HomeMy Public PortalAbout11/06/74 CCMThe Council of the City of Medina met in regular session on Wed. November 6, b rl 1974 at 7:45 PM. Members present: Mayor Wayne Neddermeyer Councilmen Donald DesLauriers, Robert Franklin, _ _ , Arthur Theis Thomas Stevens arrived at 8:30 P.M. Clerk Donna Roehl Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Arthur Theis to suspend with the reading of minutes of previous meetings and approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously Clerk read the following election report: of Councilman: Votes cast and counted for the office Arthur Theis 638 votes Della Gertz 1 Will Bracken 1 George Wyse 1 Ronad Peterson 1 Thomas Wile 1 John Jensen 1 Gordon Tauer 1 Dwaine Osier 1 Pat Raskob 1 James Lane 7 Franklin Groves 1 Joan Lane 2 Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donand Canvassing Board, accept the election report as read, Arthur Theis as councilman for a four year term. Motion carried unanimously Worth Bruntjen David Reiser Margie Bracken Mary Ann Theis Dean Preston 1 Albert Winterhalter 1 John L. Symoniak 1 Terry Roehl 1 Nancy Laurent 1 Bill HLben 1 Gerald Carlson 1 C.O. Dorweiler 2 James Lang 1 DesLauriers that Council act as and approve the election of Arthur Theis was duly sworn in as trustee for 4 year term. 1 vote 1 1 1 1. Elm Creek Conservation Commission Will Hartfeldt discussed with council the follwoing questions regarding the Elm Creek agreement: 1. Suspension for 60 days if directions of commission are not followed. He stated that By-laws could be drawn up regarding statement and reasons as to why directions were not followed. 2. Unanimous approval of budget with a ceiling of 1 mill. Explained why a 2/3 vote on an issue would not be satisfactory. Pat Kennedy and Dick Reimer also commented on agreement and the good community relations that are being experienced by Commission. Robert Franklin expressed opinion that if satifactory By-laws were presented the council could act to ratify the agreement. Mr. Hartfeldt stated that By-laws could be drawn up and delivered by Friday Nov.8th and that the Commission will meet on Nov. 12th if council wishes to attend. 2. Rudy Meehan Mr. Meehan explained the Medina insurance package; coverage, premiums and liability coverage. Attorney Schieffer discussed advertizing for bids using specifications the League of Municipalities has set up. Mr. Meehan stated he would check the specifications and summarize for council which portions we now have in our package. 3. McCombs -Knutson Sewer and Water Extension in Hamel Mr. McCombs reported as to the progress and inspection of project and will notify the contractor that the October 30th deadline has passed and we will possibly assess a penalty. 68 Tamarack Drive City Engineer had inspected the road on November 4, 1974 and presented a list of items that should be completed before gravel is applied. Community Health and Welfare Council has sent a letter stating that they believe the necessary work is completed and the village should complete their part of the agreement. Don Stotts inquired if the village intends to grade and gravel Tamarack Drive this fall and stated that he had spent all the money he intends to spend on the project. Engineer extimates that the grading cost would be approximately $700.00 Attorney Schieffer advised that the city could upgrade the road to specifications and install culvert and then bill the parties that signed the agreement. Tax money may not be used to complete the project. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers that council abide by agreement of November 13, 1973 and village will install culvert and gravel the road after it meets specifications of engineer. Motion carried unanimously Metropolitan Sewer Board Letter Mr. McCombs read a letter from above board stating that Independence Beach and Medina Morningside sewer lines should be constructed soon. He stated a resolution would be needed to revise boundaries to include Independence Beach in the Sewer Board area.. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to request the Metropolitan Sewer Board to extend Service Area No. 4 to include Independence Beach and Morris T. Baker Park, with the possibility of removing some other area from the sewer service district. Motion carried unanimously Infiltration -Inflow Analysis Mr. McCombs explained briefly the report council members had received earlier. He stated that if Federal Grant were to be approved 90% of the project would be paid for with federal funds. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to authorize Engineer to apply for Federal Grant through the Metropolitan Sewer Board to pay for Infiltration- Inflow Survey project. Motion carried unanimously Discussion of village maintainence applying rings on existing manholes to lessen inflow. Loretto Sanitary Sewer Improvement Mr. McCombs outlined the proposed irrigation project in regards to the Loretto Sewer System. He explained the spray system planned for a 25 acre site which will distribute 2/10 of an inch per day for 28 days during the growing season. Dennis Burgess Plat Anne Dorweiler stated that a performance bond has not been received and that a building permit has been issued. Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to instruct Building Inspector to inform land owner that the building permit will be suspended until the bond is received. Motion carried unanimously Municipal -County Aid Road System Engineer presented map showing additions Medina should add to the above system. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Arthur Theis to approve recommended additions with the addition of Chippewa Road, Pioneer Trail and Townline Road. Motion carried unanimously 3. James Dorn Fire Call Mr. Dorn not present, clerk explained the situation and read the fire department report. Attorney Schieffer will discuss the problem with Mr. Dorn. 4. Gordon Henderson, Tax Forfeit lots Mr. Henderson requested release of Lots 8 and 9, Block 24, Independence Beach. Motion by Donald DesLauriers, seconded by Arthur Theis to release the ablove lots as per Resolution No 74-22, attached herewith. 69 5. Robert Scott, Priscilla Aren's Addition Mr. Scott explained plans as presented and informed council that the Planning Commission had approved the waiving of the topography survey and asked council for same consideration. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Arthur Theis to grant preliminary approval to "Priscilla's Addition" and waive topography survey as site contains existing house and sufficient space for sewage addition, if necessary. Approval subject to Park fee of $125.00, Platting Fee of $150.00, and Filing Fee of $25.00. Motion carried unanimously Tc Council advised Anne Dorweiler to continue to NOT advertize for a public hearing on plats until the council has given preliminary approval. • 6. Dockside Inn Plans Mike Skelly and Dennis Sazenski appeared with plans for an addition to Dockside Inn, Lake Independence. They explained that a registered engineer will print and stamp plans and land alteration will be necessary. Anne Dorweiler stated that they will need to present plans showing final grade for approval by City engineer and may take completed plans to Planning CommisAon Chairman and if he gives approval they need not appear before the entire Planning Commission. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to approve plans for addition to Dockside Inn, as presented this date, subject to securing land alteration permit and posting performance bond for landscaping as recommended by City Engineer and subject to approval by Chairman of Planning Commission or Planning Commission and the office of the State Building Inspector. Motion carried unanimously 7. Jim Lane, Reversion of City Hall Property Mr. Lane again requested that council act to revert old village hall property to his client, Mrs. Piper. City Attorney stated that municipal usage stops when there is, no longer a need of the property for public purposes. Mr. Leuer said that it would be possible to remove equipment at a later date. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens that Mr. Lane *prepare a Qa.it Claim Deed and Resolution, present it to Mr. Schieffer for study and council action could be taken at next meeting. Motion carried unanimously 8. Leo Leuer Discussed with Council bids he had received for purchase of snow plow blade and street sweeper. Motion by Donald DesLauriers, seconded by Arthur Theis to authorize road supervisor to buy snow plow blade for approximately $225.00 and Street sweeper for approximately $350.00 with trade in of old sweeper and International Pickup. 5�� Motion carried unanimously Discussion of curb destruction by contractor working on new Post Office building. Letter will be sent to him regarding this matter. 9. Anne Dorweiler O Reported that land alteration was conducted on the S.J. Groves property without a permit. Council took problem under advisement and will investigate further. Peabody Road Road has been constructed and Planning Commission has never given approval to road location. Anne Dorweiler will contact Mr. Peabody. 10 Model Ordinance Ms. Dorweiler asked if council had any objections to ordinance as Planning Commission has recommended it be passed. Flood Zones Planning and Zoning Committee met with representative of Department of Natural Resources and they agreed that we had to much land in flood zone. At a future•date an appeal will be sent to H II D. 10. Bills Motion by Arthur Theis, seconded by Donald DesLauriers.to pay Order checks in the amount of $14,617.55, Payroll $6,975.05, Warrant $30,232.30 Motion carried unanimously 11. Gerald Carlson, Planning Commission member Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Robert Franklin to appoint Gerry Carlson to fill une:;pired term of Ray Kerchiel on Planning Commission, term to expire March, 1975. Motion carried unanimously 12. Voting booths Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Arthur Theis to buy 5 additionkvoting booths. Motion carried unanimously 13. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to write a tThank You" letter to Munn Scherer for his gift to the City of a sattelite photo of the area. Motion carried unanimously 14. Attorney will contact Liquor Control °ommissioner regarding issuance of liquor licenses on basis of seating capacity. 15. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to recess until Tuesday, November 12, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously Meeting recessed at 1:30 A.M. Clerk November 6, 1974 Mayor