HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 05-63 No. #05-63 @ròhmttte of t4e ~orous4 of @aderet, ~. W. Councilman Presents the following Ordinance Seconded by Councilman AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WEST CARTERET COMMERCIAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA IN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret, as follows: Section 1. a) The Borough of Carteret Planning Board, after due consideration and in conformance with the Local Housing and Redevelopment Law, (N.l.S.A. 40A: 12A-l, et~, "Redevelopment Law"), has recommended the adoption of the West Carteret Commercial Redevelopment Plan prepared by Beacon Planning and Consulting Services, LLC, dated October 2005, ("Redevelopment Plan") for the West Carteret Commercial Redevelopment Area established by Resolution No. 05-188, ("WCCRA"), with the area of the WCCRA shown as Figure 2 of the Redevelopment Plan; and b) The Redevelopment Plan proposes development guidelines for the WCCRA as set forth in Section 3.0 et~. of the Redevelopment Plan; and c) The Redevelopment Plan is in furtherance of the goals and objectives of the Borough with respect to the MARRA and the Redevelopment Law; and d) The Borough Council of the Borough ofCarteret has reviewed the Redevelopment Plan and held a public hearing about the Redevelopment Plan to receive the comments of the public and interested parties; and e) The Redevelopment Plan will be attached hereto as Exhibit A upon adoption of this Ordinance and is presently on file with the Borough Clerk's Office for review. SECTION 2. The Redevelopment Plan is adopted as the official redevelopment plan for the WCCRA, in accordance with the Local Housing and Redevelopment Law. SECTION 3. The zoning district map of the Borough's Land Development Ordinance is hereby amended to reflect the applicability of the Redevelopment Plan to the WCCRA and the Borough's Land Development Ordinance as it affects the WCCRA is hereby superseded by the Redevelopment Plan to the extent set forth therein. #05-63 PAGE 2 of 2 NO I' ,I I' II ,I I' ! II ./ I I SECTION 4. All Ordinances and/or provisions thereof inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed as to the extent of any such inconsistencies. SECTION 5. If any section, subsection, part, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be declared invalid by judgment of any Court of competent jurisdiction, the section, subsection, part, clause or phrase shall be deemed to be sever able ftom the remainder of this Ordinance SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and publication according to law. DO NOT USE SPACE BELOW THIS LINE RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE II COUNCILMAN I BELLINO IIIHA7 I Ill>11M I I YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILMAN y NAPTF.S y RIOS Jr '. SITARZ YES NO NV A.B. OT v y x . Indicat~ Vote AB . Absent NY ~ Not Voting XOR . Indkales Vote co Overrule Veto _hfCD 2005 Adopted on first readlng of the Council of the Borough ofCarteret, N.J.. on November 10, Adopted on second reading after hearing on nPra.mhør 15.. ?005 ^"Ro""oE?~Iߣ'''1 ON /2/1 (.~ ~ '- ::!=:2/",........t___ a ~ ~. MUNICIPAL CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of an Ordinance or of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: The following Resolution of is a the true copy Borough Nov~mh~r 18, 2005 ~~o..~ Notary Public of New Jersey Sworn and subscribed before me thi~~ day ofl\)~ I ..L ror ~~~ Kathleen Barney, RMC/CM Municipal Clerk JIIIUIH OF CMIERfT ~~~ ~~~t:OT.IMCW. ~~ITHE IIOROUQH OF "". IT ORDAINBD. by the Mayor and Councll of t". ,~~~~ of Carter.t, as fofloWs: 1. .) The BorOU8h of Carteret Planning Board, after due concJdiratton and In conformance with the Local Housins and Redevelopment Law (N.J;~.A 4OA:lZA-l, .. ... "Redevelopment lew ), has NCOmmended the adoption of the West Cart.ret Commercial Redevelopment Plan pr~.r.d by Seacon Planni... anti Con- suttl". Service., LLC, dated Octõber 2005 ("Red8velopmMt Plan") for the West Cart.rei ComQ1erclal RedeYel«!pment Ar.. established by Resolution No. 05-188, ("WCCRA"), with tlia ar.. of the WCCRA shown a. Flaur. 