HomeMy Public PortalAbout20131017 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting Minutes1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING October 17, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, October 17, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, Jeff Doherty, Ken Weismantel, Eric Sonnett, Bob Ionta and Al Rogers. The Affordable Housing, Conservation Commission and one of the At-Large seats remain vacant. Also in attendance: Andre and Christine Navez of 223 Pond Street, David Goldman of HALT, Christa Collins of Sudbury Valley Trustees CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kunicki called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM in Room 211. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mr. Navez referred to 203 Pond Street, which is being considered for open space acquisition, as a link between a wildlife sanctuary and the Upton State Forest and advocated for the parcel’s acquisition. He reported that the state is appraising the land and that state funds, as well as private donations, may contribute to the purchase price of the property. PUBLIC HEARING: MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to open the public hearing to consider Community Preservation Act funding requests for Fiscal Year 2015 SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. NStar/Berry Acres: Mr. Weismantel reported strong support for the acquisition of three parcels, including support from the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board. He anticipates that NStar’s asking price may be reduced. A Conservation Commission representative will be asked to address this request at the next hearing. Town Clerk Records Storage: TABLED until November 14. Mr. Weismantel said a recommendation from the Historical Commission with regard to this request is in order. HALT Signage: Mr. Goldman said his request for signage advances an effort by HALT to identify open space properties throughout Hopkinton. Mr. Weismantel noted that the parking area for Cameron Woods/Whisper Way needs to be clearly identified. Endowment for Cameron Woods and Whisper Way: Mr. Goldman explained that this request is to enable a contingency finance source in the event that the Open Space Preservation Committee is unable to produce funds for the endowments. He said the endowments pay for baseline documentation, trail signs and stewardship in perpetuity. Mr. Weismantel suggested setting a placeholder for an Elmwood Farm CR/endowment. Claflin Fountain Restoration: Jeff Furber had two estimates for repairing the fountain, one of which entails shipping the fountain to Alabama. Two separate appropriations totaling $80,000.00 had been approved at Town Meeting for this purpose. Some $77,000+ of this remains unspent. It was agreed an effort should be made to have the fountain repaired in time for the Town’s 300th anniversary celebration. 203 Pond Street Land Acquisition: Mr. Doherty said OSPC will bring this request forward if other funding sources to offset the price are confirmed. Wyckoff Property: The Upper Charles Trails Committee will request a parcel south of Granite Street to advance the Center Trail to connect with the Milford Bike Path. Town Common-WWII Memorial: 2 Mr. Sonnet said elements of the memorial need to be cleaned and repaired at an estimated $6,500.00. Terry Farm Silo: The Board of Selectmen has engaged a consultant to examine the structural integrity of the silo, as the contractor for the barn is concerned that the silo may damage new construction there. Other requests were tabled until the November meeting. OLD BUSINESS: MINUTES: September 19, 2013 – MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to approve the meeting minutes from September 19, 2013 SECONDED by Mr. Sonnett. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to continue the public hearing to November 14, 2013 at 7:15PM SECONDED by Mr. Sonnett. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, CPC Administrative Assistant Documents Used: 1) CPC Meeting Agenda 2) Invoices to be approved for payment 3) Minutes from 9/19/2013 4) CPA Funding Applications