HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 05-66 No#O'i-66 @ròittntttc úf tqc ~úrúUBq úf QInrtcrd, ~. W. ORDINANCE REDEDICATING THE PETER J. SICA MEMORIAL INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY WHEREAS, The New Jersey Turnpike Authority is in the process of completing the first phase of improvements to Interchange 12 on the Turnpike serving the Borough of Carteret; and WHEREAS, Phase II of this project anticipates even more significant upgrades and modifications to the new interchange; and WHEREAS, in light of these improvements and modifications to the interchange and its major interconnection with the Peter J. Sica Memorial Industrial Highway, the Mayor and Council wish to rededicate this roadway in honor of the Borough's former Mayor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret as follows: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 The Peter J. Sica Industrial Highway is hereby rededicated and redesignated pursuant to the roadway plan identifying the same and two (2) copies of which shall remain on file in the office of the Borough Clerk. All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed limited to the extent of any such inconsistency. If any section, paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision of this ordinance is adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision so adjudged and the remainder of this ordinance shall be deemed valid and effective. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication according to applicable law. DO NOT USE SPACE BELOW THIS LINE RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. RJ;"1 L TNO X NAPLES X nTAZ X RIOS X 1M X SITARZ X I Î x - Indicate Vote AB - Absent NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto CD Adopted on first reading of the Council of the Borough of Carteret, N.J.. oIDecember 1, 2005 Adopted on second reading after hearing on Decem ber 15, 2005 APeMWOY ~/k i r:2~ ~~ I ON /;¿/If./:S- MAY R C/. ~. BOROUGH CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION copy of an Ordinance of Carteret appeared in the Star Ledger, a newspaper which is printed and published in Essex County, New Jersey and of general circulation in said county and state. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: The following Resolution of is a the true Borough np('pmnpr q, JOO') ~r7.~ Notary Public of New Jersey Sworn and subscribed before me thisfi....u,. day of /"2J~"T/\-1 ~ (/V r- ',',! )-:\';1 that or has ~;c-R;Ø;:~4-/U!. Kathleen Barney, RMC/CM[7--- Municipal Clerk OUIHANe! tOW6 ORDINANCSIitEDEDICATINGTHE ' I ,I PETER J..SICA~EM.OIUAL . ,r INDUS'MIAl. HIGHWAY, WHEII.E"'S, TIle """,Jersey Turhplke Auttl~rlf" il In",eproc...otcDmPI.tln9 hltlrstph..."ot~: provemlntl to Interetlln" 12 on the T'fRlf1Y· tervlngtttl"ro\Jgh ofCartlret; and ,~.. ,.- WHEREAS, Phase II of thll project an"'" lYenmoreSlgnltian1uP,r_sandlflo6l~' to "",,"Interchanga:.nd :' '." ~.EAS, ,1ft light of th.. ImprovemeMJ .... ~odlflcØtøl to ....In.rdlente _Its "''''',Ift·, terconlltdlon wltll 'lbe Peter J. Slm Mem""" Iþ duttrllll Highway, 1111 Mayor Ind CeundLwtW..' r,,-ICIIM ",lsroaCl.oy In 1I0000orottll.~, :rr=:~Fo«e, BE IT ORDAlNEDi,"!~( M..,ór ana Council It till iOroutft of C.~; totloWI: A_,,<;,_'" SIdIon 1: Thl"'lr J. SiCllfldUstrl.læ' 1<,<', lieteby rededlc;ettcl IfICI r.d.signl," ,,' !.trr tl\erOlldweypllnlðlntlfylngthe...-neand ,~' ~I" of willet! ..11 remlln on "Ie In thl, _ ~0¡1; tttt-'oroutflCIef'k. ',:~'ii'~ Sedton 2.-'11 onllnlllces II" portstfle..-f ~(. teotWlttlflileprOYltllOnOfttlIIOrdIftIJICI~,,' repealed limited '" thl omnt ot ~:.jfItf, InC*l\""ncy· -""~~ section 3. It .n)' _tlen, pe,"rlflh, wWll CktuM or pnlvtslon ot tltls ordlfl"'ce" e4 . Invalid, sud! ølllCllalion .all apply only, '. " section, p.r.vepll, sub-dlvlsion, Cllutl or, " slon so edluOflCl tI'Iot '1M rlfMllnder Of t1'111 '" nl'lCl_all bI......ednlld and tffeC;t1"._.~. "-,', " sed!on .t. This orGlnlnce IhIII takl etfId " pHIlP and publication, .cconllAf to' . =- tof"ltolnglrdll'llftCl w" IntrOdUClClltæ,,'iJìt! Inl of 1M counell If ttI. Iorou'" of C.rte _', ' ~1,_wMnllwnedOpte:d". I, RtHlftt. ThetltdordinaftCI.IIIMflJrtltlr, . ertcI on Slcond RHdlffl t... tllll' ~I!], møt\flg ef .Id CWIIC!! of ItII Borough of ç. , onD«;wnblr15,2I05ot.",-01IiIft...ly7:1O.; Municipal ColtrtfPollca FlClUty, 23D II. ,tf .....IIU., C.rteret,.... JarMY at wtllcII tif'nJ,1iIitd ,-ce a4lpersonlltltenlMd wiU be given II"fftr_~ tunltyfobt....rd. K."THLEINM·~f" ", certified Munlclpil,1 -.' PUB: December', 2DO!i ~, '., AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Star Ledger, a newspaper which is printed and published in Essex County, New Jersey and of general circulation in said county and state. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: np('pmnpr 77, JOO') ~".,~ (/ ~ Notary Public of New Jersey ~,~ Kathleen Barney, RMC/C~ Municipal Clerk Sworn and subscribed before me this 'J?~ day of £)..Æ../C.I~~i ;).-or;.S' ORDINANCEJ05.66 ORDINAHCE REDEDICATING THE PETER J. SICA MEMORIAL INDUSTRIAl. HIGHWAY APPROVED AND ADOPTED: Dec.mber 15 2005 ~~DUCED: December I, 200S ' of P.""..., ..n ,~oøt'd on first feldlng with notlc:e arm"; December' 2005 Hearing Htkf· December 15 20Ós Approved by:·MAYOR DANÎEL J. REIMAN i Advertised IS finaUy adopted: December 22, 2005 , KATHLEEN M. BARNEY ! PUB: Dec.m"'" "" MUNICIPAl CLERK , , $25.50 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Star Ledger, a newspaper which is printed and published in Essex County, New Jersey and of general circulation in said county and state. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: np('pmnpr 77, JOO') ~".,~ (/ ~ Notary Public of New Jersey ~,~ Kathleen Barney, RMC/C~ Municipal Clerk Sworn and subscribed before me this 'J?~ day of £)..Æ../C.I~~i ;).-or;.S' ORDINANCEJ05.66 ORDINAHCE REDEDICATING THE PETER J. SICA MEMORIAL INDUSTRIAl. HIGHWAY APPROVED AND ADOPTED: Dec.mber 15 2005 ~~DUCED: December I, 200S ' of P.""..., ..n ,~oøt'd on first feldlng with notlc:e arm"; December' 2005 Hearing Htkf· December 15 20Ós Approved by:·MAYOR DANÎEL J. REIMAN i Advertised IS finaUy adopted: December 22, 2005 , KATHLEEN M. BARNEY ! PUB: Dec.m"'" "" MUNICIPAl CLERK , , $25.50