2 of the Redevefopment Plan; and b) The Red.~ent Plan propoMS develop- ment ..¡dellne. for the WCCRA as set forth In ~t on 3.0 eI:..... of the Redevelopment Plan; c) The Redevelopmttnt Plan Is In furtherance of tht' loals aná o~ectlves of the Boro~ with ~~o the M RRA and the Redevelopment d) The BorOl.ll:h Council of the BorQUJh of Carter- et has revr~ the Redevelopment Plan and held a public hearing about the Redevelopment Plan to receive the =omments of the public and Intere.ted parties; and .) The Redeveloøment Plan wIU be Irtüçhed here- to as Exhibit A upon adoDtlon of thl. Ordinance and I. pr...ntly on fn. with the Boroulh C1ark's OffIce for review. !.~offtcON 2. The- ~ev.lopment Pfan I. edoPtad .. .... IaI radeve!Opmerff Øl8n for ttM WCCRA In IICCordance wfth the Local Hou'll'IJ and R.develop- men1 Law. UCTION 3. The zonlna: district map of the Bor- oush's Land Dev~~.nt Ordinance's hereby amMde4 -to- f'''~ l8DADcabUltv of the R.. velopment PI." to thtt WCCRA"·äm{ tn. IIoroUJlh', Land Dev.lopment Ordinance as It affects the WCCRA Is hereby superseded by the ~op- ment Plan to the extant set fortt1 therein. 81CT1ON 4. All Ordinances and/or provisions thereof Inconllatent with the provision of this Ordi- nance shall be and ..... hereby r.pe,aIad as to the extant 01 .ny such Inconslsteñcl. IECTION .. If any sactIGn, .ubHCtion, part cleu.. or phr... of this Ordlnenca .hall be dectIIred Invalid by Judwnent of any Court of competent j!,Irlldlctlon tne seCtion, subsection, partit- cleuse or Phra.. shad tIS ~:r~ be severable om the ramatnder of IeCT10N .. This Ordinance .hall tate. effect upon _final pa..... and publication ItCcordtnc to law. for..or~ ordmanc:e was IntroducaG at a meet. ~I of tf1e SC?.u".fll..2f .!~~B9..r~ or C~et·~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. ONF. (1) times, once in each issue as follows: December 21. 2005 ::-22~~ 0 ~ Notarj Public of New Jersey Sworn and subscribed before me this ,g..lok day of /JA/f'~.J..":;_' / Kathleen Barney, RMC/ Municipal Clerk øœou;t (f CMIEI£T 9!!"~~ ~-r;;;¡~. DIYI!L- ~ ......NI'OII C ~ VI! INT ARM IN !~U.2!0UOH OF APPRò\ÆDAND ADOPT· ED: ~Ró~l~: - NonmlMr 10. 200S Advertised as adopted on first readlnM with no- I ~:.:~~.. ="8: ~::~~.~~, JOOS """'ovod BY' MAYOR DA"NIEL J. RI!I- ...... Advertised as finally adopted: n~~ßl:t. mNEY MUNICIPAL CLI!RK . ($14.U) ~ Affidavit of Publication Affidavit Charge $25.00 Publisher's Fee $14.52 State of New Jersey} 55. MIDDLESEX COUNTY Personally appeared JON IRAGGI of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed In Freehold, NJ and published In NEPTUNE, In said county and State, and of general circulation In said county, who being duly sworn, deposeth and salth that the advertisement of which the annexed Is a true copy, has been published In the said newspaper 1 (ONE) MIr--1ETæUOJ!jetfMP~ Issue, as follows 12/21105. ~!OTAn~' PUBUC'UFN ADAMA M¥ G8 : EW JFRS~'¥- , Mlv1135JOrll EXPIRES APRIL t rw 20, '::vlJ;;) A.D., 2005 BOROUGH Of CARTERET ORDINANCE #05-63 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A REDEVEL- OPMENT PLAN FOR THE WEST CARTERET COMMERCIAL REDE- VELOPMENT AREA IN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET APPROVED AND ADOPT- ED: December 15, 2005 INTRODUCED: November 10, 2005 Advertised êlS adopted ti~e fi~~t p-:~?~nfie'Z~~~g~O- November 18, 2005 ~::~\:e~d5. 2005 ~ÅÝOF:dD~~IEL J. REI- MAN Advertised as finally adopted: ~~'HT~~N2~. 2B~~NEY. MUNICIPAL CLERK ($14.52) 7506 S scribed before t Is December, A.D., 2005