HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130103 - Open Space Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesOpen Space January 3, 2013 Draft Minutes Attendees: Jeff Doherty Nancy Peters André Griben Absent Ben Palleiko Ken Weismantel Guests: Elaine Larzarus Ken Parker Students Governments Class. Mr. Doherty opened meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Peters gave an update on 192 Hayden Rowe St. Asbestos removal to take place on Sat. Jan. 5, 2013. Demolition will take place the first part of next week. Mr. Doherty reported on-going conversations on Spengler and Colella properties. Fruit Street: Mr. Griben discussed violations of the CR. The Sudbury Valley will be in to talk about the violations. Mr. Griben read a letter from Mr. Nves to Mr. Palleiko advocating for purchase of this land to protect and keep the land open. Elaine stated that the first plan has been withdrawn but a new one will most likely be submitted to the next month. Mr. Doherty detailed the results of Whisper Way and thinks this will be a good project for an Eagle Scout. Mr. Griben opened discussions of potential new open space properties off Hayden Rowe that may be placed under conservation if not purchased with CPC funds. Mr. Parker is advocating that we consider buying any N Star property that is for sale. There may be portions of the Rail Bed that owners may be willing to sell to the Town. Mr. Griben brought up moterized vehicle violations of the CR on the Whitehall property. Mr. Doherty suggested that letter and not just a phone call should document observation. Ms. Lazarus, STV will hold the CR with CC. on Elmwood farm. There is a request for OS to help with stewardship on the ten acres with the house. CC will look at designateing a parking space. The Open Space and Recreation report needs to be updated as part of the grant from the State. Also, CRs are needed for Braiden and Phipps. Ms. Lazarus will do a fast tract. Mr.Peters made a motion to use revolving funds to replenish the Trails guide. Second Mr. Griben. Yes-all Minutes will be put off till next meeting. Mr. Griben motion to ajoin, Mr. Peters second. All-yes