HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130425 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee Minutes of Meeting Thursday, April 25, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, John Coolidge, Jeff Doherty, Chris Waldron, Ken Weismantel, Al Rogers, and Brian O'Keefe. Bill Shaw was absent. Others in attendance: Conservation Administrator Don MacAdam and resident David Spengler of 43 East Main Street. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kunicki called the meeting to order at 7:15PM in Room 211. CITIZEN COMMENTS: NONE OLD BUSINESS: Proposed Land Acquisition at 43 East Main Street - Mr. Coolidge stepped off the Committee as he has an interest in a property used in comparative data presented by Mr. Spengler. Mr. Spengler provided background on the ownership of the 21.47 acre parcel and said his family's wish is that some or all of it be sold to the Town for open space preservation. He maintained that the land is worth $50,000.00 per acre in the current real estate market and said he's willing to sell it to the Town for $25,000.00 per acre. The CPC is interested in 15.8 acres which run contiguous to Town -owned and HALT managed parcels. Mr. Spengler's asking price for this section (presuming the Town is the buyer) is $395,100.00. Mr. Spengler left the meeting after this presentation. Mr. Coolidge resumed his seat on the Committee. Elmwood Farm Parking Spaces - Mr. Weismantel stepped off the Committee as he is an abutter to the Ash Street property. Mr. MacAdam reported that the state requires the Town to install at least two parking spaces at the Farm prior to the release of the $400,000.00 grant. A photograph of the new spaces must be presented to the state prior to May 31, 2013. Mr. MacAdam requested $2,000.00 for the installation, which would be performed by a local contractor. Mr. Coolidge expressed frustration that none of the boards or committees involved with the acquisition have received a list of grant requirements from the state and that notifications of various criteria have been given to the Town piecemeal. It was agreed that a more suitable location and size for public parking will be pursued later. MOTION by Mr. Doherty that up to $2,000.00 from the CPA Administrative Account be expended on installation of two parking spaces at the Elmwood Farm to be in compliance with state grant award requirements SECONDED by Mr. Rogers. VOTE to Approve: Yes -5, No -0, Abstain -1 (Mr. Weismantel), Absent -1. Mr. MacAdam will serve as clerk -of -the -works for this project. Re -Vote - Elmwood Farm Warrant Article - MOTION by Mr. Rogers to support Article 41 on the 2013 Annual Town Meeting Warrant to amend the vote taken pursuant to Article 40 G of the 2012 Annual Town Meeting to provide that the parcel of land acquired pursuant to that vote, consisting of the parcels shown on the Assessors' maps as U20-30-0, R25-47-0 and R25-48-0, shall be managed and controlled by the Conservation Commission (not the Open Space Preservation Committee as currently recorded) SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes -5, No -0, Abstain -1 (Mr. Weismantel), Absent -1. Mr. Weismantel resumed his seat on the Committee. CPA Fund Allocations - The CPC reviewed the FY2014 funding request summary and the CPA Fund FY2014 spreadsheet to make final adjustments in preparation for Town Meeting on May 6. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge that the $7,000.00 requested for the Andy Welzel Memorial Path (item 6) be taken from Passive Recreation if approved at Town Meeting SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Yes -7, No -0, Absent -1. NEW BUSINESS: Open Space Recreation Plan Survey Results - Mr. Weismantel explained that the Planning Board has to approve an updated open space plan. The CPC reviewed the results of the survey. It was noted that interest in active recreation, especially the desire for a pool and skating rink, is stronger than suggested in the 2006 survey. Berry Acres Land Acquisition - Mr. Weismantel reported that he is working on getting the parcel appraised. NSTAR currently owns the 20 -acre strip of land running from West Main Street to the Charlesview area. The acquisition would prevent development and extend the trail system. Mr. Weismantel anticipates the purchase will cost around $450,000.00. Fruit Street - Chairman Kunicki has submitted a letter to Board of Selectmen Chair Ben Palleiko which expressed the CPC's position that the CPA fund be reimbursed for affordable housing money that was expended on a portion of the Fruit Street purchase if the land is used for another purpose (specifically, a solar farm). MOTION by Mr. Weismantel that the CPC request advice from Town Counsel on drafting an article to this effect for the 2013 Annual Town Meeting SECONDED by Mr. Coolidge. VOTE to Approve: Yes -7, No -0, Absent -1. OTHER: 0 Minutes - MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to approve the March 14, 2013 minutes SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes -7, No -0, Absent -1. Next Meetings - The next CPC meeting will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 7:15PM. The following meeting will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 7:OOPM. DISCUSSION CONTINUED: 43 East Main Street: Mr. Coolidge stepped off the Committee for the discussion. It was agreed that the value assigned to the property by Mr. Spengler was based on an offer made by a developer in 2006, thus being not in line with current property values. Mr. Doherty reported that the appraisal suggests the land sought by the Town is worth no more than $12,000 per acre as it is land -locked. The Committee agreed to support an offer of $290,000.00 for the 15 contiguous acres discussed earlier and request an additional $10,000.00 for due diligence and related legal fees. MOTION by Mr. Doherty to request an amount not to exceed $300,00.00 for the purchase (and associated costs) of no fewer than 13 acres of land located at 43 East Main Street SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Yes -6, No -0, Abstain -1 (Mr. Coolidge), Absent -1. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Doherty to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. O'Keefe. VOTE to Approve: Yes -7, No -0, Absent -1. Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian Administrative Assistant Documents Used: - Draft 2013 Warrant - FY2014 CPA Fund Spreadsheet - FY2014 Funding Request Summary - Copy of Chairman Kunicki's letter to Board of Selectmen (Fruit St.) - Open Space Recreation Survey Reports - Data provided by David Spengler for 43 East Main Street - March 14, 2013 Minutes