here are their responses to our inquiry on PFAS chemical compound listing and use in the Commonwealth: The Massachusetts Pesticide Board and Subcommittee have no PFAS restrictions for pesticides registered in Massachusetts "The Department continues to update the Pesticide Board and Subcommittee on EPA's development and work on PFAS and pesticides. To date, the Board and the Subcommittee have not developed any policies specific to PFAS and pesticides registration." Best regards, Hotze Wijnja, Ph.D. 1 Environmental Chemist MA Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Division of Crop and Pest Services 225 Turnpike Road Southborough, MA 01772 857-972-4670 www.mass.gov/agr The Massachusetts Pesticide Board and Subcommittee state they do not have a list of pesticides with active and inert PFAS. "No, the PB and PBS have not developed a list of fluorinated PFAS active and inert/adjuvant registered pesticides. MDAR continues to update the PB and PBS on EPA's development and work on PFAS and pesticides. " The Massachusetts Pesticide Board and Subcommittee does not have a list of approved MDEP Aquatic Herbicide with organic fluorinated PFAS in active and or inert/adjuvants ingredients https://www.mass.gov/lists/aquatic-herbicide-active-ingredients "No, the PB and PBS are not directly involved with the review and approval of aquatic herbicides and/or inert/adjuvant ingredients that are allowed by DEP to be used in aquatic settings. The PBS registers pesticide products and initial registration of a product with new active ingredient includes a comprehensive review of the active ingredient and product formulation. Upon registration by the PBS, aquatic herbicides undergo an additional special review and are only avialable for use in MA lakes and ponds after passing a joint review by MassDEP and MDAR. The special review of aquatic herbicides considers both active ingredients and other formulation ingredients." Hotze Wijnja, Ph.D. 1 Environmental Chemist MA Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Division of Crop and Pest Services 225 Turnpike Road Southborough, MA 01772 857-972-4670 www.mass.gov/agr The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) permits PFAS aquatic herbicides for water resources in the Commonwealth. "The answer from me is that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP) does not ban the use of aquatic herbicides with PFAS in drinking water supplies, as long as the MDAR Pesticide Board allows those chemicals to be applied. As for now, all chemicals used for treatments must be currently approved for use in the state by the Massachusetts Pesticide Board which is similar to your communication with Hotze from MDAR. The following website lists the approved chemicals in an aquatic system: https://www.mass.gov/lists/aquatic-herbicide- active-ingredients David WH Wong, Ph.D. 401 Water Quality Certification Program Division of Wetlands and Waterways Bureau of Water Resources Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Phone: 617-874-7155 David.W.Wong@mass.gov Nidia Ruberti LaRoche Hopkinton Health Department Tel: (508) 497-9725 18 Main Street, 3rd Floor Hopkinton, MA 01748 Web: www.hopkintonma.gov "Remember -YOUR HEALTH is IN your HANDS" DO YOUR PART -Be Water Smart! What to do if you have or have been exposed to COVID: https://www. mass.gov/info-details/what-to-do-if-you-have-or-have-been-exposed-to-covid-19 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts Monday, February 12, 2024 MINUTES Members Present: Chairman Richard Jacobs and Vice Chairman Nasiba Mannan Also Present: Shaun McAuliffe, Health Director; Simone Carter, Public Health Nurse Absent: Late Arrival(s): Regina Miloslaysky arrived at 5:36 p.m Early Dismissal: Mode of Participation: In Person and Virtual The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Jacobs. Public Comment- Members of the community are invited to share ideas, state opinions or ask questions Donald Sutherland and Ken Parker from the Sustainable Green Committee requested the Board's support for their annual town meeting article in regards to requesting the town residents to set aside less than $10,000 for the purpose to detect toxic chemicals in any prior application to town lands for water by the Town of Hopkinton. Ms. LaRoche explained to Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Parker, that unfortunately, due to the open meeting law since they are not officially on the agenda, the Board can't discuss their topic tonight. She recommended that an email be sent to her or Mr. McAuliffe with a brief statement of their plea to be placed at the Board's next meeting. Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Parker acknowledged the procedural request. Request to Waive Board of Health Water Test Requirements for 6 Box Mill -Richard Barbieri Mr. Barbieri requested the Board approval to waive the Board of Health Water Test Requirements for 6 Box Mill Road, which is a new construction custom home by installing a water filtration device and conducting the test at the kitchen sink not at the wellhead. He explained that in order for the new well to meet the water test requirements of treating the high sodium chloride he would need to tear down a wall and go through extensive additional costs to fulfill the local water well test requirement. In addition, he stated that the Environmental Protection Agency has waived the limit for sodium in the water and also believes that the high content of sodium is caused by the salting of the High School parking lot which abuts the Box Mill property. Vice Chairman Mannan asked Mr. Barbieri, why didn't he connect to town water since he did connect to town sewer at the same time? Mr. Barbieri stated that the additional cost prohibited him from connecting to town water. BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes Page 1 Mr. McAuliffe informed the Board that he met and discussed the situation with the Assistant Town Manager and Town Counsel. He stated that they voiced their concern in regards to the town assuming liability associated with potential health risks. He also noted that children brush and drink water from the bathroom sink; to assume that children only use the kitchen sink is unrealistic. Vice Chairman Mannan also noted that approving the waiver/variance would set a precedent for future applicants. Vice Chairman Mannan motioned to deny Mr. Barbieri's request to waive the Hopkinton Board of Health's Water Well Requirements for 6 Box Mill Rd. Ms. Miloslaysky seconded. Roll Call: Chairman Jacobs Yes, Vice Chairman Mannan Yes and Ms. Miloslaysky Yes. Request to Approve Board's January 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes Ms. LaRoche requested the Board's approval for the meeting minutes of January 8, 2024. Vice Chairman Mannan motioned to approve the January 8, 2024 meeting minutes, as presented. Ms. Miloslaysky seconded. Roll Call: Chairman Jacobs Yes, Vice Chairman Mannan Yes and Ms. Miloslaysky Yes. Request to Reschedule the March 11, 2024 Board Meeting Ms. LaRoche requested to reschedule the Board's March 11th meeting due to Vice Chairman Mannan not being available to attend. The Board agreed to reschedule the March 11th Board meeting to March 18, 2024. Request to Approve Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for Department Mr. McAuliffe requested the Board's approval for the Fiscal Year 2025 budget in the amount of $499, 174.39 which is broken down as follows: $405,374.39 -Salaries 5,000.00 -Overtime 88.800.00 -Operating Budget $499,174.39 Mr. McAuliffe noted that for the next two -three fiscal years the operating budget will be level funded. He stated that the proposed FY25 budget will be presented to the Select Board tomorrow, then in March it will be presented to the appropriations committee for discussion, finally it will be on the town warrant in May for a town vote. Chairman Jacobs motioned to approve the department's Fiscal Year 2025 budget in the amount of $499,174.39, as presented. Roll Call: Chairman Jacobs Yes, Vice Chairman Mannan Yes and Ms. Miloslaysky Yes. BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes Page -2' Department's FY'24 JANUARY 2024 Budget Summary Ms. LaRoche offered the department's January 2024 budget expense summary and stated that for the month of January the department's expenditures totaled $6,195.64 which the bulk of the expense comes from the conference & training line item for the Nurse's department. A balance of $41,039.29 will need to be expended by June 30, 2024. Complaints Log Year 2023 Ms. LaRoche presented the department's complaint log for 2023 to the Board. Records Digitization Update/IT Manager Ms. LaRoche informed the Board that the 2nd set of 10 boxes of property files were sent to Inception on January 19, 2024 and are waiting for the scanning to be completed. The 1st set of 10 boxes of files were completed and as of January 18, 2024 IT has begun ingesting the electronic format into laserfiche. In addition, the IT Director met, via Google Meets, with the Director, Chairman Jacobs and herself about 2 weeks ago where the IT Manager presented examples of the uploaded scanned documents, the alphabetized structure and naming format under laserfiche. Ms. LaRoche stated that the scanning of property files is moving forward and is very pleased with the progress, which is also shown on the scanning property dashboard as of January 30, 2024. The Board voiced their pleasure on the dashboard information and commented on how well this project has taken shape and its progress. Chairman Jacobs requested that, in the future, the dashboard be built month to month on one page. Ms. LaRoche acknowledged Chairman Jacobs' request. Strategic Plan Meeting Update/Nursing Programs Vision & Planning Mr. McAuliffe notified the Board that the department's health services community survey has been released via social media and a press release will be followed tomorrow by Guilfoil Associates. A copy of the survey and the QR code has also been issued to all advisors, stakeholders, all social media groups and the IT Department. He said that he will reach out to consultants for some preliminary numbers that will be shared at the next board meeting. After the survey closes, the consultant and his team will compile the report and will bring it forth in a draft plan to be reviewed. Nurse Carter presented the nurse department's vision and planning