HomeMy Public PortalAboutBioSafety Special Minutes 4-29-2021 update_202106021056075130BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The Watertown Special BioSafety Committee has scheduled a REMOTE ZOOM meeting on Thursday April 29, 2021 at 7:00 pm PRESENT: Heather McManus PhD, Chairperson, Bradford M. Parsons Committee Member, Deborah L. Mc Ewan PhD Committee Member, Larry Ramdin, Director of Public Health Staff: Maureen Foley, Head Clerk In attendance Steve Magoon, Director of Planning, Morris Trichon, Michael Tchen, Jim O'Connell, Lori Palley, Hal Shear CALL TO ORDER: Dr. McManus called the meeting to order 7:02 pm Public Comment No Public comments Overview for the Biosafety Special Meeting Dr McManus stated she called this meeting to touch base with planning in relations to lab space, chemical and bioscience activities within the lab communities. Watertown BioSafety wanted to know the lay of the land and the processes a lab space was approved to be built or renovated. Steve Magoon, Director of Planning The reason these labs are coming to Watertown is related to the amount of lab space available, traffic affects, neighborhoods. Plus start-ups coming from Harvard and MIT, have affected this boom in their interests with Watertown. Mr. Magoon stated Planning has a role in defining the areas in town for lab clusters (LINX PROJECT) without changing the identity of the community. Planning should set parameters for the use of the space. When developers come to the planning board, we should inquire who they are marketing the space or the nature of the businesses they attracting. Process when a developer brings in their plans to develop a space: 1. Planning meets with developers and presents potential issues, i.e. use of the land, nature of the use. 2. Committee meets with the neighborhoods. 3. Conference within departments reviewing the plans. 4. Forecast's potential uses i.e. parking ratios, loading docks, freight Dr. McManus asked, if a tenant cannot operate within the space what are the alternatives? Dr. McManus asked, if a tenant cannot operate within the space what are the alternatives? Mr. Mr. Magoon stated that the WBSC can reach out to the planning department if they feel a company is not able to operate in a space (for example if they feel the life science company is heavy industry and not light industry). 1 iPage Mr. Parsons stated the committee reviews and approves based on the application and recommends the organization to be permitted. Mr. Parson asked Mr. Magoon to confirm and clarify the WBSC authority. Mr. Magoon stated that the WBSC does not determine zoning or have the authority to prohibit a company's work for reasons other than safety. He stated that the WBSC is tasked with determining if a company meets the requirements within the Watertown Biotechnology regulation. Dr. McManus expressed concerns that a Development may rent a space to a tenant but the WBSC finds the tenant cannot physically operate using industry best practices in that space. Dr. McManus mentioned that Dr. Straus (Chair of the Watertown Board of Health) has expressed similar concerns. Mr. Magoon mentioned the possibility of a member of the WBSC coming to development meetings and/or ongoing communication between the WBSC and the planning department as we move forward. Resident, Mr. Trichon stated he was concerned about the new lab space in his neighborhood related to lab utilization of animals, zoning issues.Ls piDr. Mc Manus stated there are very strong regulations related to animal use, rDNA work. Resident, Hal Shear stated Cambridge BioSafety Committee is the gold standard and does Watertown follow this standard?[sEP]Dr. McManus stated rules and regulations at municipal levels is dealing with companies at an individual level. We review an application of compliance with regulations and operations. Mr. Magoon stated the BioSafety Committee's role is to continue to review and approve the safety of the lab, bioscience, therapeutics. Adjourn: Ramdin recommended Adjourn, Parsons 2"d 8:05 PM All in favor. Respectfully submitted: Larry Ramdin, Director of Public Health Wage