HomeMy Public PortalAboutMarine Minutes 2013-07-15 Marine and Fresh Water Quality Task Force (WQTF) July 15, 2013 Skaket Doom, Orleans Town I4all �r Task Force Members Attending: Carolyn Kennedy, Judy Scanlon, Gilbert Merritt, Ken Scott, Larry Minear Also attending: Charles Harris, Eastham: Judy Hunt, Orleans Meeting called to Order: at 10:00 am by Carolyn Kennedy I) Minutes of June Meeting were approved as amended. 5-0-0 2) S AST Cedar Pond Final Report follow up: As the full report has just become available and printed copies have not been distributed, several task force members asked that final discussion be deferred until they have a chance to review the report more thoroughly. Carolyn will schedule another Task Force meeting, either on July 22 or 24. for detailed discussions on the report,before the public presentation and discussion with SMAST on August 15th. There will be a public notice of the August meeting and George Meservey will individually invite the abutters, D®S and other interested parties. We want to have meeting recorded for access on Channel 18 and broadcast live if possible. ) Estuary Sampling: First sampling on July 11 went well. Next sampling is July 25. Still need more volunteers to fill in as substitutes. 4) Visitor Clean Water Brochure: Larry Minear presented a draft for discussion that he has developed with input from John Jannell. The draft was discussed in some detail and Larry will rework it for review by the Conservation Commission, Orleans Pond Coalition and others. 5)White Cedar Swamps: Carolyn handed out a publication from The Trustees of Reservations. http:// .thetrustees.org/about-us/press-roo /press-releases/cedar-tree-restoration.ht l There was discussion of whether a similar project could be undertaken in the Cedar Pond White Cedar Swamp. 6) Future Direction for Cape Cod Water Quality Improvements: The Cape Cod Commission has instituted a Cape wide discussion on water quality issues. They are asking for volunteers from each community to serve on regional stakeholder committees. More detail is available at http://watersheds.capecodcommission.org/ Carolyn and Judy are planning to go to today's meeting in Wellfleet to learn more about the effort. 7) FYI4 Officer Elections: Chair: Carolyn Kennedy 4-0-0 Vice Chair: Judy Scanlon 4-0-0 Clerk: Larry Minear 4-0-0 ) Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am. Next meeting is August 19. Respectfully sub m' ed, Gilbert Mefiitt Estuary Sample Dates are: 7/25, 8/12, 8/26, 9/10