for the Board's support and consideration as the department completes the Health Services strategic plan. She noted that the nurse's planning and vision is in line with the Town's greater Vision Statement and Vision Themes. The health care system has pulled away from prevention and education and has gone straight into intervention. Nurse Carter stated that the nurse department's focus is to serve hopkinton's growing population, community, promote health, equality of belonging and access to clinical services to foster healthy outcomes for residents from all walks of life, cultures, experiences and socio-economic levels. She noted that the nurse's department is guided by the Department of Public Health, Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses and the Massachusetts Health Officers Association which she is actively and constantly attending all meetings and conferences offered. Nurse Carter informed the Board that given the future of Public Health, nurses are the resources for public needs. BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes Funding Development Discussion Nurse Carter requested the Board's support in moving forward with implementing a nurse revolving fund. She explained to the Board that in order to continue and further the Nurse Department's vision and planning mission it is crucial that the revolving fund be reestablished in order to have a fiscal mechanism to purchase vaccines, supplies, and equipment for the nursing programs. She informed the Board that the department needs to be proactive in planning future nursing expenses by having a revolving fund which is exactly what the Town's Vision Statement dictates. By doing this the department would be able to react quickly to any health issue(s) that arise and not be bound by money restrictions. Mr. McAuliffe noted that the Department of Public Health at its Tuesday meeting encouraged all health departments to reevaluate how their departments are funded in order to be able to afford purchasing vaccines and suggested investigating revolving funds, procurement options and to research how other communities are combating this need. The Board requested that this item be placed at the Board's March 18th meeting. Ms. LaRoche acknowledged the request. Website/jGPR Proposal Update/Public Health Nursing Department Web & Social Media Platform Mr. McAuliffe and Nurse Carter requested the Board's support for the nursing and department's web and social media platforms. Mr. McAuliffe announced that the webpage and social media platform proposal with John Guilfoil, Public Relations, was rejected by the Town Manager. The Town Manager and the IT Director stated that they want only one town website. He informed the Board that his response to the Town Manager and IT Director was that the website should be able to drive people in a simplistic way so they would return to the site and have a good overall experience in finding information and scheduling any event that the department offers. He stated that the department has approval to use Guilfoil for press releases only. He also informed the Board that the library's website is funded under a totally different mechanism, not by town funds; therefore, they are able to use their website more efficiently and without the Town's input. Nurse Carter indicated that under the current website there is not much that relates to the nurse department and is very hard for residents..etc to look for information. She noted that she included a list of all other town departments that have their own website and social media platforms with the Town's approval. Vice Chairman Mannan announced that even if the department's web page is on the current Town's website, it needs to be found, she stated that she is not able to find much on the town's website. Vice Chairman Mannan asked how the department will issue notifications of programs/clinics without a social media page. Nurse Carter informed the Board that the department was approved to have a social media page and are working on the logistics of the site with IT; however, she does not know where the link will be placed on the Town's website or the department's web page. BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes PFAS In Private Wells Discussion Mr. McAuliffe advised the Board that a resident tested for PFAS and the results were above the 20 ppts. Since the resident shared this information he is legally mandated to report the results to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). In discussions with the homeowner and DEP it was discovered that the source of the high PFAS concentration was related to a suspected origin in an adjacent community. The homeowner, the department and the DEP have an agreement that DEP will hold the homeowner harmless in any future litigation and that the homeowner will not need to mitigate the problem. Mr. McAuliffe noted that if the department cannot tie a high concentration from an up -gradient property the resident is in jeopardy of becoming a hazard waste site. He stated that now that the DEP has set some guidelines and policy as to how to handle high PFAS results in private wells the department will be able to assist private