HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 05-61 OOrúimntt£ No. 05-61 Df ±4£ ~DrDlt£4 D£ (!JarÌ£r£Ì1 ~t 3J + AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING THE CODE OF THE, BOROUGH OF CARTERET BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Carteret (the "Borough") as follows: Section 1 The Code of the Borough ofCarteret shall be amended and supplemented to add a new sub-section entitled "Residential permit parking" to read as follows: J. Residential permit parking. (1) On those local streets to be designated by resolution of the Borough Council, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Borough Clerk's Office, parking shall be limited to two (2) hours from 7am to 7pm on Monday t through Friday, except pursuant to a valid Residential Parking Permit issued by the Borough Clerk's Office. Only residents residing on the designated streets shall be entitled to the issuance of a Residential Parking Permit(s), (2) The permit fee shall be ten ($10.00) dollars per residential unit for the first vehicle and five ($5.00) dollars per vehicle thereafter. Section 3 All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed limited to the extent of any such inconsistency. If any section, paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision of this ordinance is adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision so adjudged and the remainder of this ordinance shall be deemed valid and effective. Section 2 Section 4 . This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication according to applicable law, DO NOT USE SPACE BELOW THIS LINE ~- RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B, COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. BELLINO X NAPLES· X DIAZ X RIOS X KRIIM X C:T'T'A 1>7 X x - Indicate Vote AB - Absent NY - Not Voting XOR - Ind.icates Vote to Overrule Veto f--- Adopted on first reading of the Council of the Borough ofCarteret. N.J., on Novembe:r 10, 200EJ Adopted on,second reading after hearing on ~pmhpr 11) 1 7m~ APPRO. VED rJ: . e.:~~. .~ ~ MAY - L/ . a f) ON 1-21/[./0'í '.:.:x-t-~ ~ I ~. BOROUGH CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of an Ordinance or of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: The following Resolution is a the true copy Borough of Novpmhpr 18, 2005 ~;,_-{: -' O. ~ Notary Public of New Jersey Sworn and subscribed before me thjs~ day of IV (~ LINDA /I" RIVER''\. ...L ~ W1TflRY PUBLIC OF N~W JE;;¡Scy . ,,v S 'f C::mìmission Eyrf,(C': M:i.W2. ~~,~ K.athleen Barney, R1\1C/CMC Municipal Clerk _ OF CMIIIIET ~""lt!' 1¡¡:'~~lIOIIOÜåitfll.~ III! rTõ'N5XllÈÕb)' the MayoOf' Itnd l!!IorOlCh Coun- cil of the Borouøh of Cart.ret (tM "BoroUah") as foltows: Sectkm 1 The Code of the BorouFJ of Carteret shalt be emended and su~entecl to add a new sub-section ehtltl-.cl .. Residential permit parklna:" to r.ad as follows: J. Residential permit parkin-. ( 1) On those local streets to be ~~:I,~~~~ bl:~~/,U~O~o:; of which ."1111 be kept on file In the Borouah Clerk'. Office, rir1dng shall be Ilrnlttld to two 2) hours from 7am to 7pm on and.y throuah Friday!... ex- cept pursuant f6 . valid ""1- dentlal P.rkl.... P.,.mlt Issued Qy the BOfoUl" Clerk's Office. 0'=1 r..identi resldlna on the d nated str..ts ,hjJl be en- tI to the Issuenee of . Res· Identlal Parkh1ll: Perml1:('). (2) Th~rmlt tM shall be tan ~~~t toÌ ~~.~~.r~.n:.~ five ($5.00) doll..... per vehicle ther.after. 8eoIIon 2 All orcHNlnc:e. or parts ther~f Incon..... tent with the provl.lon of this ordI- nance are hereby r~al4ld Ilmtted to the ed«lt of any such incon.lstency. s.otIorI 3 If ..,y HCtlon, ~r.aph, sub-dlYi.ron, cl~ or provision of this ordlna~ I. 1Id'l,I:d.ed Invalid, .uch adjudication shall epply onl~ to the MCflon, par. ,,"aphl sufH:IlvIslon, clau.a or proVlaion .0 ad udøed and the remainder of this ord.....nce sh." be deemed valid and eft...... Seaöon 4 ThIs ordinance shall take effect upon Its ~ ....d publication accordlna to applICable Jaw. The for..ol:!'lã ordfnance WII. Introduced at iI mHt~ Inl of the CouncU of the Boroueh of Cart.,.et held November 10, 2DOtS when It w.. adopted on First Readlnc. The .ald ordinance will be further consid- ered on Second Readlnll for flnal. adoption .t a meetlna of QId Council 0"1 the BorOU8h of Carteret on Decembef' 15 2005 at approXÑ'!la.Jely 7:00 P.M., Municipal Court/Police Faclllt)', 230 RooMvelt Ave- nue, Carterat, New Jer:,r at which time .n:glace ~ g:;~~s' Interested be liven an opp unity KA'lHLDN M. ILUlNCk ~.a&r MUll"" C U04 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. ONF. (1) times, once in each issue as follows: December 21. 2005 ~~/-q ~ Notary Public of New Jersey Kathleen Barney, RM Municipal Clerk Sworn and subscribed before me this~ day of/)j ~~/ ;).- 0" S '7"""(, F ~- IIOImIII OF CMmIET ORDINANCE .....1 AN ORDlNAHCa AMENDING AND SUP· !:!r....'IINTING THE dcW~R. ~proved And Adopted: oeçember 1$.2005 Introduced: November 10, 2005 Advertised as adopted on first r..dlng witti no~ tic. of Public R..rl~: November 18, 2005 ~::~·i~, 2005 Approved By: Mayor Daniel J. Reiman AdvertIsed as fInally adopted: ==rJl~ ~"'""'- Affidavit of Publication Publisher's Fee $12.32 State of New Jersey} 55. MIDDLESEX COUNTY Affidavit Charge $25.00 personally appeared JON IRAGGI of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed In Freehold, NJ and published In NEPTUNE, In said County and State, and of general circulation In said county, who being duly sworn, deposeth and salth that the advertisement of which the annexed Is a true copy, has been published In the said newspaper 1 lONE! times, once In each Issue, as follows 12/21105. ! , A.D.. 2005 BOROUGH OF CARTIRET ORDINANCE #05-61 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND sup- PLEMENTING THE CODE OF THE BOR- OUGH OF CARTERET ~~~~~~~r Aln~, ~gg~ted: Introduced: November 10, 2005 Advertised as adopted ~~ef¡~~tpuebi~n~e-=:~~g~O- November 18. 2005 ~:~~Î~t~e~d~. 2005 ~:;¿>rvÒda~~i J, Reiman Advertised as finally adopted: December 21, 2005 Kathleen M. Barney Municipal CLerk ($12.32) 43990 . (