HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130919 - Hopkinton Library Trustees - Meeting MinutesHopkinton Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes, September 19, 2013 Town Hall, 7 p.m. The September meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Library Trustees was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman John Belger. Also in attendance were board members Marie Eldridge, June Harris, Mike McNamara and Sue Porter, Library Director Rownak Hussain and Laura Barry of the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation. Marie Eldridge made a motion to approve the June meeting minutes; second by John Belger. Affirmative vote was unanimous. Rownak presented the final version of the Hopkinton Public Library FY2014·FY2018 strategic plan to the board for approval. Marie Eldridge made a motion to accept the plan as written; second by Sue Porter. Vote to approve was unanimous. Rownak plans to send the plan to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBlC) and Town Manager Norman Khumalo for review prior to final submittal to the state. Rownak delivered her director's report for June through August, highlighting extended Monday library hours (now opening at 10 ​a.m.), ​a new online language learning tool available to residents, Community Service Day with Bose Corporation employees and an ongoing project to digitize the library's historical collection. laura Barry and Marie Eldridge updated the board on the status of the library building project. Hopkinton has moved to 4th ​on the waiting list. Laura, Marie, Rownak and Town Engineer Dave Daltorio have recently met with Lauren Strata of --- ~BlC, Hopkinton CFO Chris Ketchen and the Permanent Building Committee to discuss state and focal funding and future steps. After additional research and discussion, the planning group may request selectmen to include a funding article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant in May 2013. June Harris made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; second by Sue Porter. Vote to adjourn was unanimous. The next Board of library Trustees meeting is scheduled for Thursday, octob er ​17, ​at 7 p.m., in Town Hall.