well residents in PFAS matters. The department will circulate the "PFAS in Hopkinton" brochure and will also meet with IT to discuss other ways of disseminating the PFAS information and DEP's guidelines. Mr. McAuliffe announced that DEP will be conducting site visits to request testing on residents' private wells on East St, Front St, Aprilia Farm, Oliver St and maybe Spring St. DEP is taking these steps to help them narrow if there is an upgradient contaminate source. The residents that test higher than 20 ppt -DEP will let the owner's decide what type of measure they would like to put in. Public Health Nurse Report Public Health Nurse updated the Board on the following: Disease Surveillance RSV, influenza, and Covid. May be accessed here Regional EMS Opioid Incidence Dashboard may be accessed here Community Outreach • Social Media presence -see instagram/facebook links here Thank you Kasey for all of your hard work in this area. • Thank you Nasiba, Rick, and Regina for your support- as well as Town Management. • Narcan/Risk Reduction —remain as scheduled 2nd Tuesday of each month in Library • Vaxcare set-up and onboarding is ongoing, stay tuned to our social media and updates. • Wellness and BP Clinics / Senior Center Outreach weekly at Senior Center -these programs are growing as demand increases. Emilia has been wonderful in this role and has developed a real rapport with our Seniors. • Hopkinton Women's Club presentation on January 22, 2024 at 11:00 was successful. The recording can be accessed here Thanks so much to The Hopkinton Women's Club for allowing us to present all the Nursing Program and the Health Department has to offer. Big shout out to Nasiba for her help in promoting this event, as well as our nursing team BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes Kasey and Emilia for their participation and insight. • Nursing Web Page -see attached proposal -am awaiting final approval and direction from Management so that we may go live -as discussed on the agenda. Upcoming • Healthy Brain Initiative/Healthy People 2030/Functional Integrative Medicine o Nursing staff will complete CEUs to remain current as it relates to the CDC's initiative to assist community implementation of Health People 2023 as it adheres to the public health model and is in line with the Town's DEIB initiative. We are completing a three month self -study course to further our knowledge and implementation. Strategic Planning per Health Director and as discussed on the agenda. Snap shot of Public Health Nursing Services January 2023 Count of If Medical or Wellness Clinic then which scenario applies ? vaccine duplication Immunization, Referral to Immunization, Referral to Skin/wound follow up BP/Wellness Check BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes BP Check up Immunization Page 6 Count of If Behavioral, which applies ? Referral to Crisis Evaluation Narcan Training Director's Report The Director noted that the Elder Affairs Agency approved a case in town and will be working together with the Senior Center and the department in addition to updating the Board with the following: Food, Pool and Housing Inspections - 1. The Department issued a cease and desist order to a resident that was planning to host a party at their home and charge guests for food and alcohol. A permit for such an event had not been requested. To charge guests for food and beverage at an unlicensed facility is a violation of local, state and federal law. 2. The Hopkinton Health Department identified several other illegal home kitchens that were delivering food to Hopkinton residents. Those illegal kitchens were reported to their respective boards of health. 3. The Health Department is cooperating with the Executive Office of Elder Affairs on a case in Hopkinton. Well and Septic - 1. A Hopkinton resident reported to the Department that greater than 20 ppt of PFAS had been detected in their well. A potential upgradient contaminant source had been identified and the MDEP has elected not to require the homeowner to pay for remedial efforts to mitigate the concentrations detected. On an unrelated note, the MDEP approved the new proposed well at the Laborer's Training Center. SOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes ,T/0 Arbovirus / Mosquito Control / Ticks 1. Given the relatively mild and wet weather that we have had, the Health Department wanted to remind residents that ticks remain out and active. Please take preventative measures when utilizing the trails and outdoor areas in town. Budget / Hiring - 1. As discussed earlier, I will be meeting with the Select Board on 2/12/24 to review my budget. The appropriations meeting will likely occur in the beginning of March. I am planning to keep the office level funded for the next several years. We will supplement key programming with grants. 2. I have submitted the paperwork to convert Emilia from a per diem to a part-time nurse. We are awaiting confirmation from HR that the job has been approved and created. MDPH / MDEP Work - 1. Tuesday's call with the MDPH revealed that Hopkinton has one of the best vaccination rates in the Commonwealth. They also acknowledged that the cost of vaccines is one of the leading reasons that vaccination rates in the Commonwealth have dropped. 