HomeMy Public PortalAboutMarine Minutes 2009-02-18 Orleans Marine and Fresh Water Quality Task Force Minutes of 18 February 2009 The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Kennedy at 10:05 am. Members attending: Carolyn Kennedy, Gilbert Merritt, Ken Scott, Bob Royce C-16 Cn Minutes of December 15 2008 were Approved 4-0-0. W There was no meeting in January 20og because of GPS training. Cn C-,rr, The Task Force Annual Report was presented and approved. Storm drain mapping: The Highway Dept is working on a contract with Stearns and Wheler to scan plans into the GIS system.We will continue with mapping of Remediation Units and coastal outfalls. On Wed 25 Feb we will map Jeremiah Gutter Area. Use of American Legion Building: We have not received a reply from John Kelly regarding our letter to him concerning the closing of the American Legion Building and the status of the Water Quality Lab. DO instruments cannot freeze and have been removed for safekeeping. Highway Dept Projects: We are chasing down"As Built Plans"for the work done at Rte 28 and Pond/Finlay Rd to see if the drainage to Crystal Lake has changed. Other business: At recent meetings with DEP, Town was urged to "get going" on the completion of the CWMP and the necessary nitrogen removal. Meeting adjourned at 10:54• Respectfully submitted-, C df� Robert Royce, Clerk.