HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130919 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting Minutes1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING September 19, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, September 19, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, Jeff Doherty, Ken Weismantel, Eric Sonnett, John Coolidge and Bob Ionta. Al Rogers was absent. Mr. Ionta refrained from voting during this meeting, as he had not yet been sworn in as a member. The Affordable Housing Committee and Conservation Commission seats remain vacant. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kunicki called the meeting to order at 7:17PM in Room 211. CITIZEN COMMENTS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: ► Discussion with Town Accountant Chris Ketchen – Mr. Ketchen reported that the books have been closed for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 and that an audit has been completed for FY2012. He explained that his department has been focused on implementing the MUNIS accounting system and apologized for the delayed response to the CPC’s request for FY2013 financial data. A meeting was set for September 30 to discuss “bucket” allotments. With regard to the CPC’s scheduled appearance before the Capital Improvements Committee on November 4, Chairman Kunicki noted that funding proposals will not have been completely reviewed or voted on at that time. Mr. Ketchen agreed to secure the CPC a place on a later CIC meeting agenda. ► Funding Submission Timeline Overview – The deadline for FY2015 funding request submissions is Friday, October 25. Hearings will be held on Thursday, October 17 and Thursday, November 14, 2013. The Committee’s objective is to vote on proposals in December. ► Review of Funding Requests – No formal requests had been submitted at this time. The following are potential requests: a) Mr. Weismantel said the Historical Commission is expected to request funds to shore up the silo at the Center for the Arts site. The silo has been rotting during the six years since it was moved and no money has been spent to maintain it. b) Mr. Ionta said the Historical Commission wants a historic preservationist to advise on stabilizing the structure. c) Mr. Sonnett said the Parks and Recreation Commission may request funds to restore granite curbing on the World War II Memorial on the Common. It is estimated that restoring 250 feet of the curb will cost about $5,500.00. Mr. Sonnett will research the project further. d) Mr. Doherty will speak with Jeff Furber regarding restoration plans for the Claflin Fountain on the Common. e) Mr. Ionta said the Historical Commission is interested in making a multi-media presentation to promote historic preservation and educate the public about Hopkinton’s history. He was advised that this may not be an allowable expenditure of CPA money and to consult the Community Preservation Coalition. f) Mr. David Goldman of the Hopkinton Area Land Trust said HALT will seek funds (about $7,500.00) for signage for Braden Woods, Fruit Street, Cameron Woods, Whisper Way and the Phipps Property. 2 OLD BUSINESS: ► Legal Invoices – Chairman Kunicki said the CPC would not continue to vote ”after-the-fact” on payment for legal services, but will build legal costs into funding requests. MOTION by Mr. Sonnett that the CPC pay $7,312.50 in legal fees related to Elmwood Farm SECONDED by Mr. Coolidge. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstain-2 (Mr. Weismantel and Mr. Ionta), Absent-1. ► HALT Endowments – MOTION by Mr. Doherty that the CPC approve $4,000.00 to pay for endowments to the Hopkinton Area Land Trust for the stewardship of the Phipps Property and Braden Woods SECONDED by Mr. Sonnett. This money will be taken from the CPA free cash reserve. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1, Absent-1. ► NSTAR Property – Mr. Weismantel reported that he has the names of three appraisers for whom he will prepare a scope of work and request bids. ► Granite Street Property/Upper Charles Trail Committee – Mr. Sonnett said the owner of the parcel of interest thinks it’s worth $126,000.00, while the assessors have valued it at $26,000.00. The trail cannot be linked to Milford without the parcel. UCTC is expected to request CPA funding for an appraisal and go to Town Meeting to request money for a master plan that will address all contingencies. ► Cameron Woods – Mr. Goldman said $15,000.00 will be needed for stewardship of Cameron Woods. Mr. Weismantel questioned whether or not stewardship for this property is a CPC obligation. MINUTES: July 18, 2013 – MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to approve the meeting minutes from July 18, 2013 SECONDED by Mr. Sonnett. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1, Absent-1. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Sonnett to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1, Absent-1. Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, CPC Administrative Assistant Documents Used: 1) CPC Meeting Agenda 2) Invoices to be approved for payment 3) Minutes from 7/18/2013 4) Financial spreadsheet