2. Simone has requested and the Department will be distributing free test kits from the Commonwealth. 3. The Director has submitted another request for COVID-19 test kits from the Commonwealth. 4. Whereas the MDEP appears to have established some policy for private wells, the Department will be publicizing a PFAS guidance document for Private Well Owners. 5. The Department has received written consent from the MDPH to proceed with VaxCare. The public health nurses are sorting through the final details of the setup. 6. The Department continues to work with the Middle School to recover food from the free breakfast and lunch program. Recovered food is delivered to PJB. We intend to expand the program to all of the schools in the district 7. The Governor's new state budget removed the barrier to accessing the opioid reimbursement settlement money. Youth and Family Services and the Health Department are meeting next week to discuss future programming. 8. Nora Connors, our current intern from Regis, is developing a guide to setting up a pantry. The guide will be based on PJB's efforts. PJB - 1. PJB was able to install a walk-in refrigerator and a freezer trailer. We will be working with them to set up some operational / food rotation plans. ADIOURN: Vice Chairman Mannan motioned to adjourn the Board of Health Meeting at 7:06 p.m. Ms. Miloslaysky seconded. Role Call: Chairman Jacobs Yes, Vice Chairman Mannan Yes and Ms. Miloslaysky Yes. Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Administrative Assistant BOH February 12, 2024 -MEETING Minutes Page8 aoa'/ April May Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 26 2 28 29 30 31 1:0 8:• 15:0 23:0 1:0 7:• 15:0 23:0 30:0 July 7 August Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5:• 13:0 21:0 27:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4:• 12:0 19:0 26:0 October 1 f November Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 29 30 2:• 10:0 17:0 24:0 1:• 9:0 15:0 22:0 June Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:• 14:0 21:0 28:0 September Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2:• 11:© 17:0 24:0 December Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2'? 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 1:• 8:0 15:0 22:0 30. Holidays and Observances: Jan 1 New Year's Day Jan Martin Luther King Jr. 15 Day Feb Valentine's Day 14 Fel Presidents' Day 19 Mar St. Patrick's Day 17 Mar Easter Sunday 31 Apr 1 Easter Monday Apr Tax Day 15 May 5 Cinco de Mayo Calendar generated on www.timeanddate.com/calendar May Mother's Day 12 May Memorial Day 27 Jun 14 Flag Day Jun 16 Father's Day Jun 19 Juneteenth Jul 4 Independence Day Sep 2 Labor Day Oct 14 Columbus Day Oct 31 Halloween Nov 5 Election Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Nov Black Friday 29 Dec Christmas Eve 24 Christmas Day Dec New Year's Eve 31 FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET APP ROVED 1005111 511100 511400 To tal 1005112 530970 579900 573100 571200 558900 571300 Total Grand To tal Total Excl. Salaries Salaries & Wag es Salaries Ho urly Wages (Overtime) Salarie s & Wage s BoH EXPENSES MEDICAL SERVICES M ISC OTHER CHARGES & EXPENSES DUES & MEM BERSHIPS CONFERENCES & TRAININGS M ISC OTHER SUPPLIES M ILEAGE Bo H EXPENSES FINANCE/ FY2024Expens eBudget-BO H Budget Year 385,194 .24 5,000.00 Actual Budget Remaining J ul AuguSep Oct Nov Dec J. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total Year Comments 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 390,194 .24 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 64,860 .00 52.17 272 .96 8,050.61 3,475.32 7,780.43 526 .88 16,000.00 14,520 .0 604.83 191.78 139.11 258.15 1,050.00 100 .00 210 .00 67.55 120.00 50.00 60 .00 3,500.00 650.00 1,600.00 1,442.45 25.00 100.00 5,830.00 469.00 2,000.00 37.87 126 .85 46.34 14.18 1,000.00 172 .70 690.17 100.88 583.87 57 .49 245.10 88,410.00 14,844 .8 897 .87 1,999 .81 10,855 .613,839 .32 8,737 .59 6,195 .64 1,300 .98 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 20,158.37 15,713.87 607 .55 10,116.45 225 .24 1,850.21 48,671.69 44,701 .63 286.13 442 .45 (6,616 .45) 1,774.76 (850.21) 39,738 .31 Operating Expense [Mane( 478,604.24 14,844.8 897.871,999.81 10,855 .613,839 .32 8,737 .59 6,195.64 1,300 .98 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 48,671 .69 44,738 .31 93,410.00 14,844.8 897.871,999.81 10,855 .613,839.32 8,737.59 6,195 .64 1,300 .98 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00r 48,671.691 44,738 .31, Cauwa Tax Invoice Invoice Date February 16, 2024 To Shaun McAuliffe shaun_mcauliffe @yahoo.cam Shaun McAuliffe's Team Subscriptions Subscription purchase iAF8-JUvbWc February 16, 2024 Invoice no. 04063-47982739 Total Includes tax Total charged Paid with MasterCard •••• 6340 Please retain for your records. Canva US Inc. 3212 E. Cesar Chavez Street, Building 1, Suite 1300 Austin Texas78702 United States Copyright © 2024 Canva US Inc.. All rights reserved. DP(T A ,r '5 oc AL MocA- It lqw.# IVO• L��3'•k Za' $174.95 $174.95 $10.20 $174.95 /03 // In House Concerns *-U P DATE D Meeting of the Board of Health 3/18/2024 Deficit Discussion and Other Issues • On February 12, 2024, the new accountant stopped the Director in the 2nd floor hallway and informed the Director that one of the Department's nursing accounts was overdrawn. The Director notified her that it was his understanding that they were supposed to have been covered under the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) also called the Covid-19 Stimulus Package but that the Director was more than willing to sit down and resolve the issue. • Between February 13 and February 16, 2024, the new accountant informed the Director that there was a 5 -figure "deficit" and that one of the nurse's payroll expenses had been covered by the Cares Act Grant that the municipality received, not ARPA. The new accountant stated that the Cares Act Grant had run out in early to mid 2023. • On February 16, 2024, The Director asked the new accountant if they could locate and confirm in MUNIS the unspent operating budget from the 2023 budget ($33,000) had been encumbered by the previous Town Accountant to cover the cost of the Strategic Plan from the previous Town Accountant. Based on a review, it had not. • The Director, Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager and new accountant met on the evening of March 13, 2024 and developed a plan to address the "deficits. The Town Manager intends to request a reserve fund transfer to cover the cost of the Strategic Plan. The Department will allocate approximately $16,928.00 from an unrestricted grant to cover the vaccination services that have been incurred to date. The remainder of the "deficit" will be covered by projected departmental revenue, reimbursements and the end of year operating budget. Per Town Manager's verbal request to Cindy and the Director, on separate occasions, the Department was instructed to end the per diem services of both nurses until this matter was resolved. • In response to the instruction related to the per diem nursing, the Department has had to significantly scale back its services to the residents. Hopkinton Health Department Public Health Nursing Report for 3.18.2024 March 2024 Disease Surveillance RSV, influenza, and Covid. May be accessed Regional EMS Opioid Incidence Dashboard may be accessed Current and future programming to be discussed per Director Snap shot of Public Health Nursing Services February 2023 Count of What is the purpose of the encounter? Medical, Education,... MAC VEN/MIIS, Other 2.4 o Medical, Immunization Medical Medical, Education, i... Medical, Education Education, Facilitate... 1.2°0 Medical, Health Pro... Education Respectfully submitted, Simone Carter, BSN, RN PHN MAVEN/MILS MAVEN/MIIS, Disea... Town of Hopkinton Norman Khumalo, Town Manager 18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA 01748 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, March 11, 2024 Media Contact: Leah Comins Phone: 781-428-3299 Email: leah@jgpr.net Town of Hopkinton Announces State Notification of More Than $9.5 Million in Free Cash Reserves HOPKINTON — Town Manager Norman Khumalo is pleased to announce that the Town of Hopkinton received notification from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue of approval of its available funds, or free cash, of more than $9.5 million following Fiscal Year 2023. Free cash is a revenue source resulting from a town's remaining unrestricted funds from its operations of the previous fiscal year. Free cash typically includes actual local receipts that exceeded revenue estimates, budget surpluses, and unused free cash from previous years. Based on a review of capital proposals, just over $3.5 million in free cash was approved and will be used by the Town of Hopkinton in Fiscal Year 2024. In Fiscal Year 2025, $5.7 million in free cash is proposed to be used, largely driven by an opportunity for the Town to acquire a large parcel on Main Street for approximately$3 million, which will be used as a central business district long-term parking area. Free cash is also used as needed for one-time or unanticipated emergency expenses, such as snow and ice removal deficits, remaining bills from the prior Fiscal Year, replenishing other reserve accounts and post - employment benefits. Because free cash is a nonrecurring revenue source, it is not typically used in the Town's overall operating budget. "While free cash is a common occurrence at the end of each fiscal year, the amount that is available for the Town to use varies," Town Manager Khumalo said. "We are fortunate to have ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a free cash amount that is higher than usual, which is an indication of the good financial health of the Town and can help us to sustain a strong credit rating. This free cash will allow us additional flexibility in spending in the coming years and provide us with some supplemental funding to put toward various one-time expenses." Gr ants rom Original To be Amount Expended by B alance Mun. Public He alth COVID19 Respo nse 2905112-579900 MCV19 MetroWest Health Fo undation $50,000 $24,851 .05 V accination Clinics 2905112-579900 MH VC `j services & supplies MetroWest Health F oundation $18,712.00 $10,525.54 Grand Total: $35,376.59 As of 2/6/24